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The Imperial Family Goes Into Retirement

Lord Frost

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Tokyo, Neo Japan

The Imperial International Airport in Tokyo was a busy place. People coming and going throughout the Empire, citizens returning from travels from all over the world, tired businessmen and women trying to stay awake from Jet-lag as they make their way to parking lot. But the Emperor's wing of the Airport was quiet, for his and his government's own personal use.

"Is everything settled?" Sarah Tintagyl asked from across the folding table that had been set up on the tarmac just next to the private jet. She was sitting across from Emperor Raiyku Shinje "Frost" himself, his wife, and Grand Admiral Seiji Tokunaga. Next to Sarah was a senior advisor.

"Yes" the Emperor said, getting a nod from Tokunaga "All documents, relics, and relevant materials pertaining to the claim to the Imperial Throne has been moved already. You won't have anything to worry about, Sarah, there won't be any imposter claims to the Imperial Family; the Shinje Family will always be the Rightful Imperial Line" he said.

"That's good. I didn't want that kind of headache" she said, sighing with relief

"Just because I have all there is to validate my claim to the throne, doesn't mean others won't try" the Emperor said with a sad smile. A stapled packet of documents was passed around. All 5 of them flipped to the last page, and each signed their names at the bottom on the lines.

"Then that's that" the Emperor said. He stood up with his wife, and turned to Admiral Tokunaga "Take care of the place" he said to him. He shook hands with Sarah, her advisor, and then with his wife and two daughters entered the Private Jet.

Sarah sadly watched the plane take off and go south, to her territory in Oceania, where the Imperial Family would be staying in their retirement. She didn't want them to go, but the Emperor had made up his mind, and for a man still so young, he certainly looked like he held the weight of an Empire on his shoulders...


Public Announcement[

The Imperial Family of Neo Japan has retired it's position as rulers of the Empire of the Rising Sun, Neo Japan. In a final decree, the territories of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are to be turned over to the nation of Palintine. All protectorates will be turned over to the various nations who aided us in protecting those areas (Vaule receives my half of the former NNE protectorate, and AWS becomes takes over the Job in the rest of Asia). Finally, Japan, Manchuria, Enkaido (Russian Far East), and the Northern Marianas plus Guam are hereby turned over to the Hanseatic Commonwealth. In Addition, as a Pacific Central Nation in Pax Pacifica, as part of this final Decree, all Hanseatic Commonwealth territories are under Pax Pacifican Protection. All former allies of the Empire are encouraged in helping the Hansa in holding this land, to keep threats away from its borders, and continue the Empire's work in ensuring stability in Asia

Thank you

OOC: all relevant parties and friends have been notified of my leaving Japan and reasons for doing so.

Sarah gets all my land except that bit of chinese coast which goes to Hawk. As the Imperial Family is moving to the Hanseatic Commonwealth Oceanic Territory, and after private talks with her, I have been granted and also reserve to the right to RP the Imperial Family, so if any of you want to still do something with Emperor Frost, by all means PM me, or else leave 'em alone

To all my friends here: I told you why I did it

To all the haters: wait till it happens to you, then you'll think better of me

to all my enemies: There never was any Caek, and I certainly never told you about any of it

Edited by Lord Frost
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We will never forget what the family has done for us. They are welcome in Marscurian Pakistan any time they please.

OOC: Are you making a new country or just hanging out like Uberstein did for a while?

OOC: I'm already a different country

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After the plane took off and Sarah waved good-bye to the departing Imperial family, Admiral Tokunaga took her hand as he led her to the personal limousine that would take her to Tokyo. It was a quiet ride, she had sent McAlpine back to Brisbane to take care of the continual transfer of power in New Guinea among other things, while she looked down the window as they drove through the beautiful Japanese countryside. It was spring time and the cherry blossoms that ran down the road blew off their breathtaking pink flowers as the light rain that had begun to fall from the sky, sunk the flowers deep into the green grass on the sides of the road. Sarah sighed as she leaned her head against the window. The Hansa was now probably the largest or second largest power in the Pacific, more power than Sarah ever had thought she would have at her disposal and even with the absence of New Guinea, she was still the most influential leader in the region. The responsibility would be enormous now, but she had promised the Emperor that Japan would be safe under her watchful eye and she would die before that promise would go unfulfilled.

"Are you all right Miss Tintagyl?" Said Tokunaga as he turned and smiled. "You've been awfully quiet."

Sarah snapped out of her daze and smiled back at him. "Oh no, don't worry about me. Just thinking. I appreciate you staying back with me Tokunaga, I've only been to Japan once and it though it was an interesting visit I don't think it was extremely diplomatic." She chuckled.

"Well the people have a lot of faith in your ability Miss Sarah, Japan is in good hands again." He said as the limousine pulled up to the gates of the Imperial Palace and two Imperial guards came down to escort the Lady Protector out of the vehicle and take her into the palace itself. It was a beautiful building, with gilded roofs dating back to the great Emperors of the past and Sarah was truly walking through history. Though she was sure that some of those venerable old men were turning over in their graves at the idea of a young Finn, female to boot was walking through their palace, not as a diplomat or a servant, but as the de facto heir to the Empire. But destiny had a weird way of working out for nations and people and more so, especially for Sarah.

The admiral took her up flights of stairs and across the priceless hardwood floors of the palace to where the Emperor's office was located. "This is your seat of power not Madame." The flag of the Rising Sun had been replaced by a Hanseatic flag, but Sarah only shook her head and placed the Japanese Imperial banner next to it.

"You have a culture Admiral that has existed for thousands of years, it would be a shame for a European to come in here and change everything around. I promise that Japan will shine just as glorious as it did with the Emperor as under the Lady Protector." She walked behind the desk and took a deep breath. "But we have a lot to do, we need to start acting in defensive policies and incorporating the Japanese claims deeper into the Commonwealth. I have always been a champion of diversity and that will not change. In fact, your culture is of the greatest interest to me and I would love to see so Japanese influence enacted all around the Commonwealth. But our biggest concern is maintaining order right now which means we need money and we need to let the world know that we are in Japan and that the Hansa will diplomatically take the role of the Empire in maintaining stability in Asia."

The admiral smiled. The Emperor had chosen wisely, maybe the rumors about her were true, maybe she was one of those shining stars that could return stability to Asia.


That evening, Sarah appeared in front of international television, the Imperial Banner and the Hanseatic Flag behind her as she addressed her citizens, the citizens of Japan, and the citizens of the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is no doubt that you have already heard that the Japanese Imperial Family has retired from their position as the head of state of Neo-Japan. His Imperial Majesty has given me the task of securing Japan for the future and beyond. My name is Sarah Tintagyl, I am the Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and from this point the Empress of Japan. I know that I am not Japanese, I am Finnish by decent, but I tell you this, Japan now included in the Commonwealth will have all my love as a leader and as a daughter has to her father, a sister to her brother, and a mother to her children. We are a family of peoples and cultures and I am proud and honored to call the Japanese people my citizens. You have proven in the past that you are a people of great knowledge, charisma, and strength and for years it has been because of Japan that Asia is stable and it will fall to the Hansa to have this responsibility and while we do not poses the military might of Japan, we make up for it in dedication, will, and diplomatic strength. We were able to prevent war in Europe and by God we will not let war, death and strive fall on to Asia. I have personally talked with the Emperor and he has laid out various principles that I am to upkeep no matter what the cost.

Many of you may have had bad or good intentions of the previous Imperial family, but I have nothing but praises for them and I can assure you that I will not allow instability to fall on my country, on my people, and to Asia on our continent. For many of you know that know me as weak and a leader that will not stand up for what she believes is right then I ask you to test my resolve and the resolve of the Pax Pacifica with which the Hansa is tied to. We will not permit upheaval. A hardliner? Perhaps, but what I have learned from being in power for so long is that one must be hard with those who are uncooperative and to ensure the safety of all of our citizens sometimes we must be hard on ourselves to see what is really important.

To my allies, this will be a great day for all of us as Asia and the world comes closer together and I look forward to working with all of you. The Hansa is a power, she will never falter, I will never falter. Prosperity will bless Japan, prosperity will bless the Hansa, prosperity will bless the world.

Thank you.

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Official Announcement from the Wästerdyskreich National Bank

The WNB has, with the approval of the Ministry of Plenty, approved a 50 billion Nordsmark loan to the Hanseatic Republic to assist them in the construction of new infrastructure in Neo Japan and the governing thereof. The loan is expected to be repaid at a rate of 20%, that is 60 billion will be returned to the WNB by the end of the loan. The WNB has also been permitted to establish a regional headquarters in Tokyo (Japan, Korea, Phillipines). A picture of the building is shown below.


The Eastern Tower stands at 600m tall and is the headquarters of WNB operations in East Asia

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We are sad to see the Imperial family give up Japan. But we hope that you will find peace in your retirement.

Annihilation, who has strong ties with Sarah Tintagyl and the Hanseatic people, will make sure that Japan remains in Hanseatic hands.

And those of us in the Pax Pacifica will be definitely ready to help defend Japan's borders.

OOC: There was cake. You gave me some :P

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Sarah's Excursion into Japan

Sarah was taken to a small business in a suburb of Tokyo, where, unexpectedly, she met Emperor Raiyku Shinje "Frost" himself. She was given hospitality at the Imperial Palace, and she then spent a week or so visiting Japan and talking with the Emperor. It was here that he divulged his desire to retire, and the two made plans for Japans future

My Detective Story

Koji was killed in a violent raid in Khabarovsk, and together Detective Kazuo and Anechka avenged his death by stopping the ones who killed him, and stopping a secret Communist revolution Plot. Kazuo faces the demons of his past, and he and Anechka find romance. The Empire is saved from disaster.

Meeting With Palintine

With the Meeting being delayed constantly, the Emperor decided to not wait for the results of the conference and chose to retire early. The meeting was canceled.

OOC: as stated above, questions can be reached in private queries on IRC or via PM

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"Well, this is a most certainly...interesting...development. Though with mainland Japan closed off to outsiders for so many years, I question wether or not they will be happy under they very open-oriented Commonwealth of the Hansa. Nonetheless, I wish Lady Sarah all the luck in the world. She might well need it."

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