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Things I find cute



1) Puppies

2) Babies

3) All the terrible alliances who think they can actually win this war.

You are not as cute as puppies or babies, but you are still cute.


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See how cute you are. We both know I am talking about equalicrapstasticliliam. I thought I've fought some of the worst alliances before and that Valhalla reincarnate would be a nice challenge but I was wrong. Do you guys even realize how terrible you are? I am gonna try to not rebuy anything so I can enter your joke of a meat grinder. If your upper tiers are this !@#$%*, I can only imagine how great your middle tiers are.

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I may not be in DH or DinoHouse, but this is out of line.

I hope MK rolls you for dissing them and their allies but also dragging down morale slightly.

Also, of course you do because there isn't anybody within the 4K+ nations on your side who is capable of rolling me. I think I've decided that none of you are ever allowed to have a nation above 100K NS outside of peace mode once this war is over. I am going to copy down all your current 100K nations starting tomorrow (won't take long) and keep a list. Enjoy getting rolled or peace mode. Those are your forever options.

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The posts from members of the Worst Coalition Ever 2.0 (known to lesser minds as Equilibrium) is starting to become a version of Poe's Law: I can't tell if their bravado stems from delusion or from parody.

It is a truism that the top tier wins wars, why do you think your masters in the NPO/DR architectured the laughably dumb "attack on one is an attack on all" strategy? Because they knew that even with its blatant hypocrisy that your only way to win this war was to amass as many 100k+ nations as possible against DH. Guess what? The strategy has failed and your leaders know it, and it will be only a matter of time until you know it.

Your war winning tier has been lead to the slaughter by fools who think it better to have 10 billion dollar warchests than to have 15k tech. Such idiocy really isn't a wonder when you consider that Anarchy Inc. is an alliance consisting of notable garbage alliances Valhalla, BAPS, and Olympus.

I do find myself disagreeing with TB on one point, however, in that I don't find you cute. Delusion isn't cute it's just sad.

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You know what I find cute? Every war someone has to blather on about how they are killing it and the other side sucks. This goes on until they surrender and blame it all on their allies.

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The posts from members of the Worst Coalition Ever 2.0 (known to lesser minds as Equilibrium) is starting to become a version of Poe's Law: I can't tell if their bravado stems from delusion or from parody.

It is a truism that the top tier wins wars, why do you think your masters in the NPO/DR architectured the laughably dumb "attack on one is an attack on all" strategy? Because they knew that even with its blatant hypocrisy that your only way to win this war was to amass as many 100k+ nations as possible against DH. Guess what? The strategy has failed and your leaders know it, and it will be only a matter of time until you know it.

Your war winning tier has been lead to the slaughter by fools who think it better to have 10 billion dollar warchests than to have 15k tech. Such idiocy really isn't a wonder when you consider that Anarchy Inc. is an alliance consisting of notable garbage alliances Valhalla, BAPS, and Olympus.

I do find myself disagreeing with TB on one point, however, in that I don't find you cute. Delusion isn't cute it's just sad.

Cookie, you sound a little bitter these days. I thought MK was supposed to be a fun alliance.

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You know what I find cute? Every war someone has to blather on about how they are killing it and the other side sucks. This goes on until they surrender and blame it all on their allies.

My thoughts, exactly.

You can tell who is losing a war by the amount of inconsistent babble they scamp through the Forums. And DH is surpassing all previously stated limits. Some of them try to look cool and funny. Others try to claim the moral high ground ("u are hypocrites", "u show that our way of playing the "game" is right"). Others rely in trash-talk ("u-sux", "u are the worst coalition evar"). Others brag about how strong they are ("our warchests are over 9 thousand!", "we have lotsa tech"). Others rely on numbers and data to justify how they are winning the war ("despite the fact our alliances are lossing more score than yours, our hand-picked battles show we are destroying you"). Etc. But the restless and nerviousness is patent in them all.

The other side, is just concentrated in doing their work.

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You guys need to lighten up. I had a few drinks and had fun posting. We are going to win the upper tier battle and you have 4700 total nations to our 1750 so its pretty much decided you can swarm the lower tiers. The good news for us is our lower tiers love to fight, are generally more competent than our enemy, and we have tons of cash we can send them. This is a fun war. Let go of the anger and hate and just enjoy it.

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