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Offical dispatch from the royal kitchens of Leverage

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In fairness being an annoying idiot is a pretty thin cb for any single incident but it can build resentment over time. [ooc]I just blocked him on skype and the annoyances went away. :D [/ooc]

Oh, I'm not arguing the merit of the CB (which I find annoying and somewhat petty myself). I'm merely making an observation and disputing youwish's view that this is a rogue attack.

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I'd like to know what exact crimes Caffine has committed, personally. While they're certainly not going to make me fail to honor my obligations to Ronin at this point, I'm still curious. I mean, people keep telling me that Caffine is the most evil person since Hornet Man, and yet nobody can really explain why.

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Yes, but MK just plain doesn't matter. They're irrelevant.

Glowing justice does, and Leverage is on the side of the angels. We're smiting the wicked. Everyone else is just poking their noses into it just to stroke their ego.

As the official Irrelevant Aqua alliance, I take offense at the above statement. Our finest e-lawyers will be calling on you to discuss your blatant lies and slander.

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I'd like to know what exact crimes Caffine has committed, personally. While they're certainly not going to make me fail to honor my obligations to Ronin at this point, I'm still curious. I mean, people keep telling me that Caffine is the most evil person since Hornet Man, and yet nobody can really explain why.

Yet you still go on with out the facts, isn't that ironic.

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In spite of my deep respect for the fearsome horde you have amassed, I fight you because Splash Woman demands it. And who am I to defy Our Lady?


It is we who are on the side of righteousness, and it is we who shall break you. Despite the vast armies and unwavering support Leverage commands, we will find a way, somehow, impossible though it seems *sob*. Justice is on our side, and justice always finds a wa...a way to pre...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Just when I thought I would only have to deal with you guys ingame. Well to spare the world another thread that you guys can post consider this the official acknowledgment of hostilities against Ronin. Leverage and Ronin are now at war and your surrender terms are as follows.


1. Leave Leverage.

2. Do not return to RLMMO. Ever. Or you will be considered in a state of war with Ronin and her allies.

3. Declare peace with all the targets you are fighting.

4. Issue an apology to Planet Bob for making everyone read this drama in 5 different threads over 1 nation.

Leverage members can either accept these terms or fight to ZI or however long it takes you to give up the fight.

I'm a pretty reasonable guy and my only regret is that I only have 3 nations in your range. Good luck. Have fun. When you want peace you know where to reach me.



Shogun of Ronin

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Yet you still go on with out the facts, isn't that ironic.

Not really, no. I think you're stretching the definition of "ironic" a bit.

Oh, and by the way:


Since Ronin has posted an official declaration of war, Oceana is both obligated and honored to do the same. We hereby recognize a state of war with Leverage. Your options are as follows:

1) Hostilities between Oceana and Leverage will end when you admit that Splash Woman is better than you, and submit to all surrender terms outlined by Ronin.


2) You can die in a fire, for all we care.

Signed for Oceana,

Alexei Solstian - Thurokiir

Stormsend - Mundokiir

Ebony Wings - Azukiir


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Not really, no. I think you're stretching the definition of "ironic" a bit.

Oh, and by the way:

You forgot something.


I hope Splash Cat makes you realize this war with Caffine is not worth the painful death she represents. If she doesn't, well, at least she gets fed.

Edited by Mundokiir
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First of all Ebony... how can hostilities cease between Leverage and your prattle if they've never started in the first place? Standing behind MK and saying "Yeah.. what they said" can't be considered hostilities.

Secondly, Airme your terms are laughable. Nothing short of the unconditional surrender of Caffine will be enough.

Thirdly... considering most of the useless posts on the CN board, a few about the glorious smiting of evil have done nothing but amuse and inspire. When was the last time you've done either?

OK, I'll give your terms "amusing" but hardly inspiring.

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First of all Ebony... how can hostilities cease between Leverage and your prattle if they've never started in the first place? Standing behind MK and saying "Yeah.. what they said" can't be considered hostilities.

Secondly, Airme your terms are laughable. Nothing short of the unconditional surrender of Caffine will be enough.

Thirdly... considering most of the useless posts on the CN board, a few about the glorious smiting of evil have done nothing but amuse and inspire. When was the last time you've done either?

OK, I'll give your terms "amusing" but hardly inspiring.

First, go check the war screens.

Second, they won't be changing so when you are ready to accept them contact me. The term about RLMMO stands whether you surrender or are beaten to a pulp.

Third, as much as it was claimed that I was using caffine for PR. You have effectively proven that it is you and your gaggle that are using Caffine for PR. You are not the world court or police so please, get off your soapbox, there are war refugees that need it for temporary shelter.

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First, go check the war screens.

Second, they won't be changing so when you are ready to accept them contact me. The term about RLMMO stands whether you surrender or are beaten to a pulp.

Third, as much as it was claimed that I was using caffine for PR. You have effectively proven that it is you and your gaggle that are using Caffine for PR. You are not the world court or police so please, get off your soapbox, there are war refugees that need it for temporary shelter.

First... I posted that before the raids started. Other Leverage nations had a day of attacks in before you noticed and mobilized.

Secondly... I already set the terms of surrender. Your counter is laughable.

Thirdly... PR?

We couldn't care less about PR. I/We post here to give those in Planet Bob a ringside seat. Allow those who wanted to participate to join in the fun.

They have to provide the lead clothing. :awesome:

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First... I posted that before the raids started. Other Leverage nations had a day of attacks in before you noticed and mobilized.

Secondly... I already set the terms of surrender. Your counter is laughable.

Thirdly... PR?

We couldn't care less about PR. I/We post here to give those in Planet Bob a ringside seat. Allow those who wanted to participate to join in the fun.

They have to provide the lead clothing. :awesome:

Oh no, it was noticed right away. However our military commanders know that due to the way battles are fought an immediate response is not needed. Just like declaring war on someone and then waiting a few hours before launching attacks. You see, we have a ton of experience in dealing with these issues. The only thing you are victorious in is running your mouth.

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Oh no, it was noticed right away. However our military commanders know that due to the way battles are fought an immediate response is not needed. Just like declaring war on someone and then waiting a few hours before launching attacks. You see, we have a ton of experience in dealing with these issues. The only thing you are victorious in is running your mouth.


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Oh no, it was noticed right away. However our military commanders know that due to the way battles are fought an immediate response is not needed. Just like declaring war on someone and then waiting a few hours before launching attacks. You see, we have a ton of experience in dealing with these issues. The only thing you are victorious in is running your mouth.

Well that's a good sign, you're already starting to concede victory to me in one way.. give in to the rest and we'll let you go away as harmed as you are now.

Surrender the snake. Save yourselves.

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