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Final Ultimatum to Tahoe Republic regarding Claims over Central North American States

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[center][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y91uiImyNjQ"]Liberation Ultimatum[/url][/center]

This is one final and desperate attempt to communicate with the federal government of the Tahoe Republic. You have in your protection the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. We hereby demand their release to the United States. Their citizens are full citizens of the United States by blood right and not the secondary citizens of a protectorate of your republic. Additionally, you no longer have the resources and assets given the scale of the war you are involved in to adequately protect, defend, and serve the people of these states.

That said, we MUST insist that you release these states into our care in order to establish their proper representation within our government or we will consider their continued slavery an act of war. We will then move a field army of 300,000 troops along with the appropriate equipment to secure the states and protect them. We will not enter Tahoan lands unless further provoked from that point. If we do not hear from you by that time, these actions will take place. We are hoping to avoid this unfortunate necessity. We are hoping you will respond to us and acknowledge our claim within the time frame we have allotted for you to do so. We acknowledge that given your state of war with a good portion of the Earth that your government may have current lost the ability to communicate, if this is so we apologize for being forced to move to defend our relatives in your protectorate and taking it by force. However, if you can communicate we urgently encourage you to release these states immediately and peacefully into our care.

If you insist on keeping the states subjugated despite our rightful claim, the operation will commence despite your acknowledgment and denial of their liberation. We are simply hoping to make the transition peaceful and as bloodless as possible.

With due regards,
President William Caudill

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[b]President Moshum[/b]
[i]"The American continent has been plagued by conflict and has fallen into mostly disarray, I hope to see a renewed American vigor to stabilize and grow once more. Even more so, I hope to see Capitalism as the drum beat which drives this continent once more."

[/i](OOC - Being American IRL, I'm biased.)

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[quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='20 May 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1274397951' post='2305973']
We truly doubt the US has anything but imperialistic intention in this action. How is this land 'rightfully yours'?
"We're not sure. We'd guess it has to do something with "manifest destiny" and how they are fated to get it. Dunno, this continent's weird.

"Anyway, we watch this situation with interest."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 May 2010 - 05:29 PM' timestamp='1274398129' post='2305983']
"Obviously the people who live there are ancestors and relatives of our own via the old United States. We do not wish to see these states dragged into their war and being under-served in the process. That simple."
The old United States is dead, it crumbled long ago. And yet you say Tahoe is unable to care for these states? They are not yours, even if you call yourself the United States.

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Official Statement from Distopyan Alpha Chris Bogart, "If the men in that area wish to be independent, then independent they shall be. Hold a referendum and ask the people who they want to be protected by. That being said, I firmly believe that your claims shall stop at the rocky mountains and go no further. Those people west of the rockies are different from those on the east."

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"We agree with the people of Distopya that the people beyond the Rockies have easily become solidly Tahoan in their cultural affairs, a separate and distinct society from our own. But these people are our people that are being held in this protectorate and we will not tolerate their continued treatment as a second rate citizen of any national entity without a proper government. As we have specified in our intentions, unless we are attacked by Tahoe whilst enforcing our claims after not having a response from Tahoe.. then we shall stop immediately upon securing the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.. specifically."

[quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='20 May 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1274399379' post='2306027']
The old United States is dead, it crumbled long ago. And yet you say Tahoe is unable to care for these states? They are not yours, even if you call yourself the United States.

"We are that nation reborn. Tahoe is indeed unable to care for these states. If we had not been occupied by foreign powers in the past then we would still be defending these states."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Tom Dobbs issued this statement personally.

"The first United States crumbled before Tahoe was even around. The second United States was not a true manifestation of the first, rather a conglomerate of other nations who banded together under that flag to try and use the name to give them more power. I saw the second United States fall, and I had a hand in it. The people of this continent are no longer United States citizens, and they have not been for at least three generations now. Your feeble attempts to use historical reasoning for your "manifest destiny" is pathetic."

The views expressed are those of Tom Dobbs personally, not of MediaCorp or the Republic of York government. The Republic of York foreign affairs office released a statement, seen below.

"We find it ironic that the United States claims Tahoe can no longer care for these protectorate states when it is because of an invasion of many nations, including those who emigrated to these new United States in the Dragon Cult, that they are in this position to begin with. Not only does this situation reek of blatant opportunism, but also blatant imperialism. We will not support this claim, and urge all other nations to condemn the United States for their wanton threats of violence on another part of our continent that, until this point, has remained unscathed."

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"Propaganda from a Media Empire. Who would have guessed?" President William Caudill just shook his head. "They're entitled to their views and opinions on the subject.. even if they're wrong and conspiratorial. The government they fear doesn't even have voting rights and are still being naturalized. It is the very oppression of that government which as resulted in our desire to liberate ourselves and our peers so that no future travesty of such nature should occur again. We are beginning to speculate about how York represents its people and would request a more detailed articulation on the structure of its government for the world's review... if they're not afraid to release it."

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"The Federation is disgusted by America's opportunistic ultimatum. Have some decency; Tahoe's at war with several nations already, don't use that as an opportunity to pick their pocket as they fight."

-His Imperial Highness James II, Emperor of the Slavic Federation, King of Caucasia, Chief Priest, Imperator of the Slavic Armed Forces, Imperium Maius, First Man of the Senate, and Imperial Censor of the State

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"We have no other desire than for 4 distinct states to be emancipated. That is not imperialism. That is liberation. If we were imperialistic we'd probably be after much more than that." Caudill shook his head. "If Tahoe is willing to have a referendum, we'll abide by that. But absent a referendum and contact from the government we must assume that the government is no longer able to exert the necessary services to these people."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 May 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1274405999' post='2306227']
"Propaganda from a Media Empire. Who would have guessed?" President William Caudill just shook his head. "They're entitled to their views and opinions on the subject.. even if they're wrong and conspiratorial. The government they fear doesn't even have voting rights and are still being naturalized. It is the very oppression of that government which as resulted in our desire to liberate ourselves and our peers so that no future travesty of such nature should occur again. We are beginning to speculate about how York represents its people and would request a more detailed articulation on the structure of its government for the world's review... if they're not afraid to release it."

"Funny how we never claimed the Dragon Cult was in power, you did. Guilty conscience, perhaps? We merely said that the many thousands who emigrated to your nation, still waiting to be nationalized or not, are part of the reason that Tahoe is in this situation to begin with. We said nothing about them running the government.

In terms of our own government, while wholly off the subject of discussion, why would we be afraid to release it? Currently a provisional government is in place, run by Mr. Napoleon and a few trusted advisers. In the coming months, once things have been stabilized, elections will be held. Each county will receive two senators and a number of congressional delegates proportionate to their percentage of the population. That will for the legislature of the country. After that situation is duly stable, Mr. Napoleon will hold election for the Directorship of the country. Does that sufficiently answer your question?"

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"It does, and I'm glad to hear a democratic system of a sort is being constructed in the Republic of York. I just hope your Legislature is strong and meaningful. Would Mr. Napoleon give his own suggestion about what should be done as we do not want these territories to remain without sovereign democratic representation when there are wars going on in the immediate proximity and there is a massive refugee flow across our borders." Caudill inquired.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 May 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1274406189' post='2306232']
"We have no other desire than for 4 distinct states to be emancipated. That is not imperialism. That is liberation. If we were imperialistic we'd probably be after much more than that." Caudill shook his head. "If Tahoe is willing to have a referendum, we'll abide by that. But absent a referendum and contact from the government we must assume that the government is no longer able to exert the necessary services to these people."

"And what if they respond back that they will not allow you to have the territory that is rightfully theirs and that they have held under their protection for some time and that they are, in fact, quite capable of protecting it? Or ask another nation to protect it in their stead? Would that be a sufficient response for you?"

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Pacifica supports this measure, as it marks aid to our own struggle against the Tahoan presence in the Pacific, and its hegemonic dominance over the American continent.

[quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='21 May 2010 - 12:26 AM' timestamp='1274397951' post='2305973']
We truly doubt the US has anything but imperialistic intention in this action. How is this land 'rightfully yours'?

Since when does that matter to you? I seem to recall that the 'right of conquest' is an established principle of the Alliance?

Edited by iamthey
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RE: York

"If that is what the people of those States desire, we could not object. I hardly doubt they are content with their current situation when so many are heading into our domain and I absolutely refuse to close our borders and deepen the crisis. The proposal of a referendum actually sounds like a good idea." Caudill noted.

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[quote name='iamthey' date='20 May 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1274406785' post='2306251']
Since when does that matter to you? I seem to recall that the 'right of conquest' is an established principle of the Alliance?
We do not, however, hide behind the guise of 'rightfully ours' or 'liberation'. That is a cowardly act.

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"You are a dictatorship. We are not. We are liberators. If this is not the people's will it is not something we want to do, but based upon the fact their whole Suzerain is in utter turmoil and under siege.. and the fact there are refugees crossing our borders.. we doubt they want to remain with Tahoe at this time. We want to protect them. We can protect them. That is not cowardly."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='20 May 2010 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1274407910' post='2306282']
We are a dictatorship. We willingly admit it. However, your claims to be liberators are transparent lies. Tahoe does not oppress its people, and the US has no reason to use the invasions of Tahoe to expand.

"I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. We are absolutely certain that there have been human rights abuses in Tahoe including campaigns of ethic and religious extermination. These are definitely traits I'm sure that even the Tahoan descendants of the American People find repulsive.. but we cannot force them to change their government. That responsibility is upon their shoulders. Best we can do is give these few in the protectorate the opportunity." President William Caudill observed.

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