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A Statement about Mario Kart


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Your right you wasnt asking you was telling them, so my previous point still stands, also dont insult my intelligence just because you cannot distinguish what you said is asking/telling someone to do what you never did.

I don't need to insult your intelligence apparently. You're right on something though, I am telling them to do something yesbecause I am challenging them to post a DoW instead of a thread saying the way we play is evil. Because that's how you make challenges, you challenge people by telling them.. right?

Is it that hard to grasp? :blink:

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Who was it you were at war with on day 3? I don't think you were.

I believe your first war this session was OP.

Form the thread, the OP and MHA peace announcement came on Nov 19 2009, 12:38 AM:


From their DoW, OB and SWAT declared war on Nov 27 2009, 11:22 PM:


That's 8 days. I'm talking about the truth. At the time you had more nations and more NS than they did combined. They crushed you guys so badly OB went looking for other wars out of boredom, and you guys haven't done anything since.

I don't feel like TPF has to take crap on warring from MHA.

Especially not this session. So I'm not. Get over it.

Hey dip!@#$ we had a war before the OP one.

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MHA fought Mushroom Kingdom rogues on day 3-7, before you say something that it's easy to handle. 5 nations, they were our strongest at the time and they had 5 guerilla camps with a semi-high military for the day it was.

Therefore they hit nations with a limited to nothing warchest that were fresh off getting a trade circle together.

I would know, I was one. Not everyone was prepared enough, I had half a collection laying around for emergencies and we fought them until we went to war with OP. After the war with OP where we were virtually wasted with the exception of a few, we went to war with OB/SWAT a few days out of anarchy. After that war, anyone that was left above 4k NS then got rogued on by bandwagon alliances (RD did this during the war, whom I had contacted to get it closed) So basically since day 3 our nations have been at war, if anything we're guilty of not keeping enough cash on hand at the earliest stages of the round and rebuilds.

And I'm not complaining because all we did was war this round, I am complaining because I feel there are alliances which just degrade the quality of TE in here that are trying to claim the high horse as saviors.

TPF, I do apologize to you, I talked to a member (remember I was inactive the first half of the round) and he told me more about the wars you guys have been in, while small scale and easily handled it is something more than some of the others around here and I do see your attempts at making things better around the game as a whole.

CTA, new or not, I won't care. Excuses aren't needed, intent to war isn't a war. You guys are doing borderline stuff that if you continue you'd be on your way to the old ways of TE where Bob reigns onto you for treaties galore and as minimal wars as possible.

To point out something, the past... 4-5 rounds MHA has been in a state of war probably 50% of the game. Because we hold no treaties while a lot of alliances do, we get targeted more than we can do the targeting, so you find us weak. But if we target someone, then we're evil.

Basically I want people to stop being children around the forums, man up, have fun, cancel treaties, fight friends and laugh at the end. We hold no grudges against OP, OB (maybe you guys... Marcus is a punk) and not SWAT. But as it stands, all the warring has given us nothing much left to fight with or that's fun. Maybe we'll find something to jump in with who's left caring, but it's the holidays and the game is dead for most of us.

Also, before any of you tell me to "Do something about it" I'll let you know I am in the middle of this rogue-fest already fighting. Some of you might have found me already. I'll also let you know that when I lead MHA I tried to fix things, but realized I alone can't, it's up to all of TE to come to the realization that we need an unwritten code of conduct to go with. Just a few simple things to keep the game fun and not so obnoxious and full of bickering.

If you want to bash my post, bash my post. If you've read my post, I hope you don't just pick out what you disagree with, and state what you do agree with. Some of you are leaders reading this, and I challenge you to bring your alliance into the sphere that is working for all of TE and not just their own alliance, because this is a game that will die if we are all selfish at all times.

I'd also like to give a commendation to OP, I didn't like you to begin with, but you've done well. Reminds me of when MHA got ganged up on but we couldn't keep the internal organization together at all compared to you guys. I actually hope you win because you seem to not be falling prey to the crap that is fed on these forums still. I would however like to see you not hold such a huge majority control over TE, because that will cause another war against you like it or not, just the trend that occurs.

May you all fight well, and may the best hippy win the flag.

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You clearly are either too obtuse to understand or just not trying hard enough; winning Tournament Edition is not distinguishing the best fighter or the idiot who fights the longest time. Winning Tournament edition distinguishes the nation or group who manages to put himself or one of them on the #1 position by the end of the round - and there are no specific rules for that (except as CN's) nor binding morals. Part of that is not being an idiot and fight all the wars that knock your door. Part of that is knowing how, when and against who to pick your fights.

There are plenty of alliances who would like a flag, who have done some actual fighting throughout the round. -> To imply that because an alliance has fought throughout the round that alliance deserves the flag is borderline ridiculous. The alliance who deserves the flag is that one who better managed its wars, whether they are individual or collective, nation building and foreign affairs in order to achieve a favorable situation by the end of the round. For some misguided reason some people seem to think only the military part matters and they still suck at it because their management of it is none.

The fact certain alliances just sit back and relax while you fight around is the product of your lack of intelligence when it comes to pick the wars. Why would those alliances fight when you are already entertained hammering down their direct competitors? Their objective is to win the game, not fighting the most people (and while I understand that you might claim that your objective is having the most fun and that you achieve it by fighting constantly, but then you shouldn't come around claiming you deserve a flag, you can't have both worlds) - if you do it for them, they have no reason to do it themselves. It's not like they are hiding for no reason, it's because it's not profitable.

I assure you most of the alliances who don't move would engage in one or two wars if that's what they needed to win the round. Heck, it's what they do at the end of the round at an individual level. It's not infra hugging, it's being efficient towards winning the game.

And don't fool yourself, this thread is nothing but "Mario Kart are evil because they play the way they do". And that adds nothing to the challenge of winning the flag other than limitating the game to what people think it's right.

It's great to see you post such arrogant dribble. Please continue because that will only make future rounds a whole lot harder for you and your gang. What it all amounts to is TFD will always go after the flag by hiding in other aa's, creating alliances whose only intent is to hide and not be noticed, and to create splinter groups in the last two weeks to go nuclear and eradicate any competition. Again, you don't understand the purpose of this thread, but the fact that you and the rest of MK are suddenly becoming defensive about everything does mean that it is working (difficult to calculate, but I guess we'll see).

Good luck creating another alliance with nothing but infra huggers in future rounds. Somehow I don't think your strategy will work quite as well again ;)

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I don't need to insult your intelligence apparently. You're right on something though, I am telling them to do something yesbecause I am challenging them to post a DoW instead of a thread saying the way we play is evil. Because that's how you make challenges, you challenge people by telling them.. right?

Is it that hard to grasp? :blink:

Challenging is another word for asking/telling them to post a DoW, so again my original point stands:

Ok so i find it ironic that respectable alliances have to write DoW's on you to be a man, what does that make these splinter alliances for no DoW?

I have no problems with the english language but you seem to be having problems understanding the meaning of words and how they read when constructed in sentances, "is it that hard to grasp" :blink:

So stop trying your hardest to deny that you never asked/told people in this thread to shut up moaning and post a DoW instead.

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It's great to see you post such arrogant dribble. Please continue because that will only make future rounds a whole lot harder for you and your gang. What it all amounts to is TFD will always go after the flag by hiding in other aa's, creating alliances whose only intent is to hide and not be noticed, and to create splinter groups in the last two weeks to go nuclear and eradicate any competition. Again, you don't understand the purpose of this thread, but the fact that you and the rest of MK are suddenly becoming defensive about everything does mean that it is working (difficult to calculate, but I guess we'll see).

Good luck creating another alliance with nothing but infra huggers in future rounds. Somehow I don't think your strategy will work quite as well again ;)

Now, you wouldn't be the first to start enforcing something like EZI in multiple game rounds, would you? Because once that Pandora box is open, it'll be hell for everyone playing the game.

Anyway, the method we have been using is not working already. We will adapt, we will overcome the issues and in 4 months we will be here again having this same discussion.

But I'll say it again, the fact there are alliances who will try to go unnoticed is because they don't need to do anything - and that happens because everyone does the job for them.

Challenging is another word for asking/telling them to post a DoW, so again my original point stands:

I have no problems with the english language but you seem to be having problems understanding the meaning of words and how they read when constructed in sentances, "is it that hard to grasp" :blink:

So stop trying your hardest to deny that you never asked/told people in this thread to shut up moaning and post a DoW instead.

Whatever floats your boat mate.

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CTA, new or not, I won't care. Excuses aren't needed, intent to war isn't a war. You guys are doing borderline stuff that if you continue you'd be on your way to the old ways of TE where Bob reigns onto you for treaties galore and as minimal wars as possible.

Please stop your mindless nonsense we would by the end been in constant war for a 3rd of the round so not exactly minimal now is it? also treaties galore :blink: what have you been smoking?

We are one of the most open alliances here, we posted our only 2 treaties, we post our DoW's, what you see is what you get.

Which is more than what ive seen from alliances using the term "friends" to jump an alliance, which in my eyes is merely an excuse used to hide the fact of your secret treaties with them.

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Now, you wouldn't be the first to start enforcing something like EZI in multiple game rounds, would you? Because once that Pandora box is open, it'll be hell for everyone playing the game.

Anyway, the method we have been using is not working already. We will adapt, we will overcome the issues and in 4 months we will be here again having this same discussion.

But I'll say it again, the fact there are alliances who will try to go unnoticed is because they don't need to do anything - and that happens because everyone does the job for them.

Whatever floats your boat mate.

Sorry, I'm not sure what EZI is. I only play TE, and I'm pretty sure nobody uses tactics like that. But, you guys won't be left untouched for 80% of the round because there will be plenty of alliances looking out for you. All the gloating by your side have pretty much guaranteed that.

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Please stop your mindless nonsense we would by the end been in constant war for a 3rd of the round so not exactly minimal now is it? also treaties galore :blink: what have you been smoking?

We are one of the most open alliances here, we posted our only 2 treaties, we post our DoW's, what you see is what you get.

Which is more than what ive seen from alliances using the term "friends" to jump an alliance, which in my eyes is merely an excuse used to hide the fact of your secret treaties with them.

We hold no treaties. You can take our word or not for all I care. I'll fight LE if it weren't for the fact people always fight both of us anyways. We have fought before in the past.

I'd like to clarify something as well. Those that fight the final 10 days of the round... that's not excuse to be included in your overall warring. It can be an addition, but not an excuse because everyone fights this last week-ten days. Even the hippies don't go clear of war.

Two treaties is two too many. Having two within your first round is another "heading down the wrong path, but could change" kind of mentality I had in my post.

Honestly, I don't see what you are arguing here. I never said you're horrible, I said you just haven't really picked a way to play the game yet and if you keep up the treaties and only fighting at the end you're just hurting the game rather than helping it.

Please someone with common sense whose reading this and not posting give your voice. I did that earlier in the round (didn't post) and it never helped the round out.

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Thanks Lonewolf, apology accepted.

We've been at war with someone or other nearly all round long, starting with the recognition of war wth Trouble here, on Oct. 26th. Seeing as how the session started on the 24th, we had a full alliance war about as early as they come. They came in looking for a fight (as detailed in that thread), were well set-up for one, and had about 60 nations at their height. We had barely over 100 at the time, many of whom stayed in build mode. That one, the Fark/BW war, and the current war all count.

Hey dip!@#$ we had a war before the OP one.

I am guessing this is the MK thing lonewolf is talking about. Or did you have something else in mind? We've had our lil scraps like that too, such as one with Deflector Fleets (good fellows, them!) that took forever to peace out, and one still going with AoD (also good fellows and fine fighters!). DF has about 20 nations, AoD has near 20, I just don't count them as full alliance wars. I'll match our session war record against yours any time. It's not the best in TE, but it's also far from shabby. I'm just not going to take any crap on it, that's all.

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Thanks Lonewolf, apology accepted.

We've been at war with someone or other nearly all round long, starting with the recognition of war wth Trouble here, on Oct. 26th. Seeing as how the session started on the 24th, we had a full alliance war about as early as they come. They came in looking for a fight (as detailed in that thread), were well set-up for one, and had about 60 nations at their height. We had barely over 100 at the time, many of whom stayed in build mode. That one, the Fark/BW war, and the current war all count.

I am guessing this is the MK thing lonewolf is talking about. Or did you have something else in mind? We've had our lil scraps like that too, such as one with Deflector Fleets (good fellows, them!) that took forever to peace out, and one still going with AoD (also good fellows and fine fighters!). DF has about 20 nations, AoD has near 20, I just don't count them as full alliance wars. I'll match our session war record against yours any time. It's not the best in TE, but it's also far from shabby. I'm just not going to take any crap on it, that's all.

You guys fought a lot more little wars than are recognizable unless you get em detailed out better. But you didn't fight the kind of early wars that hurt us as bad as they did this round. Which is why Hisk laughs at anyone saying we didn't do our share.

Now, if you wanna bring up your past round where ya got hit early and recovered... well no one got into a war with ya til after that, which is why you recovered. We didn't have that luxury (goes to you, or anyone else that might bring it up, covering it early)

Regardless, TPF has been an interesting alliance to watch, for rounds now they do engage in some warring, not often times large scale (top 5 versus top 5) unless they have a clear advantage, but enough to make things interesting. And they do try to improve TE, despite the numerous tactics that are "questionable" which I've been privvy to over the past few rounds which may or may not have worked. I'd just like to see the treaties thing handled mainly... it'd not only free TPF up for warfare without strings attached, but also remove the umbrella of protection left over from WOLF.

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Opps might have spoke too soon.

I'll match the Trouble war against your MK thing anytime. One was a full alliance war, one was a fight with five nations against an entire alliance. I think you've greatly exaggerated the amount of war you've had. You had the OP war for a week, and you got killed by OB and SWAT, and you aren't fighting now. That's about it.

I'd like to clarify something as well. Those that fight the final 10 days of the round... that's not excuse to be included in your overall warring. It can be an addition, but not an excuse because everyone fights this last week-ten days. Even the hippies don't go clear of war.

Two treaties is two too many. Having two within your first round is another "heading down the wrong path, but could change" kind of mentality I had in my post.

Well first, I think they do count. I'd bet most people agree with me.

Why aren't you guys fighting then?

Second, that's just your opinion, everyone has the right to do what they want. We at TPF (and most other alliances for that matter) obviously disagree with you. You don't want to have any treaties, that's fine, but I hate the "holier-than-thou" crap. There are no pedistools in TE. Ours have worked to our advantage more often than not, and we support every one of them as best we can - even when they conflict with each other.

CTA is doing just fine for their first round.

I'd say they've had a better one than you guys have, actually.

Just my opinion though, isn't it? I'll match it against yours though even-up.

Everyone uses TE differently, and everyone has the right to see it how they want. Sure, it's for war to a great extent. But the main prize is for nation-building, and that's a fact. TFD apparently thinks of TE as a nation-building contest, and they aren't alone. I won't condem them for it. They play how they want to play.

So does TPF.

So should everyone - without taking crap for it.

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They're not taking crap for infra hugging, plenty of nations/alliances do that. The problem is that MK/TFD also use other tactics such as ghosting and splinter rogue groups to get their flag. Both are okay by them, but they also should not complain when alliances start getting pissed off at them for doing it.

For example, CDT had a guy by the name of Saline-Saline using the CDT aa for most of the round. A day before we're heading to war he joins Mario Kart. A week after that he ghosts OP and goes nuke rogue on 2 high NS nations. Of course, he ghosted our aa and was just hiding out waiting to go rogue.

When these "tactics" start interfering with how an alliance conducts war, and when they start trying to place blame on other alliances for nuking by ghosting, then they deserve to get crap for it.

If they have a right to use these tactics, then every other alliance has the right to call them out on it and start cracking down.

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By the way, anyone planning on hitting Kamek?


He's only being rogued by one guy, and that guy is low on nukes against an SDI-armed nation.


Has also gotten out of nuclear anarchy


Has been rogued already, but his rogue seems reluctant to push him back under the nuclear anarchy glow.

what, did pork shrimp run out of nuke rouges so your calling in back up from the OWF? seriously dude, you're weak and pathetic.

Couldn't have said it better. You all seem to think you own the truth and are able to decide how this game should be played, what is right or wrong and who deserves to be attacked.

Let me remind you that it was this kind of twisted sense of right and wrong that put Planet Bob where it is right now, don't make it happen too to Planet Steve.

You like to play by mindlessly and often unintelligently attacking people throughout the two months, that's fine. We don't. We have our own way of playing. Personally I don't mind that you declare war on us for it, that you try your best to take us down because you don't like how we play. I have no problem with it and I commend you for doing it.

I do have a problem with this kind of threads though, where a few cowards take advantage of others to do their dirty work. I do have a problem with the judgement of values that you do in threads like this, it's not your place nor your right to judge if what we are doing is right or not and it's certainly it's not your right to insult us over it. I do have a problem with people deciding how this game should be played and placing a status quo of what is acceptable and what is not - beyond the game rules that is.

For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW. Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil. We play the game our way, do something about it or keep your mouth shut.

^ this. there are several ways to play, and just because they are playing intelligently to try and win the flag, doesn't make them wrong. However what is wrong, is hating someone and spreading that slander via the OWF. the OP's incessant whining about someone trying to win the flag is ridiculous. everyone in the top 40 are trying to win the flag, so quit hating them because they are prepared the best they can to do so.

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Sorry, I'm not sure what EZI is. I only play TE, and I'm pretty sure nobody uses tactics like that. But, you guys won't be left untouched for 80% of the round because there will be plenty of alliances looking out for you. All the gloating by your side have pretty much guaranteed that.

We'll see what happens in one round or two.

Though I am not sure what you mean by gloating aside the post KingAdam made at the beggining of this round. But if that's it you're 2 months late.

Also, EZI was an action common among some alliances of Planet Bob that had as purpose keep certain people from existing by chasing them continuosly even if they re-rolled their character. When I said "something like EZI" I mean you chasing and hunting us down whenever you can for what happened in another rounds. Same type of action. If you open that can of worms, in a place like Planet Steve, I don't foresee it lasting too long.

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We'll see what happens in one round or two.

Though I am not sure what you mean by gloating aside the post KingAdam made at the beggining of this round. But if that's it you're 2 months late.

Also, EZI was an action common among some alliances of Planet Bob that had as purpose keep certain people from existing by chasing them continuosly even if they re-rolled their character. When I said "something like EZI" I mean you chasing and hunting us down whenever you can for what happened in another rounds. Same type of action. If you open that can of worms, in a place like Planet Steve, I don't foresee it lasting too long.

Actually, the equivalent in cn:te would be keeping you in a perpetual state of war since that is what happens to certain nations in cn, even when they re-roll, right? Well, no, that would be dumb. There is no point in doing that and I would never advocate keeping anybody in a constant state of war to a level that would no longer allow them to enjoy the game. I hope no alliance would do that.

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Now we both know I didn't bribe you. I told you to wait because the current #1 guy was definitely slot filling and we both didn't want him to win. By the time he got deleted you were out of the top 5% and couldn't buy nukes anymore. Not my fault. You received nothing from me so don't try and make it sound like I gave you something in return. Lets at least say what actually happened.

That was part of the point actually, he keeps saying you bribed people when we got nothing out of it lol. I just felt bad about ruining raam's chance at the flag last round like I did round 4. I am by no means going to be an $@! ^_^ .

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Actually, the equivalent in cn:te would be keeping you in a perpetual state of war since that is what happens to certain nations in cn, even when they re-roll, right? Well, no, that would be dumb. There is no point in doing that and I would never advocate keeping anybody in a constant state of war to a level that would no longer allow them to enjoy the game. I hope no alliance would do that.

In TE you can do it alliance-wide - and that's a big can of worms.

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Basically I want people to stop being children around the forums, man up, have fun, cancel treaties, fight friends and laugh at the end.

I don't think you're quite grasping the situation here. No one cares what you who aren't even showing a TE nation wants. Their own wants are infinitely more important to them than anything you may want. Now why don't you you just run along and do whatever it is you want by yourself quietly and they will do the same with their own wants.

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I don't think you're quite grasping the situation here. No one cares what you who aren't even showing a TE nation wants. Their own wants are infinitely more important to them than anything you may want. Now why don't you you just run along and do whatever it is you want by yourself quietly and they will do the same with their own wants.

No wonder you're so bitter, Pork Shrimp got to you as well.

Just because I'm not showing a nation doesn't mean I'm not playing my part. The fact you even bring that up takes away from your post's importance.

If you don't care, why post? Obviously you care what I have to say if you post to point it out.

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No wonder you're so bitter, Pork Shrimp got to you as well.

Just because I'm not showing a nation doesn't mean I'm not playing my part. The fact you even bring that up takes away from your post's importance.

If you don't care, why post? Obviously you care what I have to say if you post to point it out.

Try to focus on what I actually say. What I actually said was that no one cares what you want after you made your declaration of wants The fact I stated as much doesn't mean I or anyone else gives a hoot about what you want. I think it's perfectly obvious to one and all how little I care about what you want.

In addition to that you're losing touch with the reality of the situation again. You don't sit with no nation telling people how they should play and you don't make decisions on what's important to them and what's not. Hey i'm just trying to help you here. I'm pointing out to you that no one cares about whatever you may want just in case you are operating under the misguided notion that they do.

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Try to focus on what I actually say. What I actually said was that no one cares what you want after you made your declaration of wants The fact I stated as much doesn't mean I or anyone else gives a hoot about what you want. I think it's perfectly obvious to one and all how little I care about what you want.

In addition to that you're losing touch with the reality of the situation again. You don't sit with no nation telling people how they should play and you don't make decisions on what's important to them and what's not. Hey i'm just trying to help you here. I'm pointing out to you that no one cares about whatever you may want just in case you are operating under the misguided notion that they do.

You're lucky I'm in anarchy right now or I'd make a house call and take you down with me just to prove a point...

As for what I say, I say it in hope for people to listen. But hey, don't listen, that's fine. I've made some big plays in the past to help improve TE in the way I feel it will, you don't need to be informed of them but I've done more to fix things than you seem to realize.

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You're lucky I'm in anarchy right now or I'd make a house call and take you down with me just to prove a point...

As for what I say, I say it in hope for people to listen. But hey, don't listen, that's fine. I've made some big plays in the past to help improve TE in the way I feel it will, you don't need to be informed of them but I've done more to fix things than you seem to realize.

I see. You want to throw threats around to people who have the nuts not to hide while you conceal yourslf rabbit like. I already understood that part.

But hey none of us knew you were in your rabbit hole improving the game in ways that are so radical all the rest of the mere mortals don't need to be informed of it because it would likely be way over their heads anyway oh great one.

We all take you seriously now. But hey do I detect bitterness??? I thought I was supposed to be the bitter one. LOL

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I see. You want to throw threats around to people who have the nuts not to hide while you conceal yourslf rabbit like. I already understood that part.

But hey none of us knew you were in your rabbit hole improving the game in ways that are so radical all the rest of the mere mortals don't need to be informed of it because it would likely be way over their heads anyway oh great one.

We all take you seriously now. But hey do I detect bitterness??? I thought I was supposed to be the bitter one. LOL

No, I'm just getting tired of you arguing against me using the forum rules as the basis of your argument, why don't you go around and say the same thing to the other posters out there which don't put their entire information down? I'm not the only one, yet you enjoy targeting me for that. My prove a point was simply because I don't have that there doesn't mean I am not doing more things for this game than you are.

But hey, if you want to play that card, that's your choice. I just find it funny people think they are getting an upper hand on me somehow when they don't even know me.

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