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Justice is Served

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Actually for the curious they get a week of whoopings plus a ZI'ing for the initial two troublemakers

WHAT? ...and they call us the "new hegemony" pssh...at least install a viceroyship.

I Demand more Justice for their Shenanigans! AngryMob.gif

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hey guys thanks this has been alot of fun im glad you guys gave me a good run for my money. well i was told to come here and give you my side of the story so here it goes. me and my friend evan have been playing for about a year now and we were getting bored so he decided that since we were getting tired of playing anyways that he would just pick a random nation to attack so he did and i was aware of this but after seeing what he did i thought that he was right that would be fun and a good way to go down. so i did to. then as time progressed i recived aid from a few friends which didnt make them liable for attack but anyhow i guess you found a reason to attack them as well. i would like to point out that and as for the bs that CSN was patient with us is completly untrue and quite the opposite. i was never told anything that lead to peace one time by CSN they just kept sending me messages telling me how bad they were going to kill me. also the nations of Weslandia and

budville still yet to do anything wrong but have been attacked for no reason. i just thought it was rather humerous that you turned 2 nations attacking you into a whole alliance war when it wasnt the case at all so dont act like your just angels from above only acting becuse you had to but really you attacked nations you had no reason to attack just because you saw a good tech raiding opprotunity i know im in the wrong but i feel as if you are to the only nations that should have been attacked was mine and evan almighty's. and i guess the excuse "war aid" works even though 2 of my offers was just regular tech deals. it was fun though guys and i see that its still not over cuz i just got attacked again as i typed this but hey im having fun and i know you guys are so lets keep it up it is a game after all. oh yea and for my fist battles i fought i would like to thank captain crunch for making that possible for me cuz i raided about 2 mil from him every day which paid my bills and bought me my air force and cruise missles. see ya :D

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i recived aid from a few friends which didnt make them liable for attack but anyhow i guess you found a reason to attack them as well

Aiding a nation at war has been an act of war itself for as long as I can remember. Aiding you in itself made them 'liable for attack'.

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Aiding a nation at war has been an act of war itself for as long as I can remember. Aiding you in itself made them 'liable for attack'.

If it's deliberate aid to a warring nation, it's like asking to be attacked.

Now if someone doesn't know the nation they've aided is at war, usually you can navigate your way out of an awkward situation with relative ease. We recently had a situation where a member of another alliance got conned into tech-dealing with a guy that was attacking TOOL. The aider wasn't too happy when he found out, lemme tell ya. :P

Edited by Uralica
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but hey im having fun and i know you guys are so lets keep it up it is a game after all. oh yea and for my fist battles i fought i would like to thank captain crunch for making that possible for me cuz i raided about 2 mil from him every day which paid my bills and bought me my air force and cruise missles. see ya :D

Now there's the fighting spirit! If you've gotta die, die with your boots on. :)

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yes but what about the nations who did nothing and still got attacked any reason for that

Collateral damage. That happens in every single alliance war. If someone declares war on an entire alliance, everyone wearing the alliance affiliation is fair game.

Example: I think maybe a fifth of TOOL (we had around 300 members at the time) attacked Dark Templar, if even. Yet a lot more of those were attacked when Dark Templar's allies, Sparta, Brigade, and eventually Alpha Omega, came in to defend them, including those who were not even official members of the alliance (lolghosts :P). Many people who were not involved in the initial Dark Templar attack were hit, including a person I myself went into the war to defend (for some reason I was lucky enough to not get hit - probably because I was so small :P). Yet no one complained about being hit for no reason. Except the ghosts.

Example: leaderofamerica was not directly involved in Ragnarok's attacks on NPO or IRON, yet he got declared on by a member of the NPO when he was doing tech deals, because he was a member of Ragnarok.

I do agree with what Mansfield said, mind you. At least you're willing to take your lumps. I've met people on Planet Bob who cringe at the thought of losing their pixels. :lol1:

I don't agree with this being called a tech raid, although there is one person not from TYR/CSN who is indeed tech raiding a Justice member.

Edited by Uralica
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We werent paitent with you? screenie in the OP shows Evan declared on Creativ on 11/26. TYR engaged you through the 29th. CSN got involved on the 29th. Since then we've only engaged yourself, Evan and those who aided you..im sorry but you've been here a year and if you didnt know this would get these nations attacked then theres nothing else that can be done to help you.

Anyway, there was just a discussion on holding an alliance responsible for its govt's actions and well you as their leader getting involved in this war was probably cause enough but then again we showed no paitence whatsoever

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ok it doesnt really matter but even so no one has still anwsered why the nations Weslandia and budville have been attacked

The thing is, you only care about yourself. You will drag anyone down, just so you won't drown. We can't take any more chances with your alliance. You keep getting aided.

Edited by Hetman Vladislav
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ok it doesnt really matter but even so no one has still anwsered why the nations Weslandia and budville have been attacked because this wanst a war declared on an alliance this was just 2 nations not an entire alliance

Since multiple nations of your alliance attacked multiple nations of CSN, the situation has evolved into an alliance war. Any nations under the AA of Justice are targets for CSN. ;)

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