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STA February Press Conference


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Welcome to the February Siberian Tiger Alliance Press Conference. STA holds these, along with our weekly State of the Alliance Addresses as our primary form of informing the Cyberverse at large of the goings on in and around our fair alliance. A few quick points:

-Due to happenings in the Other Realm, Tygaland has been unavailable to issue his weekly State of the Alliance address for the last few weeks. Tyga has returned, and we and our friends had missed him dearly.
-During his absence, as the Chancellor of the Siberian Tiger Alliance, Uhtred stepped into the role of leading the alliance. He has always done a fantastic job, and the STA would like to acknowledge that publicly. Thank you, Uhtred, for being a strong figure during a very stressful time!
-As per always, there are no off-limit questions, however we'd like to keep the answering portion of them limited to STA gov only.

Fire away!

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oooh, there are so many juicy questions I could ask ... :awesome:

... But I'm sure you wouldn't answer any of the ones that come to mind :(

So I'll ask these questions

[ooc] what has tyga been up to? [/ooc]

BTW, I just got the bill back from the hospital from when this happened and I had a hear attack.


Could you guys pay the bill?

Also, what do you think is STA's greatest moment?

Edit: sorry watching house and typing at the same time makes for dumb typos.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='16 February 2010 - 04:13 PM' timestamp='1266354810' post='2186147']
oooh, there are so many juicy questions I could ask ... :awesome:

... But I'm sure you wouldn't answer any of the ones that come to mind :(

So I'll ask these questions

[ooc] what has tyga been up to? [/ooc]

BTW, I just got the bill back from the hospital from when this happened and I had a hear attack.


Could you guys pay the bill?

Also, what do you think is STA's greatest moment?

Edit: sorry watching house and typing at the same time makes for dumb typos.

Sorry, we have enough of our own bills to pay at the moment.

I don't know about a greatest moment, but our proudest situation is our recovery from the noCB war.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 03:29 PM' timestamp='1266352145' post='2186052']
Tyga has returned,

I suppose the obviously question is then, what does Tyga think of the recent going-ons? Would he have done anything differently than Uhtred?

How does he feel about missing his chance to fight CSN? :P

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='16 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1266355459' post='2186173']
I suppose the obviously question is then, what does Tyga think of the recent going-ons? Would he have done anything differently than Uhtred?

How does he feel about missing his chance to fight CSN? :P

I'm sure he'll have his own answer, but from my many experiences with Tyga, he would have done the same thing, only with a lot more yelling. He was sad at missing wars.

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[quote name='bagpuss' date='16 February 2010 - 04:37 PM' timestamp='1266356247' post='2186205']
Does this mean Goon has to return the uneaten Twinkies he nicked the other week?

Its pancake day over here in the UK so how do you like your pancakes served?

Goon ate those twinkies immediately. That's why he is so fat. Also, there are no pancakes in Siberia. We only allow waffles here.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1266358954' post='2186318']
Because I post it every month. :P

If I see a thread by STA I assume Tyga is posting the OP. My bad :v:

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