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Join the Browncoats

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It's time for some Good ol' fashion recruitment posters/recruitment information!

I represent a group called the Browncoats, founded on the belief that its members should be free. We don't like giving orders or muzzling our members... this isn't the case with most alliances.

Why should you join us? Because unfortunately, a lot of people look at unaligned nations as target practice. Rather unneighborly, but that's life out here. We can help get you started, give you tips and tricks on playing the game, and give you a fuller gaming experience.

Join up at http://z3.invisionfree.com/Browncoats and if you do, Have fun and good luck!


Browncoats Charter

Here's how it is.

The Earth was used up, so we found ourselves a new Earth. A new Bob, specifically. We settled new nations and proliferated across the globe. The central nations got together and formed Alliances. They decided that everyone ought to unite under their rule. A couple fools tried to stop them, but it was no use. Out here on the raggedy edge, cleverness will get you a nation and a gun will help you keep it. The mission is simple: construct infrastructure, develop technologies, and keep flying.

Basic Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities

We're not gonna tell you what to do. You can say what you like here on our turf, and we'll uphold your right to do that here. In the greater world, though, your words have consequences and we ain't backin' you up if you done get yourself in some pointless drama. You're free to do what you like, but that includes the freedom to get ZIed while we sit back and laugh.

Membership in Browncoats

Anybody can apply to join, and the process ain't too rough. If you get in, you start out as an Independent Browncoat, and probably want to become a Confederate Browncoat.

Independents aren't lesser people. You'll be under our protection, welcome to participate in any shindigs we happen upon, and if you stay an Independent forever you'll probably never know the difference. You'll be a Browncoat either way, it's just some of us don't like to trust new folks until they give us a reason.

Confederates get to see what we're up to a little better than Independents, when it comes to foreign affairs and such things. They can also write up new ideas or changes to old ones, and submit them for a vote to see if it's what other Browncoats believe in. Anybody can vote, but you gotta be a Confederate to start one up.

The way you go from an Independent to a Confederate is just to stick around a while, make sure everybody knows your name and what you're all about. Soon enough you'll get a tap on the shoulder.

Browncoats Government

The government of the Browncoats is split up into four offices, each of which has the right to appoint members to official positions to give them a hand. Any Confederate Browncoat can run for office.

The Prime Minister keeps tabs on the other cabinet members, has the final word on all major decisions, and represents us internationally.

The Home Minister is responsible for recruiting new members, and helping them out however necessary. The Home Minister is also considered the chief adviser to the Prime Minister.

The Foreign Minister manages our relations with other alliances by negotiating treaties and making sure we've got knowledgeable ambassadors to keep a channel of communication open with our allies.

The Defense Minister keeps our military strong enough to defend our members, oversees Generals to keep the troops organized, and in times of war is in charge of coordinating our efforts.

Order of Succession

If the Prime Minister can't do the job anymore, the Home Minister will take over, followed by the Foreign Minister and then the Defense Minister. The Prime Minister can appoint members to fill any other abandoned post.

Decision Making


All Confederate Browncoats are given a voice in Parliament, where they can debate freely and submit their big ideas for change. So long as two other people like an idea, we'll put it to a vote.

The Prime Minister can veto anything passed in Parliament, so long as it's done before the vote is up. If another member of cabinet wants to overturn the veto, a second vote will go down requiring an 80% majority. Pass or fail, the second vote can't be challenged by anyone.


Elections for cabinet positions begin over the first weekend of every April, August, and December. On Saturday and Sunday any Confederate Browncoat can announce their candidacy for a Cabinet position. Through the next five weekdays we'll hold debates and gives speeches and such. Finally, at midnight on Friday the polls will open until midnight on Sunday, giving all Browncoats time to vote, with the winners announced on Monday.


Browncoats want to be peaceful -- really, we do -- but we're not about to lie down and roll over for anybody.

Defensive War:

If a Browncoat is attacked, we'll ask the aggressor for an apology and reparations. If they can't manage that, or if they just ignore us, we'll put them in anarchy before we ask again.

Aggressive War:

We're very much against aggressive wars. Mostly it's just bullying, and we're not interested in establishing our dominance over defenseless people. Browncoats do not advocate aggressive warfare.

However, if a Browncoat has a bone to pick with somebody outside of an alliance, we're not going to try very hard to stop them. We're not their parents, and they're not children, so our members can take care of their own politics however they see fit. The catch is, if a Browncoat picks a fight with an unaligned nation without getting our approval, we ain't bailing them out 'less the war ends and the attacked becomes the attacker.

When it comes to nations in alliances, it'd be suicide to attack them in a way that would prohibit your friends from backing you up, so for your own safety we just can't allow it.

Raiding technology is prohibited 'less you run it by the Defense Minister first.


Nations what are capable of maintaining nukes are highly recommended to do so, but again, we can't force you to do nothin'. Nuclear first strikes are forbidden, but if some feller with more uranium than brains gets it in his skull to make our cities glow at night, we will retaliate in kind.


Nations are welcome to have spies, we have no issue with this. If they want to go play with some unaligned nation, that's their business. Spies are a military function and we see them as such, you spy on us and we will gladly consider that an act of war and go from there. We won't use ours on you, unless you provoked us first.

Amending This Document

Any Confederate Browncoat can propose changes to the charter, just like anything else. It's not exactly a sacred document, it's just the basic set of rules we currently live by, so if you don't like it then you had better do something to fix it.



Prime Minister: Princeps

Deputy Prime Minister: HollowEyes

Foreign Minister: Asriel Belacqua

Defense Minister: ChairmanHal

Home Minister: Vacant

Deputy Home Minister: km5r


Director of Education: lamuella

Director of Trade: Daefaroth

Director of Propaganda: Vacant

Director of Recruitment: Vacant

Edited by Asriel Belacqua
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a little early for this, but I thought we might enjoy the 12 Days Of Browncoats Christmas

On the first day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

The good ship Serenity


On the second day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

2 dinosaurs


and the good ship Serenity

On the third day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

3 Jayne hats


2 dinosaurs


On the fourth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

4 oaty bars


3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the fifth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me



4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the sixth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

6 hot companions



4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the seventh day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

7 Wifebots


6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the eighth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

8 angry Badgers


7 Wifebots

6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the ninth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

9 crazy Rivers


8 angry Badgers

7 Wifebots

6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the tenth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

10 Mrs Reynolds'


9 crazy Rivers

8 angry Badgers

7 Wifebots

6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the eleventh day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

11 lovely Kaylees


10 Mrs Reynolds'

9 crazy Rivers

8 angry Badgers

7 Wifebots

6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


On the twelfth day of Christmas the Browncoats gave to me

12 Special Hells


11 lovely Kaylees

10 Mrs Reynolds'

9 crazy Rivers

8 angry Badgers

7 Wifebots

6 hot companions


4 oaty bars

3 Jayne hats

2 dinosaurs


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Brilliant stuff, I like the 12 special hells, brings back memories. BTW, is anybody else from BC posting in this. Seems to be all Asriel, me and Lamuella and, lets face it. I'm only posting about what the others are posting about.

Matter of fact, there seem to be more special guests in this than actual proper posters. And here I was thinking a Browncoat alliance was all about volunteering and the like... <_<

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So basically anyone can do what they want, then you have an unorganized alliance easy for the taking.

While I appreciate the bump, we are more organized than that. Thus why you have to run every attack by the MoD, and other things by other Ministers. And while our alliance is small in of itself, we have so many friends in so many places that I am sure we could find some help if we really needed it.

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Brownscoats Legal Disclaimer

1. None of the hot chicks that appear in the "12 Days Of Browncoats Christmas" are actually in Browncoats. Trust me, we wish they were...boy do we wish they were.

2. We may have boosted portions of the preamble of our charter from a TV show. Or not. We're not admitting to anything especially since we're not mentioned in the Mitchell Report...ok, we were worried, but it's not like we're getting paid 10 million year to swing a wooden stick and miss a cow hide covered ball 2/3 of the time. If you feel we've stolen your copyrighted work for our preamble, forget suing us. Your attorneys will collect nothing except hours that are billable to you.

3. When you join the Browncoats, you agree that you are not an arsehat, a &#33;@#&#036;%, or a chickenshiat. If you are these things, join another alliance or join Red Team.

4. We have no problem taking on people who have a bad reputation, in a Joan Jett bad arse chick sort of way, not in a Paris Hilton "wait, the truck hasn't shown up yet with my personal baggage sort of way."

5. Joining Browncoats will not regrow lost hair, increase the size of any body part, make you to become a tiger(ess) in the bedroom, allow you to make $35,000 a month working strictly part time, nor will it allow you to prepare gourmet meals in minutes. Actually nothing will do those things, except maybe the bit about regrowing hair, but Browncoats is cheaper and won't make you contemplate buying a Corvette to make up for the fact that certain body parts are inadequate. You will however make friends and enjoy your time on Planet Bob a lot more.

6. Browncoats provides signing bonuses and other compensation for becoming a member. It is presumption of Browncoats that when you accept these things that you aren't eying the door as you stick your hand out. See #3.

7. When the Charter indicates that "Raiding technology is prohibited 'less you run it by the Defense Minister first" you should be aware that the Defense Minister, a former member of \m/ has raided more nations than you could possibly imagine, therefore when he puts up the red light--which almost never happens--don't be stupid. See #3.

8. This recruitment offer is void where prohibited. We're pretty sure that there isn't a place on Planet Bob where it is actually prohibited, but you know lawyers.

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