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2009 "Bobs"


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Most Loved Alliance Leader: AlmightyGrub

Most Respected Alliance Leader: Tygaland

Most Random Player: Random Interrupt

Most Powerful Player: AlmightyGrub

Most Moral Player: Ogden Chichester

Most Influential Player: Ivan Moldavi

Edited by KeyStroke
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It was the time factor on your part. I mean if you don't mind updating this with the few people who do participate then go ahead, but I can't see anything other than Hyperion's being the "official" awards.

In your opinion.

Seriously, let folks have their fun.

Cliques are so passe.

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In your opinion.

Seriously, let folks have their fun.

Cliques are so passe.

Well, looks like "my" opinion turned out to be that of the majority of the OWF posters. I wouldn't normally express my opinion like it was the only viewpoint but I had a feeling most people felt that way.

Sorry for sounding so arrogant, I can't really think of a more straightforward way to explain it though :wacko:

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1. Londo Mollari (though personally I have no issues with him)

2. Opethian (and shame on you if you said something else)

3. AlmightyGrub (universally respected)

4. The entire membership of RIA

5. Dr. Dan (TOP anyone?)

6. Tygaland (the odd part is that some of you actually respect and love him for it...)

7. Ejayrazz (quite simply he puts all of us to shame)

8. Ivan Moldavi (well he is the leader of the Sith after all)

9. AlmightyGrub (NpO is the lynchpin of the treaty web at the moment and Grub is its leader...he also carries on far more quiet diplomacy than people realize)

P.S. Tela stop flirting with me in public. ;)

Edited by ChairmanHal
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1. Abstain

2. AlmightyGrub

3. Abstain

4. elcanatureboy (although I doubt OWF has been blessed with his presence. I also doubt it is ready for it.)

5. AlmightyGrub

6. Abstain (I have been remiss from the OWF for a while)

7. Ogden Chicester (Fo' Sho')

8. kriekfreak (for trying to suppress this! :P)

9. Moldavi

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