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An Address from the Grandmaster


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There is too much talk in CN nowadays. Wheres the proof of the labours, stand up for what you want and believe in.

Doitzel, has been here long enough to state his "taunts", so stop breaking down and crying when it happens.

- I guess all thats left to say is, well said.

Easy to say when what you believe in is to your advantage. Then again, FB is pretty staunch in believing a winning side. FB has done nothing but be opportunistic, and back down when it wasn't.

Athens is kin.

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I agonise to string my appreciation of you guys into such beautiful prose that I'm compared to John Lennon and what thanks do I get? Mockery! No respect, no respect at all...

Alright, Doitzel, did you seriously just make a sarcastic repudiation of IRON and their delayed entry à la Ivan Moldavi with the Legion?

I am amused.

Okay, this is unfair. Ivan has done everything; I can go to the outhouse without the squirrels telling me I wipe like Moldavi.

If that is the case, which side of this war will the Jedi be on?

War? There's no war here -- unless you've brought it with you?

Its good to see that the new hegemony uses the same tricks as the old hegemony. :)

lol what

I'm in a 9-man alliance with a protectorate treaty that's been 90% inactive since our foundation and somehow we constitute "the new hegemony"? My legacy is greater than I thought. Evidently the whole world is falling at my feet in homage and I didn't even know it.

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Easy to say when what you believe in is to your advantage. Then again, FB is pretty staunch in believing a winning side. FB has done nothing but be opportunistic, and back down when it wasn't.

Athens is kin.

I'll be interested to hear in which conflicts FB has been deemed opportunistic and to have only joined the winning side.

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I'm fairly certain the last was directed toward the peanut gallery and the poor folks who got played by Zero Hour.

I'm fairly certain it was an annoying platitude that certain individuals who upheld the mantle of fake peace in both the old world and the new like to spam to undermine the credibility of ... well, I'm not sure who yet, since the only people that statement -- even vague as it is -- could be applied to are the ones who utter it. Curious!

It's not all about you

Much to learn you still have.

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I agonise to string my appreciation of you guys into such beautiful prose that I'm compared to John Lennon and what thanks do I get? Mockery! No respect, no respect at all...

Okay, this is unfair. Ivan has done everything; I can go to the outhouse without the squirrels telling me I wipe like Moldavi.

War? There's no war here -- unless you've brought it with you?

If the war goes through where would your allegiance be? That easier for you to answer?

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I'll be interested to hear in which conflicts FB has been deemed opportunistic and to have only joined the winning side.

LOL, clearly TYGA, you have not been keeping up with politics. Your friend Ivan has been busy. Opportunistic attacks against Athens a while ago clearly show a trend.

Trust me, when the war was looking like FB would win, your allies were pushing for it, when it looked like you would lose, your allies backed down.


I'm "Serious"

Edited by Chalaskan
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LOL, clearly TYGA, you have not been keeping up with politics. Your friend Ivan has been busy. Opportunistic attacks against Athens a while ago clearly show a trend.

Trust me, when the war was looking like FB would win, your allies were pushing for it, when it looked like you would lose, your allies backed down.


I'm "Serious"

FB attacked Athens? :blink:

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A certain raid had your allies chomping at the bit.

Can you point me to any Frostbite announcements or even any posts by me declaring a desire to get involved in the conflict? Because member alliances of FB are permitted their own opinions however, unless Frostbite make an official announcement or roll as a group, then it isn't a Frostbite action.

How does my quite vocal condemnation of the raid coupled with support for Athens and their allies in C&G handling the issue privately sit with your assertion?

I wasn't aware the weight of support was with Athens on that matter had it turned into a larger conflict either so even if FB was going to attack Athens (which we weren't) then I'd hardly calling it jumping in on the winning side either.

Running with that assertion of yours, Frostbite was formed on the 26th May this year, 20 days after the NpO, STA and NSO had completed their commitments to the Karma War and accepted the surrenders of the alliance we were at war with. Since that point in time I have seen no major or even mid-sized conflicts for FB to display opportunism or a penchant for jumping onto the winning side of a war.

On the contrary, the members of the FB bloc have a history and going to war to support their allies whether that means certain defeat or not.

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Comparing this to AEGIS staying out when GATO was getting beat down is just ignorant. Really, how much weight does an already beaten down alliance give to the overall confrontation? Very little, if you look at the overall picture.

The comparison had nothing to do with the weight of any alliance. It had to do with the attitude taken towards alliances that stay out of a war due to agreement with a CB. When WUT thought we(AEGIS) were staying out, they thanked us for having cool heads and realizing the CB was legitimate. I have yet to see an alliance thank one of the former "Hegemony" alliances for staying out of this fight yet. I wish they would. It would be refreshing and I'd dislike having to get involved if we do far more than the taunting does. I'm thankful for no war, though I'm not happy waiting around for longer to see if one happens. Please, read my posts before calling me ignorant not just glance at them and or my A/A.

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Can you point me to any Frostbite announcements or even any posts by me declaring a desire to get involved in the conflict? Because member alliances of FB are permitted their own opinions however, unless Frostbite make an official announcement or roll as a group, then it isn't a Frostbite action.

How does my quite vocal condemnation of the raid coupled with support for Athens and their allies in C&G handling the issue privately sit with your assertion?

I wasn't aware the weight of support was with Athens on that matter had it turned into a larger conflict either so even if FB was going to attack Athens (which we weren't) then I'd hardly calling it jumping in on the winning side either.

Running with that assertion of yours, Frostbite was formed on the 26th May this year, 20 days after the NpO, STA and NSO had completed their commitments to the Karma War and accepted the surrenders of the alliance we were at war with. Since that point in time I have seen no major or even mid-sized conflicts for FB to display opportunism or a penchant for jumping onto the winning side of a war.

On the contrary, the members of the FB bloc have a history and going to war to support their allies whether that means certain defeat or not.

LMAO, if I had the desire to try and point you to Grubs notorious posts regarding hitting Athens for the raid they did, I would. I don't have desire. Maybe someone else will...Or are you saying you would roll against your own bloc?

As to the winning side, it was obvious, they would have lost. MK had the balls to stand up and straighten them out, even though they all would have had their collective @#$% kicked, it is common knowledge. MK had the insight to tell Londo to back the hell off, apologize, and bend over to the world. Like I said, you need to get more educated on current politics.

Edited by Chalaskan
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The comparison had nothing to do with the weight of any alliance. It had to do with the attitude taken towards alliances that stay out of a war due to agreement with a CB. When WUT thought we(AEGIS) were staying out, they thanked us for having cool heads and realizing the CB was legitimate. I have yet to see an alliance thank one of the former "Hegemony" alliances for staying out of this fight yet. I wish they would. It would be refreshing and I'd dislike having to get involved if we do far more than the taunting does. I'm thankful for no war, though I'm not happy waiting around for longer to see if one happens. Please, read my posts before calling me ignorant not just glance at them and or my A/A.

Probably double again, but read my post. I agreed with you... ;) IE, I didn't call you ignorant, but agreed with your reiteration. Edit: (Read the second part of the post.)

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From the offices of onbekende, cookie dictator and savior of rice pies thruwout Planet Bob:

Planet Bob, nations wide and far, cowards, tramps, military scarycats and occationally prophets. At this time of spying, military build-up and skirmishes in the mud, we bring forth words of wisedom, cookies and some wishes for the comming year.

The great cookie dictator has found out war is comming to his side, a war both true and false. All sides cowardly let astray by perputrators from the sinister side of the Sith, comming from inside the very establishment that seeks there destruction.

But waver not infra-nations! For the greater good of cookies, rice pie and infra has found the light and will shine brighter as ever before towards more cookies and infra (all rice pie r belong to me).

But when discussing this war, lets not forget the people in the center of this squable, the people responcible for the swiftness, clearness and offcourse rightsiousness in there decisions! We should all praise there quickmindidness over these matters, which in all, are beyond heavy! We should recommand awards and perhaps even cookies to the nations in the center, the people who massivly believe in Armageddon, the alliance people of Zero Hour. They have shown how true people should react in times of peril, in times of cowardness and in times of looking out for ones commerades!

Another batch of praises and cookies must go to the alliances who stood, stand and obviously will keep standing by them, the first to come to mind being MK. They have shown there true colors, there willingness to safe others, to sacrifice ones own infra and there truth of spirit in all matters. For they do this solemnly so that future generations of nations will not father under the oppresiveness of a Hegemony, as they themselfs will become said hegemony in truth, bravery and kindness.

We must als not forget all the brave nations, alliances and men of there allies, whom moved without even a word needed to the help and aid of the mentioned middleploint alliance which is Zero Hour. For they came willingly, standing strong amongst every word of cowardism, to fight for what is just, not just to pick on the small, to wary with the beaten or to get honour and praise from the ons already present.

They are very much the saviours of this crisis, for they act willingly and truthfully as nobody before dared. They showed there face, a face of valor and peace. A face of bravery and truth. A face which deserves a cookie!

A word to the bystanders, the opposing side and to the cowards: Yield, and they shall be wrong. Yield and they shall be smiten. Yield and they shall be beaten! For my bystanders are as bright as the Sun, and have found the truth as far away as Pluto!

This communicé was brought to you by his lord savior of cookies, rice pie and infra

- onbekende, a lonely man in a sea of rightsiousness

PS: spelling =/= the cookie way

tl;dr => OO yes I did.

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LMAO, if I had the desire to try and point you to Grubs notorious posts regarding hitting Athens for the raid they did, I would. I don't have desire. Maybe someone else will...Or are you saying you would roll against your own bloc?

Re-read what I actually posted then get back to me.

As to the winning side, it was obvious, they would have lost. MK had the balls to stand up and straighten them out, even though they all would have had their collective @#$% kicked, it is common knowledge. MK had the insight to tell Londo to back the hell off, apologize, and bend over to the world. Like I said, you need to get more educated on current politics.

And how does that have anything to do with Frostbite? You do realise both NpO and STA have treaties with MK, right? Again, you haven't read anything I said and just typed another angry, factless rant.

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I do find it interesting though how on one hand a group can hold up a CB and assure everyone that the actions of TPF add up to something worse and equivalent to spying, and then on the other hand criticize TPF's allies for not rushing to their defense...

I'm sorry but why is that such a disconnect? People can find fault enough in an alliances actions to declare war on them DESPITE knowing that that alliance has allies that are obligated to come to their aid.

As I and others have said elsewhere, it isn't like the accusations against TPF are exactly surprising. If not this, then something else, etc. Yet alliances persist in maintaining treaties making them honor bound to support their "friend." Not doing so, regardless of how much TPF deserves their fate, is a cowardly act that all are more than justified in mocking.

MDPs don't tend to have a "we'll defend you unless you deserve it" clause, or a "we'll defend you unless we don't really want to" clause.

The mark of a great alliance is going to war even when the outlook is grim and the cause questionable if the only alternative is dishonoring your name. (and going to war because you've been given promises that you'll have it easy and can bow out quickly doesn't count, either.)

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Re-read what I actually posted then get back to me.

No need to, it is clear, and my reply was just as clear. I like how you use this argument obsessively when you are losing a debate.

And how does that have anything to do with Frostbite? You do realise both NpO and STA have treaties with MK, right? Again, you haven't read anything I said and just typed another angry, factless rant.

First of all, I am not angry...not in the least. I believe you are in FB though...If so, then You were with NpO/Grub in the aformentioned situation...you were going to hit Athens and allies. If not please point me in the right direction. Either you were with Grub and NpO, or you were going against them/FB.

I doubt it was the latter. Come again.

BTW, I am clearly aware of you and NpO/FB being allied to MK/C&G. Kinda proves my point.

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LMAO, if I had the desire to try and point you to Grubs notorious posts regarding hitting Athens for the raid they did, I would. I don't have desire. Maybe someone else will...Or are you saying you would roll against your own bloc?

As to the winning side, it was obvious, they would have lost. MK had the balls to stand up and straighten them out, even though they all would have had their collective @#$% kicked, it is common knowledge. MK had the insight to tell Londo to back the hell off, apologize, and bend over to the world. Like I said, you need to get more educated on current politics.

You didn't even read his reply did you? With each post you are only making your apparent enemies seem better and yourself worse. This tactic is not going to work.

Grub was outraged by Athens' 'tech raid' sure, and posted a threat making sure MK understood that Polar isn't easily scared off. But that's Grub's style. He loves to rattle his sabre (lol sounds dirty) and he loves to make bold and outraged comments. Tyga's point is that at the end of the day, Grub does not simply order FB to war.

You accused FB of being opportunistic and claimed you had piles of evidence to allude to and then just started gesticulating wildly at a war that never even happened. Makes sense... wait, no, it doesn't.


Back on topic, a well-worded piece, Doitzel. Surely a higher calibre than we have grown accustomed to lately.

The bees nest is buzzing.

If people insist on shrouding themselves with questionable allies for the sake of protection, they can at least pretend they intended to honour these treaties when they were signed... sheeesh. If you're not willing to fight alongside an ally even when they make a mistake, don't sign a treaty. It's actually that simple.

Edited by Drostan
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