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Seriously, Polaris?



To: The MVP From: VickiB Date: 1/19/2011 10:54:16 PM

Subject: Be More Than A Number

Message: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

The New Polar Order is an alliance that embodies the above quote. We are an alliance that is not afraid to fight for justice and liberty and all that is good in a world that freely mocks justice.

If you are a nation that believes in something, a nation that stands for what it believes in then you need to join the NpO. You will receive military and economic training, cash, and friendship.

To begin your journey, read the information provided in this link: http://www.hostelbar.com/why.htm


Quantum Leap

i don't even know how to respond to this.


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I'd feel so bad being denied by an alliance of rejects.

After all you let WANA into your alliance at some point.

It's okay, AUT. You're just lashing out because of all the hurt you're bottling up inside. Press the delete button and you can just reinvent yourself for the 30th time.
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It's okay, AUT. You're just lashing out because of all the hurt you're bottling up inside. Press the delete button and you can just reinvent yourself for the 30th time.

Maybe then you can accept me into your alliance again...

Like you did to Lennox. :smug:

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