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Hello planed bob,

i have some simple questions for you, which i'm sure will receive many witty remarks and a $%&@ton of flaming but i will persist

Why is it that every day here on bob that an alliances word is taken over a single nations word?

And why is it that it is not as honourable to fight for your own nation on your own then to fight an alliance with hundreds of other members who dont understand why their fighting another alliance?

why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

Why do alliances send out mass messages to non-AA's promising them protection from raiders, but they raid themselves?

you may say that alliances are friends that help and protect each other, but then the same person may say it is foolish to sign treaties signifying friendship, isnt that the same thing? isnt an alliance just one big treaty between its members?

all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

you may commence flaming, and trying to pick apart my logic with your cruel and witty remarks.....

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Hello planed bob,

i have some simple questions for you, which i'm sure will receive many witty remarks and a $%&@ton of flaming but i will persist

Why is it that every day here on bob that an alliances word is taken over a single nations word?

And why is it that it is not as honourable to fight for your own nation on your own then to fight an alliance with hundreds of other members who dont understand why their fighting another alliance?

why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

Why do alliances send out mass messages to non-AA's promising them protection from raiders, but they raid themselves?

you may say that alliances are friends that help and protect each other, but then the same person may say it is foolish to sign treaties signifying friendship, isnt that the same thing? isnt an alliance just one big treaty between its members?

all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

you may commence flaming, and trying to pick apart my logic with your cruel and witty remarks.....

In one post, you just hit on almost everything I hate about the prevailing mentality in this game.

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Some good questions, but the answer is that it's the natural evolution of power structures. They grow until they are no longer self-sustaining and then collapse. Super Blocs will probably be the next level unless its too constrained by communication/mobility limitations.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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One nation has no power, no influence, no significance, how exactly do you plan to succeed without any of that? Building up stats isn't a sign of success, and even if it were, nations out on their own would still fail in that department in comparison. Fighting for yourself isn't honorable, it just is what it is.

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Because I enslave individual nations to serve as tech farms. Thus alliances were formed to prevent my bloodlust and remain due to the fear that I may return to my old ways. It's written in the history of cybernations somewhere on the forums.

of course, greed prevails once more...

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One nation has no power, no influence, no significance, how exactly do you plan to succeed without any of that? Building up stats isn't a sign of success, and even if it were, nations out on their own would still fail in that department in comparison. Fighting for yourself isn't honorable, it just is what it is.

Oh, how you underestimate yourself.

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One nation has no power, no influence, no significance, how exactly do you plan to succeed without any of that? Building up stats isn't a sign of success, and even if it were, nations out on their own would still fail in that department in comparison. Fighting for yourself isn't honorable, it just is what it is.

so your saying that fighting for an alliance that you just joined, whom you know no one in and they use you as a tech farm is more honorable then fighting for your nation that you yourself built?

what im saying is, where is the "nations" in "cybeernations"?

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Because if this game was simply collecting taxes, paying bills, and buying infra/wonders/improvements/tech, then this game wouldn't be fun. Besides, say we did all act as individual nations, all it would take is one group of nations to form an alliance to cause others to do the same. If there's one thing this game will never do away with, it's alliances.

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Because if this game was simply collecting taxes, paying bills, and buying infra/wonders/improvements/tech, then this game wouldn't be fun. Besides, say we did all act as individual nations, all it would take is one group of nations to form an alliance to cause others to do the same. If there's one thing this game will never do away with, it's alliances.

thats the hard fact i dont think i will ever accept

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Because if this game was simply collecting taxes, paying bills, and buying infra/wonders/improvements/tech, then this game wouldn't be fun. Besides, say we did all act as individual nations, all it would take is one group of nations to form an alliance to cause others to do the same. If there's one thing this game will never do away with, it's alliances.

If you read the OP carefully, it is not opposition to alliances per se, but opposition to alliances in which a nation really has no meaning.

edit: I see the OP responded on a tangent from the OP, so I'll assume responsibility for the argument in my post then :P

Edited by Fantastico
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so your saying that fighting for an alliance that you just joined, whom you know no one in and they use you as a tech farm is more honorable then fighting for your nation that you yourself built?

what im saying is, where is the "nations" in "cybeernations"?

Yes, fighting to help friends or even strangers is more honorable than looking out for yourself, I don't see what is so hard to understand there.

Your nation is right there after you log in, it doesn't go away just because some are capable of working with others to help themselves, their nations and friends to progress.

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I'd like to add that the nation part is still very much there. If you don't like an alliance you can just leave. You can go anywhere where you are accepted. And if you really don't like living under the roof of some one else's making, then get 4 other friends together, start a micro, and get a protectorate treaty. Then you can live out your days in peace and or raiding.

If it were cyberalliances, we wouldn't have any freedom of choice at the nation level.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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If you read the OP carefully, it is not opposition to alliances per se, but opposition to alliances in which a nation really has no meaning.

you just hit the nail on the head, i just couildnt find the words to describe what i was trying to get across

well done : :blush:

Edited by omgitshim
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Greed is what starts fights on Planet Bob.

A few months ago we had a huge war called the " Karma War "

Many battles and weeks later, the so called " Bad side " surrendered and had to pay the good side, or " Karma " lots of tech and money to nations.

Now we are again in chaos because one alliance does not get along with another alliance.

My side of this war?

I say foreget it and let these Tech hungry nations fight it out.

This " game " is like a no fun zone and yes it has been stated before, but that topic has long been gone.

It goes something like this

Article VI Fun

There is no funneth allowed on Planet Bob.

But since when do they know what is fun. :P

To sum it up.

Most some alliances arn't what you said. Some actually have good in them. Others do not. and there are others who sit back and watch this stuff saying " lolpink " with popcorn. I am one of those people who sit back and watch the fireworks. I mean wars going on.




What you said is true.

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and another emotion i might as well get out, why is it so hard to be accepted among this community?

im actually suprised i havent got a threat from someone yet

this actually is one of the most accepting communities you'll find on the net, in my opinion at least

if you find yourself in a bad place right now because of whatever, simply reroll :)

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Does being involved in an alliance community pain you so?

Im sorry.

The protest is over the alliance ground rules. The same old thing you've probably heard as long as you've been here. Nations are treated as subjects or even soldiers in alliances and not as nations. The whole national sovereignty thing, ya know?

Edited by Fantastico
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The protest is over the alliance ground rules. The same old thing you've probably heard as long as you've been here. Nations are treated as subjects or even soldiers in alliances and not as nations. The whole national sovereignty thing, ya know?

once agian, you say exactly what i mean, just better...

i think i'm in love...

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without alliance / communities established this game wouldn't be fun for most. I think I speak for at least half and the half that has been playing this game longer when I say I would quit if there was no alliance play. No one is a. forcing anyone to be in an alliance b. forcing you to fight a war c. forcing you to do much of anything.

Alliances have just formed to make it easier on one another and create an environment in which it is fun to play the game. If your in an alliance in which you don't like then simply switch. You can be a successful individual nation in whatever realm (See: LiquidMercy, Ivan Moldavi, etc.) it just becomes much easier when nations work together.

Edited by Overlord Shinnra
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