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Pacific Star Part 2


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As we last saw in the DoW thread, Christopher's air force is engaged with the entire New England Air Force, and Tahoe's Air Force over Cuba. Here are the next movements by the rest of the war declarers, so that the other IC stuff isn't seen.

OOC: OOC needs to be taken to the OOC thread, please, please, please.

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The Canadian Fleet will set Anchor in the CAN protectorate of Procintia when they arrive in the area.
Fleets location is currently off the coast of Blue Heaven cruising north westwards around the Arctican Islands before turning south to pass the Bering straight.

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F-42 Reaver squadrons reaching Florida. Air Wing A making it's way to Key West, Air Wing B to Miami, Air Wing C to Fort Lauderdale, and Air Wing D to Naples. Each Wing is composed of ten squadrons. Refueling commences at these air bases, the Republican workers assisted by the pilots. Refueling takes approximately two hours at top speed, and the Wings take off again. Air Wing D, being farthest away, launches first, and is joined by the other three wings as they make their way to the air fight near Cuba.

Orders: Make way to Crimean-Tahoan/FSA air war over Cuba. Do not, repeat, do not engage FSA targets. Engage the Tahoan craft and neutralize the problem. Upon success, authorization to strafe airfields where possible given.

With orders confirmed, 480 F-42 Reavers soared through the skies towards Cuba.



Per the Aggression clause of the Slavo-Crimean MADP, the Slavic Federation hereby declares war on the Tahoe Republic.

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"[...]This day, we fight!"

The moment that these words were uttered from the Voice of the People's lips, the entire Isla began to move, as if a bee hive that had been disturbed. Hundreds of angry bees swarmed from the bee hive, rushing into the air and began to make their way towards the Cuban airspace. In actuality, the rush of insects that was heading towards The Cuban Air Battle, were fifty (50) squadrons of F-16C Falcons, with twelve (12) planes with each squadron, making the horde of 'bees' swarming towards Cuba six-hundred (600) aircraft. Each squadron was armed with air-to-air missiles, each squadron having a different set of missiles. The missiles, either 2 AIM-7 Sparrows, 6 AIM-9 Sidewinders, 6 IRIS-Ts, 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM, or 6 Python-4s, would be used to swarm the Tahoean and FSA aircraft.

The six hundred F-16Cs swarmed into the sky, engaging FSA and Tahoean aircraft alike. The pilots were ordered to engage the FSA and Tahoean aircraft at will. Missiles shot through the air, explosions rippled every now and again as remains of aircraft spiraled down into the waters and land below. The overall strategy for the Puerto Rican fighters was to gain air superiority by whatever means possible.

[B]<\Classified\Military\Air Force\Air Force Bases\>[/b]

20 Squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160s were put on stand by at the air force bases scattered around the Isla. While the fighters were out over the Caribbean, engaging Tahoe and FSA Fighters, the bombers would stay on stand by as they prepared to make bombing runs over Cuba, once allied forces achieved a sense of air superiority.

OOC: Forgot this...


"Any nation that is assisting in the war against Tahoe, is permitted to land and refuel within the Isla. We will do all that we can to accommodate our mutual allies."

- Voice of the People, Francis Solis Ferrer.

Edited by Biohazard
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Imperial Fighters led by the Legendary F-1 Night Haunter were noticeably jittery about the massive aerial conflict erupting several hundred miles away. All anti-aircraft guns and radar stations were manned along the Central American coast and Caribbean assets. No less than 40 squadrons of the craft were flying protection duty from various airbases and carriers of the Home Fleet.

Across the airwaves, a constant signal warned interlopers to stay clear of Imperial waters lest they be shot down. At least for the nonce, the Empire was staying out of this conflict.
**Classified Movements**[/b]
200,000 soldiers mobilized from the South American reserve and moved north, garrisoning the Colombian and Venezuelan coast. The slightest display of hostility would be met with a full invasion. Additionally, Battlefleet Azores was pulled with haste back to the mainland, in order to better defend the nation from attack. The few Dreadnoughts of the Imperial Fleet warmed their reactors and ponderously made their way to the area.

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All allies are permitted to use Mexico Protectorate, Florida, and North Carolina as staging zones if necessary. All RAFB (Republic Air Force Bases) are working at maximum capacity and are prepared to land and refuel friendly planed if/when necessary.

Fleet 1, 2, and 5 are currently off the coast of Florida, Fleet 4 is in North Carolina, and Fleet 3 is in Greenland. The Air Force and Republic and Border Guard are on maximum alertness and are ready for any FSA aggressive actions.

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80 Reavers broke off from the formation and headed for Cuba, while the remaining 400 could spot the deadly air battle before being within range.

"Targets sighted," Blue Leader reported. "Tahoan and American aircraft mingled, but each is more common in certain sectors. Crimean force clearly outgunned. Preparing to engage. Confirm?"
"Roger that, Blue Leader," Temporary Headquarters, Slavic Federal Air Force, Florida Detachment replied, "Engage. Avoid any shots at American craft. Engage only, repeat, only the Tahoans."
"Roger that HQ," Blue Leader responded. "Alright, boy-"
"Scratch that, Blue Leader. Authorization to engage American targets incoming...now."
[b]*insert below Declaration of War here*[/b]
"Roger that, HQ," Blue Leader replied. "Alright, boys, the cavalry's on the horizon. Check in."
The eleven other members of the squadron radioed in.
"We're in the blue then," Blue Leader said, making a pun out of the squadron. "Crimean craft, be advised, reinforcement imminent. Evasive maneuver may be necessary. Missiles ready. Wait for range." There was a pause. "Range attained. Lock onto a target. You may fire when ready."
Similar scenes took place in each of the squadrons.
Four missiles were fired from each plane at about the same time, locked on to Tahoan and American craft. The four hundred aircraft followed the sixteen hundred missiles into the fray, 27mm cannons blazing as soon as range was gained.

*Classified, over Cuba*
Eighty F-42s, armed with satellite intelligence from briefing, soared over Cuba, locating the Tahoan military bases and strafing them with 27mm cannons, and seeking to ground any aircraft that had not yet launched with the cannons and rockets.

*Classified, near NR North Carolina coast*
The Slavic military transports broke off from the Louisianan fleet and made for the safety of the Republican ports.


Per the defense clause of the Slavo-Crimean MADP, the Slavic Federation declares war on the FSA.

Edited by Drakedeath
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[quote name='Shadowsage' date='13 April 2010 - 05:54 AM' timestamp='1271134444' post='2258354']
OOC: To be clear, that's FSA craft as opposed to the Holy American craft?

OOC: Yes. I'd sincerely hope no HAE aircraft is wandering around there.

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Fleet 5

[NC83] NRV Lars Johansen
[D55] NRV Pikachurin
[CR183] NRV Fönix
[NAS1] NRV Narhval

And part of Fleet 2

[NAS4] NRV Hvalros
[D53] NRV Michael Croix
[FR6] NRV Victory
[FR7] NRV Kalaallisut

Have been dispatched to escort Slavid Federation troop transport vessels.

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The Canadian armada comrpised of 37 surface vessels, all varying shapes and sizes, two battleships, two corvettes, 12 Patrol boats, 17 troop ships and 5 container ships, all halted, 500km from the CAN held islands which used to be Procinta.
1041km away from Naknek, both battleships unleashed a storm of tomohawk cruise missiles at north and south Naknek.

64 1000lb cruise missiles began to tear through the skies at the awaiting town.

When the final missile cleared its ondeck silo, the fleet returned course at full speed.
Heading right towards Kvichak bay, and the Naknek/Libbyville beach landing.

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Under the cover of darkness, the Italian Federation fleet sailed towards Midway. The fleet from Guam was heading towards the island for one sole purpose... to take the island from Tahoe forces and to distract the giant of North America. Due to the Northern Republic's announcement, the old American officers in the Army and Navy knew that Tahoe had brought about, in part, their downfall. It was now time to participate in Tahoe's.

The attack had been timed precisely. Long range transport aircraft flew overhead as fighters from the [i]INS HRH David K. Atkinson[/i], [i]INS Corrado Bazzani[/i], and the [i]INS Thomas Dobbs[/i] took off to provide escort and draw any AA fire on the island. Other landing craft also prepared to move in as the first shots were fired by the frigates, cruisers, and battleships of the fleet. The high-flying transport ships would begin releasing special forces HALO paratroopers as the bombardment.


The Italian Federation declares war on the Tahoe Republic. It has come to our attention that agents in Florida helped precipitate the downfall of the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, where some of our current citizens came from. We have no interest in the Tahoe mainland. We do not wish to interfere outside of Europe. However, with our base in Guam, we shall help remove the Tahoe presence in the Pacific. Therefore, we have attacked the island of Midway. May Tahoe's downfall be swift and bloodless.

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[b]GNN- Global News, Local Touch[/b]

[b][size="5"]WORLD AT WAR![/size][/b]
[size="4"]Fighting Spreads to Pacific![/size]
[size="3"]New Canada Invades Alaska, Italian Federation Begins Pacific Assault[/size]

Live from the Ajaccio News Desk, this is GNN, bringing you the latest war updates:

Air Battle over the Caribbean intensifies further as additional Puerto Rican and Slavic forces declare war. Reports being received of bombing runs conducted over Tahoan Cuba, no word yet on the extent of the damage, if any.

Forces from New Canada began a massive invasion of Tahoan Alaska just hours ago. Troops are making their way to shore as we speak behind a massive air and sea bombardment my the New Canadian Navy. Reports are streaming in as we speak, details regarding the progress of the amphibious assault near Naknek, Alaska, Tahoe will be provided in future updates.

This just in, President Bazzani of the Italian Federation has just issued a Declaration of War against Tahoe, citing Tahoan involvement in the collapse of Pravus Ingruo a few years ago. According to reports being received by the GNN Asia Desk, Italian ships based out of Guam have begun to bombard Tahoan fortifications on the island of Midway, prompting speculation of a possible Italian assault on the island in the coming days.

With Tahoe being pressed on all sides, we at GNN, like you at home, are wondering what the future holds in store. As always, stay tuned to GNN for the latest in reliable coverage on this... World at War.

Edited by The Flying Scotsman
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Deep below the surface of Tasmania and the sea-levels of the pacific ocean, a very large.. very covert.. formerly slumbering military force wakens from its long nap. Things which had been drilled for for ages began to become action. Sea-Tyrants and Water-Dogs are loaded into their super cargo subs and the super tanker variants of said subs are filled to fuel the hybrid engines of their peers. They waited for the call.

The Imperial Dragon that had lain dormant at the bottom of the sea was slowly being wakened. All it needed now was for its current master to issue a summons.

As workers prepared equipment, sea-crawlers were launched from their horizontal tubes out into the pacific.. they crawled slowly out to potential deployment zones for Queendom surface assets. The intent was to dock with the hulls of submarines and ships as they departed for the combat zones.. the drones, which normally couldn't go faster than 5 knots.. would need the magnetic tow-line to achieve any trans-pacific travel.

While at the moment the preparations were based on sheer speculation about the Queendom's potential entry into the war.. they were never-the-less made.

A figure appears before a press conference mic on TNN (Tasmanian News Network). It's Cynthia Vortex, the head priestess and supposed avatar of the Dreamer of Tasmania in her ceremonial gilded dragon mask. She tapped the mic slowly and then made a public address...

"It saddens us that the world must at times resort to conflict to rid itself of impurities. That sometimes to fight the good fight, that blood must be shed in the face of assured evil. The Regime that controls the Tahoe Republic are fascists.. responsible for broad and sweeping human rights abuses for all of the Faith and rampant discriminatory action."

She cleared her throat, "That said, Tahoe Republic has made itself known not to be the friend of those who savor Liberty.. and love Freedom. Their lust for land further proves that they seek to Jackboot the world's people to follow their will no matter the cost to the local populations they administer. That said, I hereby call for a Jihad or a Crusade.. against Tahoe. All members of the faith are authorized to use all methods necessary to discipline the heretical morality which has infected this nation and to guide it back to some sense of community based morality which appreciates the universal rights and guarantees inherent to being human, to being a dream upon Bob. Support the allies which war with the ill-guided state."

"We condemn Tahoe for their most recent acts of aggression and land-grabbing.. and call for the resignation of their leaders which have brought upon their people the wrath of the global community." She nodded.. and stepped away from the podium.

At that time what few cultists might be left in Tahoe (if any) went looking for explosives, guns, and ammunition. If asked, they would say they're preparing to defend their homeland..

Cultists around the world would start lobbying their respective government representatives to support the war against Tahoe.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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After arriving in Florida, Christopher made his official statement to those who are supporting his actions.

"Leaders of the world. I was born in Portland 19 years ago. All my life, the Catholic church and the Irish government has been in control of my family, my friends, my neighbors. I escaped after the first Cascade movement started, and skipped around Europe. Then, Crimea accepted me as a national, and gave me power over their military. When the option arose to take Tahoe down for their tyranny over North Amer--no--the world, I pushed for it to the King. He wanted no action, because nothing would come of it. These are my people. My neighbors, my family, my friends. I know as a nation I have no Casus Belli, but as a Human Being, I have the necessity to save these people.

The support from all of you brings a feeling to my heart words cannot express. This city kid, raised to be nothing more than a businessman, grew up to spark a fire that would change the world, and I have you all to thank for helping me in this. I know as a nation, this looks like an unneeded act of aggression, but if that is what it takes, then I fully accept that I have waged an aggressive war as the Kingdom of Crimea."

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As per [quote name='Vince Sixx' date='12 April 2010 - 10:45 PM' timestamp='1271130312' post='2258291']
all posts go to the other thread please. This will be reserved for non war related IC posts. War related IC posts in the other thread please.

No public statement issued.

**FRA/FSA classified movements**

FRA Air Force has been scrambled in Jackson, Mississippi, orders to fly CAP over tri-state area of the FRA, orders are to engage if airspace is violated, but not cross the border between Louisiana or the Northern Republic.

200,000 troops stationed in Georgia, 200,000 stationed in Alabama and 100,000 in Mississippi, orders are to dig in, be alert, and prepare for aggressive actions by NR or Louisiana.

FRA navy stationed in fortified port of Savannah, carriers flying CAP on defense. On alert for aerial and naval assaults.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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The canadian Armada was now 20 miles offshore, 300 marines were selected to try and nake Naknek airport, and to get there, 150 helicopters, including attack helicopters such as the apache, and transports such as chinooks, began the Jounrey inland to the Airport. Resistance was expected to minimal.

Mealwhilst, HMS Belfast and HMS Vanguard, turned all 24 of their 16 inch cannons inland towards the Libbyville beach and opened fire.
The rounds flew high from way over the horizon and began slamming down at the beach head.

The armada, still moving towards the beach at libbyville will stop at five miles offshore, and begin a second barrage of cannon fire.
Several ASW helicopters orbitted the fleet now cruising to the beachhead.

The marine group sent to take the airport is now 13 miles offshore, and moving into North Naknek Airport.

A message was sent to the Cochin Battlegroup:
"Request air support for the marines now moving into the airport.
This is an official request for air support and superiority over Naknek

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53.120598° , -155.927777°
330 NM South of Naknek

The sound of the jets blasting off from the tarmac barely ventured inside the Control Tower of the CNS Travancore as the Third Squadron of the 5th Naval Fighter Regiment took off to establish the Combat Air Patrol over Naknek. Already aloft and supporting them are an ELINT Merat, Merat AWACS and a Merat Tanker, apart from the permanent BARCAP of 4 JM2Ns around the naval task force itself. Composed of 7 surface ships and 4 submarines the Task Force is offshore waiting for strike orders.

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[quote name='Biohazard' date='13 April 2010 - 05:47 PM' timestamp='1271177241' post='2258782']
OOC: Zoot, slow down. You gotta let JED and Mudd post, as well.
OOC, the planes arnt going into alaska they in BH, and kitex aint at war atm + is classified so they wouldnt know. but kk

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[b]Federal Union of Slavic Republics Declaration[/b]
From the Offices of the Presidium[/center]
Due to the Europe First Policy of the Federal Union of Slavic Republics, there is no reason to be involved in overseas wars. However, we believe that a swift conclusion to the conflict should be reached as soon as possible. In addition, since the Tahoe Republic was seen in a friendly light in the FUSR, borders and trade with nations engaged in conflict will be closed and suspended for its duration and any additional time that the Government deems necessary.

Alert Standby- Defcon 2.
Borders and Defense is to be secure.

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A small 20 man recon team began slowly, quietly and discreetly, crossing the BH-Tahoe border. They stayed on the ground and kept absolute radio silence, instead using hand signals.

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