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Hail the Heroes of Pacifica!

Ashoka the Great


Let me begin by explaining the circumstances surrounding the agreement Nordreich signed with World Federation. Many have commented on its strange wording and how, upon examination, it leaves Nordreich with 'interesting' options.

First, it is true that we never really considered that conflict to be 'our' war. While we did not show any hesitation with respect to supporting Nueva Vida through activation of the 'oA' portion of our treaty, from almost the beginning of our intervention it was clear that Nueva Vida felt much as we did. The reality is that enthusiasm for any war is less than total when one's alliance is the fourth or fifth link on a very long chain.

Two days before our agreement with wF was reached, we entered into a ceasefire agreement pending what we expected to be reasonably simple negotiations.

We tried very hard to get peace for that entire front, but one alliance whom I shall not name dug in its heels so hard that progress for the group as a whole was impossible. Nueva Vida gave us their blessing to exit the conflict along with World Federation. That is why in the wF/NoR thread one did not see any complaints coming from Nueva Vida.

It should be noted that while Nordreich was preparing to exit one war, we were being invited to take part in another.

It is no secret that Nordreich considers the Federation of Armed Nations to be among our best friends. People on both sides have worked very hard over the last couple of years to overcome past suspicions and to build a genuine relationship between our two alliances. The astute will recall that in the last major conflict, our support for FAN was listed among the reasons we went to war with Valhalla.

Therefore it should come as no surprise that our friends in the Federation of Armed Nations asked if we would honor the 'oA' part of our gentlemen's agreement and assist somewhere on the ever-widening front in the war against the New Pacific Order. Not being the sort to turn our backs on our friends, we agreed to assist somewhere on that front within 5-7 days of our agreement with World Federation.

That was nearly three weeks ago.

I should note that while we were still working out details with World Federation, most if not all of the leadership of Doomhouse, Pandora's Box and their allies were very much aware of our intentions. Nordreich's leadership was in discussions with several alliances with respect to where we could best make use of our modest war machine.

As is true with any alliance, we counted on the support of at least some of our allies in any conflict. Nueva Vida was 'busy', so to speak. The same was true of Ragnarok. Valhalla had little interest in either of the wars involving the Orders. This left a rather short list of allies, including our friends in The Dark Templar.

Few are aware of the ties that bind The Dark Templar and Nordreich. Myworld and his alliance sheltered many Nordreich members who were re-establishing their presence on Planet Bob in the months before Nordreich's reformation in May 2009. We owe them a blood debt; one that can never be repaid in full. This will help to explain why, when Nordreich was given the honor of submitting three flags for use by all nations, one of those we chose was that of The Dark Templar.

And so we hoped that our friends would be given the opportunity to fight by our side once again.

However, those who hate Nordreich had other plans.

The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations demanded 40,000 tech from The Dark Templar as their condition for ending the war. Myworld and the rest of The Dark Templar were shocked. Why should CSN make such exorbitant demands? Why were they attempting to extort DT?

I attempted to reason with Xiphosis, who is now acknowledged as the author of those ludicrous terms. My efforts were to no avail. His argument boiled down to "Might makes right" and "To the victors go the spoils." No matter how well he dressed up this nonsense, the stench gave it away for the garbage it was and remains.

And yes, he was already fully aware of Nordreich's intention to stand with FAN.

As one might well imagine, this did not go down well with Nordreich's government. As a former Kaiser, as someone who by virtue of past service continues to enjoy some access to the hallowed halls of government, I said the following:

This is clearly an attempt -- by individuals hostile to Nordreich -- to undermine our ability to defend ourselves from counter-attacks if we enter this war. We cannot tolerate this kind of double-dealing, and frankly we cannot understand why other alliances involved in this conflict will put up with it.

We are not their meatshields. We will not expose ourselves to die when we have friends who would be more than willing to defend us. The only people who would gain from such an occurrence are those who hate us; those who, incidentally, would be fighting alongside us in this conflict.

Until DT is given peace with no terms, Nordreich cannot enter this war.

Others had already made this point. And it has become Nordreich's policy with respect to the DT/CSN affair.

We made our position known to FAN. Of course they were unhappy, but as an honorable alliance they understood our dilemma. They offered their diplomatic assistance with respect to working the matter out. Other alliances -- including those with whom Nordreich has no treaties whatsoever -- also sent representatives to speak with CSN and their GODly puppetmaster.

Perhaps I should end that part of the narrative here, since it is obvious how well that worked.

We agreed to stay out of the VE-NpO War on the understanding that our friends would be allowed to exit in a timely manner as well. At the end of the day, all I can say is that we were deceived. But it was not only we who were deceived. The member alliances of Doomhouse, the Federation of Armed Nations....indeed, anyone fighting on that side of the war against the NPO was betrayed.

This has become something of an open secret, so I am here today to lay the entire matter before the handful of people who are unaware of this.

The Doomhouse-NPO War has turned into something of a stalemate. Unless something dramatic happens, it is unlikely that there will be peace for a very, very long time.

Through their anger and short-sightedness, Xiphosis and CSN have managed to keep at least 8,000,000 NS from entering the war.

We have now reached the point where damn-near everyone involved knows what Nordreich's plans were. Nearly every alliance engaged against the New Pacific Order or its allies is aware of this. I am also personally aware that some on the NPO's side know about this as well. So it's for the best that I lay it all on the table, in order to quash whispered rumors with stated facts.

We are all witness to one of the most peculiar events I have ever seen.

Blinded by anger and unable to see 'the big picture' even if it were painted on the side of a barn, Xiphosis and his stooges are doing more to materially aid the NPO than they would by declaring war on Pacifica's opponents. Should there ever be a museum dedicated to the idea of "Unintended Consequences" then I do believe we have found something worthy of permanent display.

And so, gentle reader, I ask that you join me in a toast.

All Hail Xiphosis!

All Hail the Global Order of Darkness!

All Hail the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations!

Honor and Glory to These And All Heroes of Pacifica!

For those with short attention spans, a tl;dr:

Dear FAN, Doomhouse and Friends:

I guess there's nothing left to say but "Have a good war," because Nordreich is going back to nation-building.

I am genuinely sorry that we couldn't lend a hand, but people who pretend to be your friends had other ideas. Thank you to those of you who tried to put an end to this nonsense. We really do appreciate it.

By now this story has become so widely known that any element of surprise is long gone.

We had looked forward to forging new friendships through shared battles. Instead, we are content to forge them by helping to re-build you once this war has ended. When things wrap up, we will be more than happy to help with your re-building efforts. This offer is extended to all of you, and not merely to our good friends in FAN. We owe you that much for your recent efforts on our behalf. I am deeply sorry that said efforts were an exercise in futility.

Perhaps the time will come when you feel the need to settle accounts once again. Some of you have already mentioned this to me in recent days. Merely name the time and place, and we will be there.

Until that day arrives, know that we continue to stand by you in spirit and are committed to your post-war reconstruction.

With our very best wishes,



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What's anyone going to do about it if NoR changes their mind about the terms now that it's clear they were negotiated in bad faith? Everyone is at war. You think WF wants round two? Hah.

You are misinformed, the terms negotiations were absolutely in good faith, they just had absolutely nothing to do with DT whatsoever. No one in the room knew what would happen with the DT-CSN front, I just assumed it would peace out like the rest of them, but take longer because the word was that DT would not peace out until LoSS did, and LoSS would not do so until IAA did.

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You are misinformed, the terms negotiations were absolutely in good faith, they just had absolutely nothing to do with DT whatsoever. No one in the room knew what would happen with the DT-CSN front, I just assumed it would peace out like the rest of them, but take longer because the word was that DT would not peace out until LoSS did, and LoSS would not do so until IAA did.

I find it highly unlikely that a member alliance of PB was not privy to Nordreich's post-war plans. The matter did not come up in direct discussions because it was quite frankly none of wF's business.

However, you're quite right about the alliances not leaving before someone else was allowed to do the same. There were even more alliances than DT, LoSS and IAA who were not prepared to quit the field until someone else was allowed to do it first. I suspect that if one played a game of connect-the-dots, we would find overlapping promises to the point where, theoretically at least, nobody would leave the war for any reason.

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I find it highly unlikely that a member alliance of PB was not privy to Nordreich's post-war plans. The matter did not come up in direct discussions because it was quite frankly none of wF's business.

However, you're quite right about the alliances not leaving before someone else was allowed to do the same. There were even more alliances than DT, LoSS and IAA who were not prepared to quit the field until someone else was allowed to do it first. I suspect that if one played a game of connect-the-dots, we would find overlapping promises to the point where, theoretically at least, nobody would leave the war for any reason.

What I said had nothing to do with your entire first line lol, you should re-read what point I exactly brought up because it doesn't mention NoR's post-war plans, it only responds to comments of 'negotiating in bad faith' which just didn't happen.

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Well, that is very transparent of you.

We should now ironically hail xiph for forgetting the "larger plan" of destroying NPO,... although the war he is fighting has nothing to do with NPO,... but it all comes back to it. Even if NPO does absolutely nothing, the grand plan is always based on NPO.

That is very cool actually.

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Wait, wait.

You think the CSN/DT issues are about you?

Hello arrogance.

Maybe CSN just doesn't like DT and couldn't care less what deal you made with the a friends friends friends friend to flip sides half way through a war.

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I fail to see why NoR would think that DT would be in any position to "defend" them after leaving this war--even if they had been able to leave a week ago--or, indeed, why NoR would count on any of its allies to ride to its defense if it attacked NPO based on an unwritten "gentlemen's agreement." If NoR wants to hop on the bandwagon why not just do it?

Even further, who does NoR expect to need defending from? Every alliance that is going to be fighting on the NPO front is already deployed. There's no one to counter NoR.

You might have been/might feel played by the aggressors on the Viridian front, but you would have been just as played by FAN and Doomhouse, the only reason they would need you is to take a small amount of pressure off themselves in their war of election and unwarranted aggression. I'm frankly more disappointed in NoR than I ever thought imaginable over the fact that you left a war where your allies actually need you and are actually at war for a reason and are still at war so you could go join a mass techraid in a daisyfield.

And now that you have been utterly duped, your response is.......whoops lol we'll send you some money later. Really?

Sorry, not impressed. Other than to counter claims that NoR offered to attack NPO in exchange for DT peace, I don't even see why you would make all this public, it just makes NoR look like it's in over its head in politics and war. And that pains me to see, really pains me to see and to say, about an alliance I had a lot of respect for but was apparently seeing through rose glasses.

Really have no comment other than I am one of those who supports NPO. <_<

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Wait, wait.

You think the CSN/DT issues are about you?

To some degree. As we were wrapping up our talks with wF we learned that Xiphosis was telling anyone who'd listen how much he wanted to hit Nordreich and settle his juvenile, four-year-long personal vendetta. Our exit from the war robbed him of yet another opportunity, so it really isn't that much of a stretch.

Now, perhaps this will come as a shock to you, but the leader of the Global Order of Darkness really is that petty. But you know who isn't shocked by this? Most of the alliances at war with the NPO, most of whom are your allies. Imagine that!

Maybe you need to get out more?

Maybe CSN just doesn't like DT and couldn't care less what deal you made with the a friends friends friends friend to flip sides half way through a war.

That might carry some weight if CSN had actually written the terms or we had not been placed (as RIA was, as you'll recall) in the awkward position of dealing with requests from both sides of the war in fairly rapid succession.

So yes, apart from being wrong about everything you've said, you make a couple of excellent points there.

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However, you're quite right about the alliances not leaving before someone else was allowed to do the same. There were even more alliances than DT, LoSS and IAA who were not prepared to quit the field until someone else was allowed to do it first.

DT approached CSN asking for peace 6 (six) days after entering against Legacy. DT were quite prepared to hit and run, leaving LoSS to its fate. Their request was a white peace, not conditionally tied to anyone but DT getting out of anything. Hell, DT even offered to pay 40k reps to get out (if they could determine some of the method of payment) without tying it to LoSS or TIO getting out - before they renegged.

It seems the loyalty of DT is a little overstated.

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To some degree. As we were wrapping up our talks with wF we learned that Xiphosis was telling anyone who'd listen how much he wanted to hit Nordreich and settle his juvenile, four-year-long personal vendetta. Our exit from the war robbed him of yet another opportunity, so it really isn't that much of a stretch.

Well yes, if you a self centered, narcissistic, egotist. I'm sure you'd immediately jump to the conclusion that everything was about you.

But then you'd just be silly, and wrong, instead of just wrong.

Now, perhaps this will come as a shock to you, but the leader of the Global Order of Darkness really is that petty. But you know who isn't shocked by this? Most of the alliances at war with the NPO, most of whom are your allies. Imagine that!

Ohhh character attacks, yes that will make you look wise and reasoned.

Maybe you need to get out more?

I have a better grip on reality than you do, so no I think my outdoor activities happen often enough.

That might carry some weight if CSN had actually written the terms or we had not been placed (as RIA was, as you'll recall) in the awkward position of dealing with requests from both sides of the war in fairly rapid succession.

Oh my another shocker, somebody talked to their bloc mate for opinions on the surrender process. Would you be shocked to know some of VE's allies followed our lead in Bipolar surrender negotiations as well? It couldn't possibly be that people actually communicate with their friends, no its much more plausible that its all a grand conspiracy against you.

So yes, apart from being wrong about everything you've said, you make a couple of excellent points there.

Speaking of wrong, do you bother consulting reality before speaking or just go with whatever crazy idea can make it about you?

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The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations demanded 40,000 tech from The Dark Templar as their condition for ending the war. Myworld and the rest of The Dark Templar were shocked. Why should CSN make such exorbitant demands? Why were they attempting to extort DT?

Agreed. A bad initial decision.

The way I see it, everyone's been making this harder than it has to be.

Simply put, the reality is that CSN will not be bullied or threatened into giving DT white peace. They've lowered their reps significantly (cut them by 25%, removed a variety of restrictions, and doubled the length in which they can be paid). But if they wanted CSN to reduce the reps significantly they probably shouldn't have been complete dicks about everything. Then this would have been solved. They ruined any chance of this being solved peacefully. And they're as at fault for this not being resolved as CSN is. CSN handled terms poorly, DT handled negotiations poorly. Period.

Dear SF,

In case you're wondering why we chose to keep connections with PB instead of you guys, it's because we knew you were going to start pulling !@#$ like this.

The only issue is that NoR / DT are just as responsible for !@#$@#$ up the end to this DT-CSN war as CSN is. Pulling acceptable terms off the table because they weren't taken immediately? Asking CSN to surrender? Threatening to harm the coalition just to spite CSN? Really?

MK wouldn't give in to the kinds of things DT/NoR are trying to pull either.

If NPO started telling you that the terms on the table were you apologizing to them, granting them white peace and agreeing to not re-enter the war, would you take those terms? Would you even continue negotiating terms down? What about if you continually lowered your own terms to levels NPO found acceptable, only for NPO to once again refuse the terms and offer new, lower terms themselves? Then did it again? Would you keep going lower to appease NPO?

That might carry some weight if CSN had actually written the terms or we had not been placed (as RIA was, as you'll recall) in the awkward position of dealing with requests from both sides of the war in fairly rapid succession.

Where, exactly, did you get the idea that CSN didn't write the terms?

In the end, NoR are the ones who refuse to help against NPO, not CSN and not GOD. Period. What if NoR were demanding VE immediately give Polaris white peace in order to enter the war? If we refused, would you be blaming us, too? Would it be our fault that NoR wasn't helping you?

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Threatening to harm the coalition just to spite CSN? Really?

I think you've got this a little bit twisted. NoR is not threatening to harm the coalition due to CSN's actions. The coalition is harmed by CSN's actions.

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I think you've got this a little bit twisted. NoR is not threatening to harm the coalition due to CSN's actions. The coalition is harmed by CSN's actions.

No, I really don't have it twisted. NoR is not going to help the coalition because CSN won't give someone white peace. What if DT made the same threat of VE and Polaris? Would we then be at fault? NoR is the one refusing to enter here, not CSN. What if it was flipped, and NoR was demanding that DH give NPO white peace to enter the war against Polaris (and we needed the help). If DH refused, citing NPO's threats and general lack of respect and refusal to negotiate in good faith, would it be MK's fault that NoR isn't entering?Really? CSN has worked with DT to try to find a reasonable peace. CSN even accepted DT's counter-offer, but because it was 24 hours later it was "too late" so the war didn't end. CSN is currently demanding only 10k tech be paid to themselves. And DT won't even do that, when they were willing to pay 40k tech just a week ago. I don't see what more they should be expected to do (other than not demand 40k tech in the first place).

In the end, only NoR can decide whether they will enter the war or not. Their attempt to place the blame on an alliance they've historically hated, though, is hilarious. It's sad that some are falling for it.

Through their anger and short-sightedness, Xiphosis and CSN have managed to keep at least 8,000,000 NS from entering the war.

Whose short-sightedness, exactly? CSN has at least twice offered terms that DT has found acceptable in the past. And by 'past' I mean 'like the night before.' Rather than accept them, DT retracts its acceptance of the terms each time.

Blinded by anger and unable to see 'the big picture' even if it were painted on the side of a barn, Xiphosis and his stooges are doing more to materially aid the NPO than they would by declaring war on Pacifica's opponents.

Once again, CSN, recognizing the need to end this war, has agreed to DT's counter terms.

Then DT went and pulled those terms from the table later... and then refused to honest a serious compromise. If DT had then said "we're knocking 2k tech off for taking a day to respond", the war would be over. That's negotiating. Saying "White peace since you took 1 day to accept this deal' is not negotiating in good faith. It's stupid.

So CSN came back and offered even lower terms. Only 10k tech to CSN and 20k to Legacy. This is lower than DT's counter-offer. DT's response? Try to nickle and dime the terms even lower.

Every time CSN lowers terms, DT lowers their offer. That's not negotiating and that's not a compromise on DT's part. It's short-sightedness. You'd think that if NoR was really all that concerned with the war against NPO they'd ask DT to try to come to a reasonable compromise. Like, say, paying CSN 1/4 what they originally asked.

Criticize CSN for the high initial reps all you'd like, but all they're asking now is 10k tech (Legacy would get 20k, too..). That's extremely reasonable and extremely fair. The only reason they aren't accepting is because they believe that by punishing us, they can get us to pressure CSN into giving in to DT's demands. It's that simple. That they're refusing to aid the war against NPO in order to manipulate us into fighting their battles for them is unacceptable.

There's absolutely nothing I hate more than an alliance blatantly attempting to use me or my allies.

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In the end, only NoR can decide whether they will enter the war or not. Their attempt to place the blame on an alliance they've historically hated, though, is hilarious. It's sad that some are falling for it.

Wait, what? CSN and NoR had little in the way of interaction before the war, and certainly none in the way of animosity. Regardless, I'm not going to get into this with you. You've been cherry picking your favorite talking points and ignoring others posed by logical and critical thinking people (including myself).I guess that's part of your new cheerleading thing so, good luck with that.

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Wait, what? CSN and NoR had little in the way of interaction before the war, and certainly none in the way of animosity. Regardless, I'm not going to get into this with you. You've been cherry picking your favorite talking points and ignoring others posed by logical and critical thinking people (including myself).I guess that's part of your new cheerleading thing so, good luck with that.

Which is why NoR has turned this into Xiphosis' fault, so that they can attack GOD.

I'm not sure what exactly I'm ignoring. I literally directly addressed your point. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm ignoring you.

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Where, exactly, did you get the idea that CSN didn't write the terms?

From a GOD member saying that Xiphosis "literally wrote them."

The implication of this statement is that Xiphosis literally wrote them.

The flip-side of that implication is that CSN did not write them.

You really are dense, aren't you?

Every time CSN lowers terms, DT lowers their offer. That's not negotiating....

Ummm...yeah, it really is. I'm guessing you've never bought a car, or you'd see just how utterly ridiculous that is.

Oh wait. Who am I talking to?


Anyway, now that this has dropped off page one (about as quickly as I expected, really) we can all go home.

I'd like to thank the folks from CSN for their contributions. Surely you have convinced everyone of your rectitude. All will bend before the justice you mete out.

Nah....just kidding.

Most folks still think you're idiots.

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