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Order of the Sword Q&A


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Welcome to the first ever, Order of the Sword Q&A. I was going to make this a Wall of Text like our DoE(Sorry, we dropped the ball in our DoW :( ) but, I’d rather not kill you with a long and drawn out post, which really doesn’t matter.

So, here are a couple of things about us.

[*]We are a “zombie” alliance. The original Order of the Sword formed with Cosa Nostra (Shout out to the CN boys) to form Legio-X which would later merge into DE who merged into Athens. Anyway that doesn’t matter
[*]In November OTS formed. The leaders were: Gonefishin, Skingrad, dwthegreat, Lord Akkarin, and the original Grand Master, Lewenhaupt. They all helped out the Sword and we’re glad to have had them.
[*]The Sword stands strong at eight members
[*]We recently joined ‘The Stupidest War ever’ in defense of The Sweet Oblivion. We hit Eldar, and AB and The Golden Horde hit us. All three were good and honorable opponents.
[*]We’re currently working on nation growing
[*]Anyway, let the questions fly.
[*]We're a black team alliance
[*] You can contact us in #OTS or swordorder.com/forums

(Sorry if this is in the wrong place Mods. I don't know where this would go, just in case there might be some OOC talk.

Edited by Believland
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='26 February 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1267171777' post='2204696']
What makes your alliance different from the others?
When an alliance boils down, it's just a community. All the communities I've been in, are the same. So honestly, nothing in terms of a community.

[quote name='Coursca' date='26 February 2010 - 12:12 PM' timestamp='1267204548' post='2205058']
What are your immediate and long-term goals?
immediate goals:
Build up to prewar levels
To get every nation a MP and a SDI
To get to 20 nations

long term goals:
Develop a High average NS
To get into the sanction race
enjoy the game together

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='27 February 2010 - 04:29 PM' timestamp='1267306397' post='2206932']
Your opinion on a treatyless approach to FA?

Is there any other OTS forum-active member?

What is your recruitment policy?
I believe you have every right to do it. If you don't want a treaty to "define" your relationship then more power to you. OTS will be having some treaties though, but we did go the treatyless route to hit Eldar in defense of TSO.

There is one other, QTC is semi active. But, he's usually in a closet somewhere hiding from the sun light

OTS is an open recruitment alliance. All though we advise you join if you puke easily.

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[quote name='elborrador' date='28 February 2010 - 09:12 PM' timestamp='1267355750' post='2208120']
why do you suck?


Why are you such an abrasive little bugger? Seriously, I'm not saying you need to hold hands and be mates with everyone but there is such a thing as sportsmanship and common courtesy.

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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='28 February 2010 - 06:45 AM' timestamp='1267357743' post='2208143']
Why are you such an abrasive little bugger? Seriously, I'm not saying you need to hold hands and be mates with everyone but there is such a thing as sportsmanship and common courtesy.
yeah......Beazy and I are tight. I'm just giving him !@#$.

go away.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='27 February 2010 - 05:44 PM' timestamp='1267310860' post='2207041']
Why are you obsessed with Taylor Swift?
Have you looked at her?

[quote name='elborrador' date='28 February 2010 - 06:12 AM' timestamp='1267355750' post='2208120']
why do you suck?

The God King of TE took me under his wing. So I've learned a lot from him

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[quote name='Tequila Mockingbird' date='28 February 2010 - 02:29 PM' timestamp='1267363970' post='2208205']
When is Lewenhaupt going to return to the position of Grand Master and bring you out of the dark ages?

Love much?

Even if I wanted to, it is BEazy's show and not mine. Besides, I barely have the time to be active enough as a regular member.

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[quote name='JackSkellington' date='27 February 2010 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1267308954' post='2206993']
How long before you switch sides so Corrupt and Eldar can treaty you like I know they want to?

I'm a treaty whore :P with my whopping 4 treaties here. :smug:

On another note I'll be calling BEazy soon :ehm:

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Recently Valhalla posted they found out that using axes when fighting firearms is a bad idea.

What is your magical secret to be able to withstand bullets and even nukes with your swords.

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[quote name='andre27' date='01 March 2010 - 10:18 PM' timestamp='1267478544' post='2210250']
Recently Valhalla posted they found out that using axes when fighting firearms is a bad idea.

What is your magical secret to be able to withstand bullets and even nukes with your swords.

What? Axes? Are you insulting us dear man?

Anyway, we have rifles and artillery that fire swords of different sizes, instead of ordinary and simplistic 'bullets'.

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[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' date='01 March 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1267459080' post='2209955']
I'm a treaty whore :P with my whopping 4 treaties here. :smug:

On another note I'll be calling BEazy soon :ehm:
Better not keep me waiting :P

[quote name='mylife125' date='01 March 2010 - 03:33 PM' timestamp='1267475839' post='2210203']
What kind of changes you will make after your last conflict?
From what I saw, we held our ground for the most part. We need to work on military wonders, warchests, and just co-ordination. Also not to over extend ourselves. So basically all the normal stuff.

[quote name='andre27' date='01 March 2010 - 04:18 PM' timestamp='1267478544' post='2210250']
Recently Valhalla posted they found out that using axes when fighting firearms is a bad idea.

What is your magical secret to be able to withstand bullets and even nukes with your swords.
A magician never reveals his secrets...

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