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President Gunn

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288818961' post='2501188']
Hell Patrol NS lost: 5796

The Abyss NS gained: 2,001

Clearly, we are losing.

Well seeing as how you've picked up 5 new members within the last 3-4 days who all add up to 5143 NS, it would look bad on your part to actually lose NS...

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We also anarchied 3 more nations. That's 19 Abyss nations in anarchy to how many of us? 2 of which are only there because of nukes. You are so winning this war!

the Abyss - 19 <-- Winning the war

The Hell Patrol - 7

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288818961' post='2501188']
Hell Patrol NS lost: 5796

The Abyss NS gained: 2,001

Clearly, we are losing.

You have members making jumps, we do not. Those members are jumping into anarchy. Yay!

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We have not had people joining, in fact we've lost a nation since the war started. Also, our members are not jumping anywhere, once again many are being thrown down a hole because they don't bother to check their TE nation.

Edited by rodrod
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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288822846' post='2501250']
We have not had people joining, in fact we've lost a nation since the war started. Also, our members are not jumping anywhere, once again many are being thrown down a hole because they don't bother to check their TE nation.

Your lower strength "ghosts" that were to small for any of us to hit have been buying infra and jumping up in NS. That's where your strengh increase is coming from. You've had several members buying 300-500 infra over the last 24 hours or so and jumping from below 500ns with no wars to the 1500ns range.

You can try and spin it any way you want to, fact is your alliance is abyss-mal at war. You have every single advantage and are still sucking.

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288822846' post='2501250']
We have not had people joining, in fact we've lost a nation since the war started. Also, our members are not jumping anywhere, once again many are being thrown down a hole because they don't bother to check their TE nation.

[url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Page=1&Order=DESC&Field=Alliance_Date&Alliance=The Abyss"]Lies, Slander and Hypocrisies...[/url]

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How could your NS be increasing during this war....??




Edit to add link.

Edited by Vol Navy
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Well I can't speak for the bottom tier, as I am not one of them and I am not part of those attacks, with the exception of Judge who was much bigger before I bombed his Infra into dust. But I can say that us in the top tier are doing quite well. You now only have 3 nations above 2k NS. And they won't be there much longer. So if you guys could do me a favor and bring me down with you I'd be happy to take on some of these middle and lower tier nations who are so good at war.

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288827733' post='2501318']
But I can say that us in the top tier are doing quite well. You now only have 3 nations above 2k NS. And they won't be there much longer.


Do you even bother to look at stats before you post garbage like this?

Again this appears that you are patting yourself on the back for your expert work on our 2k plus nations. I mean we only have 3 left right? Sounds real impressive.

Well that is until you realize we had a total of 4 of them when the war started. So yeah, in 3 days of wars you managed to take a total of ONE 2k plus nation down to 1,896 NS. Real impressive.

This is similar to the garbage you have been tossing around about gaining NS thus far. On just 4 of those inactive ghost nations I pulled up you had a growth total of 6,322 NS today due to them jumping. You gained 2,521 NS today according to your stat sheet. Care to explain where the other 3,801 NS went to?

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well considering the anarchy count and the fact that the abyss does not know how to blitz even with twice the members of hell patrol i also label this a warfail


oh no it looks like abyss is sending all their reinforcements in

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1288832419' post='2501384']
I tip my hat off to Hell Patrol, they just got done fighting a war and actually have out anarchied a bigger AA (Abyss) which also had the blitz advantage. You have OP's respect for what it is worth :)

Thank you for the kind words :)

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1288832419' post='2501384']
I tip my hat off to Hell Patrol, they just got done fighting a war and actually have out anarchied a bigger AA (Abyss) which also had the blitz advantage. You have OP's respect for what it is worth :)

Thanks, OP is pretty B.A themselves.

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1288832419' post='2501384']
I tip my hat off to Hell Patrol, they just got done fighting a war and actually have out anarchied a bigger AA (Abyss) which also had the blitz advantage. You have OP's respect for what it is worth :)
Truly a scholar, a Gentleman, and a Killer.

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Being the Grand Defender of OP, I may not know much, but seeing a AA that is nearly twice as big as the one that they blitzed have less Anarchies than the AA they blitzed is sub-par by TE standards.

But what do I know. :P

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[quote name='The Crimson King' timestamp='1288830942' post='2501363']
Do you even bother to look at stats before you post garbage like this?

Again this appears that you are patting yourself on the back for your expert work on our 2k plus nations. I mean we only have 3 left right? Sounds real impressive.

Well that is until you realize we had a total of 4 of them when the war started. So yeah, in 3 days of wars you managed to take a total of ONE 2k plus nation down to 1,896 NS. Real impressive.

This is similar to the garbage you have been tossing around about gaining NS thus far. On just 4 of those inactive ghost nations I pulled up you had a growth total of 6,322 NS today due to them jumping. You gained 2,521 NS today according to your stat sheet. Care to explain where the other 3,801 NS went to?
You had 6. Muadib was over 2k, and he's now burning and Strakland was also above 2k. So do you not look at the actual stats before you post garbage like that?

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[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1288830968' post='2501366']
well considering the anarchy count and the fact that the abyss does not know how to blitz even with twice the members of hell patrol i also label this a warfail

I'm sorry that our members have otherworlds responsibilities that they have to take care of, can cannot be here to blitz you. A blitz is not what makes a war. You're calling the outcome of the war well before there's enough stats for you to be able to call.

And TCK, you need to count from the 1st, when the war started. :|

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288838705' post='2501474']
I'm sorry that our members have otherworlds responsibilities that they have to take care of, can cannot be here to blitz you. A blitz is not what makes a war. You're calling the outcome of the war well before there's enough stats for you to be able to call.

And TCK, you need to count from the 1st, when the war started. :|

Actually the blitz is the integral part of the war, it's what crumbles the enemy. And I mean the anarchy count is showing of how the war is going. And it seems Hell Patrol is giving you hell considering limited warchests and nation count while just getting out of a war. So... Yeah... I'm gonna stick with the HP bandwagon.

They have showed strength through this and great pictures. They win.

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[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1288838528' post='2501468']
You had 6. Muadib was over 2k, and he's now burning and Strakland was also above 2k. So do you not look at the actual stats before you post garbage like that?

Strak was the 4th I was referring to in that post (now at 1,896 NS). You are correct on Muadib however, but if countering my argument with one single nation that had no nukes and has been nuked down by you is the best you can come up with then so be it.

I would of at least hoped you might have addressed my other points, but I suppose you are still busy trying to find that other 3,800 NS still :P

Edit: forgot a word

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Wow, this thread (predictably) devolved quickly into an inane bunch of bickering.

I just don't get the Abyss' angle here, though. Declaring in HP was a lose-lose. It's like if Alabama puts Boise St on the schedule for the next 5 years. They better win those games, because if they don't, they're just hurting the SEC. But even if they win, it doesn't mean much, because they were supposed to. It's huge for Boise St if they win, but Bama gets nothing appreciable from it.

Likewise from The Abyss. They get ridiculed for even picking this uneven fight, and I wouldn't be surprised if it hurts them in their membership in future rounds. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but that's why I didn't reroll with SF this round...they pulled a similar weak stunt in the last round, and frankly it was embarassing. Heck, SF got blitzed for even attempting something so foolish...I'm a little surprised The Abyss hasn't become a target already...

Edited by LeDee
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[quote]To: Psych21 From: Unknown Sender Date: 11/3/2010 5:39:04 PM

Subject: Spy Operation Attack

Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. The attacking spies were given the following order: Destroy Cruise Missiles. In the attack your counter intelligence systems prevailed and managed to thwart the attack although we are not sure who launched this attack.[/quote]

I didn't know I had CMs in the first place Abyss. Thanks for confirming that I never did. :)

Can you check and see whether or not I have nukes? I'd appreciate it.

Edited by Imperial Sparta
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[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1288841737' post='2501521']
i would like to point out how epic my pics r considering i single handedly made adude resign from RE yupp all me people :P

go ahead and keep thinking that ;)

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[quote name='HisK Owns You' timestamp='1288791746' post='2500846']
Can I hit you?


[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1288830968' post='2501366']
well considering the anarchy count and the fact that the abyss does not know how to blitz even with twice the members of hell patrol i also label this a warfail


oh no it looks like abyss is sending all their reinforcements in

How did you find me D:

Edited by President Gunn
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