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WOLF Q&A Thread

Emperor Stranger

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OK guys, this thread is for WOLF to ask the rest of TE questions! :awesome: No, seriously, it's to allow for TE to ask WOLF questions. If I get repeat questions, I will make a small FAQ.

I also wish to say that this is in no way official and may not represent all the alliances in WOLF. I will do my best to answer questions as non-bias as I can.

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ok what is the cance of wolf jumping a small alliance like Egypt?

as close 0% as you can get without being 0%

oh and thanks for copying my siggy, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess.

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Do we really need another of these?

WOLF are claiming to have sparked some life into these forums but all I've noticed so far is a few extra people moaning and a couple of pointless polls that will not change the way the bloc acts or whether it continues to exist.

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Do we really need another of these?

WOLF are claiming to have sparked some life into these forums but all I've noticed so far is a few extra people moaning and a couple of pointless polls that will not change the way the bloc acts or whether it continues to exist.


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O.K. I'll bite,

1. Why did you guys feel the need to make WOLF?

2. Why are you making it multi-round?

3. Are you just trying to raid smaller AA's with impunity, hopeing that your vast numbers will protect you form retaliation?

4. Are you threatening me?

Edited by Archmage
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Yes. Next question.

A most helpful and inciteful Q & A so far.

Seriously, what do you think you've achieved by creating a power bloc? I'll tell you what you've achieved, since your last response was hardly worth my time reading. A load of bawwing from the people not in the bloc, a few people from within the bloc saying that if it ruins the game for them, they'll change alliance and a few others saying they're quitting TE.

What purpose does yet another thread on WOLF serve other than to give you more room for you guys to post 'Do something about it' a few more times?

Is this meant to be here as a general consensus so you can get a better feel for who doesn't like WOLF and may plot against it, so that you can give them a good beat down before they get chance or is it a complete waste of space? I'm unsure but I'm going to go with the second option for now.

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1. Why did you guys feel the need to make WOLF?

It was originally created to improve communication between TPF's allies.

2. Why are you making it multi-round?

Because we will be allies in multiple rounds whether there is a bloc or not.

3. Are you just trying to raid smaller AA's with impunity, hopeing that your vast numbers will protect you form retaliation?

No, each alliance has their own tech raiding policies. Tech raids are considered aggressive wars and therefore will not activate the bloc if war breaks out between a bloc alliance and the alliance being raided.

4. Are you threating me?

I don't understand what "threating" means. :awesome:


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Seriously, what do you think you've achieved by creating a power bloc? I'll tell you what you've achieved, since your last response was hardly worth my time reading. A load of bawwing from the people not in the bloc, a few people from within the bloc saying that if it ruins the game for them, they'll change alliance and a few others saying they're quitting TE.

This is not a health care bill town hall meeting, it's a Q&A thread. Don't ask questions and give answers that you think is correct.

What purpose does yet another thread on WOLF serve other than to give you more room for you guys to post 'Do something about it' a few more times?

This is strictly a question and answer thread for questions about WOLF. I would hope to give answers that help other alliances understand WOLF better. So far, the questions have been good.

Is this meant to be here as a general consensus so you can get a better feel for who doesn't like WOLF and may plot against it, so that you can give them a good beat down before they get chance or is it a complete waste of space? I'm unsure but I'm going to go with the second option for now.

It's here to answer people's questions about WOLF itself, such as policies.

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The only people questioning WOLF's policies are those who don't want to believe them and are going to argue with you until you're both blue in the face.

Also, what're we going to do, stick this thread, so people will know what they can and can't do before they get squished by the big bad WOLF? :lol1: (such a good pun)

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A most helpful and inciteful Q & A so far.

Seriously, what do you think you've achieved by creating a power bloc? I'll tell you what you've achieved, since your last response was hardly worth my time reading. A load of bawwing from the people not in the bloc, a few people from within the bloc saying that if it ruins the game for them, they'll change alliance and a few others saying they're quitting TE.

We've ensured our security for the upcoming rounds and perhaps have even made the game interesting. It doesn't matter what people are saying about WOLF. What matters is that they're actually saying something, thus insuring a greater level of activity in the OWF. We're willing to be the most hated and loathed group in TE solely for your entertainment. If anything, you should be thanking us. :P

Also, if people actually quit TE because of our existence, then they don't belong in TE in the first place.

What purpose does yet another thread on WOLF serve other than to give you more room for you guys to post 'Do something about it' a few more times?

This thread serves as a Q and A thread, if I am correct.

Is this meant to be here as a general consensus so you can get a better feel for who doesn't like WOLF and may plot against it, so that you can give them a good beat down before they get chance or is it a complete waste of space? I'm unsure but I'm going to go with the second option for now.


Well, actually it's the first option I believe.

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Do we really need another of these?

WOLF are claiming to have sparked some life into these forums but all I've noticed so far is a few extra people moaning and a couple of pointless polls that will not change the way the bloc acts or whether it continues to exist.

Sure, why not.

That wasn't the whole purpose of WOLF, just kind of a side-effect. It has though. Never seen so many posts in here as there are now. It'd be nice if they were about all manner of topics, but well, meh. Still better than nothing at all, which is often the usual. Other than DoWs and whatnot, there's not always a lot in here.

That last part's about right. I haven't really seen Wolf act any way at all so far, except maybe defensive about it's existance. People have been jumping to all kinds of crazy conslusions though. Time will tell how long it lasts or how it behaves. Nothing ever goes smoothly in TE, really. There's will be some crazy along the way. Should be a fun ride though :)

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why is WOLF so gosh darn sweet?

No matter what else anyone says about WOLF or me or anything Easton, I'd like to personally thank you for being one of the most ourspoken WOLF champions. I'll be posting a separate thread on the existence of WOLF's forums ( There is a reason behind that ), I hope you are in RE's gov and I'll see you there.

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The only people questioning WOLF's policies are those who don't want to believe them and are going to argue with you until you're both blue in the face.

Also, what're we going to do, stick this thread, so people will know what they can and can't do before they get squished by the big bad WOLF? :lol1: (such a good pun)

I'm kinda confused by you Mayzie, on the one hand you have complained ( maybe no the best, perhaps questioned would be more accurate ) WOLF often, and yet did I not do my best by AZTEC recently? Didn't I assure you that WOLF wouldn't interfere militarily in the WAPA/AZTEC vs. TNL/NLR ( both WOLF members ) war? I spent alot of time talking to you, paul, and bower in your own IRC channel trying to iron out issues between OB and AZTEC. I would think that at least Folger and I ( representing our own alliances and WOLF ) had treated AZTEC fairly. If I'm mistaken please show me how, if I am please at least give me that much credit.

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So far from what I've seen RE is attacking Orange Juice and TPF is attacking FOK. Is this a WOLF War or just a large tech raid?

I haven't seen either of those two wars come up, so it's definitely not WOLF. (I thought TPF was attacking LE?)

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So far from what I've seen RE is attacking Orange Juice and TPF is attacking FOK. Is this a WOLF War or just a large tech raid?

No. this is not a WOLF war. An RE Cohort is attacking Orange Juice. I don't know about TPF attacking FOK.

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If you wish to argue about WOLF and what not, use the other thread.

uhh... threads I believe.

And I have a question, even though I'm a leader of a WOLF signatory alliance.

Who's idea was this, anyway?

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We've ensured our security for the upcoming rounds and perhaps have even made the game interesting. It doesn't matter what people are saying about WOLF. What matters is that they're actually saying something, thus insuring a greater level of activity in the OWF. We're willing to be the most hated and loathed group in TE solely for your entertainment. If anything, you should be thanking us. :P

Thanking you for your enabling your member alliances to attack other alliances without a valid reason, and without any reasonable fear of repercussions? Uh... thanks.

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uhh... threads I believe.

And I have a question, even though I'm a leader of a WOLF signatory alliance.

Who's idea was this, anyway?

That would be mostly mine.

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No. this is not a WOLF war. An RE Cohort is attacking Orange Juice. I don't know about TPF attacking FOK.

As far as I know we're at war with LE ( I did attack a FOK guy for hitting one of ours guys ) but it's not a war.

Ok I can explain this though it's convoluted

This Guy hit contractkiller ( without provocation btw ) and promptly got jumped by other TPF

Then Mark and others hit the first FOK guy. Then this FOK guy hit Mark other TPF members hitting the first guy and so myself and other TPF hit him. It was a long line of TPF defense against FOK raids or something. I know that contractkiller never hit a FOK nation ( check his war record ) so that's why it looks like a war. Oh and I guess I should warn people about attacking TPF first FOK guy down to 73 infra, second one at 149 infra. We WILL mess you up if you touch one of our own.

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