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Ultimatum to South Tahoe


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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='23 July 2010 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1279866476' post='2385594']
Revenge? No, this is not revenge. This is reunification. However you may try to spin this it is South Tahoe that has failed at the negotiations. As any present can tell you, it was Tahoe that was willing to negotiate and Nico Crooks and his gang of miscreants that refused common sense. The time for negotiations is over. The time for Nico Crooks to leave our country or face the consequences is at hand.

Your lack of support is troubling for it shows you cannot be trusted to do what is right yet because of it we shall be more than comfortable in disregarding your opinion now and in the future.

"As any present? Our own Vice President was there and witnessed the whole of the negotiations. We know what happened, we know what went on. The time for negotiations is not over. The time for negotiations with Nico Crooks under the protection of the United States was over, I will agree with you, but now that he has been cast out, the time for negotiations has begun anew. He now knows you hold the upper hand, and he should be more willing to negotiate now than before. Should you throw away this chance to negotiate peacefully, you will forever be remembered as the man who brought further heartache and bloodshed onto American soil rather than the one who preserved peace on a shattered and war-torn continent."

"Further, your version of "right" in this case is far different than mine. What I view as "right" is to try at all costs to avert a war that will tear this continent apart at the seams. What you view as "right" is to reunify your old nation at all costs, even if it means a war that will tear this continent apart at the seams. A difference of opinion does not mean one cannot or should not be trusted. It is troubling to hear you speak in such ultimatums. Right now you are exemplifying the epitome of "you are either with us or against us". That kind of talk over such a sensitive issue coming from a nation that was once as highly regarded as Tahoe was is disturbing."

"Take Crooks' offer of a meeting. I'll even head there myself. If he continues to be hard-headed and will only accept what he wants instead of working with those there, then you will not hear a word from me once war starts."

-Michael Harland

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Governor John Stone personally took the time to make a live televised broadcast on both national and international channels. Taking to a podium it was clear that he was in a dark and saddened mood and he took his time before speaking.

"My fellow americans and members of the world I am ashamed to have to group myself with a nation that will forever be known for turning its back on its friends, allies and on those in need of help. Due to this government's inability to act in assisting a nation that was in need, the nation of South Tahoe has been forced to disband".

"Rather than take the time and effort to reach an understanding with the nation of South Tahoe the United States government instead allowed the supreme courts to make a snap decision which has or has at least helped to force the disbanding of a sovreign nation".

"To mr Nico Crooks and the people of South Tahoe I offer you my personal apologies for being part of the nation that has brought you to the current state you find yourselves in. To the rest of the world and to my countrymen I know make you this pledge. I intend to run for President and ensure that this does not happen again!!!"

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Considering the illegitamacy of the Souths government, any and all decisions and decrees by them are null and void, being the results of criminal actions. Our reccomendation is that Mr. Crooks be arrested and tried for his crimes, while a joint US-Tahoe force takes control over the disputed area. Only then can the details be worked out.

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[quote name='DeSchaine' date='23 July 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1279909096' post='2386195']
Considering the illegitamacy of the Souths government, any and all decisions and decrees by them are null and void, being the results of criminal actions. Our reccomendation is that Mr. Crooks be arrested and tried for his crimes, while a joint US-Tahoe force takes control over the disputed area. Only then can the details be worked out.

The Athenian Federation will not extradite mr. Crooks for the alleged crimes he would be put on trial for.

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The Holy American Empire would like to discuss the status of Baja California with the remaining Tahoan government, seeing as the peninsula has traditionally been owned by a Mexican state. We would like to see it owned as a trust between ourselves, the American Reich, and Himynamistan.

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Tahoan intelligence sources immediately reported Nico Crooks fleeing the nation hours after his plane departed. Darragh McDonnell declined to state whether he would be charged in international courts for human rights abuses, though he did state that healing the nations wounds was most important to him at the time being.

He issued the following statement hours later,

"We applaud the hard work of all involved in working for Tahoan unity. Needless to say the struggle is not over till the southern states are fully healed from the brutal occupation, though we do remind all nations involved now that Nico Crooks was the head of an illegal occupation and his final order transfering sovereign Tahoan territory to foreign states is therefore null and void. Any attempt by said states to infringe on Tahoan territorial integrity will be seen as an act of war.

Territorial possession may be discussed at a later date once the southern states are secured through diplomatic talks though are currently off the table."

[b]Ministry of Defense Priority Transmission XX91L0B-XX[/b]
[b]Encryption Code[/b] GAMMA
[b]Public Key[/b] Key 7-A
[b]To[/b] McDonnell, Bogart FWD: APPLE/Transvaal/NPC Heads of State
[b]From[/b] Ministry of Defense Executive Liason Office
[b]Subject[/b] Military Objectives
[b]Classification[/b] Civilian Update


Enclosed is the initial war report:

[size="2"][font="Arial Narrow"]Tahoe is a tough nut to crack. Its mountainous terrain makes it exceptionally difficult to attack and thus any invading force relies on overwhelming firepower and sheer force of will to break open the mountain passes that allow armored units to make thrusts into the lowland corridors. Our defensive strategy during the Cold War expected a Soviet invasion out of the northwest, which would have relied on those two keys. Overwhelming firepower and force of will. We countered with the development of high technology missiles that could be easily carried by small groups of men that could rain hell down on any invading force. The good thing about the creation of devensive plans is we can see our own weaknesses. In this case, we look at California.

California is the most vulnerable of all the regions of Tahoe. This is from three key facts. First, it is Tahoe's heartland. The majority of the population resides along the Oregon coast and a huge portion of its economy comes from San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles and Cruachan (excluding of course Tahoe's Northwest Corridor of Portland, Seattle and Vancouver). Its central valley is hugely important agriculturally, providing enough food to feed the nation and then some. Second, that central valley provides a corridor from the north, the obvious location of a Soviet invasion, to south, with direct links to Cruachan and San Francisco. This land is flat and would have been hard to defend, should it be penetrated. If that had happened, we would have had no choice but to fight every step of the way but by this point, assuming an invading army has gotten this far, the Tahoan Army would have been stretched thin, probably having suffered massive casualties from the drive down the coast. Tactical nuclear weapons would have been used at this point. Up until this point our defensive plans allowed for their use should they be used elsewhere first, most likely in Europe, but at this point their use is guaranteed. That is the only way to defend from a ground attack. Californias third weakness is the ocean. Breaking past our navy would have allowed unlimited landing of troops behind our lines along a very long coastline which would have been very difficult to defend.

All these weaknesses are now our strength. We trained for years to defend this region, now we attack it using our knowledge to do so. Our technological superiority will allow unimpeded aerial superiority almost from the first day, from which we will use to blast enemy positions along the corridors into the central valley. We will use paratroopers and air mobile infantry to capture key locations and our mountain troops will assault first, followed by armored and mechanized units. Once we break into the central valley, we will be able to steamroll and bypass key defensive positions, allowing rear echelon troops to blast them into submission with minimal casualties. Our navy will have secured the coast and will drop troops off behind enemy lines to disrupt and fold them into Nevada.

Our second ground thrust will drive out of the Oregon/Idaho border through northern Nevada where it will split into two thrusts. The first will drive to Salt Lake City and the second will follow the leeward Sierra Nevada's to Las Vegas, trapping any enemy units in the mountains. We will expect major counterattacks from the east against this army group, but it merely serves as a shield to fight the important battle in California while ensuring that any overcommitment of enemy troops to California is disastarous as it will result in their encirclement.[/font][/size]

The operation to bring the southern states back in the Union is following much the same plan and is on the lookout for resistance, though most frontline commanders are reporting celebrations as they roll through town. Air Force and Naval Aviation units are making overflights of the southern states while air mobile and parachute infantry secure key locations deep inland. Armored units are moving down highways rapidly while infantry is moving in behind to sweep for resistance.

Amphibious landings of units in the coastal cities is currently underway, as well.

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"Any attempt to invade the Louisianan protectorate will bring war. Louisiana has taken possession of the protectorate area."


One hundred thousand troops were mobilized from parts of Louisiana and Cuba. The high reaction forces, numbering fifty thousand were flown directly to Louisiana's new protectorate area while the rest were being mobilized. Louisiana's Navy sent four carrier battle groups to the protectorate area - they would seek permission from Louisiana's ally in the H.A.E. to pass through the Panama Canal.

Private Request to all Louisianan Allies:

Louisiana request allied troops to land in the former South Tahoe, now a protectorate of Louisiana to help provide security to the threatened region.

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"After consulting with the Louisiana Government in private, J Andres will send in troops not only to maintain law and order along with Louisianan troops over the regions that used to be southern Tahoe, but also to try to avert war.

Approximately 40,000 troops will be sent over from the J Andrean base in Catalina, and more will be on their way from mainland J Andres."


Tens of thousands of troops stationed in Catalina began boarding ATD ships and EFV for deployment to California. In a short time, the J Andreans entered California, arriving in Los Angeles and San Diego. They would move on to occupy as much of California as their size would permit them to.

Meanwhile, approximately 100,000 troops were mobilized into a peacekeeping force. They were loaded into C-17 and C-130 transport aircrafts, where they were to be flown to Louisiana Cuba. From there, they would proceed to the new Louisiana protectorate, passing through the Panama Canal (or the Imperial Canal). The HAE Government was contacted for permission for J Andrean troops to pass through.

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With passage granted by the Holy American Empire, Louisiana's carrier battle groups would pass through the Panama Canal as soon as they reached it.

Edit: Still Classified:

Forty squadrons of fighters were flown to the protectorate region.

Edited by Yawoo
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[font="Courier New"][center]OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR[/center]

With the threat of another continental war looming, I stand firmly for U.S. neutrality unless & until the involvement of international powers enter a continental conflict or the United States are directly threatend. If we are forced to war, the men & women of Virginia will undoubtably march valiantly to the struggle to save this nation. Also, a word of discontent with how the situation regarding the South West states has dissolved. We support the impeachment of the Supreme Court & declare their ruling unjust. We will mend the scars of this Union or fall in bloody combat, trying.

~Governor St. Clair
Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S.A.[/font]

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The Commonwealth is alarmed at this turn of events as well as the tenacity of the new governments involved in attempting to withold unification of Tahoe. The events of the past year have been driving toward an inevitable conclusion and now you wish to impede fate's progress.

On the subject of South Tahoe's recent act, we take it as evidence and final proof of the illegitamacy of the false regime. Obviously they have so little a sense of honor or pride or loyalty in their homeland that they would rather partition the land out to other powers and flee then stand and fight.

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To provide naval support, the J Andrean Navy dispatched a CVBG to the new protectorate. As permission had been granted, the transport aircrafts and ships would pass through and proceed on to California. The C-17s and C-130s would eventually reach the cities of San Francisco (formerly known as Drogheda), Fresno, Cruachan, Bakersfield, and other cities, including Las Vegas, where the troops proceeded to occupy and maintain law and order. Hopefully, their presence would divert war.

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='23 July 2010 - 02:32 PM' timestamp='1279909940' post='2386222']
"Any attempt to invade the Louisianan protectorate will bring war. Louisiana has taken possession of the protectorate area."


One hundred thousand troops were mobilized from parts of Louisiana and Cuba. The high reaction forces, numbering fifty thousand were flown directly to Louisiana's new protectorate area while the rest were being mobilized. Louisiana's Navy sent four carrier battle groups to the protectorate area - they would seek permission from Louisiana's ally in the H.A.E. to pass through the Panama Canal.

Private Request to all Louisianan Allies:

Louisiana request allied troops to land in the former South Tahoe, now a protectorate of Louisiana to help provide security to the threatened region.

[b]Private to Louisiana[/b]
We will send in the Seconds to aid you. (The 2nd Infantry, Light Infantry, Airborne, Fighter Squadron and Bomber Squadron)


Lila Nevak (Blue Heaven Prime Minister)

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Tahoan troops have taken possession of the Central Valley of California including the capital Cruachan and San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego are currently being pacified and Las Vegas has a minimal Tahoan forward presence.

Salt Lake City has been welcomed back to the Tahoe Republic.

Tahoe's six carrier battlegroups off the California coast are moving south to prevent enemy incursions by sea.

A formal warning has been issued to Louisiana and J Andres, warning that if their troops enter Tahoan territory they will be fired upon and disarmed. Likewise, all of Tahoe's defensive treaties have been activated, citing the invasion of southern Tahoe by foreign troops as an act of war.

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[quote name='Shadowsage' date='23 July 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1279909247' post='2386200']
The Holy American Empire would like to discuss the status of Baja California with the remaining Tahoan government, seeing as the peninsula has traditionally been owned by a Mexican state. We would like to see it owned as a trust between ourselves, the American Reich, and Himynamistan.

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As parachutists landed in many areas of South Tahoe, thousands of troops rose up to meet them. Unexpectedly, the parachutes were riddled with bullets from soldiers on the ground; barracks sprung to life as tanks and soldiers rolled out with simply one objective: kill the Tahoan invaders.

OOC: It takes more than twenty minutes to get down that far south, so... [b]no.

[/b]By the way, my army says hello. :wub:

Edited by Sargun
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Reply to Holy American Empire

Lower California has been ruled by the Tahoe Republic since the late 1800's. In the interests of our peaceful neighbors policy, we shall be more than happy to discuss its future status once the rest of South Tahoe has been secured but with the foreign incursions into Tahoan territory and the threat of war on the horizon we must ask for any such discussion to take place you refuse access through the Oceanic Canal to the agressor states of J Andres and Louisiana.

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Unfortunately, seeing as Louisiana has already been granted access and their fleet begun transferring through, we cannot simply stop their entry. On the other hand, the J Andres fleet is considerably far off. We in the Empire are very material with our agreements. If we are granting this concession, then we expect one in return. And as a note, the Baja Peninsula was controlled by the Republic of War twenty years ago.

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