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An honest question from an honest guy


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depends on whether it's a popular theme and how strictly they stick with it.

Sparta and athens and all them probably gained a hell of a lot because of their theme. NSO may have, but they gained more out of who runs it than anything else, it's important if it's something everyone recognizes and if it's something that everyone generally has a positive view on.

It's not so important in every other case. Hmm.. I guess you can say it can help, but it's not anything that will make or break you.

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Not really at all.

Honestly, I didn't join MK because ~MARIO~ or anything silly like that, and I wouldn't join anyone else for similar reasons. Also, many good alliances have no discernible theme; see Umbrella, for instance.

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The theme is important to new players, but usually not to old players. I joined IAA, but I have never seen Star Wars. Unless Family Guy's Blue Moon counts.

Anyway, a new player might be attracted to a 300, Star Wars, or Mario alliance, but old players tend to decide using the people.


Importance for new players = 67%

Importance for experienced players = 2%*

*May have a 2% margin of error.

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The theme is important to new players, but usually not to old players. I joined IAA, but I have never seen Star Wars. Unless Family Guy's Blue Moon counts.

Anyway, a new player might be attracted to a 300, Star Wars, or Mario alliance, but old players tend to decide using the people.


Importance for new players = 67%

Importance for experienced players = 2%*

*May have a 2% margin of error.

Don't you wish, from time to time, that you could have back the naivety at how PB functioned that we all had when we first started playing?

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Theme and culture allow alliances to seperate themselves form an other alliance. You will find alliances with a strong, tasteful theme will succeed far more often then generic alliances that shun these ideas. Alliances that take there theme and just use it to make references in treaty announcements are underestimating the potential their theme ideas may have. Plus, ntohing creates more loyalty to an alliance more than a shared interest in theme and/or culture.

Unfortunately, as you can see from some of the posts here, my sentiments are not shared by everyone and theme continues to be an undervalued aspect of an alliance.

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Me being a LOVER of Wolves, Wolfpacks Theme was perfect for me. My wife is Cherrokee and our house is decorated with wolf stuff. We even have a Wolf

But do you own the most important of the wolf-based accessories?


I am truly jealous...

Edited by SkonesMickLoud
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I doubt there's anyone in MK who DIDN'T join because of the Mario Theme.

I thought this was the Marmot Kingdom....

Dear Christ,


Anyone with a theme leaning towards the Xerinae family of animals, please contact me. I need a new alliance as soon as possible; Mario themes are dumb.

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Me being a LOVER of Wolves, Wolfpacks Theme was perfect for me. My wife is Cherrokee and our house is decorated with wolf stuff. We even have a Wolf

Do you have one of those awesome wolf shirts? DAMMIT skones beat me to it

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I figure theme can be a factor more so for players new to the game when they're considering an alliance (I mean, alliance theme probably attracted quite a few new players to Sparta when 300 was big, and likely still does, for example).

Then again, theme played no part in me joining the NPO when I first started playing (I joined them because I was on red and because they were the big red team alliance) nor when I joined MK (I joined them because it's where most of the other jrcommers migrated to).

Edited by SirWilliam
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You mean Umbrella isn't a Resident Evil themed alliance?

God, what a letdown.

No, it isn't. Our military divisions are named after Resident Evil things, but that was a later addition. No Rihanna either.

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