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The Rise of Mordor

Zoot Zoot

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By the Free will of the Citizens of Mordor, they voted in myself, Lord Sauron to lead them.

After many meetings withINSERT NATION NAME HERE Government Officials, Mordors Independance was given to its people.

We are Mordor, we are the Carolinian Men of the West and we exist.


A brief historical outline of the nation will begin with a brief timeline.

June 2009-Lord Sauron Voted in as regent of the Carolinas

October 2009-Lord Sauron meets with INSERT NATION MAME HERE officials for talks of Independance

September 2009- Lord Sauron meets again with officials for further talks.

November 2009- Mass independance marches take place in Mordors Capital, Columbia.

December 18th 2009- Independance Gained from INSERT NATION NAME HERE


* Banks: 3

* Clinics: 5

* Factories: 2

* Foreign Ministries: 1

* Harbors: 1

* Hospitals: 1


* Infantry - 108 000 men at arms.

* Armour - 906 armoured units.

* Aircraft - 1

* Cruise Missiles - 1

Army corps A: 45,000 men

* 1 Corps-45,000 men

* 3 Divisions-15,000 men.

* 3 Battalions-5000 men.

* 5 Companies-1000 men.

* 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 300 armoured units

Army Divison B: 15,000 men

* Broken up into 3 Brigades of 5000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Battalions of 1000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Companys of 200 men.

* Broken up into 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* Broken up into 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 200 armoured units

Army Divison C: 15,000 men

* Broken up into 3 Brigades of 5000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Battalions of 1000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Companys of 200 men.

* Broken up into 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* Broken up into 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 100 armoured units

Army Division D: 18,000 men

* Broken up into 3 Brigades of 6000 men.

* Broken up into 6 Battalions of 1000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Companys of 200 men.

* Broken up into 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* Broken up into 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 100 armoured units

Army Divison E: 10,000 men

* Broken up into 2 Brigades of 5000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Battalions of 1000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Companys of 200 men.

* Broken up into 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* Broken up into 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 200 armoured units

Army Brigade F: 5,000 men

* Broken up into 5 Battalions of 1000 men.

* Broken up into 5 Companys of 200 men.

* Broken up into 5 Platoons of 40 men.

* Broken up into 4 Squads of 10 men.

* 6 armoured units



1st Amendment:

* Congress may not establish a religion, restrict free speech or press freedom, or deprive citizens of rights to assemble peacefully or petition the government.

2nd Amendment:

* The government may not infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.

3rd Amendment:

* Soldiers may not be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner.

4th Amendment

* Neither individuals nor their homes and property may be searched or seized unless a legal warrant, based on probable cause, is issued.

5th Amendment:

* An individual charged with a crime is entitled to due legal process, cannot be tried twice for the same offense, and cannot be compelled to testify against him- or herself. The government cannot seize private property without just compensation.

6th Amendment:

* In civil litigation, parties are entitled to a jury trial, and no fact established by a jury may be re-examined in any higher court.

7th Amendment:

* An individual accused of a crime has the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury, to be informed of the charges, to confront witnesses, and be assisted by legal counsel.

8th Amendment:

* The government may not impose excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments.

9th Amendment:

* The listing of specific rights in the Constitution does not deny or disparage other rights retained by the people.


We are a Federal Government, see below for defination:

A federal republic is a federation of states with a republican form of government. A federation is the central government. The states in a federation also maintain the federation. Usage of the term republic is inconsistent but, as a minimum, it means a state or federation of states that does not have a monarchy.

In a federal republic, there is a division of powers between the national "federal" government, and the government of the individual subdivisions. While every nation manages this division of powers differently, national security and defense, monetary policy, and other issues of a "national" scope are handled at the "federal" level while more local issues such as road and infrastructure maintenance and education policy are handled at the local level. In other words, while the federal government has ultimate sovereignty, there is a limited sovereignty granted to the subdivisions, where the federal government does not have jurisdiction. This is in contrast to a unitary republic whereby the national government has complete soverignty over all aspects of political life, and subdivisions are purely administrative in nature.

Lord Sauron is the Commander in Chief or "President" (Stick to Lord Sauron).

The Nine Nazgul Lords are the Commanders of the Military.

Regional Goveners, Diplomats and Ambassadors not listed.

Foreign Policy

Mordorian foreign policy dictates that Mordor does NOT intervene in ANY situation unless a defence treaty is activated or an ally requests assistance. The Government may apply pressure diplomatically but nothing more unless sanctioned by Lord Sauron and the Nine Lords.


British Pound Sterling


Budgets for Government Departments 2010 (£ million)

Work and Pensions 132732

Health 104464

Education and Skills 68060

Defence 38986

Tax, Excise and Treasury[2] 5469

Communities & Local Government 28186

Northern Ireland Executive 14667

Home Office 13877

Transport 10150

Cabinet Office 10090

Trade and Industry 6015

Culture, Media and Sport 5042

International Development 4772

Ministry of Justice 4086

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 3099

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1859

Law Officers' Departments 718

Total resource budget 519229

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.




Edited by Zoot Zoot
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We do not yet recognize this nation, because of conflicting claims by you crazy Americans.

Once everything is sorted out, however, we will be willing to change our stance. But for now, I believe there is more than one nation claiming that land.

EDIT: Posting while I was posting, Zoot Zoot <_<

Edited by maicke
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Well...we don't recognize this nation. Tahoe was not the previous owner of the land; the FRA was.

Technically, the FRA and FRG jointly are in the process of occupying and policing the Carolinas, so we don't own it all on our own.

However, I do own Georgia solely, and will not release it. The FRA's official position is to not recognize this nation until all the details of borders are hammered out, and we are trying to meet with the leaders of this government-to-be to work things out.

OOC: Okie doke zoot zoot.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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OOC: Georgia is to the left of those claims. Those would be the Carolinas.

OOC: Because he removed the earlier picture and replaced it with my, far more accurate version :P

IC: "Norway welcomes Mordor to the world, and would like to offer some advice to its leader Mr. Sauron. 'Wear more armor on that ring finger, it will help.'"

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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"It seems LARPers, basing their lives around Tolkien's Lord Of The Ring have founded their own nation. Why they have chosen the side of evil, I do not want to know."

"Hopefully this means the LARPers in Antarctica will be moving to North America shortly."

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OOC, ive gotta ask guys. please stop recognising this nation.

its not been confirmed by californian and germanic yet on a final lanclaim....so ide rather not be recognised just to have to wipe it if one of them says no.

ill repost the entire DOE if i can get it confirmed

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