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The mercy board and the EoG list: Myth vs Reality



One of the largest misconceptions about GOONS is the function and nature of the mercy board. I would like to take the time to dispel any myths and misconceptions about the mercy board. I have created two flowcharts to help illustrate my points.

Consider this chart as you read on:


Myth: All tech raided nations must go through the mercy board to secure peace.

Reality: The mercy board is one of many options a raid target has, it is a path rarely taken. There are two options for those in AAs, they can complete terms for themselves, or harder terms for their entire AA. This will put the entire AA on the no-raid list.

Myth: The mercy board is designed to embarrass people

Reality: The mercy board is designed so that nations have an alternative to paying money to secure their peace. It is for the benefit of our enemies that we have the mercy board, or else we wouldn't have any way to solve our differences besides monetary means.

Myth: The mercy board is the worst thing ever

Reality: The mercy board can be fun for everyone involved, if you try not to take things so seriously. It just requires a little humility and work on your part.

I would also like to dispel a misconception about the EoG list, please consider the following:


Myth: The EoG list is a PZI list.

Reality: The EoG list is not a PZI list. First of all, if you delete, we have no intention of following you, unless you do something to put yourself on the list again. Secondly, we don't care if you're at zero infrastructure or not, somebody might be at it, somebody else might not. ZI is completely independent of the function of the list, if somebody plays their cards right, they can get off the list before hitting ZI, using the aforementioned path. Thirdly, we don't order people to attack the individuals on the list, they can attack them at any time at their own leisure.

I hope this has been informative, please post any further questions you might have in the comments and I will address them.


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The first diagram in the OP shows that the mercy board is the only way that a raided nation can obtain permanent peace with GOONS.

As I asked someone else earlier, please learn how to read a flow chart. You currently cannot.

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I was discussing unaligned nations. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Oh, you mean 'tech raids'? Yes, follow the flow chart for tech raids. As you can see, five options are listed. Some are more successful than others.

Wow. Nice answer. I'm glad you cleared that up for everyone.

Hooray! I asked you to continue to post in this thread! I hope you follow up on my other request.

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It's cool for everyone else to do it but not GOONS.

I finally get how the forums work!

Nice, so you confirm this is just a PR piece of crap, so answer my question please: Is GOONS worried with something to waste so many time and put so much effort in Blog entries trying to make them look like nice people?

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As you consider raiding a valid means to your ends, and consequently acknowledge that it is deserving of a negotiated peace, why do you not consider rogue attacks against your alliance as worthy of the same possibility of a negotiated settlement? It is, after all, the other side of the same coin.

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Oh, you mean 'tech raids'? Yes, follow the flow chart for tech raids. As you can see, five options are listed. Some are more successful than others.

There is only 1 viable option for unaligned nations who wish to remain unaligned to obtain permanent peace, and that would be completing the terms given on the mercy board.

Also, I have a question, when you decide to attack an unaligned nation for no reason, do you give them a list of these options?

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There is only 1 viable option for unaligned nations who wish to remain unaligned to obtain permanent peace, and that would be completing the terms given on the mercy board.

Learn how to read a flow chart.

Also, I have a question, when you decide to attack an unaligned nation for no reason, do you give them a list of these options?

We've never attacked an unaligned nation for no reason. All attacks on unaligned nations have been tech raids.

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As you consider raiding a valid means to your ends, and consequently acknowledge that it is deserving of a negotiated peace, why do you not consider rogue attacks against your alliance as worthy of the same possibility of a negotiated settlement? It is, after all, the other side of the same coin.

explain. "As you consider raiding a valid means to your ends" does not make sense in conjunction with the rest of your post. I believe you're attempting to ask why nations/alliances that have gone rogue on us don't get the same options as nations we've tech-raided? They do. Why you're assuming they don't is the question.

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then it is only logical to have an alternative way to obtain permanent peace for those who don't see the mercy boards as being humorous.

Do other alliances that allow tech raiding offer ways for permanent peace?

In the tech raids I have engaged in, sometimes I did just "Pm for peace". But to be honest, that's rather boring, I log in attack some poor unsuspecting fool and then next update the slot is free and nary a word was spoken between us. This is a social game I assume? Why do people want it to be so boring?

Otherwise at times I sent them to the mercy board. Not only did my target get peace (not all the times) but we all had a good joke and got to know who each other are.

For a game based on politics and as such being based on our own social interactions, some of you people want to play a really boring game.

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Learn how to read a flow chart.

What other way is there?

We've never attacked an unaligned nation for no reason. All attacks on unaligned nations have been tech raids.

Attacking unaligned nations with no provocation is attacking them for no reason.

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Do other alliances that allow tech raiding offer ways for permanent peace?

In the tech raids I have engaged in, sometimes I did just "Pm for peace". But to be honest, that's rather boring, I log in attack some poor unsuspecting fool and then next update the slot is free and nary a word was spoken between us. This is a social game I assume? Why do people want it to be so boring?

Otherwise at times I sent them to the mercy board. Not only did my target get peace (not all the times) but we all had a good joke and got to know who each other are.

For a game based on politics and as such being based on our own social interactions, some of you people want to play a really boring game.

Not all interactions between raiders and raided nations are as positive as you describe them. In fact, I beleive sardonic regularly posts a volume of "pubbie tears" (which itself is designed to further humiliate tech raid victims) which should show you that most nations don't quite appreciate being raided and aren't so inclined to know their raiders or entertain them on their own personal board.

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Yes yes, we all know about the tears blog. May I have an answer to my question though? Do other Alliances that allow tech raiding give the offended nation a way to attain permanent peace from said Tech Raiding nation?

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Yes yes, we all know about the tears blog. May I have an answer to my question though? Do other Alliances that allow tech raiding give the offended nation a way to attain permanent peace from said Tech Raiding nation?

I'm not sure why you're asking me that; I may be opposed to tech raiding but I haven't sifted through every raiding alliance's policy to see if they have an equivalent of the mercy board.

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I'm not sure why you're asking me that; I may be opposed to tech raiding but I haven't sifted through every raiding alliance's policy to see if they have an equivalent of the mercy board.

Well am I asking because I want to know if other Alliances offer a way to get Permanent Peace. If not and we're the only ones that offer such a status. Then I think we're better off for it.

I mean think about it, Some small nation who is just minding his own business slowly growing his nation on his own. This poor person gets raided by say me. We go through the normal route and just PM for Peace. However another person in my alliance sees this poor fool and says "Hay he still looks like a juicy target" and attacks.

Now had I sent this person to the Mercy Board and he did a comic depicting me as a fat ugly slob with no sex life. He would then gain Permanent Peace from my alliance. Now let's go one more step. Another nation in my alliance isn't to keen on reading our Do Not Attack List and hits this poor nation a third time. In this case the poor nation is due reparations.

Now, let's go back to the whole "People not finding this funny/ Pubbie Tears". Those tears are mostly collected by people who won't or can't laugh at themselves. Since they can not or will not laugh at themselves, why/how can they truly laugh at us or with us?

The reason why I bring that up is simply to say, this is a game and we're here to add another layer of interaction. Just Like IRC just like all of our Forums, Forums for BLOCS, Forums for Alliances, These forums, and thanks to US another forum donated to the Players of Cyber-nations that is made solely for a laugh and good times.

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explain. "As you consider raiding a valid means to your ends" does not make sense in conjunction with the rest of your post. I believe you're attempting to ask why nations/alliances that have gone rogue on us don't get the same options as nations we've tech-raided? They do. Why you're assuming they don't is the question.

I don't know, is it that bit at the bottom of your mercy board with 2 ** next to permanent peace with the addendum A** assuming the nation is not rogueing on GOONS?

And if you choose to ignore the top part of my comment, which I believe is blindingly clear to everyone else...you go girl.

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I don't know, is it that bit at the bottom of your mercy board with 2 ** next to permanent peace with the addendum A** assuming the nation is not rogueing on GOONS?

And if you choose to ignore the top part of my comment, which I believe is blindingly clear to everyone else...you go girl.

Oh, cutesy little bit there at the end. You're totally worth my while.

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What you're ignoring is that the basis of the objection to the Mercy Board is the same one that Vox had to the Continuum peace forums: it's not on these forums.

Some Vox members felt that registering on the Continuum-controlled forums in order to secure peace was giving the Continuum too much information. Specifically, it was giving their enemy their IP address.

As far as I know, no other alliance had ever required their enemies register on their forums and hand over IP information to secure peace before Continuum did it. You guys do the same thing to every EoG.

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They benefit by having fun? There are numerous instances of raid targets going through the mercy process and having so much fun with it they join us after it's over.

I'm aware of several instances where the opposite is true as well. I've helped a half dozen or so non-aligned (who later joined the group I was in), and the best report was not favorable.

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Nice, so you confirm this is just a PR piece of crap, so answer my question please: Is GOONS worried with something to waste so many time and put so much effort in Blog entries trying to make them look like nice people?


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What you're ignoring is that the basis of the objection to the Mercy Board is the same one that Vox had to the Continuum peace forums: it's not on these forums.

Some Vox members felt that registering on the Continuum-controlled forums in order to secure peace was giving the Continuum too much information. Specifically, it was giving their enemy their IP address.

As far as I know, no other alliance had ever required their enemies register on their forums and hand over IP information to secure peace before Continuum did it. You guys do the same thing to every EoG.

I can think of an entire three times (four including this post) that anyone has brought up IP information as an issue of contention regarding the Mercy Board, so you can hardly call it "the basis". And if someone is that worried about it, we can probably work out an alternate arrangement, or help them figure out how to use a proxy or something.

Also, "every EoG" is so far only Methrage, and he managed to obtain peace the first time without the Mercy Board. (He used it, but badly, and wasn't able to help himself)

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I can think of an entire three times (four including this post) that anyone has brought up IP information as an issue of contention regarding the Mercy Board, so you can hardly call it "the basis".

Interesting, either people aren't telling you this or you're not informed or you're lying then.

Not sure which.

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Interesting, either people aren't telling you this or you're not informed or you're lying then.

Not sure which.

No, I can't think of a single time myself, you'd have to be a pretty giant baby to worry about something like that.

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