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Poison Clan finally admits defeat in 'Wikiwipegate'



Poison Clan are an alliance that sits squarely on the Chaotic side of the World as its recent raids on SBA testify. After severe political blunders on both sides, Poison Clan has bowed to public pressure and is now paying the small alliance reps for the illegal (by its own charter) raids.

Both sides were guilty of rather immature kickbans from irc channels, which I witnessed with my head in my hands. I had assumed that this meant that war was going to happen, if not immediately, then eventually.

As a welcome side effect, SBA (from the forum Spacebattles.com, which is where I first heard about Cybernations and is a must go site for anyone with an ounce of geek in their blood) have decided to become more active in the world. This is something I had tried,in the past without success. I made my last attempt just before they decided to find a suitable protectorate. I suspect some think that they have yet to find it.

Anyway, my friends at SBA are getting what they deserve and it warms the heart of my cockles that Planet Bob can still exert some influence on those crazy kids from the box bedroom rebel side of the treaty web.


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Neither side gained on this. PC came out looking like fools, and eventually, due to public pressure, decided that paying reps (like their own rules say they should do) was the best option left.

SBA will get some reps, probably not enough to offset their losses, not to mention it takes time to get the money to them, and the infra has been gone since the attacks took place.

Nobody gained. Both sides lost.

The only thing I can see as a possible gain would be that most people probably hadn't ever heard of SBA before, so they have slightly more name recognition than before. Hardly worth it, IMO.

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Yes we at the SBA have gained 4 new members and a lot of recognition because of this incident. For an alliance trying to stay under the surface of global wars this really is not a good thing. ): It is what it is.

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Now, see, stuff like this is why PC next time may say 'screw it, no reps.' Stop trying to play off their decency as a defeat, or they simply won't be decent again.

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On a side note, I have to agree with the OP (or is there another word for the OP in a blog?) about the new guys getting more active. We need new blood around here :P

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Now, see, stuff like this is why PC next time may say 'screw it, no reps.' Stop trying to play off their decency as a defeat, or they simply won't be decent again.

That would only be true if PC had been "decent" out of the goodness of their hearts.

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Now, see, stuff like this is why PC next time may say 'screw it, no reps.' Stop trying to play off their decency as a defeat, or they simply won't be decent again.

So public opinion doesn't make them act decently, but they'll act indecently because of public opinion? Oh yeah, that makes sense.

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i think you need a new title for this blog. Even if you think we were defeated, if we say we werent, then you cant say "Poison Clan Admits Defeat" because that statement is false

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