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Zombie Pugs - Declaration of Existence

Jay Dubeu

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[indent][indent][size="1"]Through Round 12. We've taken a battering; going unnoticed as independent nations and running by ourselves. We thought our number was up. But then thirteen came along.

Thirteen has always been an unlucky number for most.
It's also been a number that usually represents evil and darkness.

Though; we're here to prove that wrong.

On Friday the 13th in August 2010, in the blanket of the night.
We come to you to declare our existence for round 13 of CN:TE. While young children have their mothers tuck their children into their warm beds and late night television lets unsuspecting watchers lay back as we lurk around the streets and work towards our future and combining together to collaborate for round thirteen.[/size][/indent][/indent]

[quote=Our Declaration of Existance]
[size="1"][center]A CN:TE alliance based in the green sphere.[/center][/size]
[font="Impact"][size="7"][center]Zombie Pugs[/center][/size][/font]
[center]http://zombiepugs.com || #ZP-TE at irc.coldfront.net[/center]
[font="Century Gothic"][size="6"]
The Zombie Charter[/size][/font]

[indent][indent][size="5"][b]Article I:[/b] Membership and Admission[/size]

[b]Section I:[/b] Application of Membership

A nation looking to join Zombie Pugs cannot receive membership if:

i. Is denied by a unanimous vote by the zombie council.
ii. Is currently in any wars that are against our tech raiding rules. (Refer to Article III; Section II)
iii. Currently in another alliance on TE.
iv. Declared a flight risk or an enemy by any other alliance.
v. Have not moved their nation to the green sphere; or moved within five days of application for membership.
vi. Understood this charter and signed when applying for membership agreeing to adhere to the charter.

[b]Section II:[/b] Loss of Membership

i. A member of Zombie Pugs may leave; at their own accord from the alliance but if the member is found to be spying; or committing treason on the Zombie Pugs alliance; they will be declared an enemy of the alliance and open to attacks and ZI's risks from the council and members of Zombie Pugs.
ii. A member deemed an enemy of Zombie Pugs may not be allowed to fly or visit any nation of Zombie Pugs. They will not receive the in-flight food or movies available on most flights; and will be dropped off at the closest airport.
iii. Spying on foreign alliances is frowned upon and if caught will result in an immediate dismissal from the alliance.
iv. Any references to Thriller while you have your membership will be an automatic dismissal from the alliance.
v. The automatic dismissal from the alliance referenced in iv. is completely at digression of the council at the time. [/size]
[b]Article II:[/b] Leadership Structure[/size]

[size=85]Zombie Pugs is based on a council; where the people in charge on the council are deemed suitable for their department role they have been given. Including General; Foreign; Internal and Defense affairs. Though the position and leadership structure can be changed at any time to include or refrain from positions at any time under decision of the council.[/size]
[b]Article III:[/b] War and Defence[/size]
[b]Section I:[/b] Declaration of War

A DoW is based on the decision of the members of the council when unanimous or if a majority of the members of the council are not within contact within 24 hours of an attack; can be decided by the remaining members of the council.
During Wartime; we will uphold, respect and honor any treaties we currently have in effect.
We will during wartime be allowed to infect and eat any soldiers we come across but not allow the harm or infection of innocent civilians in either nation we are at war with.

[b]Section II:[/b] Tech Raiding

Tech Raiding is allowed within our alliance but you can only raid a nation if:

i. The nation is a member of an alliance with six or less members.
ii. The nation is not within the green sphere.
iii. Permission has been granted to raid the nation by the zombie council.
iv. The nation has been inactive for less than twelve days. As anything past thirteen is just really unlucky.

[b]Section III:[/b] Defence

Any nation of Zombie Pugs if found to not be in of the charter; when under attack will be defended if no reasonable negotiation with the enemy can be made by nations within range of the enemy from our alliance no matter the size; until we are the victors or are no longer capable of defending.[/size]

[b]Article IV:[/b] Amendments[/size]

[size=85]A proposal of amendment to this charter can be made by any member of Zombie Pugs; and after a 24 hour review of the amendment; the council can make a decision to amend our current charter by a majority vote.[/size][/indent][/indent]

[center][size="6"][font="Impact"] Join us. For Round Thirteen.

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[quote name='Mikeyrox' timestamp='1281764692' post='2415447']
Alright then. Welcome to TE guys! :awesome:

You do realize round 13 doesnt start until the 20th though rite? <_<

Yeah; but I wanted to get this post done while it was still Friday the 13th.
Seemed appropriate. :3

[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281764738' post='2415449']
Charters? This guy must be new.

I'd prefer to work with something than around nothing.

Edited by Jay Dubeu
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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281764590' post='2415444']
I hope their war machine works...

Good Luck guys, and Welcome to TE.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281765209' post='2415459']
I hope their war machine works...

Good Luck guys, and Welcome to TE.


Thank you!

We're using this round to build our userbase first. So it's going to be a pig push this round but we have high spirits and hopes.
Then we'll see what we can do in Round 14. :smug:

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281764738' post='2415449']
Charters? This guy must be new.
i wrote a charter <_<

[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281765209' post='2415459']
I hope their war machine works...

Good Luck guys, and Welcome to TE.

yes, i do hope that they learn from you're mistakes and don't repeat things like MHA in round 11

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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281766832' post='2415488']
i wrote a charter <_<

That's because you're ADude. :smug:

Anyhow, hail our ZP overlords (called it for next round)

o/ ZP


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281766950' post='2415492']
That's because you're ADude. :smug:

Anyhow, hail our ZP overlords (called it for next round)

o/ ZP


i write them because i am awesome

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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281767106' post='2415500']
i write them because i am awesome

Sure you are, Anyhow, I think we've proven how awesome we are. And Jay Dubeu, Are you making this AA for your SE AA?


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281767241' post='2415503']
Anyways, Good Luck to Zombie Pugs, it's very hard to make a competent alliance. Try to get a protectorate with a competent alliance and I think you'll be fine.


Thank you; it's what we've been looking at now.

We've just been looking at past history of some; and will send off some requests before the next round starts hopefully.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281767241' post='2415503']
Sure you are, Anyhow, I think we've proven how awesome we are. And Jay Dubeu, Are you planning on trying to make the TE AA for your SE AA?


rabble rabble.

good luck to ZP

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No, it isn't just rabble rabble, alot of Alliances have been coming over from SE lately.

Edit: And once again, Good Luck and Welcome to TE, ZP.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281767989' post='2415513']
No, it isn't just rabble rabble, alot of Alliances have been coming over from SE lately.

Edit: And once again, Good Luck and Welcome to TE, ZP.


i can't believe you convinced me to do this.

what color sphere will you be on?

i agree with confusion here, sorry for making a mess of your thread.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1281767989' post='2415513']

Edit: That's it, Just let it rest ADude. Good Luck ZP, and sorry for bringing this argument to your DoE.

It's no problem.
Good for the thread post count! :smug:

[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281768474' post='2415520']
what color sphere will you be on?

We'll be calling the Green Sphere our home for Round 13. If all goes well; we'll be staying there for Round 14.

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1281766180' post='2415478']
I am old and well, I can't find my glasses. :wacko:

Sorry Cowboy, I sat on them. :(

[i]Edit:[/i] Oh yeah, welcome and good luck to Zombie Pugs. :D

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