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Operation Time Card

Michael McBride

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***Private to [i][b]Khris van Donop, Grandmaster of the Order of St. Adelaide[i]****

I will allow your organization to establish camps here in Blue Heaven, but they must be near military bases as to keep any eye on you.


Marah Verrington

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"Finally USA falls. Where's your !@#$@#$ allies? You were so great at getting us to bend over over a !@#$%* CB and now you suddenly face-plant when someone else stronger starts kicking you without even a CB." General Bark thought to himself as he read the newspaper.

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[b]Official Declaration from Wilhelm, Kaiser of the Imperial Hudson Reich[/b]

We of the Reich, as we have always done in our short history, officially declare ourselves neutral. However, that does not mean we cannot state our opinions on this matter, so I will do so. As a man born and who spent most of my life in Europe, I cannot help but admire the spirit and tenacity of the Americans in their will to face down their imperialist foes who seek to destroy their country and gain territory like hungry pigs gobbling up leftovers.

While of course, the US HAS decayed as of late, that still does not justify total invasion and even destroying the capital and killing Gott knows hoe many politicians and civilians. Thus, I salute America and her allies, and wish them luck in stopping this act of aggression on behalf of Pravus Ingruo.

((OOC: As a IRL American Patriot, I wish you luck in this, Acca.))

Edited by Jordosaur94
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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1286050424' post='2472427']

All travel between the Empire of York and the HAE is hereby suspended.

- Blue Heaven Ministry of Transportation
OOC: Wait what?

IC: The Empire is not amused at this foolish attempt to manipulate foreign affairs. Were our citizens as stupid as those of Blue Heaven we might be concerned. As is the Empire is relatively unconcerned with the bumbling propaganda of one nation attempting to drag us into this conflict.

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"Hey, I have a great Idea, instead of having a bunch of people who could support america pledge to be neutral, why not... join there side? Theres at least 4 of you vs Pravos and whoever else is on his side. Why not coordinate some sort of defense, like Generalissimo, he's doing something, and he's friggen dead. More than any of you guys could say you've done while your living."

Abraham Lincoln

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1286066147' post='2472626']
"Hey, I have a great Idea, instead of having a bunch of people who could support america pledge to be neutral, why not... join there side? Theres at least 4 of you vs Pravos and whoever else is on his side. Why not coordinate some sort of defense, like Generalissimo, he's doing something, and he's friggen dead. More than any of you guys could say you've done while your living."

Abraham Lincoln
"While the Union may support the cause of the victims of imperialism, a war half the world away does not warrant the deaths of Arcticans. We will speak against imperialism where it may appear on other continents and regions, but only on the African continent will we take up arms to fight it, as we have with Tanzania. We are just not willing to risk so much and gain so little.

The nations of North America are far more equipped and able to halt this atrocity than we are, and they are urged to do so, lest they set a bad precedent and their continent is once more embroiled in conflict. To the nations of North America, remember the days when your continent stood united. Act with that memory in mind, to ensure the future of your sons and daughters.

And remember that the strength of your supporters across the world is not best measured in the amount of troops and hardware they can field, but in their everlasting desire to see a world free of imperialists and warmongerers. When these voices fade, so does their power. Do not let the imperialists win."

Edited by Vedran
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A Convoy of 47 merchant ships, clearly marked as civilian, flying the white flag of truce, and four hospital ships, also clearly marked approached the American East Coast.
The J'Andres Fleet on radar many miles ahead.

It would be several more hours before they made port to delivery the Weapons and Ammunition promised to the United States, free of charge.

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Any & all refugees with legitimate Dutch lineage are offered citizenship within the United Provinces, meanwhile resources are being set aside for all refugees regardless of heritage as they make their way to other welcoming nations.

Maxime Verhagen,
Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Due to the treaty with Blue Heaven.Any attack on Blue Heaven will result for us to authorize military action against any nation that declares war on Blue Heaven.Until then our forces shall be on stand by, until further notice.


BPE Imperial Army is ready to mobilize,when you give the order.

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[quote name='lutai' timestamp='1286145830' post='2473530']
Due to the treaty with Blue Heaven.Any attack on Blue Heaven will result for us to authorize military action against any nation that declares war on Blue Heaven.Until then our forces shall be on stand by, until further notice.


BPE Imperial Army is ready to mobilize,when you give the order.



Private to the BPE:

Please ready 50,000 soldiers
to be on standby so that if or when the USA calls us,
we will be ready to go.


Marah Verrington (Blue Heaven Minister of Defense)


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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1286146084' post='2473536']


Private to the BPE:

Please ready 50,000 soldiers to be on standby so that if or when the USA calls us, we will be ready to go.


Marah Verrington (Blue Heaven Minister of Defense)


Classified to Blue Heaven[/b][/u]


BPE prepares 50,000 soldiers to help aid USA when they call.

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As the world lit up in flames around Boyd Travers. The capitals destruction caused a surge of rioting that quickly ended once America was brought under focus to the real problem, York. A rioter himself, he saw no intent of fighting for America as he was perfectly fine living off the fat of whichever nation he lived under. His family was lost to medical bills he could not afford. His attempts at college failed, and his ability to participate in the military shot after having a record. He was the definition of a no life...only out there to survive.

Yet, a week into the war, he had removed himself from his shell of an alley and made his way to the garbage to pick up a fresh newspaper that just another citizen felt like throwing away after the third page. Headlines of hope reached him in a way he never thought they could. He gasped at the stories of those who lost people and still had the courage to stand up after being pushed down. He sat through on a porch fighting hunger and bladder alike till he grasped the entire concept of what America was at that very moment. Economically, Politically, and even Spiri...

"I suppose you dont live here, but are just stopping by for a sit, eh there neighbor?"

A soft voice coming from the apartment door that was stationed on the porch had awoken Boyd from his inevitable epiphany. Boyd scooted over to the side to make way for the resident to move along. The last thing he would expect was for the man to offer his morning coffee upon sitting next to him. The man russled in his sweater as he breathed in his first few breathes of cold air. Boyd stared the man down, awaiting for the man to say something. Without turning, the unknown man simply began to speak.

"Now, I've been watching you for a long time. I'd sometimes spend my days making sure that alley way stays lit with one light by leaving it on. I never thought of offering you a home, but I did always think of you. You seem like a smart, caring man as you patiently went through the entire memorabilia of people lost in the recent bombing of our border and capital. I'd like to give you something. It'll give you the choice of being the person you were born to be, or carrying on your merry way with enough alcohol to last you a few years."

The man handed Boyd an already lettered envelope to 'Boyd K. Travers' The man nodded, and smiled. Boyd watched him walk away before opening the letter. Inside of it, was a two thousand dollar check. He turned quickly to see the man, but he was lost within the crowds. He looked down at it, and as he slipped it out of the envelope, he saw that it didnt say 'Boyd K. Travers' as the recipient. It said Pvt. Boyd K. Travers.

Boyd smiled, and made his way to the nearest recruitment station.

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**Troop movements classified**

Four messages were sent to Army Groups Able (Mississippi), Baker (Alabama), Charlie (Louisiana), and Dog (Mississippi) detailing invasion orders. General Potter oversaw the invasion north, Case Bluegrass, and the invasion westward, Case Red White & Blue, as the Supreme Commander of ISA forces. Another message was sent to the naval forces in Mobile to take up defensive measures, and for the counter-intelligence & counter-terrorism group (Montgomery) to prepare for a retaliatory strike.

Able would move from the Mississippi border into Arkansas, along the highway towards the primary and secondary objectives of Pine Bluff & Little Rock. Baker would move from Alabama up into Tennessee, striking towards Nashville & Knoxville. The goal was to secure the eastern portion of the state, while supporting the capture of the west and preparing for an invasion of Kentucky. Charlie was based in Louisiana, and would be taking up the invasion of Texas. The first objective was to be Longview & Tyler, then moving on to Dallas & then Austin & San Antonio. From there, the group would prepare for the capture of the rest of Texas and a drive westward, and then northward. Dog's orders were to move from Mississippi into Western Tennessee, to take Memphis & Jackson, Tennessee. The airforce, deployed in Alabama, would fly air superiority missions overhead Tennessee, Arkansas, & Alabama, as well as perform CAS missions alongside Army groups Baker & Dog.

No formal declaration of war was to be given. US troops would be treated with utmost fairness as POWs, and subjected to neither torture nor execution, and to be fed properly and clothed and maintained back in Alabama. The order was given, and the operations had commenced-- Case Red, White, and Blue & Bluegrass were underway.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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The ships continued on their course towards US ports, deep in the holds of each ship, C4 explosives filled containers also carrying ammunition, the exceptions being the hospital ships.
The armada commander had not inspected the containers, and was not aware of the inherant danger this posed to his group carrying vital supplys.
A careless cigarette could send any one of the ships to the bottom.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The famed battleship, the [i]Charlemagne[/i] was alerted, via military satellites and radar that convoys of merchant ships and hospital ships were sailing toward the east coast of the United States. Normally, the ship’s crew could have let them through, but they somewhat felt that something was…off, that these ships were probably up to something. It would not hurt to check up on them. The same happened with the other 23 Navy ships dotting international waters alongside the eastern coast of North America.

Admiral Aaron Hanks in command of the [i]Charlemagne[/i] contacted the leading merchant ship and one of the hospital ships to submit to an inspection. To this effect, the destroyer, the [i]Sean O’Deaghaidh[/i], and the cruiser, the [i]Rossingol[/i], sailed toward the civilian ships while the [i]Charlemagne[/i] and other ships remained behind; all Navy ships had their guns trained on the civilian ships, ready to fire at a moment's notice. As per procedure, J Andrean naval officials were to board these two ships and inspect them to make sure they were not carrying anything out of the blue. If so, then the rest of the civilian ships would be let through with no further action by the J Andrean ships. If, however, any contraband (military weapons or equipment) were found, then the ship would be seized and the other ships warned off to turn around. Failing that, they would be sunk.

Surely, if the merchant and hospital ships had nothing to hide, then they should allow the search to proceed. If not, then they were indeed hiding something, and precautionary measures would be taken.


J Andres (the mainland) was already in DEFCON 2, so preparations for war went smoothly as it should be. The Governorships in California, England, and Scotland was elevated to DEFCON 3 as all military forces were placed on heightened alert; the same went for the Territory of Louisiana.

At this point of time, J Andres had 100,000 troops, thousands of tanks, mobile THAAD, Starstreak, and Patriot missile launchers, self-propelled howitzers, and squadrons of aircrafts massed up in northwest New York, all ready for a proposed invasion of the GLP as per Operation RETALIATION.

But then Army commanders received new orders from Fort Farnum, one that surprised them. They were to deploy their forces southwards, to United States of America as to support Pravus Ingruo. The United States? Wasn’t it J Andres’s ally? But eh, orders are orders. After all, the bosses in Endor Cuidad know best.

And so the deployment of troops, tanks, vehicles, and aircrafts began in earnest as J Andrean military forces moved toward the southern border between New York and the USA, moving into the Ingruoian-occupied areas of Pennsylvania. Army commanders were to work in conjunction with Ingruoian commanders to ensure the operation went as smoothly as possible.

The plans for the operation, codenamed [b]KENNEDY[/b], was to launch a blitzkrieg through southwest Pennsylvania, capture and secure the cities of Altoona and Pittsburgh, and essentially cut United States forces in half. F-40s, F/A-47s, and F-50s aircrafts were to spearhead the aerial assault into US airspace with the intents of decimating the US Air Force and establish air superiority. In turn, U-8 bombers were to target US military bases and installations, including but not limited to RADAR stations, fuel depots, and air hangars, with the goal of severely hindering the ability of the United States to fight back.

As soon as everything was in place, then the J Andrean invasion duly began. Squadrons of F-40s, F/A-47s, and F-50s swarmed the skies above northern Pennsylvania, all intent of seeking out US aircrafts and destroying them. At the same time, U-8 bombers followed the fighters and interceptors in seeking out any and all US military bases and installations; the U-8s dropped highly-explosive and napalm payloads upon their targets. RADAR stations and other institutions were targeted this way (civilian areas, however, were avoided as much as possible).

At the same time, large swarms of Abrams and Panther tanks rumbled forward, firing off powerful shells at their targets as IFVs carried troops alongside them. Self-propelled howitzers opened fire upon US troop positions as THAAD, Starstreak, and Patriot missile launchers opened fire, launching dozens of conventional missiles at US positions. The J Andreans would strike fast and hard, their strategy was to move as fast as possible; they were to flank US positions and cut them off, destroying them if possible. The troops were advancing toward the cities of Altoona and Pittsburgh; they were to capture the towns of St Mary’s, Punxsutawney, and Oil City to secure a perimeter as to enable the troops to advance toward their ultimate objectives.

While all this was underway, the J Andrean government issued no official statement. For all purposes and intents, it was waging an undeclared war against the United States.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The flotilla was in extremely tight formation when the message of inspection came through.
"Damn them, ok fellas, let them aboard and open one of the containers below deckso they can see what we are carrying" said Andrew, his voice strained with the pressure of what was to come.
"Message the hospital ships and tell them to be ready for inspection, Signal the fleet and bring us into a tighter formation, it looks like they have weapons trained on us, put the hospital ships in the center next to this ship to proteect them from any possible fire"

An hour later the fleet was in a very tight formation, the hospital boats in the center of the square formation, roughly 30meters between each boat on all sides.

"Prepare to receive an inspection party from the J'Andres Navy."

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