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Roqgate brosgate

Alfred von Tirpitz


Well seeing as bros already accepted [on air] that he did snoop on UPN when he had admin access, by simply clicking on a thread in the gov areas... Roq pretty much stands proven true on the "MK Spied" issue.

While this has been interesting to see, i would rather Roq took a different approach to this. It is always better to let the masses whip themselves into a frenzy than to seem like you are trying to whip them into a frenzy. The best way to drop a bomb, Roq, is to just drop it, and then pop in every one or two days, answer any pertinent posts, ignore the obvious tangents and focus on the smart questions that are relevant to the topic at hand. Done right, it is a thing of beauty.

Right now, the T machine is trying very hard to make it about Roq and not about the issue. They have also had a modicum of success in this endeavor. Yes a few will winnow out the chaff and retain the salient points, i wonder how much that will help Roq's goals at this point in time.

Add to that the CBs based around spying have traction only when when an alliance with muscle is making the allegation. From the looks of things, in the public domain so far,UPN and RoK and the Sith are not about to make a thing of it. I am not even sure that the NSO even thinks its that big a deal or are even convinced that they were spied upon. UPN apparently forgave bros. RoK ... i think they will thank you for not making them "the news" at this point in time.

So you have one confirmed and one possible victim that are already curled up in the fetal position, a third that is "meh" about it and unless Nagasaki is something really ground breaking [but really guys, is there anything that we cant brush off?] i don't see any immediate impact of Roqgate.

Pity really, i was hoping for a flare up. Watching the scotch bottle mysteriously get emptied over the hours is not all its cracked up to be.

PS: bros... why man? wtf were you thinking.


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To say that what bros did is IC spying is not the whole story.He breached security of someone else's forum illegitimately, and from the looks of it, multiple times. Clearly, bros is no saint. It's fairly obvious this was done intentional too, as the html page Roq dropped shows bros (smugly) commenting on the stuff he gathered.
I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I didn't care about going full throttle on the RoK accusation. I failed to screen it because my intentions were different at the time. Anyone in DH could tell you it actually happened. I just wanted RoK off bros' hosting since Ilyani did me a solid.
RoK was never on my hosting what makes you think this?You know you could've come to me with your concerns before this and I would've listened, right? Hell, I still tolerate you. But my good will does not stretch on forever. No, I am not trying to portray myself as the good guy here by that previous sentence, I am simply stating a fact. Ask any alliance I have dealt with. It does not matter if they were absolutely reviled by myself or my alliance, I have helped them no questions asked, even when fellow MK gov memebers (I am considered middle MK gov, btw) have told me "No, don't help alliance <X>! Let their boards stay down!"I absolutely suck at saying no. As evidenced by the interview with Brehon, I am honest to a fault (And due to my anxiety, I misspoke a few times). Would you rather have had me bury these allegations and doing all sorts of backroom cloak and dagger !@#$ to do so?
If you were your entire alliance, it wouldn't have happened to begin with, so I'd say go talk to 1337 about the position you're in now. He is to blame mostly.

btw regarding my query with you earlier, I was simply attempting to help you, not... accuse or anything. Just offering my assistance.

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The thing is, I'm not on any government assistance aside from financial aid. I am able to navigate the physical world without any issues. I don't rant randomly at people on the street. At this point, my lack of motor control is holding me back somewhat, but it's steadily improving. I have never had any real help and I slipped through the cracks more or less and made it fairly far before it got too hard. I've resolved a good deal of it.

That's good. You don't have to rant at people randomly to qualify for SSI. If you want, I could show you the requirements for classification under both things you could classify for (Organic Mental Disorder and Motor Dysfunction, both of which I qualify under)

There is nothing wrong with accepting a little help. Do you get occupational therapy? I also slipped through the cracks. I know how much that sucks.

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Right now, the T machine is trying very hard to make it about Roq and not about the issue.
Roq is also trying very hard to make it about Roq and not about the issue.
Sorry Gopher, i view that thread as a totally unrelated issue. Think of it as one of the many doctrines we have floating around. Moldavi, Stewie, Tygaism... you know. That this doctrine/manifesto surfaced at this time seems to be a coincidence to me.
You consider it a mere coincidence that less than 12 hours after posting screenshots of the allegations against bros, Roq posts his political manifesto while he's the center of attention and everyone's watching what he's saying? You can't be serious.

It does not have anything to do with the spying thing. So in light of that, and the point i was trying to make about the thread in question, it is not very pertinent. Add to that that this is not the first time i have heard of the manifesto points...

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Listen to the rest of what I said. It was a lapse in judgement. everyone has themthey usually aren't made public by people who you haven't even wronged

No, but there is always that chance that when you're dealing with other people.

What I did was:1. Pass along information I was sent on IRC.2. click on one topic on the upn gov board and share things I shouldn have.One incident of spying. Not spying on three separate alliances as Roq alleges.

If it's a matter of getting information for the purpose of gathering intelligence for political reasons, well- I can see that. It's a breach of trust to the alliances who allowed you that access (regardless of how many) but at least there is some political purpose.

On the other hand, if you're doing what Sardonic says in his blog here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=341&showentry=3360

"At various points in the past, bros would occasionally pass me hilarious tidbits from certain forums. This was done in the purpose of comedy, and was never done with the intent of advancing one alliance over another."

- Sardonic

That is, in my opinion, like being invited into someone's home to help them in some fashion and then taking a pic of the inside of the home without permission (or bringing in a tape recorder) and then sharing it with someone else for laughs. That, if it happened, is at best cruel gossiping behind someone's back and also somewhat creepy.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me

Access != authorization.

Just because you had the ability to access something doesn't mean you have the authorization to access it. IANAL, but both would probably be seen as illegal.

If a friend gives me a key to his house for emergency purposes and I use it to go into his house without his authorization, I'm breaking the law.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.

I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.

To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.

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Like I said, that was not spying, it was not done with any strategic purpose in mind nor in the interests of advancing an alliance over another. Bros is correct about his record.

That is, in my opinion, like being invited into someone's home to help them in some fashion and then taking a pic of the inside of the home without permission (or bringing in a tape recorder) and then sharing it with someone else for laughs. That, if it happened, is at best cruel gossiping behind someone's back and also somewhat creepy.

That's goon justice :v:.

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Roqageddon, aroqolypse?Also to be clear, I don't consider said incidents where bros mentioned to me things spying, as such things were never for the purpose of advancing an agenda or gaining advantage over alliance.

I lol'd.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.

There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website

Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website
Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.

At least I owned up to it?

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website
Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.

You sound mad, bro.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website
Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.

At least I owned up to it?

hahahaha. No.

At the very least after having to drag teeth across the cement, you shamefully downplayed it until it was just ridiculous for you to not admit it.

At multiple points telling some fibs along the way.

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I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website
Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.
At least I owned up to it?

After you got caught, which isn't redeeming at all~

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Like I said, that was not spying, it was not done with any strategic purpose in mind nor in the interests of advancing an alliance over another. Bros is correct about his record.
That is, in my opinion, like being invited into someone's home to help them in some fashion and then taking a pic of the inside of the home without permission (or bringing in a tape recorder) and then sharing it with someone else for laughs. That, if it happened, is at best cruel gossiping behind someone's back and also somewhat creepy.
That's goon justice :v:.

goon justice is "cruel gossiping and somewhat creepy" Well, if you're willing to admit that, we actually agree :awesome:

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Like I said, that was not spying, it was not done with any strategic purpose in mind nor in the interests of advancing an alliance over another. Bros is correct about his record.

I let it go the first time you said it as it's simply a retarded argument you're making. Now you've said it at least twice.

In order for him to find whatever data he passed to you, regardless of it's content or his motive, in order to find it he had to view data which he was not authorized to access. That is spying. To argue that spying is only spying if you find something useful is asinine.

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I think we've reached a point with this where the allegations, all of them really, are true and confirmed or plausible enough to be believed.

So...now what?

1) The community isn't ready to gang up on MK and pound them to dust. Whether they deserve it or not, the community isn't ready.

2) Sorry bros, but if you had admin rights in my forums, you'd no longer have those rights, however desperate I was for someone to fix/maintain them. Whatever OOC good you've done for people on their forums, you pissed away that good will for advantage in a browser-based computer game.

3) My hope is that at some point soon, we as a collective gaming community learn where the boundaries are and what constitutes good and bad gaming. We must find them, we can't afford to to do so.

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My hope is that at some point soon, we as a collective gaming community learn where the boundaries are and what constitutes good and bad gaming. We must find them, we can't afford to to do so.

This is good gaming (for a browser game) He spied in game content for in game gain. He was exposed and its played out on the boards and in game. There isnt anything else happening Hal, you want to wait another 6 months for the next large war? You really do need more perspective here the torch you seem to bare for good gaming and decent behaviors seems to be flavored with some real world ethos.

This all happened in game, this is a good thing for the game short term and long term. When you see a car crash on the highway do you slow down to take a look? I sure as hell do, in CN terms this is a similar situation, players read it, people engaged, intrique occured. All positive outcomes.

Now back to IC.

You're an idiot roq, you really blew it on this because you allowed them to make it about you and some ridiculous notion about your mental state. Several people offered you the same simple advice (alfred does as well) you're now part of the show. Another cluster$%&@ but its all good, for 3 minutes today at work I got a pretty dam good laugh about it.

Thanks man.

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2) Sorry bros, but if you had admin rights in my forums, you'd no longer have those rights, however desperate I was for someone to fix/maintain them.

And that is a perfectly reasonable reaction. I would find it odd if my admin access were not removed. However, I hope that over time, I will regain trust within this community. One act cannot erode six years worth of trust.

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