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Declaration of War


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Fizzy, put your attack in the actual war thread please.
Keeps it simple.
I'm out at the moment and will respond accordingly when I'm home. For the record, it's not running the streets and wiping you out, it's you being unable to think up a response to turn the tide.

If you don't recognise the attacks I believe standard protocall for such actions is you get wiped without argument by the GM's.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1299012859' post='2648459']
No. It is an annihilation. This "coalition" has far overstepped necessary use of force against the African nations. Perhaps your cause, also should be put into question.

"Perhaps the bloody Ottomans could have just given the British three days to leave and they wouldn't be getting annihilated."
-USI General

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299015760' post='2648548']
Fizzy, put your attack in the actual war thread please.
Keeps it simple.
I'm out at the moment and will respond accordingly when I'm home. For the record, it's not running the streets and wiping you out, it's you being unable to think up a response to turn the tide.

If you don't recognise the attacks I believe standard protocall for such actions is you get wiped without argument by the GM's.
OoC: Zoot, no. Just no. I placed thousands of troops inside fortified buildings and instead of you being pushed back a bit you god modded and just made them suddenly die. You're not some Angel of Death, your troops have limitations and killing soldiers inside of various large, concrete buildings is one of them.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299015835' post='2648550']
"Perhaps the bloody Ottomans could have just given the British three days to leave and they wouldn't be getting annihilated."
-USI General
"Perhaps the USI, once allies who ran away to hide, should realize that we have stated MULTIPLE times that...no, just go back and find our past announcements. Particulary how we responded to Athens."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299013758' post='2648482']
"3 days time? In 3 days time a global war could've started. We did not want possibly hostile troops on our soil. But until your nation has any experience of a dangerously more powerful and hostile nation with thousands of troops in your capital city, do nto speak again.

Furthermore, we suggest your own nations look at your actions. US having crimes against humanity? You massacred our troops. The mobilization of your nations is absurdly large. Are you trying to defeat us or make our nation one giant crater?

Look at these attacks. Hundreds of airplanes have torn our nation apart.

Is this a war or a massacre? Answer us, Red Dawn. There is no battle, no fight. You are merely slaughtering and you have destroyed us. There is nothing left of our nation. Nothing..."

Then surrender unconditionally to the Coalition forces and surrender your officials for prosecution.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299015835' post='2648550']
"Perhaps the bloody Ottomans could have just given the British three days to leave and they wouldn't be getting annihilated."
-USI General

"Perhaps it wasn't Britain's place to have troops in another nation who did not want them there."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299015979' post='2648555']
"Perhaps the USI, once allies who ran away to hide, should realize that we have stated MULTIPLE times that...no, just go back and find our past announcements. Particulary how we responded to Athens."

"We weren't aware we had a treaty. Even if we did, the security of the British Isles is just as important to us as the National Security of the United States. Unless Britain, or even Ireland or Scotland, would do something absolutely outstandingly terribly wrong such as cultural genocide or an uncalled for nuclear launch we will do everything we can to help them stay sovereign because I am sure they would do they same for us.
Britain is not an ally of The United States, in fact we argue on economic issues frequently, but I think this is a factor everyone can agree on.

I don't want to see your nation fall but any savage government that takes innocent, unarmed citizens as hostages is an enemy of Liberty, Freedom, and God."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299016494' post='2648572']
"We weren't aware we had a treaty. Even if we did, the security of the British Isles is just as important to us as the National Security of the United States. Unless Britain, or even Ireland or Scotland, would do something absolutely outstandingly terribly wrong such as cultural genocide or an uncalled for nuclear launch we will do everything we can to help them stay sovereign because I am sure they would do they same for us.
Britain is not an ally of The United States, in fact we argue on economic issues frequently, but I think this is a factor everyone can agree on.

I don't want to see your nation fall but any savage government that takes innocent, unarmed citizens as hostages is an enemy of Liberty, Freedom, and God."

"Britain's already been convicted and admitted to Human Rights Violations but on your note of genocide im guessing you want them all dead before you do anything about it."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299016595' post='2648577']
"Britain's already been convicted and admitted to Human Rights Violations but on your note of genocide im guessing you want them all dead before you do anything about it."

"Unarmed citizens... Unarmed citizens are not POW's. That is something we refuse to stand by and watch."

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[i]Generalissimo on a Laptop, online courtesy of automatic Procinctian government systems protocols[/i][/center][color="#008000"]“This is a pre-recorded message from Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia, intended to convey my sentiments concerning an African war in circumstances where I have vanished in Arctic waters for more than a year.
Scenario 27-H
Escalation of African conflict when a lone African nation declares war on a significantly more powerful primarily non-African international coalition to defend an African treaty partner who started the conflict with trivial casus belli in a post-Botha Africa.

If Botha was still around, and I have a hard time imagining a world without Transvaal’s venerable statesman, it wouldn’t have come to this.
Is this a one-sided massacre of the weak by the strong?
Who started this by declaring war in the first place?
Formally declaring war isn’t something to be taken lightly, whoever is first to announce hostilities usually, is considered the aggressor – even when overwhelmingly overpowered. Declaring war on an entire vast international coalition alone, even when backing an outnumbered ally, might be interpreted as aggression. While the underlying loyalty is commendable there were many options, other than throwing yourself into the fire, which would have better served your friend.

In other circumstances, but not today, I would be thoroughly disgusted with many participating parties.
As the underlying causes for this disaster could have easily been resolved without open warfare the blame ultimately the nation that first declared war, don’t play the victim when you knew beforehand what you were getting yourself into."[/color]

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Who is the real criminal here? HUNDREDS of planes have bombed our cities, soldiers and civilians. Yet when Britain refuses to leave our nation after invading us, and we kill a mere 200 citizens whos lives could've been spared, the only criminal is the one with the least allies."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299017003' post='2648586']
"Who is the real criminal here? HUNDREDS of planes have bombed our cities, soldiers and civilians. Yet when Britain refuses to leave our nation after invading us, and we kill a mere 200 citizens whos lives could've been spared, the only criminal is the one with the least allies."

"Mere 200? What a disregard to human life. Absolutely disgusting. If I kill your brother and you kill my entire family we both still murdered."

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299016824' post='2648581']
"Unarmed citizens... Unarmed citizens are not POW's. That is something we refuse to stand by and watch."


[i]Rotavele comes close to having a heart attack from the laughter

5 minutes go by swiftly for Rotavele

Rotavele is done laughing[/i]

"The cause for the war is to get Unarmed British Soldiers out of The Ottoman Republic. Now they're unarmed citizens. Oh my... Britain's allies are very uninformed. They are declaring war for Paper. If i ever want to take over the world, Im signing a treaty with these guys!"

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299017676' post='2648606']

[i]Rotavele comes close to having a heart attack from the laughter

5 minutes go by swiftly for Rotavele

Rotavele is done laughing[/i]

"The cause for the war is to get Unarmed British Soldiers out of The Ottoman Republic. Now they're unarmed citizens. Oh my... Britain's allies are very uninformed. They are declaring war for Paper. If i ever want to take over the world, Im signing a treaty with these guys!"

"We would give a response however yours didn't make much since. That is a pretty easy/funny way to end an argument I suppose."

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299017821' post='2648612']
"We would give a response however yours didn't make much since. That is a pretty easy/funny way to end an argument I suppose."

"Remind me to treaty you after the war, You'd be a valuable ally seeing as your more in the war for attention rather than the reasoning for war."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298987824' post='2648038']
"Insulting an entire continent in your statements is not the way to get nations on said continent to the negotiation table. Just keep in mind it weren't the Europeans that fired the first shot. The Athenian Federation will not attend a peace conference in Arctica."
"It is a clear fact of history that the nations of Europe in the past few years have been among the most dangerously hostile in the history of humanity, and they are bringing their way of war to the African continent, which has historically favored talking before shooting, attempts at diplomacy first and violence as a last resort.

Furthermore the Union has endorsed the offer by the Free Association of Islands to hold a peace conference in their land. Whatever the reasons, bringing European-style international war to Africa is unjustifiable."

[quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1299008996' post='2648383']
[b]Message to the People of Africa and the World[/b]The National Front of Transvaal calls upon the people of Africa to overthrow the violent Islamist regimes who are threats to regional and world peace.

"The National Front of Transvaal is a nationalist/reactionary faction currently engaged in combat operations with Arctican troops throughout South Africa despite offers for cessation of hostilities and the initiation of peace talks. While the problem of religious extremism in Africa is a growing problem, the NF's support base is from the far right Tahoans and like-minded Transvalers who favor the suppression of Islam, and so are just as bad as those extremist Muslims who favor the suppression of other religions, the Yaza Hajin among them. Their motives cannot be trusted and therefore the Union asks fellow governments to dismiss the calls for mass overthrow of African governments and instead take a more rational approach to the problem of religious extremism."


In a separate announcement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "Due to the growing level of hostilities in western Africa, Arctica has ordered the Cochin-Arctica SOSUS network to high alert. If the network detects any nuclear-capable classes of ship passing through the Indian Ocean, this fact will be announced to the world, as well as the ship class in question and all nations known to operate it."

Edited by Vedran
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299012576' post='2648455']
"Madman? You call us mad, yet a nation in AUSTRALIA is joining them in the slaughter of Ottoman troops. We have no chances of winning and yet you still join the war. Madman? I think we are just a tad misunderstood."

There is really no such thing as slaughtering troops. They knew when the joined the military, they might die. And now, they're dying. Unfortunately they are dying for a madman who has sent them to fight a much stronger coalition, for no reason. And now, their ally, who is laughing maniacally at genocide, sounds like a thirteen year old who just discovered uranium. I pray to Odin that no harm comes to their citizens as the coalition finds and destroys these monsters.

It is at this point that I have decided to start working with the members involved to recall our Declaration of War, and instead have an international arrest warrant by military force of your leaders.


The [b]First Naval Combat Flotilla[/b] has been ordered to escort [b]I. Afrikagrup[/b] to [color="#006400"]Northern Namibia/Southern Angola[/color] with [color="#FFFF00"]Combat Code 3[/color], in which they will not fire upon unless fired upon, and not to seek out the enemy. This is because their primary mission is to evacuate citizens from the capital cities of [color="#FF0000"]Nigeria[/color] and [color="#FF0000"]Republique du Fleuve[/color], make sure no high ranking government officials leave the country, and then actively seek out and capture and imprison their military and government leaders. Citizens are not to be considered PoWs, and are to be treated with care, unless the government has affected their minds, and instead will be evacuated and sent to a re-education program.

The [b]F 14 Malmö[/b] has been assigned to the decks of the aircraft carriers ordered will be to defend the transports, and provide scouting. If an aircraft attack would happen to the transports that would outnumber and outgun the fighters, the rest of the [i]Flygvapnet[/i] could be deployed to the area within three hour.

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1299020418' post='2648677']
There is really no such thing as slaughtering troops. They knew when the joined the military, they might die. And now, they're dying. Unfortunately they are dying for a madman who has sent them to fight a much stronger coalition, for no reason. And now, their ally, who is laughing maniacally at genocide, sounds like a thirteen year old who just discovered uranium. I pray to Odin that no harm comes to their citizens as the coalition finds and destroys these monsters.

It is at this point that I have decided to start working with the members involved to recall our Declaration of War, and instead have an international arrest warrant by military force of your leaders.


The [b]First Naval Combat Flotilla[/b] has been ordered to escort [b]I. Afrikagrup[/b] to [color="#006400"]Northern Namibia/Southern Angola[/color] with [color="#FFFF00"]Combat Code 3[/color], in which they will not fire upon unless fired upon, and not to seek out the enemy. This is because their primary mission is to evacuate citizens from the capital cities of [color="#FF0000"]Nigeria[/color] and [color="#FF0000"]Republique du Fleuve[/color], make sure no high ranking government officials leave the country, and then actively seek out and capture and imprison their military and government leaders. Citizens are not to be considered PoWs, and are to be treated with care, unless the government has affected their minds, and instead will be evacuated and sent to a re-education program.

The [b]F 14 Malmö[/b] has been assigned to the decks of the aircraft carriers ordered will be to defend the transports, and provide scouting. If an aircraft attack would happen to the transports that would outnumber and outgun the fighters, the rest of the [i]Flygvapnet[/i] could be deployed to the area within three hour.

"The Athenian Federation joins in this statement, we hereby issue our international arrest warrant for the Ottoman government and management of Tagruato for their obvious involvement in the government"

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Persuant to the Zurich Treaty, the Hanseatic Republic recognizes a state of war with the Ottoman Empire. The Hanseatic Irregular Security Forces, comprised of the Marchar Brotherhood of Warders, the Order Of Saint Aquetaine, and the Hanseatic Foreign Legion have been tasked with any and all support the Coalition requires; however, due to the Republic's state of disorder, we ask that our partners in the Zurich Treaty provide air-lift for these assets.

OOC: Better late than never.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1299019464' post='2648655']
In a separate announcement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "Due to the growing level of hostilities in western Africa, Arctica has ordered the Cochin-Arctica SOSUS network to high alert. If the network detects any nuclear-capable classes of ship passing through the Indian Ocean, this fact will be announced to the world, as well as the ship class in question and all nations known to operate it."

Private to the Kingdom of Cochin:

The United Federation of the East would like to request that the KoC prevent their SOSUS from being used to provide free intelligence about forces allied to the Kingdom of Cochin in fighting a defensive war. We are prepared to give assurance that unless NBC weapons are used on our forces by the other side, we have no intention of using nuclear arms. I know that the rest of the Red Dawn forces feel the same way, if you wish us to use our contacts to ensure others do the same similar assurances can be provided.

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