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Green Protection Agency Government

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[quote name='Don Chele' timestamp='1283405588' post='2438925']PS - The GPA do not "just collect taxes every day", that would be terribly inefficient as an economic strategy and economics is one thing that they do quite well by any alliance's standards.
[/quote]Yes, we know that. Nobody collects taxes everyday. In fact it's even [i]less[/i] work. A monkey could run a sled for a decent sized nation. Its not a particularly impressive statement to make.

[quote='CEverettKoop']I think there's more going on then any of us who aren't in the upper stages of government realize. There's no reason for an unaligned alliance to not find themselves staring down a nuclear arsenal from any reasonably sized alliance, because who is going to come to their defense? There have to be some kind of deals just to maintain their existence.

As for the control over their members, I imagine the threat of EZI does pretty well. Once you fall under their spell, keep your mouth shut if you want to stay on this planet.[/quote]In the current political environment, any large scale offensive against a full fledged alliance would be met with huge backlash. The fact that GPA is unaligned is moot because they are the third strongest alliance in the game and because their stance has earned the sympathies of a lot of people who find their form of high minded pretense noble. Added to that, no nation will attack another without CB, and as the GPA will never attack and since they are about as active and interesting as snail crawling uphill, no nation will ever have CB against them.

GPA effective leveraged the current anti-war sentiment pervading the high nations into becoming a powerhouse without needing to actually be interesting or exciting or proactive towards the community.

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[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1283406610' post='2438939']
I think there's more going on then any of us who aren't in the upper stages of government realize. There's no reason for an unaligned alliance to not find themselves staring down a nuclear arsenal from any reasonably sized alliance, because who is going to come to their defense? There have to be some kind of deals just to maintain their existence.

As for the control over their members, I imagine the threat of EZI does pretty well. Once you fall under their spell, keep your mouth shut if you want to stay on this planet.

How do we know that they are what they say they are? Ever see the Wizard of Oz? Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. In this case, it's the brains behind their alliance, who's really pulling the strings. They can have all the public turnover they want because it's a charade. There's something far more sinister going on behind the scenes, and that's what we need to be aware of.

If you believe what they say, then you have fallen into their trap, and then they win. We can't allow that.

I'm sure they'll get a kick out of your irrefutable Wizard of Oz logic, but you really are hopelessly lost in your own attempts to be GOONish (your alliance mates do it better than you, your avatar caption notwithstanding). If you scroll back up to the OP, you'll see that until about a week ago, I was part of the "upper stages" of their government. If you paid any attention whatsoever (or had been here for more than a minute), you would know that the GPA doesn't threaten EZI on their membership or anyone else. Expulsion, maybe, but you are being ridiculous Mr. Scarecrow.

I will also point out that the high turnover commented upon by many is deceptive in that almost all of the newly elected government have served in the government before, first among them Probablementeno, who has now served more terms as President than anyone in GPA history, I believe.

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[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1283407191' post='2438949']
In the current political environment, any large scale offensive against a full fledged alliance would be met with huge backlash. The fact that GPA is unaligned is moot because they are the third strongest alliance in the game and because their stance has earned the sympathies of a lot of people who find their form of high minded pretense noble. Added to that, no nation will attack another without CB, and as the GPA will never attack and since they are about as active and interesting as snail crawling uphill, no nation will ever have CB against them.

GPA effective leveraged the current anti-war sentiment pervading the high nations into becoming a powerhouse without needing to actually be interesting or exciting or proactive towards the community.

In this political environment, any offense against anyone would be met with huge backlash. We could have two micros going at it and people would scramble all over themselves to hail or condemn it. Also, as we saw with the recent NSO stomping, people will nitpick the CB to death as well.

GPA is playing everyone. They've got the support of the moralists because they have the moralists convinced that hiding off in a corner and doing nothing is some great big noble act. To people like us who see through their lies, they just reiterate their neutrality pledge and hide behind the curtain. They can't be trusted.

[quote name='Don Chele' timestamp='1283407738' post='2438959']
I'm sure they'll get a kick out of your irrefutable Wizard of Oz logic, but you really are hopelessly lost in your own attempts to be GOONish (your alliance mates do it better than you, your avatar caption notwithstanding). If you scroll back up to the OP, you'll see that until about a week ago, I was part of the "upper stages" of their government. If you paid any attention whatsoever (or had been here for more than a minute), you would know that the GPA doesn't threaten EZI on their membership or anyone else. Expulsion, maybe, but you are being ridiculous Mr. Scarecrow.

I will also point out that the high turnover commented upon by many is deceptive in that almost all of the newly elected government have served in the government before, first among them Probablementeno, who has now served more terms as President than anyone in GPA history, I believe.

So you're one of them. By that alone your words cannot be trusted. You can state all you want that they don't threaten EZI, but they're not going to tell us because that would break the image that they are projecting upon us.

And don't assume that I'm trying to be all GOONish or however you want to try and belittle me. I'm just asking questions here, one's that need to be answered for the good of us all.

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Apologies for the double-post, but I was going back through the thread and saw something I missed. This is from the new GPA head, who apparently has had a couple of turns being "in charge":

[quote name='probablamenteno' timestamp='1283386865' post='2438657']
Actually, we're usually engaged with either some microrogue or in ghost enforcement. [b]Plus, we do go to considerable effort to prepare ourselves for larger-scale action should the need arise.[/b] [/quote]

Considerable effort. Should the need arise. That's quite a powerful statement there. If they are truly neutral, as they claim, then they should be relatively unaffected by a prolonged nuclear conflict (with the exception of the GRL but that hits every nation). And if an alliance declaring on them would be scorned by the community at large, to the point where it isn't considered, then what are they preparing for? Why go to a considerable effort for large-scale action when your alliance is dedicated to avoiding all action, large or small?

A very powerful statement, right there.

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[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1283394517' post='2438780']
When you've decided to isolate yourself from the rest of the community, the toughest task isn't playing a minuscule amount of defense against rogues and micros, as they said. It's keeping your membership under the spell that doing nothing is superior than doing anything. Honestly I was surprised that they even did foreign aid deals. I figured true neutrality would prevent them from aiding outside nations and alliances, since that might give favor to one side over another.[/quote]

Clearly their interpretation of neutrality is different from the hardline one you're attempting to push onto them. What a shame.

[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1283410022' post='2438987']
Considerable effort. Should the need arise. That's quite a powerful statement there. If they are truly neutral, as they claim, then they should be relatively unaffected by a prolonged nuclear conflict (with the exception of the GRL but that hits every nation). And if an alliance declaring on them would be scorned by the community at large, to the point where it isn't considered, then what are they preparing for? Why go to a considerable effort for large-scale action when your alliance is dedicated to avoiding all action, large or small?

A very powerful statement, right there.

Just because public opinion would (theoretically) be in support of the GPA does not mean that they should lay themselves bare to an aggressor should one appear. As the community has demonstrated repeatedly, moral/verbal support does not equate to military intervention. Again, you're attempting to paint the GPA into the corner of a room they don't even occupy.

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[quote name='Don Chele' timestamp='1283405588' post='2438925']
I briefly considered responding to specific posts here, but then I read them. You people do realize that the GPA has been operating under the same philosophy for over four years, don't you? It's not some nefarious plot to passively conquer the world. They really don't have much need to participate in the open community because, quite frankly, it rarely merits participation and they have their own, closed community.[/quote]

The fact that it is two GOONS members replying back and forth to one another, broken only occasionally by one or two people actually believing they're serious, should make it readily apparent that nobody is actually seriously suspecting the GPA of anything.

Edited by Moridin
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The GOONS have it right. And as former member of the GPA and a former minister in the GPA government I am now willing to tell all. GPA does have a super-duper-new-and-improved-first-class-vitamin-enriched-low-cost-triple-dipper-brilliant-play-ultimate-top-secret plan to conquer the Planet Bob. Not only do the normal, every-day, run of the mill member not even know of the existence of such a plan but even the cabinet members and executive branch of government do not have knowledge regarding the existence of the plan let alone any details. The kidnapping, cow-slaughtering, crop-circling aliens from the competing Planet Suzy have managed to hypnotise all members of the GPA alliance, implanting specific no-good-nic instructions which can only be retrieved on Kill-B[s]ill[/s]ob day. Until that day arises the members of the GPA are instructed to just grow infra, buy tech, acquire land and enjoy flower porn.

And how is it that I know all this. Simple. I am one of the oldest of the ol' farts on Planet Bob and right in the middle of the brain washing, my bladder decided it needed attention. So on automatic I wandered off to the bathroom thereby breaking out of the thought control beam before the Planet Suzyites could finish with their "forget all this" command. And like all ol' farts I thought it was just a bad dream brought on by indigestion from the leftover crock-pot meatball casserole the night before. Only the GOONS paranoia reminded me. So be gratefull to them. If they had not revived my memory you all would have fallen victim to the dreaded (or is that dreadlocked?) Planet Suzyites plan to conquer you using the GPA as their henchmen.


Oh yeah, lest I forget, congratulations on the new government GPA! I see you managed to get Prob back in the harness.

Edited by Antonio Salovega VI
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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1283443901' post='2439203']
The GOONS have it right. And as former member of the GPA and a former minister in the GPA government I am now willing to tell all. GPA does have a super-duper-new-and-improved-first-class-vitamin-enriched-low-cost-triple-dipper-brilliant-play-ultimate-top-secret plan to conquer the Planet Bob. Not only do the normal, every-day, run of the mill member not even know of the existence of such a plan but even the cabinet members and executive branch of government do not have knowledge regarding the existence of the plan let alone any details. The kidnapping, cow-slaughtering, crop-circling aliens from the competing Planet Suzy have managed to hypnotise all members of the GPA alliance, implanting specific no-good-nic instructions which can only be retrieved on Kill-B[s]ill[/s]ob day. Until that day arises the members of the GPA are instructed to just grow infra, buy tech, acquire land and enjoy flower porn.

And how is it that I know all this. Simple. I am one of the oldest of the ol' farts on Planet Bob and right in the middle of the brain washing, my bladder decided it needed attention. So on automatic I wandered off to the bathroom thereby breaking out of the thought control beam before the Planet Suzyites could finish with their "forget all this" command. And like all ol' farts I thought it was just a bad dream brought on by indigestion from the leftover crock-pot meatball casserole the night before. Only the GOONS paranoia reminded me. So be gratefull to them. If they had not revived my memory you all would have fallen victim to the dreaded (or is that dreadlocked?) Planet Suzyites plan to conquer you using the GPA as their henchmen.


Oh yeah, lest I forget, congratulations on the new government GPA! I see you managed to get Prob back in the harness.

You weren't supposed to reveal the secret :o

Now we'll have to kill you :ph34r:

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[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1283410022' post='2438987']
Considerable effort. Should the need arise. That's quite a powerful statement there. If they are truly neutral, as they claim, then they should be relatively unaffected by a prolonged nuclear conflict (with the exception of the GRL but that hits every nation). And if an alliance declaring on them would be scorned by the community at large, to the point where it isn't considered, then what are they preparing for? Why go to a considerable effort for large-scale action when your alliance is dedicated to avoiding all action, large or small?

A very powerful statement, right there.

There has been an instance in GPA's past where considerable action was indeed required. They were attacked.

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[quote name='dy Cazaril' timestamp='1283384773' post='2438611']
o7 for our new gov lineup. :)

Not too sure about the VP choice though. I don't like that guy too much. :D

I don't know, I hear he has his good points, don't worry. ^_^

Congrats on your new government and don't worry, my part of the super-duper sekrit GPA plan for world domination is going just fine :)

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Congratulations to the new GPA leadership - new only in the sense of 'freshly elected'. I recognize most of the officers has having held office before...

As for all of the 'interesting' conspiracy theories being bandied about here - thanks for the entertainment, guys!


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