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Looking for alliance


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Title says it all.
Well, at least some of it.

I'd prefer a mid sized alliance, that utilizes more "hands-on" diplomacy.
And of course an active alliance community is always nice.

Now it's only fair I say a bit about myself.

I had a mid sized nation a few years ago (Iyadus)
I was war minister for the good ol' MDC, and one of two commanders of it's splinter the UMF.
And that's pretty much it.

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Replace mid-size with small/new.
Replace warwarwarwarwarwar "hands on" diplomacy with me as MoFA and the diplomacy of epic proportions that has yet to piss off an alliance enough for war.
Keep the active community.

Then, we have a deal lol.

Honour isn't mid-sized yet. We DoE'd a little under 2 weeks ago. We currently have 10 members, nearly 160k strength, a protectorate with Nemesis, and a very active community with the exception of this week. (Rikky and I are on vacation)

Really, everything we stand for is in our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89290"]recruitment thread[/url].

Check out our [url="http://z7.invisionfree.com/CN_Honour/index.php?"]forums[/url].

The charter and all that is on the recruitment thread. Either you love us or you hate us, you decide for yourself.

Edit: Forgot my sales pitch for war-hungry nations.

Did I forget to mention that we are obligated to continue fighting any war that befalls onto any ally of ours? ODP is technically an MDP with Honour. Just thought I would throw that out there so you knew if anyone ticks off our allies, you would get your precious war lol.

Edited by Crazy Crazy
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Join the NSO, I did.

[quote][20:42] <Lennox> you'd of course be putting your nation at risk if you joined NSO
[20:42] <Lennox> were always in war
[20:42] <Lennox> or close to it
01[20:42] <Fernando12> its not a problem
01[20:43] <Fernando12> its actually better
[20:43] <Lennox> yes i agree[/quote]

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Don't join any of these guys, don't even join me,

You make the effort to find someone who fits best to what you want, don't let people lie into getting you to join them.

The most important decision you make as a nation is who you join so make it the right choice for you.

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[quote name='The Bringer' timestamp='1280277763' post='2391834']
Don't join any of these guys, don't even join me,

You make the effort to find someone who fits best to what you want, don't let people lie into getting you to join them.

The most important decision you make as a nation is who you join so make it the right choice for you.

Your best bet is to talk to some of your old MDC mates, and get their advice.

Or maybe I'm just saying that b/c I know where it will lead you ;)

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Look around the forums for posters you like, see what alliances they tend to be in. Of course, that is superficial, but it is a quick manner of going about things with decent judgment. You could always join an alliance, decide you don't like it, resign and join somewhere else, too.

Just don't join NSO. :P
[A little self-serving bias: join #slcb on coldfront and chat with us a bit.]

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[quote name='The Bringer' timestamp='1280277763' post='2391834']
Don't join any of these guys, don't even join me,

You make the effort to find someone who fits best to what you want, don't let people lie into getting you to join them.

The most important decision you make as a nation is who you join so make it the right choice for you.

Out of everything we said, you are the only one that actually used a recruitment message.

Nice try with that whole, "we aren't going to say anything about joining us so that you will think we care about you" psychological B/S lol.

Like Erwin said, look for posters you like. More often than not, members of the same alliance think the same way, talk the same way, etc. So, if you are looking for a role playing alliance and you see someone from OBR, you know that they are a role playing alliance by the way they word their messages. It's just knowing yourself and how you act and finding an alliance that matches it.

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I would say join IAA. But that's just me. We are a community based alliance who really cares about our members. We will fight for any member to the last pixel. We put our members before treaties, trades, deals or anything. We're midsized and we like to do things one-on-one with ye. If you just try us out, because I know that if you do, you wouldn't want to leave.

Check out this post about us: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89372"]About IAA[/url]


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It doesn't matter which alliance you join, you'll always be welcome to a good community and real allies at the CIS forums, even if you're not a CIS member...
Our forums aren't only for our alliance; they serve as a global embassy for any nation or alliance to make foreign affairs with any other nation or alliance. You should check it out.


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[quote name='Crazy Crazy' timestamp='1280282769' post='2391944']
Out of everything we said, you are the only one that actually used a recruitment message.

Nice try with that whole, "we aren't going to say anything about joining us so that you will think we care about you" psychological B/S lol.

I actually meant that, I do not want him to join me.

I do not talk this "B/S" as you put it. Recruite's that have to create topics on here to ask Alliances to recruit them are just lazy and not worth our time, it takes maybe 10 minutes to scan the IRC talking with people, looking at the Wiki, or even just asking friends about Alliances to find the one for them. It very seldom that the 'right' Alliance will happen to post here telling the recruite everything that they want in an Alliance.

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[quote name='The Bringer' timestamp='1280388380' post='2393700']
I actually meant that, I do not want him to join me.

I do not talk this "B/S" as you put it. Recruite's that have to create topics on here to ask Alliances to recruit them are just lazy and not worth our time, it takes maybe 10 minutes to scan the IRC talking with people, looking at the Wiki, or even just asking friends about Alliances to find the one for them. It very seldom that the 'right' Alliance will happen to post here telling the recruite everything that they want in an Alliance.
No, you want him to be curious enough to check out your alliance and realize "oh snap, this is teh secsi", and have think its his idea not yours. Works all the time. Nice try with whole "no really, I mean that" bit though.

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