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Two Franco Class Submarines converted to SSBN (X) would be deployed to the Polar Regions of Alaska for extreme cold water testing. Escorting them were eight dragon class attack submarines and an SSGN. The taskforce would maintain silent during testing operations.

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After a series of communications between the United Federation of the East and the interim government of the PRo Selenarctos, recently appointed Air Force Commander Cátulo Sierra was dispatched to the UFE to discuss the procurement of additional aircraft.

Following arrivals and introductions, "I'll be honest: the Selenarctan Air Force is poorly equipped for a modern war. Our planes are based on outdated designs and our fighter strength is insufficient. The United Federation of the East is the number one exporter of weapons systems in the world, and possesses some of the most advanced military hardware.

"Selenarctos looking for a state-of-the-art interceptor: stealth, long range, high speed, the whole deal. We need a new plane to augment our F22s for home defense and free up squadrons of F22s for deployment to allies and Oceanic Union protectorate regions as needed. I believe you can help us with this?"

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Ding looked at a image on a screen of his tablet before him. He paused for a moment considering this. "Yes I understand. The UFE has such a weapon systems, by now, you've no doubt seen images its entered into general use. The existence of what I'm about to tell you though never the less remains highly classified.

This weapon system is the F-1 'Quantum', its the UFEs premier air platform. It features a tail less design which minimizes drag. Further based on research recovered it features an all in one engine with both turbine and ramjet features and can optimize itself in flight from a full range of speeds. It is more than capable of providing the roles which you ask about.

That said...." the executor said.

"It is extremely sensitive for export, as our nation's air defenses are among the most integrated in the world we'd be willing to provide several squadrons of these planes, however, we must ask for conditions.

First the planes would need to remain classified to other powers, including other allies. Secondly, the planes would have closed systems with tamper proof devices to prevent reverse engineering encase any parts or systems get stolen.

The systems we'll sell you will be equipped with among our higher level export engine blocks and sensor suites developed for the new model of fighters. We believe this system can help fulfill the role you are looking for."

Edited by Triyun
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Cátulo Sierra nodded. "Yes, the F-1 will meet our needs and your terms are acceptable. We would like to purchase five squadrons to begin with; sixty planes. If this is acceptable, I am sure our respective staffs can work out financial arrangements and money transfers."

Edited by iKrolm
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"The squadrons will be based out of an airbase in the Cordillera Central, the Central Mountain Range, approximately two hundred clicks north of Manila. There are several cities with reasonable sized ports on the South China Sea within fifty kilometers. None of these cities have active a permanent military presence at the moment, but sufficient security can be arranged without difficulty or Dagupan further to the south east has a permanent military base."

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Ding leaned back in his chair. "Understood. We shall pre-position some parts in your territory, as well as reinforce our parts stockpiles in Southern Taiwan which would provide an adequate parts supply chain."

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"I do not believe there are anymore issues in regards to this. In regards to the issue of Korea arising in the North, I want to let you know that regardless of what arises there, we think that its important to let the Koreans swallow their medicine. They've created incidents before and been bailed out by us. At the same time I think that we should also ensure that there arises no colonies at the end of this. The Imperator exercises considerable influence in Europe and can ensure that should a fight emerge, there would be no colonization. We hope you would support us in all facets of this policy." the Executor said.

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To UFE Government:
Re: Rail Lines

Due to the constant closings of the Vaulian and Buryatian national waters, including the Tartary Strait, the ports of Telmana and Glubokiye Vodishtot are not proving to be the most reliable centers for maritime trade. It is because of this, that we request permission to build three additional rail lines, two freight and one high-speed passenger, to the port of Tianjin.

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Permission granted. May we suggest using Vladivostok, Ehestadt as well. It is a port we control that is closer too.


Ding nodded to the Air Marshall. "It has been a pleasure doing business with your government, I will keep you apprised of the situation." he said to Marshall Sierra.

A short time later a letter was drafted to the UFEs allies. It would inform them that the United Federation of the East was mobilized to defend bases in its territory belonging to its allies, defend Japan, and if the Koreans used WMD on the UFEs allies or the UFE, the UFE would launch an invasion of Korea. Depending on Korean actions, further escalations may be initiated.

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  • 2 weeks later...


By Order of August Imperator Jia, the UFE is to suspend arms sales to the Kingdom of Ursalia. As we have tamper-resistant black boxes on their technology, and it is all export grade, the probability of major compromises is remote, never the less intelligence services are to monitor the Kingdom for possibilities of reverse engineering.[/quote]

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Classified Conversation Regarding UFE-Royaume de la Lumiere Twenty Year Friendship Pact

[quote]Ding: Thank you for taking this meeting on short notice, we appreciate it.
[11:40am] Arsene_Moreau: No the honour is all mine.
[11:41am] Arsene_Moreau: The pact you have offered is most generous, and we are most honoured
[11:42am] Arsene_Moreau: But perhaps we should formalise its contents a little further
[11:44am] Ding: We'd like to go over some quick specifics if you do not mind. First is the economic, the UFE has in the past invested heavily in Burma, as you know the terrain of your nation is quite inhospitable so it requires a lot of upkeep, we would suggest that we would begin rebuilding the rail lines both high speed light and heavy rail from Rangoon through the Shan States into Kunming. Secondly, we would like to inquire about the large container dual use port we have in Rangoon, we would be interested in renewing our lease over these areas and perhaps build a fusion plant for us to share from there.
[11:47am] Arsene_Moreau: Indeed, Mountains, jungle and rainforests make it a formidable terrain and the climate is not much better.
[11:49am] Arsene_Moreau: It is our intention to build new, modern cities within this nation to accomodate our people and its existing inhabitants. To that we intend to create a vast mass transit system including high-ways, and both light and heavy rails throughout these cities.
[11:50am] Arsene_Moreau: It would be of great assistance if we could link our infrastructure developments in order to connect the new cities with the existing world and in order to upgrade and maintain what is available to our citizens
[11:50am] Ding: We would be willing to assist in this, the UFE already has a large infrastructure industry, and have a lot of capacity in heavy industry such as high quality steel and concrete. We could lower the taxes on purchasing these materials for your nation.
[11:51am] Arsene_Moreau: Your proposed rail line would link our world with yours and would be quite a boon to us both.
[11:52am] Ding: Indeed, so I think we are in agreement there, what are your thoughts on Rangoon?
[11:52am] Arsene_Moreau: We would be willing to declare it a special administrative region
[11:53am] Ding: We would much appreciate it, and will of course provide a substantial capital injection into your economy as compensation.
[11:55am] Arsene_Moreau: I believe that under your administration it will provide an economic benefit to each of us.
[11:55am] Arsene_Moreau: And it is only fair after al.
[11:55am] Ding: In regards to security cooperation now if I may. I would like to propose in addition to traditional alliance aspects (MDoAP) we discuss the development of interoperability and modular capability. Further I would propose joint naval and air defense commands similar to the US-Canadian NORAD arrangement of the 20th Century but instead concentrated on our South West Region and your general region.
[11:56am] Arsene_Moreau: I find your proposal most intriguing. An inquiry if I may.
[11:58am] Ding: Sure
[12:03pm] Arsene_Moreau: I find your proposal most intriguing, and will gladly participate in such an endeavour. However what about the Pacific. I may have evacuated the ruins, but I still have a large presence there, and ruins they are hardly.
[12:03pm] Ding: Well, in regards to the Pacific, we can continue to provide you whatever assistance you need. What would you be interested in there?
[12:04pm] Arsene_Moreau: In fact it is quite likely that there are operational nuclear warheads remaining there and certainly large caches. We intend to continue using this as a base of operations and development
[12:05pm] Ding: Do you require assistance guarding the warheads and maintaining reliability, the reports I've heard from the city are... not encouraging?
[12:05pm] Arsene_Moreau: However it seems that the pacific region has grown fractured of late, I would not wish for this place to fall into the wrong hands
[12:07pm] Arsene_Moreau: Also, we would like your assistance in repairing and restoring what is left of the base to a safe and operational level. We understand the main sea walls to be safe, but the insides have become quite derelict with neglect.
[12:07pm] Ding: I can see that the necessary resources are appropriated for that.
[12:07pm] Ding: We'll deploy the PLA Corps of Engineers to the area
[12:07pm] Arsene_Moreau: Specifically, some kind of sea platform to base our work from would be highly advantageous.
[12:08pm] Arsene_Moreau: We believe there is much to recover down there, technology and information that would be beneficial to us both.
[12:09pm] Arsene_Moreau: It should also serve as place to conduct research and experiments, away from prying eyes and satellites.
[12:10pm] Ding: Alright, we'll also keep our mobile offshore base operating there in the region. We can also look at converting some offshore drilling platforms to provide space for various operations.
[12:10pm] Arsene_Moreau: That would be most appreciated.
[12:11pm] Ding: Is there anything else?
[12:12pm] Arsene_Moreau: One last thing
[12:12pm] Ding: yes
[12:14pm] Arsene_Moreau: We have decided that given your nations heavy involvement in the development of my own, that citizens of the UFE will not require a visa to work or stay within the realm for the next 5 years. They may come and go as they please
[12:14pm] Ding: Thank you. We can extend the same thing to your citizens as well.
[12:15pm] Arsene_Moreau: Thank you very much. I do believe that about covers all of the issues.
[12:16pm] Ding: Excellent
[12:16pm] Ding: We look forward to doing business with you in the future[/quote]

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To: UFE Space Agency
Re: Launch

Recently Veridian Dynamics has just completed work on its most powerful imagining satellite. However, Marscurian Siberia has no space program, and any attempt to launch rockets has been met with class-action lawsuits. We are willing to pay for a UFE spacecraft to deliver the satellite into orbit for us.

-Veronica Palmer, Veridian Dynamics CEO

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1309727681' post='2747893']
The UFE can launch this satellite into orbit for you. Please bring it to our Ryukyu Islands Space Port for launch.
The satellite will first need to be moved to Tianjin, as Vaule has closed its territorial waters, and the Marscurian government refuses to lend us the navy to secure our convoy.

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The CAS is undergoing another massive upgrade of its armed forces, the following is the purchases we would like to make:

5 F-2 'Export Plus' Variants
10 EF-50 Siberian Banshee Squadrons
35 F/A-23 Super Widow Squadron Refit Packages
5 Squadrons of Tu-160 Sino Refit Packages

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60 F-2 Export Plus Variants would begin assembly in the UFE, while the squadrons of EF-50 Siberian Banshees merely needed retooling for redeployment to the CAS from their reserve stockpiles. The kits would begin production and sent over as they were produced.

Meanwhile the UFE would take care of the logistics of getting the space satellite to Okinawa and then place it onto space from there.

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Legion Forces in the Fort Bogart area would like to purchase the following items.

72 High Performance Fighters capable of intercepting and defending against most contemporary modern fighters
Anti-shipping missiles plus launchers
Anti-Aircraft Missiles plus launchers
Coastal Defense Artillery with turrets
Remotely deployed torpedo pods with independent fire control capabilities. Further, they'll require land based and sea based firing capabilities.

Further, we'll require a comprehensive technical assistance package to keep these assets properly running.

Can the UFE assist us in this manner?


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A rather surprising offer would come in for the bid. The F-165 Wraith Vanguard, the fighter used by the Republicans and now the most elite units of the Austrian Air Force would be made available for purchase by the Legion.


The F-165 Wraith Vanguard, the successor the F-65 was the most advanced 5++ gen fighter in the world, and its origins were somewhat of a mystery, lost in the world of international espionage and intrigue. In fact where and what it was designed for was still under investigation by the UFE, much less how Austrian rebels had gotten their hands on several dozen.

The fighter was capable of ultra-reduced IR Mach 1.8 with Mach 1.6 Super Cruise, but its swept wing design gave it greatly improved agility and STOL capabilities. Additionally the stealth fighter was equipped with an advanced RAM nanotech coating and active camouflage. Embedded with multiple unified skin sensors and photonics the plane was highly resistant to jamming, while capable of using multiple cyber attack capable ULPI AESA radars on the attack. Additionally the plane was equipped with 360 degree advanced electro optical IR detection, LIDAR, and SAR.

Each plane was equipped with a 30 mm forward cannon, 12 internal weapons mounts (6 full size, 6 for short range air to air), additionally the planes had the option of mounting a HPM or chemical laser weapon, however these were kept by the UFE technicians on hand, rather than leave that technology in another powers hand, even a close one.

The rest of the systems were delivered along with work beginning on a thorium reactor and deployment plug in sites for four mobile 100 MJ rail gun batteries.

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[quote][center][u][b]Nanjing Diktat Expanded[/b][/u]

By order of the August Imperator of the United Federation of the East, the Nanjing Dictate is hereby expanded to assert total UFE Sovereignty over the Yellow Sea. All foreign warships except those with explicit permission from the United Federation of the East are banned in these waters.


Ding, Executor of the People's Liberation Army Navy[/center][/quote]

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[b]Highly Classified:[/b]

[quote]Project Sea Wraith:

[b]To:[/b] Athenian Federation and Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia
[b]From:[/b] United Federation of the East Advanced Naval Research Lab
[b]Subject:[/b] Anti Naval Surveillance Countermeasures

[b]Body:[/b] Per successful completion and deployment of active camouflage measures in our ground and air assets. We would like to invite you to enter into joint research to develop active camouflage for visual and IR spectrum detection, especially in regards to counter measures for surveillance of blue water naval aircraft to enable further free operation of carrier battle groups, surface action groups, and amphibious expeditionary groups vital to the preservation of international peace ans security.[/quote]

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[quote]From: Weapons Research Initiative, Naval Department
To: UFE Advanced Naval Research Lab, Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia
Subject: Re:Anti Naval Surveillance Countermeasures

Such a project has been one of our ambitions for a while, the WRI will dedicate all resources possible to this project.[/quote]

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