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This was posted a longgg time ago, and I'm stealing from that thread rather to dig it up in what would be about a three-session gravedig and post in it. It needs MASSIVE updates, some of which I've done now - most of which I just don't have the data for offhand. PLEASE post changes and updates and I'll update this thread when I get time. No sniveling if it takes a while! I got a life, darn you.


This list is intended to include as many TE alliances as possible, their forums, and their public IRC channels. Also, because of the less formal nature of TE and the fact that some alliances don't use forums in a big way, it is good to have the names of one or two alliance officers available for contact in-game or here at the CN forum.

All IRC servers are irc.coldfront.net unless otherwise specified. If you see anything here that needs updating, please reply with your new information. Alliances, reply using the format at the bottom of this post. I'll start the list off with what I already know (feel free to mention the info I missed).

There are many alliances missing!
This is because the original list is old.

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Aqua.gif[/img] [color="#00BFFF"][b]Aqua Team Alliances[/b][/color]

Fark - [color="#00BFFF"]#tefark[/color] [i](contact BozDaBoz (WizardofBoz in-game; Boz[fark] on IRC), or Lolanae)[/i]
[color="#00BFFF"][url="http://forum.mostlyharmfulalliance.org/"]Mostly Harmful Alliance[/url] (MHA) - #mostlyharmfulalliance[/color] [i](contact robony or Hisk)[/i]
[color="#00BFFF"][url="http://z6.invisionfree.com/Vault100/index.php"]The Vault[/url] - #TheVaultTE[/color] [i](Shadeybob, Natas31 and Rickyman1984)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Black.gif[/img] [b]Black Team Alliances[/b]

[b][url="http://aeonicimperium.toxicfarm.com/index.htm"]Aeonic Imperium[/url] (AI) - #AI-TE[/b] [i](contact Infidel Israeli or RA2Leader)[/i]
[b][url="http://z6.invisionfree.com/ArmyofDarknessCNTE/index.php?act=idx"]Army of Darkness[/url] (AoD) - #thedarkness[/b] [i](contact ADude)[/i]
[b]Lafayette Escadrille (LE) -[/b] [i](contact DJBacon)[/i]
[b][url="http://orbitblack.forumotion.net/forum.htm"]Orbit Black[/url] (OB) - #orbitblack[/b] [i](contact Qazzian or gary8)[/i]
[b][url="http://z6.invisionfree.com/RnR_TE/index.php"]RnR[/b][/url] - #RnR-TE [i](contact Dom Zak, DanteValentine, or sir pwnage (Alias Cheese in-game))[/i]
[b][url="http://fellowshipte.ipbfree.com/index.php"]The Fellowship[/url] (tF) - #fellowship[/b] [i](contact NeoGandalf, Lord of Darkness)[/i]
[b][url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheFlyingKiwis/index/"]The Flying Kiwis[/url] (KIWI) - #TE-KIWI[/b] [i](contact Richard VII, Les Paul Supreme, or Lord Klusman)[/i]
[b][url="http://murderincte.tk/"]Murder Inc.[/url] - #MI-TE [/b] [i](contact elborrador)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Blue.gif[/img] [color="blue"][b]Blue Team Alliances[/b][/color]

[color="blue"][url="http://tournament.gdacn.com/"]Global Democratic Alliance[/url] (GDA) - #GDATE[/color] [i](contact sippyjuice)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://gatoforums.net/"]Global Anarchy and Terror Organization[/url] (GATO) - #gato_te[/color] [i](contact Wes or magicninja)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://z6.invisionfree.com/ParadoxTE"]Ordo Paradoxia[/url] - #paradoxte[/color] [i](contact Longbowe or CowboyTx)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://z8.invisionfree.com/Roman_Empire_Forum"]Roman Empire[/url] (RE) - #RomanEmpire[/color] [i](contact Ed (Tired Tyrant in-game)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://te.sosdancn.org"]SOS Brigade[/url] (SOS) - #sos-dan[/color] [i](contact Soviet Haruhi)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://tnpa.forumotion.com/index.htm"]The Peoples Army[/url] (TPA) - #tnpa.cnte[/color] [i](contact Deathtoll, Frezonia or World Country)[/i]
[color="blue"][url="http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/index.php"]We Are Perth Army[/url] (WAPA) - #TE-WAPA[/color][i](contact Andymac64)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Brown.gif[/img] [color="#844100"][b]Brown Team Alliances[/color][/b]

[color="#844100"][url="http://z8.invisionfree.com/TERodentiaDominatus/"]Rodentia Dominatus[/url] (RD) - #rodentia[/color] [i](contact arcticllama)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Green.gif[/img] [color="#008200"][b]Green Team Alliances[/color][/b]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Orange.gif[/img] [b][color="#FF8242"]Orange Team Alliances[/color][/b]

[color="#FF8242"]Orange Destruction Network (ODN) - #ODN-TE or #ODN[/color] [i](contact Whitney, OsRavan, or Banksy)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_Purple.gif[/img] [color="#7B087B"][b]Purple Team Alliances[/color][/b]

[color="#7B087B"][url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/Purple_Unity/index/"]Purple Unity[/url] (PU) - #PurpleUnity[/color] [i](contact Warmongrel or Nascar8fanga)[/i]

[img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f28/RichardVII/team_White-2.gif[/img] White Team Alliances

Cyberian Tyger Alliance (CTA) - #CTA [i](contact: Unknown at this time[/i])
[url="http://legionik.tpfte.info/"]Ozland Cobras[/url] (TPF) - #TPF-TE [i](contact The Wizard of Oz or Dolemite)[/i]
[url="http://tpfte.info/index.php"]The Phoenix Federation[/url] (TPF) - #TPF-TE [i](contact Burning Glory)[/i]

[color="gold"][b]Yellow Team Alliances[/color][/b]

[color="gold"][url="http://tdaante.ipbfr...dex.php?act=idx"]Democratic Armed Alliance of Nations[/url] (DAAN) - #DAANTE[/color][i](contact AsianLeader or Leppy )[/i]

If you would like your alliance to be added to this list, please reply with the following information:

[quote]Alliance (full name, acronym):
Alliance Color:
Alliance IRC Channel: #
URL to forums:
Leaders Available for Contact: [/quote]

**If any mods deem it special enough, so we don't have to search for this every time we need it, could this be stickied? Thanks :)

Edited by Clash
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Alliance (full name, acronym): The Peoples Army, TPA
Alliance Color: Blue
Alliance IRC Channel: #tnpa.cnte
URL to forums:http://tnpa.forumotion.com/index.htm
Leaders Available for Contact: Deathtoll C&C, Frezonia SoFA, World Country SoD

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[quote name='Cagle' date='05 March 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1267833214' post='2215332']
Alliance (full name, acronym): The Peoples Army, TPA[/quote]

[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='05 March 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1267833612' post='2215341']
Who is this "Longbowe" character?
Some guy who needs to build up his nation better :P

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Alliance (full name, acronym):Army of Darkness, AoD.
Alliance Color:Black
Alliance IRC Channel: #thedarkness
URL to forums:http://z6.invisionfree.com/ArmyofDarknessCNTE/index.php?act=idx
Leaders Available for Contact:ADude

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Alliance (full name, acronym): Democratic Armed Alliance of Nations, DAAN
Alliance Color: Yellow
Alliance IRC Channel: #DAANTE
URL to forums: http://tdaante.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
Leaders Available for Contact: AsianLeader, Leppy

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[quote name='Arrnea' date='05 March 2010 - 11:21 PM' timestamp='1267853152' post='2215685']
Can you change the contact for SOS Brigade from 'Arrnea' to 'Soviet Haruhi'? I'm not the Brigade Chief anymore.
Nope sorry, you're elected for life.
Nothing I can do.

[quote name='ADude' date='05 March 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1267853498' post='2215693']
Alliance (full name, acronym):Army of Darkness, AoD.[/quote]

[quote name='mylife125' date='06 March 2010 - 02:21 AM' timestamp='1267863963' post='2215770']Can you move The Vault to aqua please...thanx :)[/quote]

[quote name='kulomascovia' date='06 March 2010 - 02:16 PM' timestamp='1267906850' post='2216194']RE has moved to blue.[/quote]
Can you DO that!?!

[quote name='leppy' date='06 March 2010 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1267917556' post='2216353']
Alliance (full name, acronym): Democratic Armed Alliance of Nations, DAAN[/quote]
There you go.
There's no yellow icony thing though, so sorry about that lol

Hope I didn't goof any of it up :P

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You can add me to the OP contact list.

CowboyTx in game and Thomasj_tx[GPA] on IRC, in case Longbowe is not available.


Edited by Thomasj_tx
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Roman Empire has a new Forum and IRC channel. The new forum is http://rete.ipbfree.com/, and our IRC channel is now at #re-te
So updating it when you get the chance would be nice :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alliance (full name, acronym): Rome
Alliance Color: Brown
Alliance IRC Channel: #cnrome
URL to forums: http://rome.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
Leaders Available for Contact: Magnetar, RichardI, Smallz, Amer Kurtovic

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' date='08 March 2010 - 01:44 AM' timestamp='1268027042' post='2217698']
You can add me to the OP contact list.

CowboyTx in game and Thomasj_tx[GPA] on IRC, in case Longbowe is not available.


Says who?

Nah, j/k, it's cool. However, Clash, it's Thomasj_tx[GPA] on IRC.

Edited by Titus Pullo
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Waffles, Hisk and Confusion can talk inquiries for MHA this round, Robony isn't on IRC as often lately but he's still good too.

If you're in a pinch and you need someone, Thai and myself can as well, but I'm never in the public MHA channel.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' date='04 April 2010 - 03:02 PM' timestamp='1270411342' post='2247766']
Waffles, Hisk and Confusion can talk inquiries for MHA this round, Robony isn't on IRC as often lately but he's still good too.

If you're in a pinch and you need someone, Thai and myself can as well, but I'm never in the public MHA channel.

Im sorry if i worded that wierd. I meant I can take inquiries as well for MHA, being the acting MoFA.

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You got some info on R&R wrong silly Clash. :P

Alliance (full name, acronym): RnR
Alliance Color: Orange
Alliance IRC Channel: #RnR-TE
URL to forums: http://z6.invisionfree.com/RnR_TE/index.php?act=idx
Leaders Available for Contact: Dom Zak, DarkTKEWarrior, General Destroyer

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Alliance (full name, acronym): Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness (SMUG)
Alliance Color: Black
Alliance IRC Channel: # #SMUG-TE
URL to forums: http://cncommonwealth.com/forum/index.php
Leaders Available for Contact: NationRuler, MontyPython

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