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Mostly Harmful Alliance - Official Announcement


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As of today 12/19/2009, there will be a official leadership change effective immediately.

1. Robony & Hisk will take command of Mostly Harmful Alliance.

  • Executive Director - Robony
  • Associate Executive Director - Hisk

2. They will also be leading the alliance in the new round.

3. I resign my leadership position and return to the default role of Chairman.

I want to apologize to all and especially my alliance for not being available much at all especially during the last 3-4 weeks. I've gone from being sick to insanely busy in real life which is why it's been very hard for anyone to get hold of me. This coupled by early fighting and inactivity have cause Harmful to be extremely quiet this round.

More Importantly I will not be around next round as well. I am not leaving the game but I will be even more inactive as I will be out of the country for one month starting 12/22/2009.

I entrust the alliance to both Robony and Hisk and absolutely believe that Harmful will be quite active and fun next round.

Before I sign out, I would like to say one more thing. I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season and may all RL future endeavors in 2010 be met with great success.



o/ Harmful

o/ Robony & Hisk

o/ Friends

o/ TE

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lol go MHA. The alliance who's nations are so out of control that weeks after SWAT-MHA war they strike back for revenage when CTA has beaten our nations to rock bottom. And leadership just ignores it. My fav alliance truely (Y)

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lol go MHA. The alliance who's nations are so out of control that weeks after SWAT-MHA war they strike back for revenage when CTA has beaten our nations to rock bottom. And leadership just ignores it. My fav alliance truely (Y)

Lest you forget that it was SWAT who came knocking on Harmful's door right on the heels of our war with OP. Also, as has been said in other threads, MHA has enjoyed near constant war since day 3 of the round. Without a true opinion or position on the current EoR festivities, it was decided that we would allow our nations free range in their choice of how to use their last remaining pixels in rd 8. So sorry if some are doing to you what you did to them, but leadership is doing anything but ignoring it. We watch closely.

This is a transitional period for Harmful and we are evaluating every part of our systems, process and personnel. Many (if not most) of you know HisK. Many (if not most) of you don't know me. I'll assure you this is not my first rodeo and along with HisK and the rest of Harmful's leadership, MHA will return to a place of prominence on Steve.

Who knows, maybe we'll REALLY become your favorite AA. ;)

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So Anarchy is telling our members they may enjoy their last days in this round attacking whomever they wish that might have pissed them off, be in their top strength ranges, be the most fun target, or be a friend?

I'm so sorry if you happen to have been attacked because you ganged up on someone and they felt sore about it and wanted to settle the score when we gave them the chance too...

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1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) general lawlessness and disorder, esp when thought to result from an absence or failure of government

I blame hisk for the anarchy within MHA. Also, I congratulate him on rising to become Supreme Leader (once Robony succumbs to an "accident" of course)

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Yet, there was no disorder when there was a lapse in government. When the government was figured out for the transition once more, we gave the orders and made the moves that were needed to let our members have fun.

If we were in anarchy they would have gone haywire without our consent.

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I can tell EVERYONE that there hasn't been ANY Anarchy in Harmful.

There's a huge difference between in-active and anarchy.

The transition to the new government was very smooth. In fact, none of this would have happened without my final say... The entire team knows that Harmful was and still is my baby even in my up coming absence. I have full confidence in the people I leave in charge. It is also time for new blood and ideas thus a change is good and needed from my standpoint which is why Robony and Hisk are now in charge. Also note that the ENTIRE SENIOR STAFF is completely in tact.


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RL issues suck. Good luck with all that. Congrats to MHA and new gov.

When MHA comes back next round, here's to hoping its as a friend of SWAT and there are no hurt feelings.

It was a good war and a lot of SWAT is a little sore about the CTA deal, but perhaps next round some very harmful diplomats can invade SWAT forums lol B)

o/ Old gov

o/ MHA

o/ New gov

o/ Next round

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We don't keep hard feelings for long, plus SWAT will always be friends. We can war with friends just fine.

Don't take it personally though if a member got upset and is using their free ticket to even the score... I have a feeling there may a few of you out there that are being affected by that.

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