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About ace072199

  • Birthday June 20

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  • Location
    New York
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  • Nation Name
    Odins Layer
  • Alliance Name
    Aurora Borealis
  • Resource 1
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  1. Happy to see this, now it's time to celebrate!
  2. Welcome to AZTEC, DT I have been waiting for this for a while now
  3. Thank You everyone! We look forward to what the future will bring.
  4. Most of the nations I have fought this war have been quality opponents, below are the ones who stood out above the rest. (In no Particular Order) Telchar of Bauhaus (TOP) - Great Fighter and Coordinated with those he was fighting with. Pudge1975 of Falhill (DBDC) - Great Fighter, Defended better than anyone I have ever fought, He somehow managed to catch us attacking him almost every day, regardless of what time we attacked. (Made me think somoene I was coordinating with was sharing our attack times with him). Timmehhh of Pilsmania (FOC, DBDC) - Well, I have to give a shout-out to him since he gave me the biggest A**kicking I have ever gotten in this game. Ravenous of Ravens Nest (DBDC) - This guy sacrificed his nation to stagger 3 nation with superior tech. He fought hard but now is in the range where he will likely be held at war for the duration of the war. I can't give shoutouts to those I am attacking without giving a couple shout-outs to those I have coordinated with. Matt Miller of Bubbler Nation (IRON) & AuiNur of Auinarian (DT), I fought beside many great fighters but these two I had the privelage of fighting several Nations with. These are two of the best fighters in CN. They are as good as one can possibly be in this game. Without these two, I would not have been able to cause as much damage to my opponents as I did.
  5. Im not familiar with peace mode, but would a large nations collection actually end up being less than their BIlls if they they were in peace mode long term? I know they would lose income but I didn't think it would effect them to the point where their bills were higher than their collections.
  6. [size=4]I am looking for a few tech sellers to sell me 50 tech for $3 Million every 10 days. These are one day deals only, I will have someone send you the $3 Million, As soon as you accept it you buy 50 tech and send it to me. So be sure you have 2 aid slots open. I am hoping to make this a long term deal (Continue this every 10 days).[/size] [size=4]If interested send me a message in game. This is the link to my nation [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=134438"]http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=134438[/url] [/size]
  7. I am looking for 3 tech sellers to sell me 50 tech for $3 Million on a long term basis. How it will work is I will have someone send you $3 Million every 10 days, as soon as you accept it you buy 50 tech and send it to me right away. If Interested send me a message in game http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=134438
  8. Thrilled to be part of Aztec now, and happy to see some familiar names post in this thread!!!
  9. I would just like to take a quote from my favorite Book and one I recommend everyone read. This quote is from The 48 Laws of Power by RObert Greene. "All Great leaders since moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completly. (sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. [b]More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation[/b]: The enemy will recover, [b]and will seek revenge[/b]. [b]Crush Him, not only in body but in spirit[/b]." We all know how Xiph holds a grudge, and we all know he will be seeking revenge whether it takes a 3 months for him to get it or 3 years. I think the the smart answer to the OP's Question is clear.
  10. As much as I dislike GOD and hope they get Curbstomped, I must agree that this was pretty low.
  11. I have been keeping stats of my nation since I started the game. When I had the 3 Bonus resources set My income with infrastructure is stated below [u][b]Infra:[/b][/u] [u][b]Profit after bills[/b][/u] 16,999 20,282,658 17,999 20,800,366 21,000 17,723,135 Now, with the 8 Bonus resource set and with 15,999 infrastructure I profit [b]18,638,819[/b]
  12. Yah, no need for a sitter if you can check your nation from your phone.
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