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LoSS Treaty Web Generator

The Zigur


Finished 90% of necessary treaty updates to the LoSS treaty web generator, however, I am looking for more updates that must be made. If you notice any major treaties missing, please post the following in this blog or PM me:

*Alliances involved

*Treaty name

*Link to treaty announcement or document

This is important; an updated treaty web allows all nations to quickly understand the treaty web situation, leading to improved global political education and stability. Mahalo!


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Being as you are in loss... will you code it so that LoSS will always be represented with the largest sphere?

Lol I get the joke, but remember that power spheres are not necessarily represented by treaties. IMO power spheres are better represented by ideology, but the treaty web remains a useful tool to figure out where everyone stands in the web.

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Got it, thanks guys... Smurf I already tried to change it, unfortunately its part of the coding to automatically break down AA according to actual separation of words... it would have to be Doom Bird Doom Cave on the AA to change.

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