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Independent States Allied Forces (ISAF)


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Nuskar will not remain a member of ISAF if Great Britain has any say in the matter.
Your impudence and ignorance of politics makes you look foolish.
By default, you make the Erusean Confederation , Uray and Great Britain look foolish because of the association with you.

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Shame on us?
Dont try your sabre rattling nonsense with Great Britain Nuskar, the whole world laughs at your puny attempts to Govern your nation.
You are blind to other nations opinions on such matters, you wander like a blind man, and then stagger helplessly spouting nonsense when you cannot think of a sensible response.

You argue a point instead of thinking like they might think, so you understand their point of view, yes Nuskar doesnt.
It just looks stupid, like a child waving a toy sword at another child.

This is also NOT Federation, its a group of allied nations, created for unity and peace by the method of brute force unfortunatly, seeing as all peace talks collapsed, and as pointed our earlier, if more nations had tried hard enough at them, they would have worked, and Great Britain is not innocent of this because we were the first so say no to the United Nations.

However the ISAF treaty is Britains effort at reconciling its past mistakes and making at effort at peace.

And Nuskars blatant disregard and lack of anything inteligent to say about anything relevant to international politics, endangers the entire foundations of this treaty.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='09 March 2010 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1268187580' post='2220270']

We wanted to point out that being in a federation is like a group of kids, you have to unite to survive. And you whip around sides and try to kick us out.

Shame on you and your entire nation.

"I believe it is you who is ignorant. You hardly speak to your neighbors before classifying them as hostile, you put your citizen's lives at risk so you can feel like the cool kid, and you think that joining blocs are this easy. Go get an elementary education and put someone with a bit more intellect in charge to handle the rigors of politics."

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Yuktobania is disgusted by this act. We hereby cordially invite anyone wishing to discuss a counter-measure to this alliance (both for a balance of power, and the continued survival of the revolution) to meet with our leadership in Cinigrad. Any and all delegations attending simply need to send notice to Cinigrad Air Control and inform patrolling aircraft of your credentials.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='09 March 2010 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1268189668' post='2220355']
*Private Message to Yuktovbania:

Nuskar is willing to join, but we first need to now what it is all about and whatnot.


Nuskar has left the force.

May the spirits of Dini make ISAF prosperous.

"So you move from one big brother to the next when convenient. Disgusting."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='09 March 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1268193541' post='2220487']
OOC:I guess you didn't notice that that private message wasn't to you, huh?

OOC: You publically stated you left the force. Assumptions, etc.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='09 March 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1268188972' post='2220323']
*Message to the unknown speaker from Great Britain*

It is not often we hear the words of wisdom and logic spoke in this mad world we live in.
It is nice to see people possess these skills.

HRH Elizabeth II

**Private Reply**

You may call me [i]Председатель.[/i]

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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