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Sargun II

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Simplified version of the Carthaginian war plans.

The five carrier groups, led by the CFN Enterprise, would start their stage one naval plans in black. After reaching their destinations by the shores, air domination would soon be established in pink. After the initial air raids and landing parties in the designated areas at the end of black, the carrier groups would proceed with their stage two naval plans in grey and finally meet up at the Naval HQ at the crown.

Other parts of the plan to be released.

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With the tensions in the Middle East, it was only natural an eye would be kept on the area.

While movements of certain troops and other military units were noted, there was no concrete proof, and therefore nothing that could be acted on...yet.

OOC Since you haven;t yet said you are actually attacking yet, just planning to.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Just because I don't have the improvement doesn't mean I can't shoot them down. I do not only one hospital in the entire nation.//

The cruise missile is guided only if within range of a suitable pilot by remote systems with on-board PIC micro-controllers used to de-scramble the control data and an on board CMOS camera is used to give the pilot a visible image for guidance. Generally though, due to the lack of a pilot and the expense of these systems for a missile design, targets are simply marked with an IR laser and the missile homes in accordingly.

As soon as the cruise missiles were out of range of a suitable pilot, they quickly crashed into the sea. If they were to be marked with infra-red lasers, they would be flying in an easily interceptible path and were fired upon by cruisers, which intercepted the missiles in mid-air.

With the missile threat, four squadrons of F-46 fighters were given priority to patrol the skies in case of a followup attack. If they were stupid enough to think such an ineffective bundle of missiles would soften the fleet up, they would undoubtedly attempt to send planes in after.

Edited by Sargun
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OOC: I do have an in-game navy. Missile defense systems are intended to be ground-based, not naval. As you are attacking a naval fleet, my improvements have nothing to do with it.

All you had to do was say "the suitable pilot is the spy satellite system" and I would have changed my post. Since you will not do this in a mature way and allow me to edit, I will simply proceed as if what happened happened.

IC: The carrier groups started to split up now, three groups heading to Arabia and the other two heading to the African point.

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[My Opinion as a GM]

As of the moment, it seems like this is getting out of hand. I really believe both sides need to calm down, especially you Zarfef.

As of late, some of your posts are very godmoddish, and this needs to stop. Otherwise, Sargun can ignore your posts because of their unrealism.

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OOC: Delete. You know what, I'd rather have an argument with my kitchen table then take part in this stupid OOC war. I'll wait for the decisions made by my allies before making moves. As far as how those moves turn out, we may be asking for a lot of GM decisions because really, Sargun and I are like matter and anti-matter, the probability of us working things out OOC is nearly 0% and it really isn't becoming of me as an RP player. I'll take the higher ground and edit out my posts.

I told Sargun I'd respect him more if he was willing to offer me respect and he basically told me where I could put that offer rather well. It isn't alright to refuse to recognize an invasion just because you feel like it, but what if the players refuse to respect each other?

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: No, those are missile defense systems, they do not specify land missile defense systems only that they are missile defense systems and even if they were, they are still a measurement specific to IG stats that describe you ability to RP counter-missile operations. Now go back and edit your post to a more reasonable number don't god-mod my things and I'll edit mine. Kapeesh, then we wait for Raochin and the NoN given that this directly effects both of them. If you want to play out a mature RP then you're going to realize that the silly shenanigans is going to stop, otherwise you'll learn that any mature RPer knows how to play an immature RP and we'll find a lack of continuity so terrible that this entire event will be considered non-canon by the entirety of the community.

You've always been the one to proclaim, ha ha, you don't have an IG Navy so you can't RP IG ships, you've been the one to yap about spy odds as your reason for winning a stupid statue prank and so I'm showing you how it feels to have a nation that finally has something you don't use that against you. If you don't like how that stings maybe you'll finally change your ways, contrary to your statement that you'll be as arrogant as you want. If you want a better RP, you'll have to be a better RPer, that is how the cookie crumbles.

OOC: Stop this nonsense, or i swear to god, i'll drop a ruling in here.

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OOC:On the whole "its a separate war" thread, dude you fully declared your support for the RA - this carrier fleet is obviously in support of Lavo Shalom and the Novak IC'ly... I still don't see why you couldn't have waited like Zarfef, Zephyr, Voodoo and I were for Lavo to come back... t

OOC: He declared on Aether Empire because of the spying situation if I remember correctly.

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OOC: My valid reasons were in support for Rebel Army and Novak, explained more in the OOC thread. As for why this is a separate war - I am not coordinating with Rebel Army or the Novakian Loyalists. I do not plan on making sure my plans do not interfere with their own. This is a personal crusade by Carthage against the Red Sands countries.

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OOC: My valid reasons were in support for Rebel Army and Novak, explained more in the OOC thread. As for why this is a separate war - I am not coordinating with Rebel Army or the Novakian Loyalists. I do not plan on making sure my plans do not interfere with their own. This is a personal crusade by Carthage against the Red Sands countries.

OOC: Understandable, but i believe the parties at hand in this RP need to relax, and start this up a few days later.

The amount of godmodding, in the beginning of the RP already, is disturbing.

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OOC: There was no actual IC reason to prove it other then a random Aether Empire ship was rescuing someone who was putting out a distress signal. And he didn't declare on me... that's not my border he's attacking.

as far as why this was it's own separate thread, it was in relation to a GM ruling that a new thread needed to be made on the grounds that this was a different war. Although really fighting two separate wars is confusing and nuts. As to the edited posts, I felt that given that he was sending huge amounts of ships into the Red Sea, I would just kindly blow them into oblivion with a cruise missile volley of Banshees while everyone was still off in their boats. He claimed my missiles just fell in the water, I got annoyed and posted back in my own god-mod and declared that they really blew his ships to pieces... he lacked any missile defense systems to shoot them down IG and with this tonsilitis, I'm really not in the mood for it.

Frankly the RP is nuts and doesn't make any sense to me, if he thinks he's gaining much of anything by taking over my land I find it laughable. If anyone I was the only one who had very little to lose from being invaded. I'm going to contact Lavo to see how he thinks this should fit into continuity, until then I personally have no idea and I might as well be launching ZPEBs and declaring stats I don't have. If he thinks he's getting rid of me by destroying my nation he's nuts. If I actually reform a new nation I will actually most like GAIN land from the event.

OOC: Understandable, but i believe the parties at hand in this RP need to relax, and start this up a few days later.

The amount of godmodding, in the beginning of the RP already, is disturbing.

I'll admit my fault there. I went out of my way to do a god-mod because I didn't like it done to me... it's kind of like how you feel when someone punches you in the gut. I've said it and my offer still stands, I may not like Sargun, but I'll play a respectful RP with him if he's willing to play a respectful RP with me.

My valid reasons were in support for Rebel Army and Novak, explained more in the OOC thread. As for why this is a separate war - I am not coordinating with Rebel Army or the Novakian Loyalists. I do not plan on making sure my plans do not interfere with their own. This is a personal crusade by Carthage against the Red Sands countries.

You ICly don't even know who those countries are. The Red Sands Accords aren't a public treaty the DE could be in there for all you'd know (or that even such a thing existed).

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: Zarfef, I'm going to refute several points in that.

1. This has nothing to do with that spying operation.

2. I've fought two different wars before, it isn't hard at all.

3. I told you why I did what I did and you could have simply said "that isn't what my factbook means" and I would have edited. Your ensuing post was very childish and immature.

4. I have anti-missile ships, so I blew the !@#$ up.

5. How would you know my intentions? Carthage's intentions are not 'CONQUER CONQUER'. I don't care if you plan on rerolling, that has no effect on my RP at all.

You have succeeded in completely destroying this thread with your OOC. You have succeeded in getting a valid RP close to being wiped with your whining. Thank you for showing me what "good RP" is, Zarfef. Furthermore, if you do not recognize my invasion simply because you are annoyed, by previous and established rules your nation is wiped and given to me, and I'm not even invading you.

Edited by Sargun
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