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25 Times Than Quit update



Hi all! Just a few quick updates!

First, I'd like to address the war in general. So far, 10 members have left Veritas Aequitas, and another eight have fled to peace mode. No offensive wars have been declared by VA; rather, they have asked their treaty partners (especially WFF) to fight for them. And that brings us to our next point: Lies and Liars.

Veritas Aequitas is in this war because of lies, specifically JWConner's lies. Those lies continued when he denied VA needed to call in allies to attack us. A very minor lie, but proof none-the-less of VA's refusal to be honest.

18:54:28 (+Penkala) you called in allies again

18:54:30 [+JWConner[VA]] forgot

18:54:37 [+JWConner[VA]] actually, our allies asked us to join in

18:54:37 (+Penkala) even though you knew this war was coming

18:54:41 [+JWConner[VA]] to clear things up

18:54:52 [+JWConner[VA]] we actually told them no at first

18:54:55 [+JWConner[VA]] but they kept asking

01:36:42 (Penkala) DID THEY ASK YOU TO HELP?

01:36:45 [Tonder[AWAY]] YES

01:36:53 (Penkala) really?

01:36:57 [Tonder[AWAY]] i was asked by mankiller to hit you

01:37:08 [Tonder[AWAY]] told by erixx to hit you

01:37:10 [Tonder[AWAY]] VA

01:37:25 [Tonder[AWAY]] i just got out of a little war

01:37:33 [Tonder[AWAY]] i was war thirst quenched

01:37:36 [Tonder[AWAY]] i beat up wana

01:37:46 [Tonder[AWAY]] i got asked to hit you

01:37:54 [Tonder[AWAY]] to defend VA and VNV

01:38:20 [Tonder[AWAY]] not what you thought was it

01:38:34 [Tonder[AWAY]] what did you think?

01:38:50 [Tonder[AWAY]] that i just wanted to hit you?

Minor, nothing big, but it shows what we're dealing with here: A chronic liar. What isn't so harmless, though, is the next lie. This is a lie I was told by WFF government.

01:40:44 (Penkala) alright man listen

01:40:53 [Tonder[AWAY]] im listening

01:40:54 (Penkala) I don't wanna fight WFF anymore if they drug you into this

01:40:59 (Penkala) I don't wanna fight your recruits

01:41:18 (Penkala) that's not right if you were just honoring a treaty

01:41:43 [Tonder[AWAY]] i didnt even know who you were before they talked to me

01:41:51 (Penkala) =/

01:41:57 [Tonder[AWAY]] it wasnt like i said "oh its penkala i wanna hit him"

01:42:04 [Tonder[AWAY]] that isnt what happened

01:42:16 (Penkala) I'll make you a deal

01:42:26 [Tonder[AWAY]] mm?

01:42:36 (Penkala) if WFF stops attacking me I won't attack ANY of your nations. None of your recruits etc

01:42:59 [Tonder[AWAY]] after the wars are over

01:43:00 [Tonder[AWAY]] we shall stop

01:43:07 [Tonder[AWAY]] i will finish out my war

01:43:21 [Tonder[AWAY]] because

01:43:23 [Tonder[AWAY]] of one thing

01:43:27 (Penkala) sounds fair

01:43:43 [Tonder[AWAY]] i have fought a bunch and i have never peaced out

01:43:48 [Tonder[AWAY]] or as i call

01:43:50 [Tonder[AWAY]] <word is censored> out

01:43:52 [Tonder[AWAY]] i dont

01:43:57 [Tonder[AWAY]] i fight till im done

01:44:05 (Penkala) I can respect that.

01:44:14 [Tonder[AWAY]] or till i cant fight anymore

01:44:14 (Penkala) we're done in a few days. You do what you gotta do man

01:44:23 [Tonder[AWAY]] ok deal

01:44:33 [Tonder[AWAY]] after our war is up i wont hit you

01:44:39 [Tonder[AWAY]] or order WFF'ers to hit you

01:46:23 [Tonder[AWAY]] fair

01:46:25 [Tonder[AWAY]] ?

01:46:30 ° Penkala shakes

01:46:36 ° Tonder[AWAY] shakes

Tonder is WFF Government. I am truly disappointed here. I passed up hitting a WFF target last night and followed our agreement. My honesty was met by a blade in my back. Several hours ago, a WFF nation attacked me. Reason: Alliance orders.

Still, Psweet, Brother-Kane and I remain true to our core guiding principle of honesty. This war started because JWConner broke the simple terms we set out for him: To leave us be. That's all we wanted. Instead, we are lied to, EZI-listed and betrayed. But then again, what else should we have expected from Veritas Aequitas?


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Lack of me in these logs make me dissapointed

Well, having Penkala post the full logs for the sake of complete context would be the end of the world.

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Hmmmm. Would we ever lie to Penkala? Would we ever consider him a troll? Would we ever just say things so that Penkala would post said conversations so we could all have a laugh?

Ok, you get 2 guesses to each question. My hopes is you'll need only 1 guess.

For the slower people (I'm looking at you wickedj and BEazy), each answer is the same.


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[20:06] <Brother-Kane> off the record, Penkala is lulz

01[20:06] <JWConner[VA]> hahahha

[20:06] <Brother-Kane> I'm playing EU3 while this is going on, I don't even know what's going on anymore

01[20:06] <JWConner[VA]> im just wondering, is he serious about these terms?

[20:07] <Brother-Kane> I'm pretty sure he is

01[20:07] <JWConner[VA]> if so, this is funnier than i could have expected

[20:07] <Brother-Kane> It's Penkala remember

As you can see, we're not the only ones who consider Penkala lulz.

As for your "billions" in damages you've caused :lol1: , we're ok with it. You're keeping us entertained...so thank you!

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Hmmmm. Would we ever lie to Penkala? Would we ever consider him a troll? Would we ever just say things so that Penkala would post said conversations so we could all have a laugh?

Ok, you get 2 guesses to each question. My hopes is you'll need only 1 guess.

For the slower people (I'm looking at you wickedj and BEazy), each answer is the same.


Lets see number of rogues whove attacked my alliance: Countless

Number of times we've had to call in an ally to attack them: Zero

Not making a giant $@! of yourself because of a couple of rogues: PRICELESS...

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Lets see number of rogues whove attacked my alliance: Countless

Number of times we've had to call in an ally to attack them: Zero

Not making a giant $@! of yourself because of a couple of rogues: PRICELESS...

Hmm. I'm thinking you didn't get it. Nobody was asked to attack. Convo with Tonder was kinda like our interest in the surrender terms. Full of lol.

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You just gotta love how he gets defensive if someone speaks against him.

Just after a line about context. BRILLIANT.

Screenshot of the important bits:


Hmm. I'm thinking you didn't get it. Nobody was asked to attack. Convo with Tonder was kinda like our interest in the surrender terms. Full of lol.

Yes, they were.

First Tonder and I hadn't talked. Then the logs were fake. Now the logs are real but it was all just a ruse. RIGHT.

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First of all, thanks for following the universal rule of "off the record" and posting it as "on the record" fact.

Second of all, me thinking Penkala is completely insane is nothing new. I tell him this all the time.

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Hmmmm. Would we ever lie to Penkala? Would we ever consider him a troll? Would we ever just say things so that Penkala would post said conversations so we could all have a laugh?

Ok, you get 2 guesses to each question. My hopes is you'll need only 1 guess.

For the slower people (I'm looking at you wickedj and BEazy), each answer is the same.


Are the answers, no no no?

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First off, no one offered you peace from the WFF. How would I know this? I am the one who issues orders of peace, war and all the finer points in between; even above and beyond. Looks like your BS didnt get you out of the suck this time either :awesome:

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To all of you "VA had to beg WFF for help!"-sayers, let me direct you to this: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Victory_Not_Vengeance

6. Might

A. An attack on one signatory alliance is considered an attack on the entire bloc and will be responded to with the full force of the bloc's capabilities.

We agreed to this, WFF agreed to this (and DB4D agreed to this). You attack one of us, you're at war with all of us.

I don't know how other blocs feel about the subject but all three of us are more than happy to take a few nukes if it means we can help out our friends.

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First off, no one offered you peace from the WFF. How would I know this? I am the one who issues orders of peace, war and all the finer points in between; even above and beyond. Looks like your BS didnt get you out of the suck this time either :awesome:

Tonder did. It's not my fault that he shook on an agreement he wasn't authorized to make. You should have sucked it up, said "you know what? Tonder was wrong. But our government's word and credibility is very important. We'll give you peace anyways." After all, why not? VA has plenty of other allies to call in (and themselves). Instead, you violate an agreement a government member signed.

I don't know how other blocs feel about the subject but all three of us are more than happy to take a few nukes if it means we can help out our friends.

The point is that 2 rogues should not need an entire bloc to handle. The other point is that you're too arrogant to have peace, but too afraid of the consequences of continuing to fight. So you have your cake and eat it too -- your allies take the consequences.

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The point is that 2 rogues should not need an entire bloc to handle. The other point is that you're too arrogant to have peace, but too afraid of the consequences of continuing to fight. So you have your cake and eat it too -- your allies take the consequences.

We fight for each other as one. Maybe you do not understand how it works, but it's what we do. We didn't enter into this agreement lightly.

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You really think you're going to create an internal rift between us, JWC? *Really?*

Do you really think you're going to create an internal rift between us, Penky? *Really?*

Also, lolpenkala. Thinking we have to offer you terms or you can just walk away whenever you'd like. You rogued us. penkalalafail at it's best.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA i like how penkala believed me through all this :D

Who negotiates with a rogue...This poor guy actually thought that I would give him peace and order WFF’ers to not attack! I’m just the econ guy in WFF, not even the War guy, so you can yeah right agout me being able to give peace. Only Nord, the Skymarshal, deals with peace talks and stuff like that. But peankala got all excited because he thought we were gonna stop hitting him, but when you mess with VNV, WFF will hit back to the best of our ability. My only regrest is that I just wish that my NS was not so high because now I can’t hit penkala anymore :(

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So you lie to "the rogue" and point and laugh because he believed you. Yes, "the rogue" is the one who is looking like a jackass now. Geez, have some class, it wont kill you.

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