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Uhh, UPN, what is going on?



So, UPN, why did a member of your high government (in fact, your acting leader) come to #CSN and recommend an alliance (and gov official of another alliance) for me to go rogue on?

20:05:01 • Joins: WANA (xxxxxx.com)

20:05:01 [ø] ChanMode: WickedJ[CSN] sets mode [+v] WANA

20:05:02 [+WANA] Penkala[CSN]

20:05:05 [+WANA] rouge VA

20:05:06 [+WANA] that is all

20:05:29 [+WANA] in fact

20:05:32 [+WANA] i'd pay to see that

20:06:32 (+Penkala[CSN]) how much would you pay to see it?

20:06:55 [+WANA] Enough

20:07:00 [+WANA] rouge erixxx

20:07:00 (+Penkala[CSN]) How much is 'enough'

20:07:00 [+WANA] <_<

20:07:02 [+WANA] well

20:07:11 [+WANA] when i'm finished with nation building

20:07:18 (+Penkala[CSN]) ...

20:07:22 [+WANA] XD

20:07:23 (+Penkala[CSN]) Just spit out a number

20:07:23 [+WANA] you should do it though

20:07:25 [+WANA] it'd be funny

20:12:26 (+Penkala[CSN]) so would you recommend I go rogue on VA instead?

20:12:58 [+WANA] I would

20:13:02 [+WANA] go rouge on erixxx

[conversation has been edited for length; but the context has not been changed]

Oh, and for a few laughs:

20:08:50 (+Penkala[CSN]) you'll be my second priority

20:08:59 (+Penkala[CSN]) I bet I can force 20 members out of your alliance, minimum :)

20:09:10 [+WANA] NICE

20:09:13 [+WANA] I wish i could do that

20:09:20 [+WANA] i'd totally do that to GOONs and MK

20:09:30 (+Penkala[CSN]) Nobody could force 20 nations out of MK

20:09:31 (+Penkala[CSN]) :v

20:09:58 [+WANA] yes they could

20:10:20 [+WANA] its probably possible

I guess my question is, why is a high gov member of UPN suggesting people I should attack and offering to pay for the operation? As a government member, WANA should have known better.


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We have to take everyone's every word to be absolutely everything they mean when there's a slight difference from what you'd say? Way to go. But why would there be a Quick Post box if there was a reply button right there? And if he really wanted to make a point, he could have removed the quote from his post; it would have made more sense. In fact, that wasn't the last post when he replied, so you're basically saying he didn't review all evidence before posting.

Also, you presented that in the most unfunny way possible. (It actually would have been nice without the emote at the end)

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We have to take everyone's every word to be absolutely everything they mean when there's a slight difference from what you'd say? Way to go. But why would there be a Quick Post box if there was a reply button right there? And if he really wanted to make a point, he could have removed the quote from his post; it would have made more sense. In fact, that wasn't the last post when he replied, so you're basically saying he didn't review all evidence before posting.

Also, you presented that in the most unfunny way possible. (It actually would have been nice without the emote at the end)

The point is the blog feature is new and not everyone knows to go the the quick reply box, and that many people instead click the reply which includes the quote block. Now go away.

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I don't know but it's another really bad sign of UPN's competence that he made it to high gov. He's rage quit several times before and is way to immature to be gov.

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Clearly it was just a joke when you said UPN would roll them. Then that wouldn't work so you asked me to. What you're leaving out here is that VA *kicked you out* a while ago. You have a reason to want them rolled.

Kzoppistan, I never really intended for this to be a fun or interesting one. It's pretty bland. The point still stands, though: UPN is putting people in high gov who don't deserve it. It really is such a sad state over there that anyone active, no matter their skill or abilities, is put in a high gov role.

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blah blah blah nonsensical rhetoric blah blah blah

Also, you presented that in the most unfunny way possible. (It actually would have been nice without the emote at the end)

Again, I thought I was quite funny. I guess my comedic intelligence is far superior than your own.

And I love the emoticons. :smug::ehm::lol1: They make me sleep better at night. If you think my use of emoticons is bad here, you should see all of the ones I've loaded on my forums. It's INSANITY!!! :lol1: :lol1:

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What you're leaving out here is that VA *kicked you out* a while ago. You have a reason to want them rolled.

Actually, he left on his own. Twice. I think he left the first time because we weren't really big and important enough. He came back a while later after he had left RoK. My mind is a little fuzzy on the details after all this time, but I believe him and Hoo had a confrontation. He came back to us, only to leave again 12 hours later. Though if he hadn't, I'd kicked him out anyway after I got the word on him.

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To be fair, JWC, I've shown capabilities to damage alliances far in excess of UPN's own capabilities. If you want to make this official, UPN, all I need is maybe $15m up front and a promise to accept me into your alliance whenever I choose I'm finished with VA. You down?

Penkala, you know better than that. We talked last night.

No we are not making this official. No we'll not pay $15M.

No, we're not offering membership in UPN to anyone that is all ready a member of an alliance.

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We have to take everyone's every word to be absolutely everything they mean when there's a slight difference from what you'd say? Way to go. But why would there be a Quick Post box if there was a reply button right there? And if he really wanted to make a point, he could have removed the quote from his post; it would have made more sense. In fact, that wasn't the last post when he replied, so you're basically saying he didn't review all evidence before posting.

Also, you presented that in the most unfunny way possible. (It actually would have been nice without the emote at the end)

Let me take a brief moment here to intervene, and say that I quoted exactly what I intended to quote.

"He didn't tell you to rogue anybody, he wanted you to rouge them! God, Penkala, learn to read, mang."

"I would say that offering a prize as a reward for a rogue attack is a bit more then simply "wanting" it to happen. Sure, he "wanted" it to happen, which is why he made such a proposition."

"Did you hear that? It's the sound of the joke going over your head."

"If only alliance leaders could so easily backpedal, avoiding the burden of responsibility for their words/actions by simply calling it a "joke" after the fact... " (JorJor himself called it a joke).

It shouldn't really be that hard to comprehend when each reply is a direct reply to what I quoted, that's kinda how it works.

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Granted, the first time he left, he was on very poor terms and was likely to be kicked out. The 2nd time (after being banished from Rok by Hoo), was much like the first. Each time he kinda beat us to the punch.

Thankfully we never let the guy into our upper gov, or at least no higher than a secretary (lowest gov position). I'd hope that UPN didn't know any better seeing as WANA is a re-roll of jorjor, but changing a name doesnt change the person controlling the nation. Hopefully now that they know who the moron is, they can take care of him. I'd hate to see an alliance who we've never had an issue with condone their gov member soliciting a known enemy of VA to attack us.

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According to the UPN charter, JorJor has the following privileges/responsibilities.

* Forum maintenance

* Communicating with other Alliances on forums abroad

* OWF posts

Obviously he is high enough in government for his comments to rightfully reflect on UPN gov.

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20:08:59 (+Penkala[CSN]) I bet I can force 20 members out of your alliance, minimum :)

20:09:10 [+WANA] NICE

20:09:13 [+WANA] I wish i could do that

20:09:20 [+WANA] i'd totally do that to GOONs and MK

Please try.

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20:09:10 [+WANA] NICE

20:09:13 [+WANA] I wish i could do that

20:09:20 [+WANA] i'd totally do that to GOONs and MK

20:09:30 (+Penkala[CSN]) Nobody could force 20 nations out of MK

20:09:31 (+Penkala[CSN]) :v

20:09:58 [+WANA] yes they could

20:10:20 [+WANA] its probably possible


Also Penkala, post it in a thread next time, not a blog.

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Whatever sympathy I might have had for UPN (which would have been nil but the sentiment is nice) is totally wiped out by virtue of the fact that they not only let jorjor into high gov but apparently he is also their acting leader.

Roll UPN.

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