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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1291016903' post='2525777']
I would assume by his age and size that he's never cracked a book. Attacking another alliance is also a consequence of said ignorance. That's all there is to it, nothing more.

We reserve the right to defend a member that has been attacked. That said NATO gov has been contacted but with no reply.

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[quote name='FAdmApoc' timestamp='1291018133' post='2525782']
We reserve the right to defend a member that has been attacked. That said NATO gov has been contacted but with no reply.
Again, I'm not saying you don't. What I'm saying is that pissing and moaning about it here isn't going to fix anything. Neither will poking fun at an [i]obvious[/i] n00b. What I outlined above is standard procedure, more or less. Last rogue that hit SOS団 was in the lower ranks and wearing the IRON tag, and IRON approached us first actually and offered to send 3 mil, though we declined the offer.

Again, all I'm trying to do is help, stop putting words in my mouth. :rolleyes:

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I am pretty sure that is either;

a) a Ghost

b) a noob who violated our RoE.

I forwarded the information to our FA department, and it was the first they heard of it. Who did you contact in our Gov? Was it in-game or via IRC?

Anyways, this should be resolved shortly, no need to have a crimson fit.

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[quote name='FAdmApoc' timestamp='1291018133' post='2525782']
We reserve the right to defend a member that has been attacked. That said NATO gov has been contacted but with no reply.

I am NATO gov, I have yet to receive a single message of this, in addition to that I am pretty sure our FA gov had not received notice of this prior to Berber's intervention, but I will gladly take a copy of your message and deliver it personally to our MoFA.

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I am NATO trium. Not a single person entered our IRC today publicly asking for gov. I have been idling there all day and was not pm'd once nor was a single gov request made other than by a returning member. Further more, I don't even see where any members of CF even joined our channel in the last 24 hours(complete logs of joins/quits available per request =P). If you pm'd random ops/nations in our room, or wherever you looked, and didn't start at the top of the list(me) im very sorry your method didn't work.

NATO also has a gov alert script. By saying: NATOGOV it triggers a notification to our government officials. This is noted in the topic of our public channel (#cnnato).

Glad to hear this was cleared up though. Thanks to Anson for speaking with Warden on this issue.

Now with that finished. Back to the battle theories.

Im still waiting on MHA's dow to start it off =P

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1291006988' post='2525679']
That it's a little after 36 hours since the war was declared and the guy hasn't eaten any counters might be slightly amusing, but that's probably going to be the extent of it.
My dreams and I are equally stubborn. ;)

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1291069578' post='2526039']
I am pretty sure that is either;

a) a Ghost

b) a noob who violated our RoE.

I forwarded the information to our FA department, and it was the first they heard of it. Who did you contact in our Gov? Was it in-game or via IRC?

Anyways, this should be resolved shortly, no need to have a crimson fit.

[OOC] Please note, Aussie timezone in effect. [/OOC]

Session Start: Sun Nov 28 18:53:42 2010
Session Ident: Devo[NATO]
[18:53] <Devo[NATO]> 5 NATO's private government chat has been notified of your request and will be with you as soon as possible. Your request number is 5 1045 . 5Thanks for using NATO's GOV request script! Abuse results in bans.

However, it seems we may have brought about a peaceful resolution to this situation via our measured military response. Our Master of the Watch, is currently handling negotiations.

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