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EU Announcement


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Contact has been lost with the German government. Until we receive notice from them, Deutschland is to be an EU protectorate.

On a similar note, the French government is also out of contact. An EU protectorate is being established there.

OOC: KM's last post was 25 days ago.

Edited by Drakedeath
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"We are, to say the least, HIGHLY insulted that the EU would claim protectorate over a nation that is both our neighbor and an ally, that ignoring the fact that we have seen no signs of anarchy whatsoever in Germany. This would not be a matter for the EU, even if Germany was in Anarchy, it would be an issue for the nation's allies. We would like to request, at the least, discussion over the situation, if not what we feel is the rightful choice, leaving Germany on the whole. Expect a statement from PEPTO in the near future. As for France, I feel that Scotland and the Iberian pact will say something quite similar."

OOC: Is it just me, or does it look like Martens has posted more recently that 25 days ago?

Same seems to go for France

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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"We are, to say the least, HIGHLY insulted that the EU would claim protectorate over a nation that is both our neighbor and an ally, that ignoring the fact that we have seen no signs of anarchy whatsoever in Germany. This would not be a matter for the EU, even if Germany was in Anarchy, it would be an issue for the nation's allies. We would like to request, at the least, discussion over the situation, if not what we feel is the rightful choice, leaving Germany on the whole. Expect a statement from PEPTO in the near future. As for France, I feel that Scotland and the Iberian pact will say something quite similar."

OOC: Is it just me, or does it look like Martens has posted more recently that 25 days ago?

Same seems to go for France

OOC: wat

Edited by Californian
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The RSSN must take the same ground on this issue as Norway has. Neither of these nations were in 'anarchy' and it is our opinion that the allies of these nations should take management over a possible protectorate in their respective regions, if they were in anarchy.

OOC: )):

Edited by Mergerberger II
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Valencia is appalled with these actions by the EU. Neither of those nations is in anarchy, and even if they were, their allies would be much better suited to control the land.

OOC: 25 =/= 19 :\

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Slavorussian Ambassador Nikolai Ushakov gets a phone call at the Slavorussian Embassy in Germany's capital. "Hello... no everything is fine here... What do you mean 'lost contact' you just called me didn't you...? Well there you go."

Everything seems fine in Germany from our end. Check your wires EU.

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The Molakian President was quoted as saying something to the effects of "BOUT DANG TIME" when he heard of the EU moving into Nordland (The Molakian term for the succesor state of Martens Country). When he heard about the lack of anarchy, however, he proceeded to shoot his aide.

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The Republic of Finland is not surprised at EU belligerence, and suggests that the EU pay attention to it's own matters and leave PEPTO members alone.

OOC: Lavo, why'd you have to go and edit your post, I was going to quote it and use it to compliment you, lol.

"Europe and Asia are our matters."

-EU spokesman

"Do sumthin bout it."

-poser gangsta blogger

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"Europe and Asia are our matters."

"Get off your goddamn high horse and maybe share the power. This kind of utter egotism is why the world dislikes this alliance in the first place. Caucasia should realize this. You were invited to a conference in Asia, there with the PEPTO Alliance, the Iberian Pact, and various other free powers who are unaligned throughout Asia and Europe. Maybe you would say something like we would like to work with the other regional powers in friendship instead of just rallying your troops, maybe you wouldn't have the suspicion that the world attacks you with. Cooperation, try it, it works wonders."

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"Europe and Asia are our matters."

-EU spokesman

"Do sumthin bout it."

-poser gangsta blogger

"The EU has no jurisdiction in PEPTO member-states, just as PEPTO nations have no jurisdiction in EU member-states. If a PEPTO nation falls into anarchy, we will deal with it, just as if a EU nation fell into anarchy, the EU would deal with it. The actions of the EU currently will do nothing but create a fault-line in Europe doomed to a violent 'snap'."

OOC: I don't recognize bloggers as getting onto diplomatic channels, my nation has something amazing called a spam filter. :P

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"It's amusing how everyone is dogging out the EU for declaring a protectorate over a neutral region, but everyone turned a blind eye to the GDR annexing their enemies, Rheinmark."

-HRH King James II

Your comparison to the actions of others does not grant you immunity from criticism. Quietly accept your mistake and leave Western Europe out of your concerns. The Iberian Pact has maintained stability in the West for a long time, and we will not have riffraff like you spoil this time of peace.

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"It's amusing how everyone is dogging out the EU for declaring a protectorate over a neutral region, but everyone turned a blind eye to the GDR annexing their enemies, Rheinmark."

-HRH King James II

"Yes, because Germany with PEPTO and France with Iberia is very neutral. As to the Rheinmark, perhaps since Europe is your affairs, you should have made a stronger attempt to get it from them. It is no one's fault but your own."

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Your comparison to the actions of others does not grant you immunity from criticism. Quietly accept your mistake and leave Western Europe out of your concerns. The Iberian Pact has maintained stability in the West for a long time, and we will not have riffraff like you spoil this time of peace.

"I'm not saying we should be exempt. We did something stupid. However, that you did not criticize the GDR for a similar, and actually worse, action is hypocritical. And your diplomatic insult has been noted."

-HRH King James II

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"I'm not saying we should be exempt. We did something stupid. However, that you did not criticize the GDR for a similar, and actually worse, action is hypocritical. And your diplomatic insult has been noted."

-HRH King James II

We have never been afraid to speak our minds, nor are we concerned about hurting the feelings of the emotionally weak. GDR is none of our concern where as France is an important and long standing ally. Your attempt to twist this into your favour will simply not succeed.

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