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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315241185' post='2795326']
[b]Private Transmission to Selenarctos, Japan, Vauleyo, Austria (Ehestadt Office), and Burma:[/b]

The Infrastructure Bank of the United Federation of the East wishes to raise 20 billion international bancors in loanable funds from foreign sources for the Transmongolian Launch Loop. Investment will be recouped by value added tax to all launch materials into space. We estimate to pay a 5% return on investment. Additionally we would like to raise an additional 5 billion for infrastructure improvement around the area.

Lastly we are offering equity investments which are less secure, but offer higher return on profit, when the loop becomes profitable. 25% of the company will be available for foreign purchase, 25% is currently being offered through domestic stock market offerings, while 50+1% will be control by the United Federation of the East Government.

The government of Selenarctos wishes to purchase the entire 25% bloc available for foreign purchase, and will also provide additional investments to aid in the construction of the launch loop.

For power consumption, would several medium-sized fusion plants along the length of the loop be sufficient? If so, Selenarctan Power and Ersch Electronics based in Selenarctos are equipped to implement such an system.

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The Selenarctos purchase is noted, what ratio would you like of equity and bonds, or would you like 25% of each?

In regards to fusion, the UFE is building some fusion plants currently, but we would welcome 5 additional ones to be built in parallel rather than serial, if Selenarctos could accommodate the added equipment production this would greatly increase the speed of the launch loop's operational status.

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Selenarctos would prefer equity in anticipation for the Ceylon Island habitat's completion and subsequent increase in orbit-bound traffic.

For fusion plants, we shall begin surveying for plant locations with construction to follow soon.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315147658' post='2794593']
With procedures for accounting for and dismantling of the Zargathian Army underway, the second step of military integration would now begun. First much of Zargathia's old radar and SOSUS systems would be demolished and made way for new more advanced ones provided by the United Federation of the East. Secondly, airbases would begin being reinforced to a superior level of quality. Reinforced hangars and runways would replace old obsolescent ones.

The Zargathian Navy and Air Force would be put into storage while buyers were found. The systems in both were found quickly beyond hope of military integrations.

As for the territory it would quickly be integrated into the Northern Army Group's Zone of Operation.

[quote]From: Singacorp HQ, Harbin
To: United Federation of the East, Minister of Defense
Subject: Zargathian Navy

We would be interested in purchasing this material, provided you would be willing to sell it to a nonpolitical entity. Given that the technology is fairly obsolete, what price range would you consider fair for these three vessels?

R. Hilmarsson
Singacorp CEO[/quote]

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[quote]WeiHai: Dr. Solo, welcome to Qingyuan, and thank you for meeting with us on short notice.
[4:30pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: It is not a problem, sir. I'm always on call for diplomatic matters such as these. And, I must say the Emperor and the Empire as a whole was quite distressed about your letter.
[4:32pm] WeiHai: Yes well, I can't imagine it was pleasant, I hope it conveyed a respectful tone in the manner of which it was said. You see through careful review we've noticed that among our high level allies, our coordination has been among the lowest. As such we'd like to take the time to review the relationship.
[4:34pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: I'm afriad the Emperor respectfully disagrees with your assessment. Whenever you have asked for our help, we have been there at your side without a second thought. Hundreds of our troops died storming the beaches of Korea for the Federation. While I will admit that our military capabilities are not up to par with some of your other allies, we are getting stronger and are now able to (cont.)
[4:34pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: project force anywhere in the world in a matter of hours instead of days.
[4:37pm] WeiHai: I would not disagree with that, however, I'm not proposing a complete termination of the alliance either. I would say that measuring capability is one thing, for example the Kingdom of Cochin has substantial capability but is not placed in the same tier as the Austrians, who have less capability. Thats not really the issue. The issue is more political and military coordination and constant cooperation. We've found that we do not hear much coming out of your nation as far as coordinating, as say from Athens or Royaume de Lumere.
[4:38pm] WeiHai: Our belief is that political cohesion is as important as just military quid pro quo aid
[4:39pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by political cohesion.
[4:42pm] WeiHai: I am referring to the coordination of geostrategy, discussion of day to day issues of politics in the globe, where we see trajectories of political power moving. These sorts of 'same page' bonds of trust. While other MDoAP and above allies and us aren't always on the same page, these are conversations we regularly have, we've not had much of any with you in some time. Now I did propose this meeting because you have been much stronger in your support than say the Holy American Empire with who we just fully cancelled, and thus we can discuss if you wish to remedy this, or if you want to reword our alliance to something more appropriate for the coordination level.
[4:45pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: The Federation was our first ally, and we remain committed to you as allies regardless of the level of our relations. The Empire has no interest in a downgrade, and would rather be open to a possible remedy to the situation. A downgrade would be seen, by many, as a slap in the face.
[4:47pm] WeiHai: Alright, well lets talk about the situation then.
[4:49pm] WeiHai: We're unclear currently what the grand strategy of Pravus Ingruo is currently especially in regards to the trajectory of North America. Our view is that, currently while we have no problem with North America generally, it does not make a whole lot of sense for there to be blanket protection, particularly of ancient regimes like the Holy American Empire. While we aren't necessarily at this point ourselves hostile to the Holy American Empire, we do think that there suspension of our treaty at a time of war was particularly troublesome, and we don't want to be connected to defending an Empire that seems to teeter on the verge of anarchy after the way they treated us.
[4:52pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: The Empire does not place blanket protection over North America or South America. The ATO disbanded long ago, and the Dobbs Doctrine has been pulled back out of Canada and east of the Mississippi. We are, for all intents and purposes in North America, on our own coast. Now, do we want foreign nations busting onto the two continents? No. But we are not obligated to defend anyone from it.
[4:55pm] WeiHai: Alright, I was under the impression you still had ties, however, and this is not for us, the UFE has god knows enough territory to govern as is, but we do wonder in a situation where new powers would though they originate elsewhere be more proactive in territorial integration and governance than older ones like the Holy American Empire, what would your views be. Because quite candidly our view of these anti-colonial doctrines in general is that a local active regime is always best, but a foreign active regime is better than a local disfunctional regime.
[4:56pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: While the Emperor still holds to the general view of the people that America should be for Americans, he is not as rigidly held to that as his predecessor was.
[4:57pm] WeiHai: Very well, and we would not at all be obligated to help preserve the territorial integrity of such regimes (beyond the HAE)
[4:57pm] WeiHai: ?
[4:58pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: A foreign power invading would be something to be dealt with by American powers, not more foreign ones. We would not ask for assistance unless our own territory was attacked.
WeiHai:So we understand it, the MDoAP then would solely apply to PI proper then?
[2:56pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: Correct. We do not consider it a chaining treaty, although we are not shy about lending forces to assist in your operations whether you are directly attacked or not.
[3:01pm] WeiHai: Ok. In that case our main other concern would be the amount of contact and transparency that exists between us. This is to an extent both sides fault, but as part of an optional aggression versus just a standard mutual defense treaty, we feel there should be a great deal more contact on a general officer level and inter operability in war fighting.
[3:03pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: We can understand and appreciate your concerns with that. What course of action would you suggest be taken to rectify these concerns?
[3:04pm] WeiHai: What active training programs do your forces have?
[3:06pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: We currently are in the process of conducting massive sea trials in the Atlantic. Many of our fleets were scrambled over the Ireland issue, we figured we could use the readiness to conduct more training on our new ships. We also have constant training for our ground troops taking place throughout our western states. Our Air Force, as it has been, is at a near-constant state of readiness (cont.)
[3:07pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: and is widely regarded as one of the most skilled and best prepared air forces in the world, despite lacking some of the technological power of other nations.
[3:07pm] WeiHai: Do you have programs similar to the former US's Pacific Vision and Red Flag?
[3:12pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: As we only recently rebuilt our navy, we have not yet participated in a large-scale, multi-nation war game between naval fleets, or even between our own fleets. However, our Air Force consistently runs war games, both with actual planes and simulators throughout the year. Our Black Knight squadron, led by the Emperor's sister, has continued their father's tradition as being one of the (cont.)
[3:12pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: premeir fighter squadrons in the world.
[3:16pm] WeiHai: Perhaps then, it can attend our next exercise in Alaska for our North American forces training grounds. As for the fleet, let us know when you are ready. Building trust at an operational level though we feel is extremely important, especially the way the UFE fights its wars now a days with many coalition partners operating at high speed in the same battle space.
[3:18pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: It can certainly be arranged that the Black Knights, or any of our fighter squadrons, be in attendence for the next exercise. The 3rd Fleet, stationed at Imperial Military Base: Command Pacific would also be able to attend as they are stationed right off the coast of British Columbia
[3:23pm] WeiHai: Very well, I believe we can look and see how the relationship develops. My hope is that we can move the relationship to a level which reflects the degree of coordination we have with our other MDoAP level partners. I do believe though our primary concern around North America and the situation there is resolved.
[3:24pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: That is very good to hear on our end. Is there anything else you wished to discuss?
[3:26pm] WeiHai: At the moment no. We would like to take stock of how what we've discussed has been put into action some point in the medium term. But at the moment no.
[3:27pm] Professor_Henry_Solo: Alright. Feel free to give me or the Emperor a call if you need anything.
[3:29pm] WeiHai: Very well, have a good day.[/quote]

Dispatch to Vassals:

Pull back Africa forces, 2/3s to home bases, 1/3 to a defensive perimeter in Morocco.

3rd PLA Amphibious army is to 1/2 deploy to China, 1/2 remain in Morocco.

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[center][b]Doctrine of Global Self Determination[/b][/center]

The United Federation of the East hereby commits itself to a doctrine of Global Self Determination, this shall be defined as the following:

(1) The United Federation of the East only supports the further expansion of any powers territory, within their own continent or maritime bordered areas. This means that we do not have a problem with say a hypothetical Alaskan nation taking territory in a hypothetical siberian area, but would have a problem with a hypothetical Alaskan nation taking territory in a hypothetical african nation. Of course expansion within a continent would not be in violation of this doctrine.
(2) We oppose vigorously the mass movement of one ethnic group out of an area in order to make room for another.
(3) While we recognize the right, and assert it our self of every power to intervene as determined by their national security and moral interests everywhere (provided a formal declaration of war be made), we do not recognize the universal right to conquest.
(4) The United Federation of the East believes that if one maintains a policy in regards to its own near abroad and area of influence, it should be applied to all areas in which it interacts.
(5) No power should attempt to acquire maritime territory, outside its natural zone of growth in order to restrict the lanes of the sea and the free movement of both local powers, and the natural equilibrium of the global economy.


[b]Classified Dispatch to the Sovereign Initiative[/b]

UFE Forces are mobilizing to Defcon 2, per Operational Instructions.

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The United Federation of the East is announcing it is using eminent domain to annex the following Islands which lay between Asia and North America.


This Fort Beihai Island Trust shall be occupied by the People's Liberation Army, further they shall be investigated for a possible bridge between Asia and North America.


Major installations with capabilities similar scaled, for Fort Beihai are to begin construction. New SOSUS systems are to be deployed to the area too.

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Greater Pacifica supports its ally's annexation and interest in developing transcontinental infrastructure. If such a bridge were built it would be a boon both sides of the pacific.

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[b]Chinese News Network Announcement[/b]:

With the continued decoupling of Neo Triyunican Industries now coupled with the dissolution of the Special Project Division, August Imperator Yuan Jia has ordered the creation of a new state supervised company which will be responsible for producing high tech innovation. This new Scientific Development Center shall be given confiscated resources of both organization and shall be based in Shenzhen. It shall be called: Shenzhen Advanced Laboratories.

[b]Classified Development:[/b]

Shenzhen Advanced Laboratories will begin construction on new engine blocs for military tactical and strategic platforms. These shall be based around a pure hydrogen fuel source. The primary issue with these units shall be the development of new nanotechnology based materials which are designed to endure the increasingly intensive pressure and heat created by a new hydrogen based engine.

The project is expected to yield air frames with considerably smaller air intake valves than current technology allowing for a reduction in forward IR and Radar cross section on air craft. Further a hydrogen system is expected to produce a significant reduction in the maximum weight in combat load out of the aircraft.

Possible lines of advancement will focus on developing fine-grain silicon-based polycrystalline materials with carbon nanotube reinforcement, as well as silica nanofoams for liquid hydrogen containment.

The overall goal of this engine is to produce one which has significant more efficiency than a hydrocarbon engine, is developed to reduce the IR signature of the UFE aircraft, and enjoys significant improvements in range and thrust-weight ratios. Further these engines must have extreme combat endurance expected in modern war scenarios, and be easily repairable and serviceable in a scenario where extended fighting is expected.

These developments are expected to be first seen on the B-11 Bomber and a to be named tactical aircraft and will be the beginning of the UFE naval and air revolutionary project 'Huang Di'.

In projects the UFE will begin launch of an additional group of stealth equipped satellites equipped with newer advanced radar to provide an increased view of Asia and the surrounding areas. These units will be equipped with advanced electronic and cyberwarfare defenses against anti-satellite lasers and ballistic missiles as well as some self adjusted maneuvering capabilities.

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[b]Second Imperial Birth Confirmed[/b]

This morning at 8:45, Empress Maria Theresia von Hapsburg, has given birth to the second child of the Yuan-Hapsburg Line. The young daughter, named Maria Cecilia is the second child born by the Empress with her husband, the Imperator of the United Federation of the East. With Maria Cecilia's birth, there has been talk that in light of the hereditary rights that govern the Austrian monarchy and the meritocratic philosophies that govern China, either the Crown Prince Leopold, or his sister are eligible for the crown of Austria, but only after ample review as they continue to grow may one child be named as the successor to the Imperator.

Celebrations are expected to take place across both the Empire and the Federation at the confirmation of the birth and the Empress, after some hours of labor could only express joy at the second birth.

"While Leopold has always been the star in the eyes of the Imperator, I am happy that I now have a daughter to take in with my own fashion of love."

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[quote]To: Empress Maria Theresia von Hapsburg and August Imperator Jia of the United Federation of the East

We congratulate you on becoming parents again. We wish the mother, the father and the child the best of health. May your daughter grow up healthy and happy in a peaceful and prosperous world.

Vikram Kerala Varma and Anaswara Vikram Varma,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

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"I congratulate the two of you on your burgeoning family and wish you continued successful tidings...as my father used to say you can never have too many heirs (or in this case heiresses)!"

[i]Sovereign & Lord of the Kingdom of New Spain[/i]
[i]Enrique Bourbon[/i]

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The United Federation of the East


We request a meeting with your corresponding officials regarding setting up of a Cochin Chamber of Commerce Trade Station at your Port of Singapore. Our objective is to use the port facilities of Singapore as a primary trade and logistic center for our expansion of trade activities to the East.

Yours Sincerely,

CE Francis,
Minister of Commerce,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

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We don't mean to offend, but how is this a government to government issue versus enterprise to enterprise issue?

It seems to use that if Cochinese companies want to lease or find more space in Singapore they're perfectly welcome to lease or purchase it from current property owners in the city. If there are real estate shortages or ship mooring shortages we'd be happy to hear of them. In the mean time perhaps enterprises could look at Kuala Lampur or Bangkok for hubs?

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1314236146' post='2787906']
[b]Highly Classified[/b]:

UFE Production has been ordered on the following procurement for classified usage, money was forwarded via the Imperial Treasury. Production was ordered to be concentrated in Southern Zones, to help act as fiscal stimulus for the sagging economy:

48 F-1 Quantum Fighters
36 F-3 Dagger Interceptors
120 F-2 Fighters
240 F-36 Fighers
64 Tu-160 Sinos
12 Tu-160 Rudolphs
82 B-9 Mark III Grim Reapers

120 A-47 UCAVs
24 Skyhawk C AWACs UAV
24 Skyhakw C Battlfield Control UAV
50 Next Gen Air Borne Tankers
120 C-130s
20 An-225s
20 Boeing PELICANs

450, 000 Xenias Combat Armor Kits
4000 M-13XX Variable Armored Personnel Carriers
1000 Expeditionary II Fighting Vehicles
3000 Stryker II Variable Infantry Fighting Vehicles
1800 Juggernaut II Tanks
2000 MCS IIIs
200 Fury Super MBTs
1500 NLOS-C Cannons
1500 NLOS-M Mortars
400 MLRS Launchers
1200 NLOS Hydra AA Guns
1200 S-500 SAM Launchers
120 MH-60 Direct Action Penetrators
120 XH-60 Stealth Black Hawks
120 RCS Gunships
80 CH-53 Super Stallions

Additionally three systems for mid sized integrated air defense systems and theatre based sonar systems were ordered, along with quantities of anti shipping missiles, and 30 rail guns.

Large quantities of the arms orders would be shipped to Austria Hungary and Morocco for outfitting to units. OTH radars and integrated air defenses would begin to go online in Morocco, Austria Hungary, and the Azores.

A second large shipment to Europe would begin, moving arms production equipment to Slavorussia to give domestic capabilities producing the F-36 and F-2 MKR along with the NLOS series and Juggernaut II MBT series. Sensitive parts such as RAM, Engine technology, and radar would remain in the UFE and they would be shipped as pieces to be assembled in country.

OOC: Note the ramjet has been removed from the F-1 as it is only workable with a turbojet rather than turbofan which leads to severe heat, fuel efficiency, and performance issues.

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[b]Notes from the People's Liberation Navy:[/b]

Construction of Zanzibar and Oman naval stations are proceeding on schedule for significant upgrades and modernizations. Base defenses are based along the Guam Defenses.

Further significant radar upgrades to the LCS fleet to improve missile defense capability is currently underway, with an estimation of significantly increasing the capability of air and missile defense for the fleet.

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Six brigade combat teams have been moved to Zanzibar to reinforce the islands current defenses. Additionally two anti-shipping missile battalions and two air defense battalions have been stationed as well with a mix of S-500 and DEW systems as well as tactical missiles. The units will be reinforced by an S-1 squadron providing radar support from space, and passive sensor units on the ground. Anti shipping battalions are to maintain their presence covertly using the latest model container Club K missiles for their operations.

Further preparations were being made to permanently mobilize 180, 000 more national guard soldiers to regulars in order make the UFEs standing ground forces in the regular army and amphibious army combined at 1, 385, 000.

[b]Highly Classified:[/b]

Testing is to begin of Air Force Base 11 in the UFE Antarctic World Heritage Preserve. The Alaskan Air Wing is to train the newly commissioned force in long range air to air combat.

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The United Federation of the East upon assuming control of Palau has ordered the following procurement:

(1) Significant quantities of anti-shipping and anti-air missiles including ABM capability, deployed in reinforced launch sites.
(2) Significant quantities of submersed torpedo launchers.
(3) Anti-ship mines within the EEZ
(4) Sonar and Radar Coverage including ABM capabilities.
(5) OTH Radar oriented Southward
(6) Significant tunnel construction
(7) Reinforced Air Craft Runways and Hangars.
(8) Coastal Defense construction
(9) Passive Space Based Radar Receivers.

With UFE troops landing across the Pacific to assume control over the various regions, a state constitution began to be drafted for the formation of a Republic of the Pacific, which would send a First Minister to serve in Grand Vizier Wei's Government.

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The United Federation of the East has begun construction of a East Pacific Radar Grid ranging from Palau to the North Marianas. This grid shall be equipped with ABM, naval, and air search track capabilities. It includes both OTH low band radar, and advanced AESA radar. It shall be complemented by orbital radar and passive receiver buoys.

A theatre sonar grid shall also be deployed to the area.


OOC: Blue is the OTH Grids.

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