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The Final Showdown

Kaiser Martens

Who will rule Germany?  

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Days had passed since the polls had run, and a second recount of the votes had been held to verify the validity of the results. There had been no inconveniences. But the atmosphere was extremely tense. The situation in some aspects resembled what had happened in Nordheim before the revolution broke out. The population was split nearly fifty fifty between the Martencists and the Democrats. The Martencists felt that their whole way of life was being threatened, while the Democratics felt many different things, depending on their many points of view.

The Democrats had gathered together in a council of the nine most important political factions of their conglomerate to issue simple statements. They urged those who voted for alternatives to Martencism, such as Rational Communists, Übersteinianists and Socialists to join up with their coalition, because once that their victory was assured, the democratic system itself would make their involvement possible, while otherwise Martencism would seal any possibilities for change. They called this the last chance for a free Germany and assured that the expected support from the Nordic Socialists to Martencism proved that Martencism too was an extremist ideology which should be avoided. They are optimistic, and for them, victory is closer than ever.

They have began denouncing errors and crimes allegedly commited by Martencism and Martens himself, and have responsabilized them for the fall of Nordland through their negligence, which resulted in Visari's power. They have also compared some of their policies to National Socialism and Stalinism, and compared themselves to liberators of the political landscape, allowing every ideology to have a say.

This warranted an answer from Dierik,

Folk ende Land mine,

Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by the rants of the Demos. These are some of the same individuals which have long envied the power that the family has wielded, and have long desired to have a share of the country, to then have a share of its resources, privileges and money. There certainly are good elements within them, yes, but one cannot ignore the reek of western corruption. Once that they obtain power, who is to say that we will remain safe? With ellections, in democracy, I will tell you who shall win. The one with money will win, the one that can purchase media and propaganda. There is no such thing as democracy, only thieves seeking to turn our Nation into a Business and then people who are tricked to follow them, tricked into believing that anything good will come from this.

They may seem to be noble, in banding up together for a common goal, but in the end they are merely selfish. The huge coalition is formed by very small parties, banded up together to compensate their root weakness. Do you know how many parties there are? Thirtythree just now in the coalition, expected to be more if democracy takes off. Thirtythree parties infighting to decide their policies and then competing against each other by every means for a piece of government, and then they propose a parliament of a hundred. Are a hundred people a necessity to discuss the issues of Germany, when what we need is one clear mind and one good action? All that can come from this is division and corruption.

I am completely confident in our Martencism. I understand that even if the Democrats were able to seize victory, they would fail so miserably in governing Germany that the people would soon turn back to our efficiency. The only alternative to Martencism in Germany is Rational Communism, everything else is something unfolkish and selfabortive in nature. Do you think that Left will be able to cooperate with Right? That Center will also cooperate? I can even anticipate some of their moves, I have written some down to be revealed later if they're accomplished, certified as proof of authenticity.

Will we come from that? Wasn't Nordheim's example not enough? There was no Martencist Network spurring war, it was simply the government that alienated people into acting against them. If you allow Democracy to take over Germany, you may as well split our lands in six parts and give them away to countries at random in capitulation. Only Visarism is more destructive for our people than Democracy.

I will give you a warranty. I will make, four years after my rule if I make it, a new poll. Then people will be able to decide, if they were to have second thoughts on me, I would step down. Such confidence I have on the capacities of my team and my ideology that I fear not offering the throne once that I get a chance to prove my worth. But you will never see them do that.

Do not allow Loki's coalition to poison your mind. The Ravens fly with us.

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"An interesting tidbit about Rational Communism in the GDR:

It has, in fact, some of the most democratic elections possible. The entire population can easily vote via a secured connection for the candidate they support, after linking their ID up to specialised machines."

OOC: That ID thing is a lot like this: Clicky

Edited by Lynneth
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The Goverment of Transvaal, under the leadership of Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus, sees that their is only one clear option for the German people: Martens = Germany

"I think its a shame that people can't remove themselves from the idea that one single ruler or family can run a country. Perhaps everyone is to worried about the Martens family and not worried about Germany. What is good for a Martens may not automatically be good for Germany. Maybe we're full of !@#$ or something, but try it out, maybe Germany can be led by another ruler, maybe the people do not need to have mythic families leading them. Germany survived prior to Martens and they will survive after Martens. A family is not a country, it is the people who are the country. To say Martens equals Germany is a horrible generalization of an entire people and there should be an apology in order for every German who voted differently in this election."

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Based upon an exhaustive review of past events and current standings, the government of the Chechen Republic lead by Emir Saduyalev has come to a conclusion.

"We agree with Sarah Tintagyl's stand and have decided to side with the German Democratic Coalition. One cannot, and should not, base their governmental decision making on the outcome of a certain family. Even if it was a full blown monarchy, what is best for the country may not always be what is deemed best for the family that runs it. In international talks, the Martens family should not equate to Deutschland itself. It is wrong to base a nation's people off of its ruler. It is without question the Martens Regime has done great things for Germany. However, this is not to say that removing the family from power will bring the country to its knees. In fact, it may bring about necessary and positive changes not possible with the current system in place.", Saduyalev said as he spoke into the camera.

"Regardless of the outcome, we all hope to see a brighter future for the German people, and a progressive change in the current unrest the people are seeing."


Sheikh Emir Saduyalev,

President of the Chechen Republic

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I fully agree with the Sarnungian Republic's feelings. However, although the Democrats are...democratic...we feel that a democracy would only divide Germany further. Dierik seems to be a breath of fresh air from the old Martens, and a step in the right direction for Germany. Dierik has any support he needs from the Distopyan Worldwide Coalition's coffers.

Hearing the comments of the Australian has shocked me. Australia seemed to be under the glow and power of one lady for a long time, and it seems that nobody can get the image of Lady Tintagyl out of their heads. To put this on easier terms for the world that hates Germany to digest, it would be as if as Conservative or Nationalist ran the Hanseatic Republic when a fully able Sarah Tintagyl was able to take the helm.

The people need a familiar and strong person to rally behind. If the people don't have a single entity to unite them, one everyone can love, the nation is divided. This is the problem with a democracy. All it leads to is division.

Edited by VinceSixx
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"Regardless of the outcome, the Martens family is hereby granted an apartment of their choice in the Vienna City Tower.

A question to Transvaal, though: The GDR consists of a number of regions with large German populations, such as Austria, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Does your statement mean the young Martens represents us as well, despite the fact that we have a meritocratic democracy where people who do their work well get elected, and not people who have heritage or promise a lot or just look good?"

Edited by Lynneth
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I fully agree with the Sarnungian Republic's feelings. However, although the Democrats are...democratic...we feel that a democracy would only divide Germany further. Dierik seems to be a breath of fresh air from the old Martens, and a step in the right direction for Germany. Dierik has any support he needs from the Distopyan Worldwide Coalition's coffers.

Hearing the comments of the Australian has shocked me. Australia seemed to be under the glow and power of one lady for a long time, and it seems that nobody can get the image of Lady Tintagyl out of their heads. To put this on easier terms for the world that hates Germany to digest, it would be as if as Conservative or Nationalist ran the Hanseatic Republic when a fully able Sarah Tintagyl was able to take the helm.

The people need a familiar and strong person to rally behind. If the people don't have a single entity to unite them, one everyone can love, the nation is divided. This is the problem with a democracy. All it leads to is division.

"Well the Dystopians seem to understand Germany more than any of us. So I guess you're right. Martens should rule Germany. We apologize for making such a generalization that Germany could be ruled by anyone but a Martens and our own shallowness that Lady Tintagyl ruled us for so long making all our decisions for us and so on. We apologize for that as well. Since Martens has told us that Germany's voice will not move much out of the European community, there is not much more to be said from us as we doubt there will ever be strong relations again between our people and the North Germans. Our thoughts that this could ever be repaired were foolish and naive. In light of this, we wish both parties luck, but if the Dystopian's words ring true. I only pray that Martens wins this election because it would seem that the division would only lead to instability and such, so in all truth, it is better for familiarity more than anything."

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"Well the Dystopians seem to understand Germany more than any of us. So I guess you're right. Martens should rule Germany. We apologize for making such a generalization that Germany could be ruled by anyone but a Martens and our own shallowness that Lady Tintagyl ruled us for so long making all our decisions for us and so on. We apologize for that as well. Since Martens has told us that Germany's voice will not move much out of the European community, there is not much more to be said from us as we doubt there will ever be strong relations again between our people and the North Germans. Our thoughts that this could ever be repaired were foolish and naive. In light of this, we wish both parties luck, but if the Dystopian's words ring true. I only pray that Martens wins this election because it would seem that the division would only lead to instability and such, so in all truth, it is better for familiarity more than anything."

"There is Unity in Diversity. It is one of the leading principles and mottos in the GDR.

Those who believe that there is no unity in difference should check their facts again."

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The Democratic and Labor Parties issued statements supporting the German Democrats, while the National Party vowed its neutrality (seen by observers in the center and left as a sign of support for the Martens). The Foreign Ministry issued a statement declaring it will support and happily work with either German Government, once it is formed.

The Nordlandic Community of Tahoe led a rally in Seattle attended by over 150,000 according to the Nords estimate (75,000 according to police) supporting Dierik Martens.

Volksfuhrer Magnus Ragnarson stated in a speech that,

"The Martens have always been friends of Tahoe, and that Tahoe has always been friends of the Martens. They represent the True Germania, the True Nords. The Democrats say they represent true democracy, but does Dierik Martens represent something else? He is holding a democratic referendum on the fate of the Germany. And the choice is clear! Tradition, respect, strength on one side. Partisanship, discord and weakness on the other. The Democrats are a loose coalition of social democrats, socialists and liberals. They will destroy Germany. Tahoe must support a strong government led by the Martens for our ally and friends, else see another nation fall to the Red Storm."

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"To say Martens equals Germany is a horrible generalization of an entire people and there should be an apology in order for every German who voted differently in this election."

Keep in mind that Transvaal's current prime minister is herself half-Deutschlander. There is more to the statement than meets the eye.

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And so, the Democrats manage to win by a reasonable margin, just shy of becoming either a tiny or medium margin if it had received just a few less or more votes. Even though the Demos were filled with joy and took the streets, Dierik addressed his supporters to tell them to take the situation easily, and that violence would be counterproductive to the movement. He assured them that their victory would be short lived, and then he thanked the foreign nations which had, in spite of providing support to varying parties, not actually attempted to influence the outcome.

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Keep in mind that Transvaal's current prime minister is herself half-Deutschlander. There is more to the statement than meets the eye.

There is more, and there is also less. The GDR clearly disagrees with the idea that Martens equals Geremany.

OOC: I know the elections are over, but I couldn't leave that alone.

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