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Announcement from Dark Fist

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I have no problem of people making fun of it, I am happy that I bring them laughter. What I don't understand is the necessity to escalate the situation if those people do indeed find it funny.

I'm not sure what it is you claim I have escalated.

I am not leaving that out, I stated clearly in the OP that we cannot prove it. Just because we have no conclusive proof, does not mean that we should not post about something which we believe is a certainty. You may think otherwise, and that's okey - but I hardly think our difference of opinion warrants a conflict. It is hard to explain our view on the situation and why we strongly suspect the named individual, but we did our best. I knew there would be skepticism, and honestly, because we are not really doing anything about it - I don't think it matters, as I believe we had enough evidence to at least bring it to the attention of others. I was hoping that people would read the announcement and make up their own minds. I don't hold it against anyone if they disagree.

The important factor you ignore is that you have, in all likelihood, accused someone of something they have not done and when they ask you to prove it or apologise you fall back on the "I can say whatever I like" response. With the announcement you took the environment from the CSN thread and tried to cash in on it with a lame attempt to smear the NSO but it failed.

When we were talking earlier, it certainly seemed like it.

Not at all. When you make accusations against my allies and that snowballs into a pissing contest then I'll step in and see if I can defuse it.

You said to me you would have apologised personally for your accusation but because NSO had already demanded reps (which were removed from their demands almost immediately) earlier your members no longer supported you apologising even though it was a personal apology, not an alliance one. You then stated that your members were now demanding reps for the cost of militarisation during this pissing contest at which point I said you were being stupid. I stand by that.

You said to me you did not want war yet you were unwilling to do anything to avert it and instead started making hints at inane requests from your membership.

My only reason to get involved was because the NSO people speaking to you were getting annoyed at your inability to discuss the matter rationally and work on a solution. Something I can now empathise with.

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Just thought I'd drop by and inform the :popcorn: crowd that NSO's average tank count has went from 446 to 807 in one day.

Everyone may now continue


Leave it to the stat counter to point this out :P As an aside why do people buy tanks 48-24 hours ahead of time? Navy/Nukes i can understand some people only keep a couple on hand during peace but tanks? you can buy a ton of them in seconds..

Also, @Tromp im only allowed so much room in my sig, yet you continue with the awesomeness...this must stop

Edited by wickedj
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I'm not sure what it is you claim I have escalated.

I'm not saying that you personally escalated it. I said people did.

The important factor you ignore is that you have, in all likelihood, accused someone of something they have not done and when they ask you to prove it or apologise you fall back on the "I can say whatever I like" response. With the announcement you took the environment from the CSN thread and tried to cash in on it with a lame attempt to smear the NSO but it failed.

Freedom is speech is an important right, as is to bring evidence and opinions to light. Whether the accused committed the alleged act is a matter of opinion. I can see things from your point of view and respect that, but I find that the same is not reciprocated to us.

You said to me you would have apologised personally for your accusation but because NSO had already demanded reps (which were removed from their demands almost immediately) earlier your members no longer supported you apologising even though it was a personal apology, not an alliance one. You then stated that your members were now demanding reps for the cost of militarisation during this pissing contest at which point I said you were being stupid. I stand by that.

I also made it clear that we are not actually demanding anything. I was merely pointing out that NSO's threat against us has cost us money, and it would seem rather unfair to us to let it go and still apologise in light of the way they approached us and conducted themselves diplomatically, which we felt was absolutely unacceptable. Had they approached me personally and properly in a more diplomatic manner, without making threats and demands - things may have turned out differently, but alas that is not how NSO chose to act.

You said to me you did not want war yet you were unwilling to do anything to avert it and instead started making hints at inane requests from your membership.

My only reason to get involved was because the NSO people speaking to you were getting annoyed at your inability to discuss the matter rationally and work on a solution. Something I can now empathise with.

That's funny, in my opinion the opposite is true, and that Corinan was unwilling to get anything less than what he demanded. I was told that the demand for reparations was dropped not most immediately, but over an hour after we started discussing things, and much longer since Daikos was contacted with the same demands. Then I wanted to further clarify things and our discussion ended there (and not by me). Nor was the personal apology offer made by Corinan. If he did ask for only just that, from me, from the beginning - then as I said, things might have turned out differently.

Edit: Re-reading logs, etc.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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I'm not saying that you personally escalated it. I said people did.

Some people felt it needed to be escalated. The people you accused of doing something they say they did not do.

Freedom is speech is an important right, as is to bring evidence and opinions to light. Whether the accused committed the alleged act is a matter of opinion. I can see things from your point of view and respect that, but I find that the same is not reciprocated to us.

Because you have nothing but speculation to support your claims. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. You seem to like the freedom and forget about the responsibility.

I also made it clear that we are not actually demanding anything. I was merely pointing out that NSO's threat against us has cost us money, and it would seem rather unfair to us to let it go and still apologise in light of the way they approached us and conducted themselves diplomatically, which we felt was absolutely unacceptable. Had they approached me personally and properly in a more diplomatic manner, without making threats and demands - things may have turned out differently, but alas that is not how NSO chose to act.

They would not have had to approach you if you had engaged your brain before posting the accusations you made. You had just finished telling me how your members views were a vital part of how you handle a situation and told me that their wishes prevented you from making the personal apology you claimed to have been willing to make had they allowed you. You then followed up by saying they were now wanting reps. You did say you were not demanding reps but I fail to see why you'd mention them to me if you had no intention of seeking them.

Again, you did not approach them personally or in a diplomatic manner over the porn/gore request allegation. Far less so than any approach they made to you over the apology/reps for the accusations you made but cannot substantiate.

That's funny, in my opinion the opposite is true, and that Corinan was unwilling to get anything less than what he demanded. Nor was the personal apology offer made by Corinan. If he did ask for only just that, from me, from the beginning - then as I said, thing might have turned out differently.

Edit: Re-reading logs, etc.

All Corinan demanded was an apology from you to his alliance for the accusation you made without any evidence to support it. I was speaking to Corinan and cleared with him that the apology from you would be sufficient with regards to the apology NSO requested. I told you as much on IRC.

Edited by Tygaland
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All Corinan demanded was an apology from you to his alliance for the accusation you made without any evidence to support it. I was speaking to Corinan and cleared with him that the apology from you would be sufficient with regards to the apology NSO requested. I told you as much on IRC.

Again, the problem is everything that he said to me and Daikos before this.

I can see that we simply have a different interpretation of the events surrounding this whole situation, and it is very unlikely that we will be able to reconcile them. I hope that both sides can agree to disagree and put this silly business behind them.

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Tyga you used to be such a political role model to me.

SCM did not need to smear NSO, there is little love for NSO in planet bob, made obvious by the fact that a huge coalaition formed almost immediately to counter roll them had they not wimped out.

Tyga and SCM you are both stubborn alliance leaders, nothing good will come from you bickering, DF feel slighted, NSO feel slighted, its a vicious cycle.

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Again, the problem is everything that he said to me and Daikos before this.

I can see that we simply have a different interpretation of the events surrounding this whole situation, and it is very unlikely that we will be able to reconcile them. I hope that both sides can agree to disagree and put this silly business behind them.

I don't think there is any disagreement over your lack of evidence to support the allegations you have made. Anyone worth a pinch would apologise for making unsubstantiated accusations or produce evidence to support them. You seem to think you are above such requirements.

An alliance leader who does not lead nor take responsibility for his words and actions is not much of an alliance leader, in my opinion. It is a sad side-effect of the treaty web that inept leaders with strong allies are instilled with the belief that they can run around insulting whoever they like and not have any responsibility for what they have done.

You made an accusation you cannot prove and are not man enough to admit it and apologise. I think that speak more about you than the people you insulted.

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Tyga you used to be such a political role model to me.

SCM did not need to smear NSO, there is little love for NSO in planet bob, made obvious by the fact that a huge coalaition formed almost immediately to counter roll them had they not wimped out.

Tyga and SCM you are both stubborn alliance leaders, nothing good will come from you bickering, DF feel slighted, NSO feel slighted, its a vicious cycle.

What do DF have to feel slighted about? If calling it how I see it dimishes my status in your eyes then I guess I'll have to live with that. :P

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What do DF have to feel slighted about? If calling it how I see it dimishes my status in your eyes then I guess I'll have to live with that. :P

They were threatened albeit hollow like, with an ultimatum. I will be honest with you, how you have spoken in this thread hasn't diminished you in my eyes at all really, it was you signing a treaty with NSO.. i mean come on man!

Edit: hasn't instead of has

Edited by daggarz
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They were threatened albeit hollow like, with an ultimatum. I will be honest with you, how you have spoken in this thread hasn't diminished you in my eyes at all really, it was you signing a treaty with NSO.. i mean come on man!

Edit: hasn't instead of has

Well, most times alliances that have an issue make ultimatums. I've sure had some delivered to me over the past 3 or so years. Most alliances would then negotiate from that demand to something a little more acceptable to themselves. I know that NSO dropped the reps demand (as they should) and sought only an apology for the unsubstantiated accusation made against the NSO.

I was speaking to Corinan and also to SCM to try and sort it out. SCM told me his alliance prevented him from making a personal apology despite him being willing to do so. This simple apology for something that I believe he should apologise for would have ended it there and then.

However, your mentioning of a large coalition being put together explains why SCM suddenly started moving goalposts and making inane and incomprehensible logic leaps to prevent a simple, diplomatic resolution being reached.

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Well, most times alliances that have an issue make ultimatums. I've sure had some delivered to me over the past 3 or so years. Most alliances would then negotiate from that demand to something a little more acceptable to themselves. I know that NSO dropped the reps demand (as they should) and sought only an apology for the unsubstantiated accusation made against the NSO.

I was speaking to Corinan and also to SCM to try and sort it out. SCM told me his alliance prevented him from making a personal apology despite him being willing to do so. This simple apology for something that I believe he should apologise for would have ended it there and then.

However, your mentioning of a large coalition being put together explains why SCM suddenly started moving goalposts and making inane and incomprehensible logic leaps to prevent a simple, diplomatic resolution being reached.

NSO threatened to roll someone a lot of people are allied to. It was the chance of a life time tyga!

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I think you are not kept up to date. One of those nations is not a rogue, but was tricked by the other to declare war. NSO requested we peace out and we agreed. Long story short, only one of those raiders is a rogue.

You're kidding right? You let a nation go rogue on one of yours, and then let him peace out because his old alliance wants him back for when they attempt a real update attack?

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At least you are honest and don't pretend to want to resolve it diplomatically. I'll give you that much!

Well sure, there are some people who want to see this go away. But NSO have pissed off far to many people for them to easily get out of a situation. I have said it before, there is very little love for them in this digiterra and a smack on the bum might do them good

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Well sure, there are some people who want to see this go away. But NSO have pissed off far to many people for them to easily get out of a situation. I have said it before, there is very little love for them in this digiterra and a smack on the bum might do them good

The situation being them being accused of doing something without any proof they did it. Those cads!

Edited by Tygaland
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I was speaking to Corinan and also to SCM to try and sort it out. SCM told me his alliance prevented him from making a personal apology despite him being willing to do so. This simple apology for something that I believe he should apologise for would have ended it there and then.

I stand with my alliance, if they do not believe the proposed actions are acceptable.

However, your mentioning of a large coalition being put together explains why SCM suddenly started moving goalposts and making inane and incomprehensible logic leaps to prevent a simple, diplomatic resolution being reached.

This is rather insulting....but then again, more or less anything you say is. I also believe Daggarz is rather exaggerating.

At least you are honest and don't pretend to want to resolve it diplomatically. I'll give you that much!
You're kidding right? You let a nation go rogue on one of yours, and then let him peace out because his old alliance wants him back for when they attempt a real update attack?

^ I just thought the contrast of those two posts was funny.

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