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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order


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Karma doesn't exist remember?

Former Karma alliances, happy now?

Breached? Because they protect from tech raids? You have a screwy interpretation of treaties and what the surrender terms were trying to accomplish.

So? It's not like NPO had some awesome surrender terms in the past (like the secret terms given to NpO that was supposed to paralyze them).

Edited by kriekfreak
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The terms forbid militarisation, declaring wars and claiming hegemony over the Red sphere. They don't forbid defending the colour from tech raids, though they make it impossible to do anything other than say nasty things if a raider won't back off. I doubt Karma will be extending their protection of NPO to tech raid targets that NPO wishes to defend, so for all intents and purposes Red protection is meaningless while they're under terms, but it isn't a breach of the terms.

However, I'm happy to hear of the increased multilateral cooperation in Red and wish you luck with that.

I'm fairly sure the position of Regent already existed, so I'm not quite sure how you're creating it now.

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I'm fairly sure the position of Regent already existed, so I'm not quite sure how you're creating it now.

The position did already exist, yes. This is the formation of a department that encompasses all of the Order's affairs on the Red Sphere.

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So if the Revenge doctrine was (supposedly) changed, what was the difference between the Moldavi doctrine and the changed Revenge doctrine exactly? If the part of the protection of the red nations was really scrapped out, the ban of the Moldavi doctrine would have been sufficient to keep an open red sphere.

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Former Karma alliances, happy now?

So? It's not like NPO had some awesome surrender terms in the past (like the secret terms giving to NpO that was supposed to paralyze them).

So you're saying the NPO should have harsher surrender terms and not be allowed to have ANY doctrines pertaining to the red sphere, which is their home?

You would have them tell unaligned nations or nations theyre building relations with "good luck with that" in regards to rogues and the like?

Heres an easy explanation:

Old Revenge Doctrine & moldavi doctrine (the one the terms are against): complete domination of the red sphere, like the USA saying they are the only north american country, and peurto rico being the unaligned, not quite part of the USA but still under protection.

New Revenge Doctrine (the one you seem to have an aversion to): USA can still protect peurto, but canada and mexico and all the little countries down there can say theyre on north america as well.

Your anger at the NPO and your accusations of breaking terms are unwarranted and unprovoked. So what is it really?

Edited by KenDeSolei514
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So if the Revenge doctrine was (supposedly) changed, what was the difference between the Moldavi doctrine and the changed Revenge doctrine exactly? If the part of the protection of the red nations was really scrapped out, the ban of the Moldavi doctrine would have been sufficient to keep an open red sphere.




Reading & Research = good

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Yeah, right. Total BS.


Oh really? And you know this because you were there? You might not want to speak of things about which you know nothing. The revised version of the Revenge Doctrine was indeed deemed acceptable, which is why the words "original version" were included in the terms.

Has the average level of reading comprehension dropped? Inquiring minds want to know.

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So you're saying the NPO should have harsher surrender terms and not be allowed to have ANY doctrines pertaining to the red sphere, which is their home?

You would have them tell unaligned nations or nations theyre building relations with "good luck with that" in regards to rogues and the like?

Heres an easy explanation:

Old Revenge Doctrine & moldavi doctrine (the one the terms are against): complete domination of the red sphere, like the USA saying they are the only north american country, and peurto rico being the unaligned, not quite part of the USA but still under protection.

New Revenge Doctrine (the one you seem to have an aversion to): USA can still protect peurto, but canada and mexico and all the little countries down there can say theyre on north america as well.

Your anger at the NPO and your accusations of breaking terms are unwarranted and unprovoked. So what is it really?

Unaligned nations that need protection need to join an alliance, that is my personal opinion. They don't need harsher terms because this was part of the terms. To me, they are breaking their surrender terms with this 'doctrine'.

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Colour: Red

Nations: 1,731

Total NS: 16,250,059

Nukes: 1,371

Score: 76.58


Red has and will always be controled by NPO, it does not matter if they dress it up as the Red Protection Court or the Revenge doctrine, look at the alliances on RED please come on people use some of your brain cells.

Unless a real major player moves to red, NPO will control the senate, they will control who stays on red and who does what, It was not so long ago i tech raided a RED nation, who was on none and inactive, I got a message from NPO (long story short, are your f*$king with us, you attack red you take on NPO, yeah i did find that funny) Karma war did nothing apart from beat NPO down and slap a few people from Q, they did not change NPO nor did they change how REd is controlled.

SO would everyone just move on from this what about karma terms becuase NPO was the smart ones in those terms, not Karma (before the NPO hail squad comes in here, please open your eyes and clean out your ear and take the time to read what i have said instead of just ingoreing it and flame baiting me)

Good luck to Red and NPO (may your control over red last as long as you need it to)


so people dont come in shouting about this and that the terms

IV. The New Pacific Order hereby commits to never reinstating the Moldavi Doctrine or the original version of the Revenge Doctrine in any form. Henceforth, the Red Sphere is a free Sphere, with no restrictions on the Senate or alliance inhabitance.

I take that as RED been free, so if they are on red but on none can be fair game to anyone and everyone

Edited by Timeline
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So if the Revenge doctrine was (supposedly) changed, what was the difference between the Moldavi doctrine and the changed Revenge doctrine exactly? If the part of the protection of the red nations was really scrapped out, the ban of the Moldavi doctrine would have been sufficient to keep an open red sphere.

The Moldavi Doctrine stated that the only alliance that could be on Red was the NPO.

The Revenge Doctrine stated that the unaligned nations of Red were under the protection of the NPO from tech raids and otherwise unwarranted attacks. The altered Revenge Doctrine opens the defence of those nations to other Red alliances, whereas before it was just us doing it.

Timeline, the Red Protection Court is just what we called the system used to review the reported attacks. We currently share the Senate with Red Dawn. I think you need to let go of that burning hatred you have of us that causes you to see a trap in every word we say and an evil plot in all actions we undertake.

Edited by Mary the Fantabulous
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The Moldavi Doctrine stated that the only alliance that could be on Red was the NPO.

The Revenge Doctrine stated that the unaligned nations of Red were under the protection of the NPO from tech raids and otherwise unwarranted attacks. The altered Revenge Doctrine opens the defence of those nations to other Red alliances, whereas before it was just us doing it.

RED is free you have no right to defened anyone on red thats in none, that is not your role or your job

if they want protection join an alliance if not then go in to peace mode, simple as

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So if the Revenge doctrine was (supposedly) changed, what was the difference between the Moldavi doctrine and the changed Revenge doctrine exactly? If the part of the protection of the red nations was really scrapped out, the ban of the Moldavi doctrine would have been sufficient to keep an open red sphere.


Now open your books children and we will begin today's lesson.

The Moldavi Doctrine proclaimed the red sphere as the sole property of the New Pacific Order.

The original Revenge Doctrine stated that all unaligned red nations would be protected solely by the New Pacific Order from tech raiding.

The revised Revenge Doctrine stated that protection of unaligned red nations was open to any other red alliance who wished to participate.

There will be a quiz at the end of class.

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The notion that the Red Protection Court is NPO's agency to control the Red Sphere is completely ludicrous. The Karma War is over, and I know Pacifica well knows that the Moldavi and Revenge Doctrines don't apply anymore. However, it is my understanding that NPO still wants to take on the responsibility or protecting the unaligned nations of the Red team. I don't see a problem with that - in fact - I see it as an honorable move.

The Revenge Doctrine said that no nation may raid a nation of the Red Sphere, NPO isn't stating the same thing over again and calling it something else. Did they say you can't raid a Red nation? They did not.

I look forward to working with Mary on the affairs of the Red Team


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IV. The New Pacific Order hereby commits to never reinstating the Moldavi Doctrine or the original version of the Revenge Doctrine in any form. Henceforth, the Red Sphere is a free Sphere, with no restrictions on the Senate or alliance inhabitance.

In any form, wow you failed class already TrotskysRevenge

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The Moldavi Doctrine stated that the only alliance that could be on Red was the NPO.

The Revenge Doctrine stated that the unaligned nations of Red were under the protection of the NPO from tech raids and otherwise unwarranted attacks. The altered Revenge Doctrine opens the defence of those nations to other Red alliances, whereas before it was just us doing it.

Thanks for the reply since it solidifies my statement. The new Revenge Doctrine opened up the defence of red nations to other red alliances as well (NPO included).

Now let's take the article of the surrender terms again:

IV. The New Pacific Order hereby commits to never reinstating the Moldavi Doctrine or the original version of the Revenge Doctrine in any form. Henceforth, the Red Sphere is a free Sphere, with no restrictions on the Senate or alliance inhabitance.

Since the original version stated that NPO protects red unaligned nations (the new version does exactly the same plus allows others to do so aswell), the protection of red unaligned nations is banned according to the surrender terms.

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In any form, wow you failed class already TrotskysRevenge

You're missing the two words (three, if you want to count the preposition) before your emphasis.

Kriek, I was under the impression that it was only the NPO that was under terms on Red. We currently can't do much, but if others on Red want to take part in the defence of the sphere, they can.

Edited by Mary the Fantabulous
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Now open your books children and we will begin today's lesson.

The Moldavi Doctrine proclaimed the red sphere as the sole property of the New Pacific Order.

The original Revenge Doctrine stated that all unaligned red nations would be protected solely by the New Pacific Order from tech raiding.

The revised Revenge Doctrine stated that protection of unaligned red nations was open to any other red alliance who wished to participate.

There will be a quiz at the end of class.

Thanks for reaffirming my position again. We didn't want you to protect red unaligned nations. You are protecting red unaligned nations, you are breaking your surrender terms. See you at update.

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Unaligned nations that need protection need to join an alliance, that is my personal opinion. They don't need harsher terms because this was part of the terms. To me, they are breaking their surrender terms with this 'doctrine'.

Well like you said, that is your oppinion, but in regards to whats 'legal' the facts are with NPO as it is with the NPO being allowed to carry this out. Its also clear their 'oppinions' of whats right and wrong are much more in tuned to the benefit of their friends then your opinions are.

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Unaligned nations on Red, for one...

Red has and will always be controled by NPO, it does not matter if they dress it up as the Red Protection Court or the Revenge doctrine, look at the alliances on RED please come on people use some of your brain cells.

Basically here you just insulted every other alliance on Red. Good job, sir.

Unless a real major player moves to red, NPO will control the senate 1, they will control who stays on red and who does what 2, It was not so long ago i tech raided a RED nation, who was on none and inactive, I got a message from NPO (long story short, are your f*$king with us, you attack red you take on NPO, yeah i did find that funny) 3 Karma war did nothing apart from beat NPO down and slap a few people from Q, they did not change NPO nor did they change how REd is controlled 4.

1: Pacifica supports a non-Pacifican candidate for senate.

2: That is up to the alliance. Pacifica did not control the day-to-day operations of her allies when we were at the top of the food chain, so to speak; we do not control who does what or who goes where on the sphere we share with others.

3: You were sent messages asking you not to continue your raid on a Red nation. Quite sorry you had to endure such a horror.

4: Currently the New Pacific Order is under surrender terms, and likely will be for months to come. This war has cost us more in reparations than any other 2 major wars combined. Our Emperor stepped down; Imperial Officers stepped down; our departments underwent massive alterations. To say the war did nothing to change us, or how we see our position on the Red sphere to be is patently absurd.

SO would everyone just move on from this what about karma terms becuase NPO was the smart ones in those terms, not Karma (before the NPO hail squad comes in here, please open your eyes and clean out your ear and take the time to read what i have said instead of just ingoreing it and flame baiting me)

By "smart," if you mean "they managed to get peace when the majority of the world was after them and wanted to see them suffer," then yes, we were the smart ones in those terms.

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Thanks for reaffirming my position again. We didn't want you to protect red unaligned nations. You are protecting red unaligned nations, you are breaking your surrender terms. See you at update.

See you at update? And here I was thinking that you would merely raid red nations for fun to prove your point...

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Thanks for reaffirming my position again. We didn't want you to protect red unaligned nations. You are protecting red unaligned nations, you are breaking your surrender terms. See you at update.

Keep digging your hole deeper. You might find the mythical land of China soon.

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