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After this I feel there is no point in posting any defense.
Some people just cant drop the past issue and are taking this game way to personally.

Typing up essays to prove something, which happened well over two years ago to a micro alliance.


Well to be honest, our return to purple sphere is to benefit the purple sphere,
And our allegiance to the people we call friends.

Other then that, we do not care how the ex-government feels about Nebula-X,
Simple answer is: You are not part of it, You don't matter.

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[quote name='Cyber Nationz' date='08 March 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1268087923' post='2218385']
After this I feel there is no point in posting any defense.
Some people just cant drop the past issue and are taking this game way to personally.

Typing up essays to prove something, which happened well over two years ago to a micro alliance.


Well to be honest, our return to purple sphere is to benefit the purple sphere,
And our allegiance to the people we call friends.

Other then that, we do not care how the ex-government feels about Nebula-X,
Simple answer is: You are not part of it, You don't matter.
I like his spirit. I see great things from NX.

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I'm going to take this opportunity to explain exactly whats happened and whats going to happen:

-Nebula-X was accepted into Poseidon, so deal with it.

Only a few have issues with this and that is unfortunate however I do understand their stance. I look forward to changing your minds about us.

[b]What is going to happen:[/b]
-Nebula-X will remain Nebula-X regardless of anything that happens so I suggest all flamers flame who you want in query on IRC and not waste your time typing essays that most of us will never read.

Now we are a purple alliance and working with other fellow purple alliances is my goal and regardless of the treatment we receive, this will not change.

Now, after you read this do what you want. Choose to ignore this or actually listen to it and try to act reasonable.

PS. All statements above apply to both current NX members and former NX members.

EDIT: This is our DoE but as long as this back and forth flaming continues, it will be my last so I probably won't be answering any response posts. If you want to talk, you can find me.

Edited by Ludacrism2
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[quote name='Cyber Nationz' date='08 March 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1268087923' post='2218385']
After this I feel there is no point in posting any defense.
Some people just cant drop the past issue and are taking this game way to personally.

Typing up essays to prove something, which happened well over two years ago to a micro alliance.


Well to be honest, our return to purple sphere is to benefit the purple sphere,
And our allegiance to the people we call friends.[/quote]

Or simply that you cannot defend against what really happened, and cannot defend yourself against the claims I made about you. We dropped the past, that is proof by us not wanting to revive a corpse. You're the one wanting to revive something you helped kill. We only care because we don't want more negativity brought about by you, and associated with Nebula-X.

Nebula-X's history is not dated two years ago, we existed until June of 2009, which is less than a year ago.

Other then that, we do not care how the ex-government feels about Nebula-X,
Simple answer is: You are not part of it, You don't matter.

We were more loyal to Nebula-X than you ever were.

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OOC: I have been absent of comment here dealing with RL issues, however now I am back:OOC

It is a shame that so much time is being wasted on past issues, I was at first not happy to hear about the reformation of Nebula-X (NX). As with any issue I only see two options, be part of the problem or the solution. I chose the latter. While discussions were under way to form NX on a new sphere (which would of been acceptable to most of those who now condemn NX)this was not acceptable to me. My goal with NX is simple and two fold, first and foremost is to build it into the Alliance it has the possibilities of becoming and secondly and no less important was to be a driving force to bring the Purple Sphere back together. There will be always a select few who will rather point fingers, call names and so forth. It saddens me to hear some of the things being said if there was this much passion before this would be a moot topic for NX would still be in existence.
Moving forward, we have build on past mistakes, not only within NX but from all the other experiences gained from watching planet Bob. I have the utmost faith in the new NX that we will become more than we ever were in the past. WE do have very strong bonds to Pegasus/Posiden in turn we wish to give back to them our loyalty (those who know me, know how strong of statement that is) also to give my thanks to my brothers (and sisters) in BAPS, Invicta, Valhalla and Olympus for their support in getting us started.
One extra shout out to BAPS you will always have a friend here.

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