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[center][b]A joint announcement from the Athenian Federation, England, Germanic Union, Scottish Republic and United Slavic Republics[/b][/center]

Justice, it has had several meanings for centuries. Some have abused it, others have honored it. The one constant has always been justice was there to serve those who were right and punish those who were wrong.

With this ideal in our mind we have looked out to the world, however we didn’t even need to look far to see a rotten system where this virtue was dishonored. Only a sea away, a nation founded during the collapse of an American expansionist. We looked as they attacked another expansionist, we looked as this country sought peace and was only given hypocritical terms. For their denial the corrupt government has taken away 400,000 humans from their wifes, their husbands, their parents, their children. It is with this injustice so close it hurts us to even look in the direction. It is time to restore the rights of 400,000 men and women.

It is with this that on behalf of the aforementioned countries I issue the following offer to the Irish Government.

-The Irish government will release of all prisoners of war back to J Andres, this release will be monitored by coalition authorities.
-The Irish government will make an apology for holding the prisoners of war unjustly.

You have 24 hours to prove you are in effect not the government we have seen and agree to this offer. If we receive no response to the liking of us within these 24 hours we will consider alternative action.

Edited by Centurius
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"As far as we are concerned, the war is over. There is no need for you to keep our troops locked up indefinitely. We implore the Kingdom of Ireland to release these soldiers, so they can be returned to their wives, husbands, parents, and children. One's heart can only take so much after receiving all these heartrending letters from them begging for the return of their loved ones."

- President Richard Mercton

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1288227865' post='2494664']
"As far as we are concerned, the war is over. There is no need for you to keep our troops locked up indefinitely. We implore the Kingdom of Ireland to release these soldiers, so they can be returned to their wives, husbands, parents, and children. One's heart can only take so much after receiving all these heartrending letters from them begging for the return of their loved ones."

- President Richard Mercton

"There was and is no peace agreement. You defied our terms and chose to try to institute your own - the Kingdom doesn't operate like that. As far as the Kingdom of Ireland is concerned, the war is very much alive."

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"The Kingdom of Ireland will not discuss terms with a non-combatant. If J. Andres wishes to negotiate for their PoWs, which so far they've chosen not to, then Ireland will discuss terms with them and only them. They defied our terms once, so I doubt they'll like our new terms."

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"We supported the efforts to drive J Andres out of Europe, and in doing so it would be hypocritical to support the captivity of a number not far from half a million. We're not asking for land, we're not asking for goods, we're not even asking for the Government to change. We're asking for those people to be once more free. I do not believe we're requesting anything unreasonable, but if the Government does not comply, we will have no objections to filling their armed forces with enough lead that they may give up and order be restored: The americans returned to america and the European community at peace."

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1288228403' post='2494682']
"We supported the efforts to drive J Andres out of Europe, and in doing so it would be hypocritical to support the captivity of a number not far from half a million. We're not asking for land, we're not asking for goods, we're not even asking for the Government to change. We're asking for those people to be once more free. I do not believe we're requesting anything unreasonable, but if the Government does not comply, we will have no objections to filling their armed forces with enough lead that they may give up and order be restored: The americans returned to america and the European community at peace."

"Lead will be met with uranium, be prepared should you choose that option."

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1288228622' post='2494689']
"Portugal will not stand for Ireland making Europe even greener than it already is. Let it be known that if Ireland declares war on Germany, Portugal will stand by Germany."

"You realize, Germany is threatening war with Ireland not the other way around, right?"

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1288228628' post='2494690']
"The Irish Government shows its true intentions again."
"My government isn't the one threatening war against a nation that is currently holding PoWs from an active war. Yours is."

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Valencia supports this announcement, and we agree that the PoW's should be released. We will not intervene, however, unless our allies in England and Athens become in need of it.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1288228986' post='2494707']
If Ireland and J Andres are still at war then making the Irish hand over prisoners of war without an equal exchange is morally wrong. For whatever it's worht Ireland and J Andres should begin peace talks.
We find ourselves in agreement with Slavorussia here. Why should Ireland hand over prisoners of war while it is at war? The mere suggestion is ludicrous.

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"Because what happens outside of Europe is none of Ireland's business, just as J Andres had no business in Europe. It must be applied both ways, if a nation is to be warred and expelled from the continent then retaining PoWs when the "eviction" was already achieved is basically as if an European nation would try and hold colonies in America, only worse in that since they deal with Humans, not Land, they are under the impression that they can get away with it. Furthermore, in spìte of our acts to get rid of J Andres' european colonies, also we have a defensive pact with J Andres. Ireland's actions violate human dignity and trespass on a non-european sphere as well."

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1288230827' post='2494752']
"Because what happens outside of Europe is none of Ireland's business, just as J Andres had no business in Europe. It must be applied both ways, if a nation is to be warred and expelled from the continent then retaining PoWs when the "eviction" was already achieved is basically as if an European nation would try and hold colonies in America, only worse in that since they deal with Humans, not Land, they are under the impression that they can get away with it. Furthermore, in spìte of our acts to get rid of J Andres' european colonies, also we have a defensive pact with J Andres. Ireland's actions violate human dignity and trespass on a non-european sphere as well."
Again, to release prisoners of war under nearly any circumstances before the war is concluded is a ludicrous proposal. Had J Andres and Ireland made peace, the Republic of Wallonia would agree with Germany; however, until then, it stands to reason that Ireland would continue to keep J Andres war prisoners until peace is declared.

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