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[quote name='Lazarus Long' timestamp='1281579468' post='2411989']
I don't spin stuff. Want a war?

Ummm if this was a threat if you're feeling froggy leap. Of course you're not because you're just a simple troll and all talk and no action, but if you'd like to DoW go ahead. There isn't anything stopping you. I'm not holding my breath though.

[quote name='Lazarus Long' timestamp='1281581371' post='2412058']
The best of a bad lot, begone GATO

Hi I'm Lazarus, I have nothing to say so I'll just say what they said was bad.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1281581803' post='2412067']
Uh, no they weren't.


Those all happened before ODN and Athens were hit.

The time when NSO asked for help was the TOP/CnG war. It is impossible for Athens/ODN not to have been hit first. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though of not understanding what I was talking about since I consider you a smart guy Haf.

[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281582105' post='2412073']
It goes like this:

Apparently RV comes to Omni Sunday afternoon or something as soon as he catches wind of RoK's impending declaration (Not from GATO), and asks Omni if he received word of it.

Omni admits he did know beforehand, but they quickly move past that point. So they discuss the events for a little while, and eventually Omni mentions the possibility of GATO chaining in and maybe causing the SuperGrievances split as a result, both agree that it isn't feasible, and RV reiterates that since it wouldnt serve any purpose, then GATO shouldn't get involved. Even though he still felt at that point that it wasn't seriously going to happen.

Cue several hours later, where Omni goes to the Senators and gives little snippets of the conversation colored to imply that Heft provoked Hoo in the hopes of chaining in GATO and thus causing a SF/CnG war. Omni then uses this as an excuse to motion for a voiding of our treaty.

Your Senators get riled up, Omni continues to stoke the flames with claims of betrayal and generally playing the martyr, and its a unanimous vote to lead up to this mess.

Skip ahead a few days, and magicninja sees the full context of the logs, as well as a few other folks, and it comes to light that Omni lied. So magicninja convinces a bunch of the senators to change their votes. 3 of whom decide to go with abstaining rather than no, and 2 to rejecting the nullification. 2, of course, were still firmly behind the cancellation.

So given the fact that they were openly lied to by Omni given the circumstances, the plurality of your government was still in favor of nullifying our treaty with you, even if they were uninterested in actually casting a supporting vote given the blatantly suspicious circumstances.

Ive heard theres been a motion for a vote of no confidence? I dont think itll go through, but itd be nice if it did. Of course, magicninja has decided to wash his hands of us as well, considering he realized that we weren't going to be so understanding as to accept an empty apology for this slap to the face.

As an alliance, we really thought highly of you guys. Thanks for showing us how much that faith was worth.

This is a complete lie. I'll log dump if nessicary to prove it. I approached NSO and asked why hadn't we been informed. Heft says lol don't worry about it. I say ummm no it's pretty damn important. Then he explains and sends logs. RV then enters the channel. I query RV and ask why we weren't informed. RV keeps apologizing and then says that NSO will jump to peace mode and see if they can ride it out there. Saying one thing we're good at is playing martyr. Next I'm told to go into the war planning channel. I tell RV "I'm not going to pull an IRON in GWIII, but I probably don't want to join here." I'm told they don't care go ahead and join anyway. I'm then asked several times if I can get our allies to fight against SF. This actually pissed me off a good bit that NSO was requesting that I have some of my allies fight my other allies. I know the story you just told was how RV tried to spin it to you, so I'll give you a pass but I'll gladly show logs as proof if it's necessary. I just normally don't log dump.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281581280' post='2412057']
None of whom were in a position to do anything about it, including apparently magicninja, who just got tired of trying after a certain point.[/quote]

I never got tired of trying. I just got defeated by the word of law. I would have done more if I could have. It didn't work out.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281583442' post='2412110']
Ummm if this was a threat if you're feeling froggy leap. Of course you're not because you're just a simple troll and all talk and no action, but if you'd like to DoW go ahead. There isn't anything stopping you. I'm not holding my breath though.

Hi I'm Lazarus, I have nothing to say so I'll just say what they said was bad.


Hey, remember that time Ivan El Terrible defeated GATO single handedly?

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281583442' post='2412110']

This is a complete lie. I'll log dump if nessicary to prove it. I approached NSO and asked why hadn't we been informed. Heft says lol don't worry about it. I say ummm no it's pretty damn important. Then he explains and sends logs. RV then enters the channel. I query RV and ask why we weren't informed. RV keeps apologizing and then says that NSO will jump to peace mode and see if they can ride it out there. Saying one thing we're good at is playing martyr. Next I'm told to go into the war planning channel. I tell RV "I'm not going to pull an IRON in GWIII, but I probably don't want to join here." I'm told they don't care go ahead and join anyway. I'm then asked several times if I can get our allies to fight against SF. This actually pissed me off a good bit that NSO was requesting that I have some of my allies fight my other allies. I know the story you just told was how RV tried to spin it to you, so I'll give you a pass but I'll gladly show logs as proof if it's necessary. I just normally don't log dump.
These logs you keep threatening to dump tell a very different story.

Thankfully theyll be the unabridged version when they're actually put out for everyone else to see.

[quote]This is a complete lie. I'll log dump if nessicary to prove it. I approached NSO and asked why hadn't we been informed. Heft says lol don't worry about it.[/quote]Havn't you been saying that Heft never replied when you were trying to get a hold of him that afternoon? And why you felt as if you were being ignored? Let me go back and check:

[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281335465' post='2406901']
Unfortunately no, Heft was already on and just chilling. He never once said anything to me.

So which is it? Was he just chilling, or did he say "lol dont worry about it"?

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281582105' post='2412073']
Skip ahead a few days, and magicninja sees the full context of the logs, as well as a few other folks, and it comes to light that Omni lied. So magicninja convinces a bunch of the senators to change their votes. 3 of whom decide to go with abstaining rather than no, and 2 to rejecting the nullification. 2, of course, were still firmly behind the cancellation.

So given the fact that they were openly lied to by Omni given the circumstances, the plurality of your government was still in favor of nullifying our treaty with you, even if they were uninterested in actually casting a supporting vote given the blatantly suspicious circumstances.

Ive heard theres been a motion for a vote of no confidence? I dont think itll go through, but itd be nice if it did. Of course, magicninja has decided to wash his hands of us as well, considering he realized that we weren't going to be so understanding as to accept an empty apology for this slap to the face.

As an alliance, we really thought highly of you guys. Thanks for showing us how much that faith was worth.

Mostly true, except Omni didn't lie per se. He may not have told the whole truth. Tantamount? Maybe I guess.

I did try to convince people to take back the vote. Probably would have been worse PR. People would have seen it as going back because of the negative PR. The 2 votes that remained for cancelling were because those congressmen never got a chance to change their vote before the time was up. I don;t know that they would have changed it but I think it's a bit misleading in your context. Idea of a VoNC was of course thrown around but what would that really solve except to placate yourselves?

I only decided to wash my hands of you when you decided to harass me. The guy in GATO who was fighting the hardest for you. Nicely done.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281583809' post='2412121']
These logs you keep threatening to dump tell a very different story.

Thankfully theyll be the unabridged version when they're actually put out for everyone else to see.

Havn't you been saying that Heft never replied when you were trying to get a hold of him that afternoon? And why you felt as if you were being ignored? Let me go back and check:


So which is it? Was he just chilling, or did he say "lol dont worry about it"?

He didn't say anything to me until I spoke to him. You know damn well what I meant.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281584468' post='2412135']
He didn't say anything to me until I spoke to him. You know damn well what I meant.
No, you kind of openly said he never said anything to you.
[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281335465' post='2406901']
Unfortunately no, Heft was already on and just chilling. [b]He never once said anything to me.
Hrm, you're right, I do know what you meant.

Exactly what you said.
[quote name='Magicninja']Idea of a VoNC was of course thrown around but what would that really solve except to placate yourselves?[/quote]Which would have gone a seriously long way, even if the nullification wasn't overthrown.

[quote]I only decided to wash my hands of you when you decided to troll and harass me. The guy in GATO who was fighting the hardest for you. Nicely done.
[/quote]You defended these shenanigans. Continuously.

Did you expect us to thank you for telling us why we deserved to be backstabbed by your government?

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281584775' post='2412145']
You defended these shenanigans. Continuously.

Did you expect us to thank you for telling us why we deserved to be backstabbed by your government?[/quote]

After you started giving me !@#$ I figured we made the right move. I should've expected it when I told Lennox of the official vote and his attitude turned !@#$%*.

What would have been nice was a "Thanks for trying magic. You nearly pulled it off. Maybe once those we don't trust are out of power we can work on mending things." You chose otherwise. Now I am perfectly happy with the cancellation. The only thing I'm sorry about is the timing.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281585102' post='2412157']
After you started giving me !@#$ I figured we made the right move. I should've expected it when I told Lennox of the official vote and his attitude turned !@#$%*.

What would have been nice was a "Thanks for trying magic. You nearly pulled it off. Maybe once those we don't trust are out of power we can work on mending things." You chose otherwise. Now I am perfectly happy with the cancellation. The only thing I'm sorry about is the timing.
Well, I wasnt there for that part of the conversation. But I'll say this:

Thanks for trying, magic. Sorry it turned out to be for nothing.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281585102' post='2412157']
After you started giving me !@#$ I figured we made the right move. I should've expected it when I told Lennox of the official vote and his attitude turned !@#$%*.

Read on some logs that you abstained or something? Tho, I'm bit confused about the context of the situation in the logs and or what is being discussed here.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281585465' post='2412167']
He doesn't have a vote.
Oh ok, my bad. Gotta say that GATO drama is turning out to be much more interesting than the CB itself.

Hope you guys figure it out.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281584468' post='2412135']
He didn't say anything to me until I spoke to him. You know damn well what I meant.

You realize that you're only making yourself look dumber. Please, stop posting. We didn't anticipate that war was coming when Heft was just "chillin" there. If we did anticipate it, then why did we take until 5 to move into peace mode? At that time, informing our allies was not exactly on his mind. Stop this stupid argument. You lied to your Congress, and manipulated this treaty cancellation.

Secondly, to address magicninja's feelings. We are not targeting you personally. I think you're getting a little carried away with your emotions. We at NSO feel as if we were duped for the one of the dumbest reasons possible at the dumbest time possible. Yes, you had a re-vote because you realized that Omni lied to you guys. Yes, you tried to convince people otherwise. Thanks. But your government chose not to keep the treaty. Why? Because three of them abstained. How do you think that makes us feel? That you guys voted to cancel it because three of your guys didn't care either way? Even [i]after[/i] you found out that Omni was lying to you, you give us the same decision. That sounds like your government has it in for us, and we're very disappointed by this. And since you are basically the only GATO member being active, we are channeling our aggression through you. That's how it works most of the time. Sorry if your feelings were hurt, but we aren't targeting you.

All in all, I wish I can say I still have hope, because there are still cool people in GATO. But given the fact that 3/7s of your Congress apparently doesn't care about us, 2/7s of them don't like us, it's probably better that we cool down a bit.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281585380' post='2412163']
Well, I wasnt there for that part of the conversation. But I'll say this:

Thanks for trying, magic. Sorry it turned out to be for nothing.

Take your thanks and blow it out your $@!.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281585747' post='2412174']
You realize that you're only making yourself look dumber. Please, stop posting. We didn't anticipate that war was coming when Heft was just "chillin" there. If we did anticipate it, then why did we take until 5 to move into peace mode? At that time, informing our allies was not exactly on his mind. Stop this stupid argument. You lied to your Congress, and manipulated this treaty cancellation.

Secondly, to address magicninja's feelings. We are not targeting you personally. I think you're getting a little carried away with your emotions. We at NSO feel as if we were duped for the one of the dumbest reasons possible at the dumbest time possible. Yes, you had a re-vote because you realized that Omni lied to you guys. Yes, you tried to convince people otherwise. Thanks. But your government chose not to keep the treaty. Why? Because three of them abstained. How do you think that makes us feel? That you guys voted to cancel it because three of your guys didn't care either way? Even [i]after[/i] you found out that Omni was lying to you, you give us the same decision. That sounds like your government has it in for us, and we're very disappointed by this. And since you are basically the only GATO member being active, we are channeling our aggression through you. That's how it works most of the time. Sorry if your feelings were hurt, but we aren't targeting you.

All in all, I wish I can say I still have hope, because there are still cool people in GATO. But given the fact that 3/7s of your Congress apparently doesn't care about us, 2/7s of them don't like us, it's probably better that we cool down a bit.

Oh !@#$%^&*. There were plenty of comments made directly at me. You chose to alienate the one person who was standing up for you the most. Those changes from yes to abstain would have saved the treaty if it hadn't been for the damn "once the 7th person votes it's over stipulation" I'm glad that's gone now I wish it was in effect to apply. It wasn;t I tried every avenue available to save this thing and you guys !@#$ all over me for it. Amazing how YOU people treat your friends and you get to play the victims? I'm done with you guys.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281586221' post='2412188']
Oh !@#$%^&*. There were plenty of comments made directly at me. You chose to alienate the one person who was standing up for you the most. Those changes from yes to abstain would have saved the treaty if it hadn't been for the damn "once the 7th person votes it's over stipulation" I'm glad that's gone now I wish it was in effect to apply. It wasn;t I tried every avenue available to save this thing and you guys !@#$ all over me for it. Amazing how YOU people treat your friends and you get to play the victims? I'm done with you guys.

Well if there were people blaming you for stuff, I'd like to hear about it so I can set them straight. But you are overreacting to all of this a bit too much.

And "amazing how we treat our friends"? Um. Look at the thread you're posting in. Look at the topic of this thread. Look at how you are treating us with your actions. Yeah, and you wonder why we're sitting here yelling at you people.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281586575' post='2412196']
Well if there were people blaming you for stuff, I'd like to hear about it so I can set them straight. But you are overreacting to all of this a but too much.

And "amazing how we treat our friends"? Um. Look at the thread you're posting in. Look at the topic of this thread. Look at how you are treating us with your actions. Yeah, and you wonder why we're sitting here yelling at you people.

I was never nothing but your friend. Probably the best you all had in GATO. You wanted me to fix things but as soon as it didn't happen you lumped me in with everyone else and started hating on me directly. For what? Because I failed? Be glad I tried. As soon as I was no use to you I was just like any other person you hate in GATO. That's weak. I will damn sure take it personally. I really thought I had friends over there. People I knew and cared about and cared about me. What a god damn shame.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281586803' post='2412205']
I was never nothing but your friend. Probably the best you all had in GATO. You wanted me to fix things but as soon as it didn't happen you lumped me in with everyone else and started hating on me directly. For what? Because I failed? Be glad I tried. As soon as I was no use to you I was just like any other person you hate in GATO. That's weak. I will damn sure take it personally. I really thought I had friends over there. People I knew and cared about and cared about me. What a god damn shame.

We mock each other endlessly. Thats how we vent. Looking at the logs, the way it started was venting about the alliance, and then you began defending the actions of your alliance, which is fine and understandable, but that served to just provoke us, and things went downhill from there.

We didn't blame you at all. [i]At all.[/i]

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281586803' post='2412205']
I was never nothing but your friend. Probably the best you all had in GATO. You wanted me to fix things but as soon as it didn't happen you lumped me in with everyone else and started hating on me directly. For what? Because I failed? Be glad I tried. As soon as I was no use to you I was just like any other person you hate in GATO. That's weak. I will damn sure take it personally. I really thought I had friends over there. People I knew and cared about and cared about me. What a god damn shame.

Yeah you're taking all of this way to personally dude.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281587151' post='2412217']
Yeah you're taking all of this way to personally dude.

Why shouldn't I? I was the best friend you guys had in GATO and you !@#$ all over me for it. If that isn;t something to take personally.......

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281587338' post='2412226']
Why shouldn't I? I was the best friend you guys had in GATO and you !@#$ all over me for it. If that isn;t something to take personally.......
It was shooting the messenger at worst, magic. It wasn't about you.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281587338' post='2412226']
Why shouldn't I? I was the best friend you guys had in GATO and you !@#$ all over me for it. If that isn;t something to take personally.......

So things got heated during some real time communications. They weren't angry at you, they're upset at the whole situation they've found themselves in. You just happened to make yourself available to hear their frustrations. And it's not like you didn't respond to them in kind. Personally I'd call the whole chat a draw with both sides being jerks.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281587577' post='2412241']
It was shooting the messenger at worst, magic. It wasn't about you.

You made seem that way. Why dump all your anger on me? What did I do to deserve it? I was the convenient GATO face so I got the kick to the nuts for something I fought hard against?

Really nice of you to treat a pal like that. Good show.

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