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Alliances destined for eachother

Ryan Greenberg

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297387940' post='2628586']
GOD vs Admin (who is the true God of CN?)

I think I'll pass, actually. >_>

[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1297456143' post='2629569']
I think NSO vs. RnR and GOD is more apt, as they have both attacked us twice. Plus, :(( Xiphosis :((

Variety is the spice of life, or so they say anyways.

[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1297456862' post='2629580']
GOD vs. NoR

We actually haven't tangled with this incarnation of NoR, it's mostly just verbal snipes.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1297702446' post='2633033']
MK and GOD


On topic, Fark/IRON round three would probably be just as good a watch as the first two were. Sparta and TOOL have fought a few times (relatively) recently as well, IIRC.

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1297705158' post='2633060']
While there are no doubt many lolCommies who feel that way, the fact is that we worked with them not long after our reformation to root out various spies etc. who were trying to goad us into a war with each other.

On an alliance-to-alliance level, our relations are somewhere between 'limited interaction' and 'cordial'.
Don't you go spreading your vile fascist lies about our relations :mad:

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1297705158' post='2633060']
This becomes especially apparent when he spins fantasies about Nordreich having 'the same people in control as in NoV', Nordreich possessing some kind of 'stranglehold on Black' or, my personal favorite, that NoR allied with RoK for the sole reason of getting closer to (or possibly neutralizing) SuperFriends.

Shush up, please. You're not supposed to tell anyone about our secret plan ;)

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Pacifica and Khris Kaos.

Ivanelterrible and Kris Kaos.

\m/ and /b/.

On that note, Initiative and Aegis. They were so polar opposite and so large that war was inevitable.

Also, \m/ and and whoever doesn't like us at the time (hint: Errebody!)

Note: Not to make us out as some kind of matyr though. Blood makes the grass grow and Hate makes the blood flow, so where would our perfectly manicured lawns be without haters to bleed and shed blood?

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