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The Initiative Memorium


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Resurrect the Initiative. If enough of the original alliances and successors like Umbrella want to bring WUT back, it would liven up this game like nothing else I could think of. The mix of alliances it had and the competition it encouraged between blocks is what makes this game fun for many folks. The Initiative brought that in droves.

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[quote name='TonytheTiger' date='14 July 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1279133448' post='2371288']
Resurrect the Initiative. If enough of the original alliances and successors like Umbrella want to bring WUT back, it would liven up this game like nothing else I could think of. The mix of alliances it had and the competition it encouraged between blocks is what makes this game fun for many folks. The Initiative brought that in droves.

The bad blood from the collapse of WUT, the Unjust War and the resulting 1V/Q era guarantees that such a thing could never happen.

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Want to bring the Initiative back together? Imagine this:

There's a couple who were passionately in love. They started dating, then moved in together, then got married. They had passionate discussions, went through turbulent times, and then finally split up in a huge plate-throwing fight and an acrimonious divorce settlement.

Imagine how hard it would be for that couple to get back together.

Now imagine there were 12 people in that relationship.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='15 July 2010 - 11:47 AM' timestamp='1279219644' post='2373224']
Want to bring the Initiative back together? Imagine this:

There's a couple who were passionately in love. They started dating, then moved in together, then got married. They had passionate discussions, went through turbulent times, and then finally split up in a huge plate-throwing fight and an acrimonious divorce settlement.

Imagine how hard it would be for that couple to get back together.

Now imagine there were 12 people in that relationship.

Especially if three of them died in said plate throwing fight.

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[quote name='Moridin' date='15 July 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1279219767' post='2373227']
Especially if three of them died in said plate throwing fight.
You can't forget the one that they killed shortly before or the one they tried to kill but couldn't quite get.

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I just happen to realize the bad blood and history for what it is, drama that helped drive the game. The trick to being able to address the past in a productive manner and moving forward is realization of common goals and purpose. In this case a more balanced game and TI resurrection. So, instead of crying about your alliance getting rolled 3 years ago and holding a grudge about it, you learn to move past that for the sake of seeing the greatest block ever rise from the ashes. Enough great alliances joined WUT in '07 that even if half of them signed again it would be a solid block.

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[quote name='TonytheTiger' date='16 July 2010 - 03:27 PM' timestamp='1279315612' post='2375003']
I just happen to realize the bad blood and history for what it is, drama that helped drive the game. The trick to being able to address the past in a productive manner and moving forward is realization of common goals and purpose. In this case a more balanced game and TI resurrection. So, instead of crying about your alliance getting rolled 3 years ago and holding a grudge about it, you learn to move past that for the sake of seeing the greatest block ever rise from the ashes. Enough great alliances joined WUT in '07 that even if half of them signed again it would be a solid block.
You probably weren't there if you think any of us would get back together

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Why on earth would I sign an MADP with:

NPO - self-explanatory
NpO - attacked my home three times
TPF - stabbed their allies in the back
MCXA - see TPF
VE - doesn't like us at all
GGA - failure incarnate

That much is enough to explain why \m/ would not be part of it. Now each member alliance of the Initiative has just about as many, if not more, reasons to never sign a treaty with most of WUT.

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The Initiative was fun (even when I was on the other side at first) but the Unjust was funner.

Well, except for how we crashed.

But that period from New Reverie's Red Senate thing to pretty much exactly 3 years ago was my favourite part around here. ([b]Three[/b] years??? Oh god...) There was so much life and hilarity in the forums, good drama, and of course the Black Team Forum! (No I will never stop missing that.)

There is a slight chance that I am just looking back nostalgically, but even the bits that was bad for my country was great times and I really miss those days. Also Drama Meter.

Let us start a revival with the good parts :3

e: for PS,

Edited by Louisa
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All the alliances that signed WUT went on to further prominence. I know most ex-WUT alliances would not treaty each other today, and some harbor bad feelings against other ex-members. The fact remains that TI was always a big tent block. The nature of the block and it's manner of operations was one that required meatshields.

It would be fun to get all these alliances back together again. Like a reunion tour of $@! kicking. We could even agree ahead of time to have another civil war after we take over the world again.

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