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July-December 5 Month Plan of Supernova X

The Zigur




During the First Imperium as a Founding Senator of Supernova X, it was my pleasure to write the first 5 month plan. This plan called for concrete goals of production that would hold the old ministries accountable for progress. These goals of production included increasing our nuclear deterrence, general military preparedness, membership recruitment, low-tier industrialization and aid slot usage improvement.

Unfortunately, although the plan met wide-spread approval, as a Senator I lacked the means to make enforcement mandatory. In a cynical manner the Triumvirate claimed that my plan interfered with their executive powers over the ministries and refused to implement it. This jealousy culminated in political actions taken by the Triumvirate and Court against myself and my supporters in the SHADOWS; and the ministers, pleased to be left unaccountable, allowed the Imperium to stagnate.

This lead to the tragedy of the last great war, our apathetic military performance, the attempted coup by Flubb and his cohorts, and a series of events that lead directly to increased corruption and the raids that triggered the July Revolution.

Our alliance has experienced unbearable humiliation abroad and the massive decline in our military and political strength, a decline of more than 75% of our membership count and 80% of our nationstrength since our conception. Therefore with defiance and iron resolution, we commit ourselves to the implementation of the new Imperium of Supernova X, expressed by the democratic mandate of the July Referendum; and the execution of the Second 5 Month Plan.

Guided by the principles of Self Reliance, Democratic Autocracy and Membership Obligation, we will guide the New Imperium to rejuvenation and unparalled glory.


The principle of self-reliance is at the core of the rejuvenation of Supernova X. As expressed by IR 300-2:

Production must take a disciplined form; growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. Therefore officer ranks will be established to provide discipline and guidance within the Producerist masses, promote Self Reliance, and promote industrialization and militarization of the alliance.

Also expressed by IR 300-2:

Producerism holds that the productive alliance member is the primary measure of value and that producers should enjoy the most influence in an alliance. Production is defined as any activity which advances the interests of the Imperium. Every alliance member is capable of becoming an active producer and, furthermore, expected to do so.

Therefore, in establishing Self Reliance we must enforce discipline in activity and growth. According to IR 320-1:

Members of Supernova X are expected to be active and adhere to producerist guidelines of National industrialization and militarization. The necessity of these guidelines are apparent upon reviewing our history of prior military inadequacy and weak wartime leadership.

Therefore, in accordance with the mandate of the July Revolution, the Second 5 Month Plan will enforce the principle of Self Reliance among member nations.

Self Reliance begins as a National concept, but extends also into alliance military strategy, and finally into the producerist ideology of the Imperium.

On the individual level, the Self Reliant Nation is economically and militarily robust, with high aid slot usage, a robust warchest at the higher tiers, and the capacity to produce for the alliance in a variety of ways. The Self Reliant nation is capable of fighting foreign adversaries independently, establishing active nuclear deterrence, and boasting a full complement of spies and military wonders.

On the collective level, Self Reliance is represented by a strong social organism, a healthy and well-regulated community within the alliance. An alliance divided is like a collection of arms and legs left to their own devices. Instead, the Self Reliant alliance is united by three levels: The common membership, which represents the arms and legs; the bureaucracy, which represents the nervous system; and the Imperium Command, which is the guiding mind of the alliance. Only when these three elements are in complete accord can an alliance be called Self Reliant.

On the ideological level, Self Reliance is represented by producerism itself. Through the idea that every member must contribute to the alliance, and that every one of us is subordinate to the needs of the whole, the alliance will reject the exploitation and degeneration of the past. Through the idea of collective service we will become efficient in the future. As producerism comes to represent the culture of the alliance, it must follow that the alliance will become stronger and more dynamic.

Through these means will the following ends be accomplished.


By December of 2015 we will have accomplished or exceeded the following goals:

  • Consistent 50% aid slot usage
  • 1000 reliable nuclear weapons
  • Universal upper tier EMP and WRC wonders
  • Universal low tier industrialization and militarization
  • Maintaining a tech producer surplus
  • Maintaining a 40+ member balance while accomplishing the above



The upper tier remains the most vulnerable wing of Supernova X. This is due to our limited number of nations in the 60,000+ Nation Strength range. Multiple other alliances have much stronger and more numerous upper tiers, therefore our upper tier will serve primarily as a logistics (banking reserves) for the alliance. The primary objective of our upper tier nations should NOT be increasing nationstrength, infrastructure or technology levels (besides improving tech/infra ratio), which tends to bump nations into the range of powerful top tier combatants. Instead, the goal should be the accumulation of EMP and WRC wonders and large warchests in the multi-billion dollar range. Recruitment of upper tier nations will be LOW priority.


The recruitment emphasis of SNX should be in the low-tier. Tech producers are in high demand throughout the world, and thus the more tech producers SNX has, the more appealing we will be seen as treaty partners. Low-tier members are strongly discouraged from leaving tech-seller status, and are instead encourage to continue profitable tech selling and the building of economic and military wonders. Low tier nations are strongly discouraged from building beyond 3999 infra (the level necessary to build a Manhattan Project).

The ideal Self Reliant tech producing Nation rests below 4000 infra, and pursues the development of a full complement of spies (550) along with the development of the following wonders: Foreign Aid Commission, Stock Market. By the time the low tier nation reaches 1999 infrastructure these wonders should be developed, as they provide rapid economic growth. Upon reaching 2999 infrastructure, nations should have a satisfactory collection of economic wonders, depending on individual situations. At this level 550 spies should be purchased.

Reaching 3999 infrastructure is the top priority of low tier nations, along with basic economic wonders. The Manhattan Project should be immediately pursued, followed by CIA and further spies, Strategic Defense Initiative, and the Pentagon. Further military and economic wonders along with a robust warchest can be further developed.


Following the raids which established the July Revolution, a 50 Nation membership balance remained after numerous members deserted when all hope was lost. This actually came to serve the minimalist structure that replaced the old ministries, as 50 members is an easily managed number. Therefore, as recruitment occurs, rather than pursuing explosive membership growth, new members should displace inactive nations and those which are guilty of excessive disciplinary infractions. According to IR 320-1:

By consensus the CO, XO and CRG may decide to expel members guilty of excessive disciplinary infractions without the need to post a membership vote.

Thus, records should be maintained of member infractions, and those that do not comply with orders or producerist guidelines should be expelled to make room for active new members who comply. In this way, during the following 5 months, new blood will rejuvenate the Imperium and promote the tendency of Self Reliance and producerism among the current members. Only when discipline and activity is established among the vast majority of Imperium nations, and there are enough officers serving to support disciplined membership expansion, should dramatic expansion beyond the current 50 member balance take place.


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I think you missed the part when the original government didn't support your 5 month plan because you leaked information causing the court to have you expelled and then there was no Tywin to support the Tywin 5 month plan. Big difference than jealousy. When I was the minister of Internal Affairs then I didn't like anything that was to disrupt my plans for my ministry and thus of course the trium agreed. Pretty simple I would say, but maybe it will work out for you this time. :P

I hope you all will be able to meet your goals. Hard work can pay off and it seems you are putting some hard work into all of this.

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I think you missed the part when the original government didn't support your 5 month plan because you leaked information causing the court to have you expelled and then there was no Tywin to support the Tywin 5 month plan. Big difference than jealousy. When I was the minister of Internal Affairs then I didn't like anything that was to disrupt my plans for my ministry and thus of course the trium agreed. Pretty simple I would say, but maybe it will work out for you this time. :P

I hope you all will be able to meet your goals. Hard work can pay off and it seems you are putting some hard work into all of this.

Judging by the decline the alliance took, I think the ministries definitely needed some big-time interference. Thanks for the well-wishes though.

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Nations buying wonders at levels below 1999.99 is inefficient, especially staying at that level for two wonder cycles. With the assumption that these nations are improvement swapping, it would be a lot better deal for them to buy as much infra as they can at the end of their collection cycles until they reach 3999.99 infra, then begin stacking on wonders. This way, they'd be collecting more right away and be able to build better war chests. At the tech rate you are selling at, with a 3BR fish/uranium ring it really should not take more than 3-4 20 day cycles to be at 3999.99 infra.

It's also worth noting that there is no 2k infra jump. While 2999.99 as a jump point may be worth stopping at, nations that have passed the 1k infra jump are best off pushing as much cash as they can into infra until they reach 2999.99, and assumping they are LC swapping efficiently, they'd be better off pushing past the 3k infra jump if they can do so by at least 200-300 infra.

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Nations buying wonders at levels below 1999.99 is inefficient, especially staying at that level for two wonder cycles. With the assumption that these nations are improvement swapping, it would be a lot better deal for them to buy as much infra as they can at the end of their collection cycles until they reach 3999.99 infra, then begin stacking on wonders. This way, they'd be collecting more right away and be able to build better war chests. At the tech rate you are selling at, with a 3BR fish/uranium ring it really should not take more than 3-4 20 day cycles to be at 3999.99 infra.

It's also worth noting that there is no 2k infra jump. While 2999.99 as a jump point may be worth stopping at, nations that have passed the 1k infra jump are best off pushing as much cash as they can into infra until they reach 2999.99, and assumping they are LC swapping efficiently, they'd be better off pushing past the 3k infra jump if they can do so by at least 200-300 infra.

These are good points, although for new members to the game I think it is important that the 1000 and 2000 jumps not be skipped as it develops a good habit.

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Judging by the decline the alliance took, I think the ministries definitely needed some big-time interference. Thanks for the well-wishes though.

Lol SNX took a plunge because it was democratic and it had conflicting cultures inside of it. The merger should never have happened as each alliance's culture beforehand was not one which would mix well with another. LoSS and NSF were not mixing cultures with MCXA and some GDA people. With all of those things combined, things went downhill. The ministries were no issue at all, as they were the only thing not a direct result of any democratic election (in some ways yes but in other ways no).

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Looks like you have a good plan. Stick to it and it just might work. I wish my former friends and allies in SNX nothing but the best. I truly hope SNX prospers.

lol the posts are on mod bro, no need to hit the button 8 times :P

Thanks for the well-wishes bro!

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Lol SNX took a plunge because it was democratic and it had conflicting cultures inside of it. The merger should never have happened as each alliance's culture beforehand was not one which would mix well with another. LoSS and NSF were not mixing cultures with MCXA and some GDA people. With all of those things combined, things went downhill. The ministries were no issue at all, as they were the only thing not a direct result of any democratic election (in some ways yes but in other ways no).

That's why you create a new culture, but we talked about this in the NPO embassy already ;)

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The merger should never have happened as each alliance's culture beforehand was not one which would mix well with another. LoSS and NSF were not mixing cultures with MCXA and some GDA people.

Exactly. Most mergers are doomed to failure because of incompatability and SNX definitely ws, it's not like we haven't been here before. Shame, I mostly liked the alliances that made it up.

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Nations buying wonders at levels below 1999.99 is inefficient, especially staying at that level for two wonder cycles. With the assumption that these nations are improvement swapping, it would be a lot better deal for them to buy as much infra as they can at the end of their collection cycles until they reach 3999.99 infra, then begin stacking on wonders. This way, they'd be collecting more right away and be able to build better war chests. At the tech rate you are selling at, with a 3BR fish/uranium ring it really should not take more than 3-4 20 day cycles to be at 3999.99 infra.

It's also worth noting that there is no 2k infra jump. While 2999.99 as a jump point may be worth stopping at, nations that have passed the 1k infra jump are best off pushing as much cash as they can into infra until they reach 2999.99, and assumping they are LC swapping efficiently, they'd be better off pushing past the 3k infra jump if they can do so by at least 200-300 infra.

I beg to differ my old mucker, I found day 1 and no infra to be a perfect time to buy
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I dislike plans that have an end date and an end target. That is poor project management. This plan has no intermediate goals to measure performance against, which is a recipe for failure.

What will you have done by the end of Month 1? Month 2? Month 3?

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Lol SNX took a plunge because it was democratic and it had conflicting cultures inside of it. The merger should never have happened as each alliance's culture beforehand was not one which would mix well with another. LoSS and NSF were not mixing cultures with MCXA and some GDA people. With all of those things combined, things went downhill. The ministries were no issue at all, as they were the only thing not a direct result of any democratic election (in some ways yes but in other ways no).

it failed cause inactivity and people not wanting to step up and run the alliance. as well people refusing to change or conform for the better of the alliance. So we got rolled and then just spiraled into oblivion. Now Tywins writings are interesting and have merit its so time consuming and a little back handed to some

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I dislike plans that have an end date and an end target. That is poor project management. This plan has no intermediate goals to measure performance against, which is a recipe for failure.

What will you have done by the end of Month 1? Month 2? Month 3?

All that will be assessed privately among our officers.

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All of this should be assessed privately. If you fail to meet your goals you open yourself up to more criticism and ridicule. Your intentions are solid, but you cannot really have universal this or that at any level of an alliance. Nations can be similar strength but have different needs. You should have small goals that nations can reach and where once they have reached a mark they go on to the next. For example something simple like: 299infra+harbor+foreignministry+fulltrades+basicnationsettings...a general road map from nation creation to where they would prepare to grow to WRC or EMP levels with the most important thing being emphasized along the way is a war chest no matter the size of the nation. War chests are the hardest to implement so it is something that needs to be done early or immediately when trying to build or transform a culture. Ideally where you want to be post war is right back or very near in infra level where you were pre-war so you can get back to where you left off in your nation building and eventually reach a point where you have all the wonders and rebuilding a war chest and raising tech levels is all you do post war. Every ruler is their own Emperor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Minister of Defense. Any ruler that cannot manage their own nation which effectively requires being the 4 main Gov positions is worthless. CN is very much like life. People that want to succeed will find a way to do so on their own and achieve things faster when they utilize information that most alliance provide. Those that fail want to take short cuts (not read) god forbid they educate themselves. Immortan Junka, if I were you I would lay out a plan and let nations succeed or fail on their own. Otherwise you are going to grow frustrated trying to drag crap nations along that have no drive to achieve anything.

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