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To those within the Red Sphere...


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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1288368611' post='2496383']
The amount of thought that ODN is putting into the NPO these days is a bit weird seeing as there is no more thought of ODN in the NPO other than to chuckle at their antics every once and awhile.

This crazyness from someone who has yet to catch up to current times is.. well... crazy. Name ONE instance that has occured AFTER Karma that is even relevant to this pile of steaming !@#$%^&*. If you can name one CURRENT and RELEVANT point to support this theory when talking about the NPO than maybe just maybe you are worth the wasted pixels. Until such arguement can be made about a current issue regarding the NPO you should see a Doctor about your unhealthy and delusional obsession.

Are you afraid something scandalous might be exposed within your ranks?

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288368826' post='2496384']
Are you afraid something scandalous might be exposed within your ranks?
No, That is why I am asking you to actually give me something to prove why you are having the stance you are. Everyone pulls up the past and yet I have yet to hear one shred of proof of the present to support these facts. If you have those facts, show them. Yes I am calling your bluff.

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288368826' post='2496384']
Are you afraid something scandalous might be exposed within your ranks?
I'll be damned. I thought you had us figured out already.

It's funny watching you make all of these accusations yet you know nothing about what is going on inside of our alliance. I'm sorry that you regard our rebuilding and offering olive branches to everyone as suspicious.

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[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1288369228' post='2496392']
I'll be damned. I thought you had us figured out already.

It's funny watching you make all of these accusations yet you know nothing about what is going on inside of our alliance. I'm sorry that you regard our rebuilding and offering olive branches to everyone as suspicious.

Olive branches? Or is it a way to distract us so you can sneak into our halls and wreak havoc at your convenience?

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288369725' post='2496398']
Olive branches? Or is it a way to distract us so you can sneak into our halls and wreak havoc at your convenience?
In case you haven't noticed we aren't really in a position to launch offensives against other alliances. Nor do we want to.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1288363980' post='2496333']
you all are still under our oath hahahaha[/quote]
But Ivan released ODN from that oath, surely you remember that Branimir :D

[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1288368611' post='2496383']
The amount of thought that ODN is putting into the NPO these days....
With respect I see no official agenda by ODN in regards to the NPO...just the opinions of certain individuals.

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288369725' post='2496398']
Olive branches? Or is it a way to distract us so you can sneak into our halls and wreak havoc at your convenience?
So quickly you leave the nest, from a die hard NPO person writing speches and essays to now writing about the "flaws" you see in the NPO.
[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1288370104' post='2496402']
With respect I see no official agenda by ODN in regards to the NPO...just the opinions of certain individuals.
Forgive me Cata, I see now who it is and this makes a little more sense.

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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1288370204' post='2496405']
So quickly you leave the nest, from a die hard NPO person writing speches and essays to now writing about the "flaws" you see in the NPO.

Forgive me Cata, I see now who it is and this makes a little more sense.

Orange Juice is healthy for you, trans(-Pacific) fat is not.

I was a die hard member of NPO long ago. Perfect example of my actions: John Newman was a die hard of the Anglican Communion, but after realising the truth he switched his allegiance to an institute that actually strived to embrace the truth.

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Wow. Just wow...

I'm glad you left to be honest. Since you were a member of the Order for so long, I would have thought that you would have seen that we have no interest in anything you really speak of, but if you want to live in your own fantasy world and think that the "ebil NPO" is still out to get you (even though you were a member for the better part of the year 2010) then you can continue and I will enjoy my popcorn.

I worked with the Red Sphere to make it better. The rest of the Red Dawn alliances have worked just as hard (possibly even harder) to help unaligned nations which your (I am unsure if I should say this yet since apparently you're still an applicant in ODN) allies have been raiding. You had no clue in which you are talking about because you never did anything. You never took part in anything in my memory relating about anything to the alliance. How can you make these claims if you have no clue as to what was happening?

I get it, you couldn't have had these opinions come out all of a sudden one day, so you must have had some doubts about us as a member. What did you do about it? Nothing. Did you attempt to concoct these thoughts in a coherent manner in order for the 500 some odd members of Pacifica to clear up these confused thoughts in your head? No you did not.

Here's five francos, buy yourself a clue about whats going on before you rant about it.

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[quote name='NeCoHo' timestamp='1288370498' post='2496408']
Wow. Just wow...

I'm glad you left to be honest. Since you were a member of the Order for so long, I would have thought that you would have seen that we have no interest in anything you really speak of, but if you want to live in your own fantasy world and think that the "ebil NPO" is still out to get you (even though you were a member for the better part of the year 2010) then you can continue and I will enjoy my popcorn.

I worked with the Red Sphere to make it better. The rest of the Red Dawn alliances have worked just as hard (possibly even harder) to help unaligned nations which your (I am unsure if I should say this yet since apparently you're still an applicant in ODN) allies have been raiding. You had no clue in which you are talking about because you never did anything. You never took part in anything in my memory relating about anything to the alliance. How can you make these claims if you have no clue as to what was happening?

I get it, you couldn't have had these opinions come out all of a sudden one day, so you must have had some doubts about us as a member. What did you do about it? Nothing. Did you attempt to concoct these thoughts in a coherent manner in order for the 500 some odd members of Pacifica to clear up these confused thoughts in your head? No you did not.

Here's five francos, buy yourself a clue about what's going on before you rant about it.

I will repeat with what I said on your forums:
The problem is the alienation of the people's voice and the advancement of a certain few individual's ideas.

Your form of government is commendable when you listen to your less fortunate members, yet you refuse to listen to anyone outside of your own self-centred beliefs. It would be nice to see a more solidified and productive NPO, the day this happens is the day I will gravel in humility and kiss the very ankle strap of the Emperor and petition for the mercies of the NPO Republic. [/quote]

Ding, check please!

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All I see are more vague accusations with nothing to back them up. Did you even read my post?

You never brought up any concerns worth being concerned about to my knowledge, so how can they be addressed?

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288371292' post='2496421']
Yes, I did read what you said.
and yet you still fail to bring facts to the table, that have been asked for by multiple people. Have a good afternoon, and ODN when he falls out of love with you, good luck with your very own washed out essay he will post crying how wrong democracy is.

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And this is what I am talking about, this is the problem that I have been trying to address:

[quote]CnaedmacAilpn of NPO formally stated:

Democracy, is for the weak, democracy is the ultimate form of corruption. Only through strength and unity is there any future, we are that future. So for the moment I will continue to polish my shield of honour and sword of righteousness. Until the day comes to curb-stomp anyone foolish enough to stand against either us or our doctrine.

Last time it took some of the strongest on planet BOB to pull us down, but even then we were not destroyed. Like the Phoenix we are arisen, like the lion, strong. Go back to your masters, puppet. Tell them this, NPO is back, and we are here to stay. [/quote]

:lol1: Looks like we have a problem still...

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288372406' post='2496429']
:lol1: Looks like we have a problem still...
A member of the Body Republic has a voice and he chose to use it, and *gasp* we let him. Show me where the Alliance as a whole has done wrong on this planet since terms ended.

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I'm sort of sad that this turned out to just be about NPO and not really other Red AAs. I'll try to play, anyway.
Cult of Justitia is not democratic for several reasons:
[list][*]First, we're not an alliance; were a religious order. The constraints of Digiterran thought require us to adapt ourselves and our language in interactions with outsiders, but we have no government, only a hierarchy.
[*]Yes, on an egotistical level, I did not found the Cult of Justitia so that those who benefit from it can tell me what to do. No one has to join, no one has to stay.
[*]I won't subject the cult to the shabby results of elections for positions of responsibility, which are generally popularity contests among several unqualified candidates.
[*]I would not have the interests of the cult held hostage to the infuriatingly slow and detrimentally fickle mechanism of democracy.
It is important to temper the benefits of this system with the main benefit of democracy: multiple input. As such, as Justitians advance in the cult through contribution, their influence increases.
To ensure unity of the body, the Presbyter accepts initiates, but the advanced members confirm their acceptance.

The idea that autocratic, totalitarian, or dictatorial systems of alliance government are "false" and evil is simply silly.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1288373045' post='2496441']
The idea that autocratic, totalitarian, or dictatorial systems of alliance government are "false" and evil is simply silly.

We will see, we will see.

Thanks to everyone that has participated in this conversation. I look forward to a fruitful future on CN.

I could be a stupid fool for leaving the NPO and I could be an idiot for wanting to embrace democratic principles, but I will have to wallow in my own choosing... after all, isn't the freedom of choice what makes us better?

I leave you this quotation from C.S. Lewis:

“We all want progress, but if you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the individual who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288370982' post='2496415']
Your form of government is commendable when you listen to your less fortunate members, yet you refuse to listen to anyone outside of your own self-centred beliefs. It would be nice to see a more solidified and productive NPO, the day this happens is the day I will gravel in humility and kiss the very ankle strap of the Emperor and petition for the mercies of the NPO Republic.

If you knew anything about the NPO, you would know that the Charter of the New Pacific Order was approved by referendum. I find it interesting that you choose to deny Pacificans their democratic rights to choose their form of government. They made a choice to place efficiency and effectiveness over your view of superficial democracy. The charter may be amended by Pacificans whenever they wish, amendments can be proposed by any Pacifican Nation. The reason the structure of Pacifican Government remains largely the same is because the overwhelming majority of Pacificans support it. I find it pretty imperialist of it to presume you are more qualified than the democratic will of the Body Republic at choosing our form of government.

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Who is this C.S. Lewis and what credibility does he have in this world?

(OOC: About as much in here as he does outside of this world but that is neither here nor there, literally :P)

On top of this, you made a huge stink about leaving, if you left quietly nothing would have happened, but instead you made a thread on our forums in a similar manner to this one and get angry at us when we call you out for it?

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[quote name='NeCoHo' timestamp='1288374588' post='2496468']
Who is this C.S. Lewis and what credibility does he have in this world?

(OOC: About as much in here as he does outside of this world elsewhere)

On top of this, you made a huge stink about leaving, if you left quietly nothing would have happened, but instead you made a thread on our forums in a similar manner to this one and get angry at us when we call you out for it?

I am not making a stink about anything. I respect NPO for who she is.

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[quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288372406' post='2496429']
And this is what I am talking about, this is the problem that I have been trying to address:

:lol1: Looks like we have a problem still...
[/quote]Coming from someone who quotes CS Lewis, an interesting premise.

I merely expressed an opinion, in the open. If we were that, which you say we are, it would have been suppressed. Besides if we are the nasty totalitarian monsters you are rather poorly trying to depict us as, how come you are still allowed the freedom to be able to steal this from our forums.

So here you are, calling us bad, someone who believes in democracy, yet at the same time employing deception, deceit and betrayal. The very bread an butter of totalitarianism. What you practice is not democracy, but more akin to Fascism

You sir, are an individual bereft of honour, who through his actions, will do nothing to tarnish the reputation of this great alliance. Your actions and conduct have already shown your true character. Enjoy your moment of fame/infamy

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